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Thu, Dec 29th, 2011, 01:03 AM #1
Had to post something, because this aggravates me.
If you read this story and recognize it as being you, then I encourage you to reconsider your ways because your behavior tonight, though it may seem harmless is exactly what is ruining couponing for the rest of us.
Tonight my wife and a friend were at Zellers getting our 50% off items, and we saw 2 ladies with a small baby (maybe 2 years old - tops) with approx 10 boxes of diapers. I didnt really realize what they were doing until after they left and I questioned the cashier - who was noticeabley upset.
These two ladies went to multiple cashiers, using the 50% off coupons WITH manufact. coupons (which is CLEARLY not allowed as per the coupon policy). They did 3 items at a time (because clearly their 2 year old is a paying customer and counts toward the purchases), multiple times at the same store, same trip. "ONE PER CUSTOMER PEOPLE. Not ONE PER CUSTOMER PER CASHIER."
Bullying the cashier into accepting your coupons using means that are clearly outlined on the coupon as unacceptable, is exactly why sweet cashiers like that lady hate couponers.
PLEASE - I plead - learn some ethics and some tenderness!!!!!!!! My wife and I are expecting our first baby in a week and we have over 50 packs of pampers diapers that we got for under $2 each using deals, coupons, and SDM points! It doesnt take a rocket scientist (OR A BULLY) to get good coupon deals on diapers!!
A very upset and frustrated couponer who UNTIL TODAY didnt understand why cashiers hate couponers.
Thu, Dec 29th, 2011, 02:58 AM #2
Unfortunately people like that feel very entitled to break the rules and be inconsiderate and rude. They don't care - they lie to themselves that they are doing no damage.
Sadly, such people are unlikely to change their behaviour because someone asked them nicely to be more considerate.
What will have an effect is to call those people on their behaviour in the moment.
Imagine if every time one of those people violated coupon policy another customer said 'Hey! I coupon too and I know what you're doing is wrong! You're a jerk and you're ruining it for the rest of us! You don't have to break the rules to get good deals! Shame on you!'
ChrisErin didn't know what was going on until it was too late to help, but if we keep our eyes open we might find ourselves in a situation where we can have an effect. Just as as I watch for what people in line for the till have to purchase so I can RAOK them a spare coupon, I can watch out for jerk behaviour and say things to another customer that the cashier couldn't.
Thu, Dec 29th, 2011, 01:37 PM #3
Good idea TeriB.
If I see that again I will point out the policies.
Thu, Dec 29th, 2011, 01:50 PM #4
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That's pretty disgusting.
Why why whhhy wasnt the manager called?!?! Managers here have no problems yelling at people.
I don't get why they were allowed to do this and not get kicked out.
Thu, Dec 29th, 2011, 08:52 PM #5
The cashier said she was going to call the manager but then didnt bother, I think she just wanted them gone. Today I saw a cashier get yelled at by 2 different people within 10 minutes because of this same coupon.. they were yelling because the coupon says it can be used on sale items...... the manager came out these times though and let them know. lol
People really are ridiculous sometimes.
Fri, Dec 30th, 2011, 10:51 PM #6
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Some people will do almost anything to get something cheap or free, by them abusing the system and the poor cashiers we are the only ones who pay for their behavior. I have had cashiers treat me bad due to dealing with bad customers but i just smile and make jokes so hopefully they understand that we couponers are not bad people, I am a pretty quite person but when i see someone being abused by others i do stand up for them and wow some of these cheaters are quite nasty when they are called out on their actions, but i don't take it personally, after all i've managed to keep a roof over my families head by couponing the honest way so i figure that standing up for the cashiers is my way of helping them have a better day themselves.
Wed, Jan 4th, 2012, 02:45 PM #7
People like that make me so angry - blatant abuse of the system which in the end will ruin it for all of us!
As well, the correction to the 50% off coupon was plastered all over the store so there's NO WAY they missed it.
I really feel for those cashiers who get bullied by couponers. They're trying to do their job and are under so much pressure to correctly read the coupons.
I agree that we should keep our eyes out and help if needed
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