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Thread: Zellers: Countdown to Closing - POST YOUR DEAL FINDS HERE!

  1. #31
    One Awesome Domestic Diva MrsSunshine's Avatar
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    well I found out some very disappointed information yesterday. i found out that a 'secret' job fair was held in our city the other day at a upper grade school. and the job fair included 60 local stores that were hiring. including Target.. so basically they are hiring ppl of a certain age. i was not very impressed when I found that out. does that mean they aren't going to be hiring other ppl. I was really hoping to apply to this company by the sounds of it i dont' stand a chance.
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  2. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrsSunshine View Post
    well I found out some very disappointed information yesterday. i found out that a 'secret' job fair was held in our city the other day at a upper grade school. and the job fair included 60 local stores that were hiring. including Target.. so basically they are hiring ppl of a certain age. i was not very impressed when I found that out. does that mean they aren't going to be hiring other ppl. I was really hoping to apply to this company by the sounds of it i dont' stand a chance.
    No, I wouldn't say that. Job fairs happen all the time and they are generally geared toward people who they think would be interested and qualified. But that doesn't mean they aren't going to be hiring anyone else. Target will need a lot of employees.

  3. #33
    One Awesome Domestic Diva MrsSunshine's Avatar
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    i really really hope so. i was really looking forward to it. keeping my fingers crossed your right.
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  4. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrsSunshine View Post
    i really really hope so. i was really looking forward to it. keeping my fingers crossed your right.
    I don't know how much experience you have, but if you go in with a big smile and the attitude you have now of really, really wanting to work for them, that should get you a long way!

  5. #35
    One Awesome Domestic Diva MrsSunshine's Avatar
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    a few too many years exp. and for the most part. hubby says i really live up to my user name
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  6. #36
    Mastermind Shwa Girl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrsSunshine View Post
    well I found out some very disappointed information yesterday. i found out that a 'secret' job fair was held in our city the other day at a upper grade school. and the job fair included 60 local stores that were hiring. including Target.. so basically they are hiring ppl of a certain age. i was not very impressed when I found that out. does that mean they aren't going to be hiring other ppl. I was really hoping to apply to this company by the sounds of it i dont' stand a chance.
    Maybe you can sign up here

    At least you can get a head up on where the jobs are and apply on line before going in person

  7. #37
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    Then you would more than likely be exactly who they would want working for them.

  8. #38
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    in any clearance section...
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    MrsSunshine, I wish you luck! I am sure you would be an excellent employee. Even your fruit is smiley.. :grin:
    The only thing I have heard about our Zellers here, is that the pharmacy portion will be closing before the remainder of the store. I don;t know how accurate that is, DH told me, but something for everyone to think about if they have prescriptions held there.

  9. #39
    One Awesome Domestic Diva MrsSunshine's Avatar
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    thats what I heard too ippy.. also our store has a selected section of cards on for 25% off.. oohh..
    as well they have a sign at the front offering up their fixtures for sale once they are ready to be sold. fill out form and place in box. so many things for sale.

    funny thing about my fruit 'smiley' ippy.. i cut an apple open one day to have snack. (apples and PB) and it looked exactly like that. the seeds stayed in the wholes and it had the smile and everything. i was like i so have to take a picture of that.. my sons idea to put the apple on the coupons and take a pic.. smart kid..the rest is history.
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  10. #40
    KAZ2Y5 Chantel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrsSunshine View Post
    well I found out some very disappointed information yesterday. i found out that a 'secret' job fair was held in our city the other day at a upper grade school. and the job fair included 60 local stores that were hiring. including Target.. so basically they are hiring ppl of a certain age. i was not very impressed when I found that out. does that mean they aren't going to be hiring other ppl. I was really hoping to apply to this company by the sounds of it i dont' stand a chance.
    No it doesn't mean that at all. The bulk of entry level jobs are part time and minimum wage, so they're targeting kids who need after school/weekend/holiday/summer jobs. They will definitely hire older people, but they NEED to find 'kids' to work a few hours a week each, that's why it was presented to them.

    You can still get in, for sure.

  11. #41
    DaneCrazySCNewbie fourfurryfeet's Avatar
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    Ok, I'm that list accurate? Cause we have 1 possibly even 2 opening in Barrie and nowhere on the list does it say that! LOL go figure we are always at the bottom of the pile LOL

    Anyway, my mom is a city bus driver and she was talking to some of the ladies that work at our CRAP zellers and they were saying that all of them are loosing their jobs and they have to re apply to Target...which I don't think is fair but makes sence at a business perspective! Some of those ladies have been there since the store opened and now they are getting the boot just cause it's taken over by someone else? Hmm...anyway, like I said good idea for business but not a very good idea for Barrie's sake considering there are tons of people in surrounding cities that would be happy to come and take the work for minimum wage even though the city of barrie has a very low employment rate...ok that rant is over ... Onward!

    The ladies were saying to keep a very close eye on the clearance shelves cause they will be putting stuff there periodically! She said the only stuff they won't be selling off cheap is Jewelery and a few of the BIG BIG stuff like Tv's cause they have places like Liquidation World that will take it for more than they would liquidate it at...who knows but when I was there on Monday they had some killer deals!! Like kids clothes for $1 (not just winter either, short sleeved shirts etc) but it wasn't like a rack on clearance it was certain items stashed in the back of the store. I dunno, I would say keep an eye out anyway even if your store isn't liquidating. It can't hurt right!!

    Oh, just to clarify the bus ladies did tell my mom not to say anything (even though they were talking on a public bus) so if anyone asks my moms name is Estefan and she lives in Swaziland!!
    What do you mean you didn't use a coupon??????

  12. #42
    Mastermind cath007's Avatar
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    Sadly I hope my Zellers will have a better custumer service because it will not change to Target

  13. #43
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    I am pretty sure that Barrie is not getting a Target. The closest one will be Orillia, for now. It has something to do with the Barrie Zellers being two levels - or something like that.

  14. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by fourfurryfeet View Post
    Ok, I'm that list accurate? Cause we have 1 possibly even 2 opening in Barrie and nowhere on the list does it say that! LOL go figure we are always at the bottom of the pile LOL

    Anyway, my mom is a city bus driver and she was talking to some of the ladies that work at our CRAP zellers and they were saying that all of them are loosing their jobs and they have to re apply to Target...which I don't think is fair but makes sence at a business perspective! Some of those ladies have been there since the store opened and now they are getting the boot just cause it's taken over by someone else? Hmm...anyway, like I said good idea for business but not a very good idea for Barrie's sake considering there are tons of people in surrounding cities that would be happy to come and take the work for minimum wage even though the city of barrie has a very low employment rate...ok that rant is over ... Onward!

    The ladies were saying to keep a very close eye on the clearance shelves cause they will be putting stuff there periodically! She said the only stuff they won't be selling off cheap is Jewelery and a few of the BIG BIG stuff like Tv's cause they have places like Liquidation World that will take it for more than they would liquidate it at...who knows but when I was there on Monday they had some killer deals!! Like kids clothes for $1 (not just winter either, short sleeved shirts etc) but it wasn't like a rack on clearance it was certain items stashed in the back of the store. I dunno, I would say keep an eye out anyway even if your store isn't liquidating. It can't hurt right!!

    Oh, just to clarify the bus ladies did tell my mom not to say anything (even though they were talking on a public bus) so if anyone asks my moms name is Estefan and she lives in Swaziland!!

    The reason that they are being laid off and that Target is doing their own hiring is because they are not the same company. Target didn't buy Zellers. Zellers isn't renewing most of their leases and the leases were "purchased" by Target, Walmart, etc. It is sad that those people have lost their jobs. They will have to apply like the rest of those interested to work for Target.

  15. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by ryry View Post
    I am pretty sure that Barrie is not getting a Target. The closest one will be Orillia, for now. It has something to do with the Barrie Zellers being two levels - or something like that.
    Target can't handle being two floors? LOL

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