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Thread: Club Q Q107-Loyalty Club (Southern ON Only)

  1. #26131
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    10:15 am and 4:15 pm saturday word of the day will work with " --- "
    probably up until 5 am maintenance.

  2. #26132
    Smart Canuck
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    Saturday, November 21, 2009

    Sports Trivia - B

    This Day in Canadian History - A

  3. #26133
    Rock and Reggae Rules OK! tartanrocker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neon View Post
    Went to see Gordon Lighfoot last night at Massey Hall - first of four nights. Never saw in concert before. I've now seen a Canadian legend! It was either that or Anne Murray

    He did his well known songs to an appreciative crowd. With weather like today it only seems appropriate to have look at one of his more famous songs. His voice was pretty good for someone who is 71, still tours and was in a coma for 6 weeks a few years back. Enjoy
    .................................................. .................................................. ..

    here's hoping your weren't the guy sitting next to me. i'll get back to that in a sec...

    i saw gordon in concert a few years back in Hamilton. he had come out of mc master a shadow of his former self(i almost died when he walked onto the stage). gorden sang the praises of the medical staff that had quite literally saved his life; in fact, there were a lot of doctors and nurses from McMaster in attendance.

    it was a wonderful evening! gordon was a very happy guy and it came through loud and clear in his performance. gordon's band was in fine tune and the audience was lively.we shared our love for this great Canadian living Legend openly.

    back to massey hall:when we took our seats i said hello to the handsome man one seat to my right. i was tired, run down and dowdily dressed, but he smiled and nodded. once seated i kept being hit in the back of my head by some guys fat, soft butt(...another time, another place who knows, i might not have minded...) he continually bent over to retrieve stuff from his purse and in general, getting ready to nest, i guess. my "date" must have seen "the look" while i started to pull a linda blair and he quickly subdued me, "it's ok. i'll keep my arm up". so i let it go. i was sooo indignant.

    gordon and band took to the stage. he received a very warm, hometown welcome from a hometown crowd. the lights went down and i suddenly felt incredibly tired.... before i knew it the lights came on and it was time for intermission. i was so pissed at myself for having slept through the first half of his concert...btw his voice is also a shadow of it's former self...but we were there to see him not criticize. i apologized to my "date" and he assured me, reasoning of course, i get up so early/ what could one expect, blah, blah, blah.

    second half started with 'the edmond fitzgerald' and we were captivated! the next thing i remember was waking up to an elbow in my left side...or was it the very loud SNORT that came from my snout! gawd! i was so embarrassed. could the blow horn have come during a particularly lively instrumental this hot chick decides to rip when you could hear a pin drop. how rude was that? what a friggin insult to everyone that heard me and especially gordon. i was mortified...

    so, if that was you, neon that glared at me when i wished you a good night and a quick sorry, i need to say, "i'm sincerely sorry!"
    Geeze..... what an awful time you had....I must say, I wouldn't have been too happy to have been "butted" in the head either, and I have fallen asleep in the middle of watching movies at the theatre.....glad you managed to hear the "Edmund Fitzgerald" song tho.....that's gotta be my all time favourite Lightfoot hauntingly beautiful...
    ...Putt, may your next experience at a concert be MILES better than this one....TR:-/
    Orrabest, Orratime!!

  4. #26134
    Rock and Reggae Rules OK! tartanrocker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zanne181 View Post
    won a chance at a $10,000 shopping spree with Nelly Furtado yesterday, will find out next friday if I'm the lucky winner. fingers are crossed, would make for a wonderful Xmas for the kids
    ooooh, best of luck on that one!!!!....TR
    Orrabest, Orratime!!

  5. #26135
    Rock and Reggae Rules OK! tartanrocker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by M7arbles View Post
    Great day all, i had a little spa treatment for couples and a nice dinner down in Toronto, My sister won a spa and dinner at the cosmopolitain and i won her a motorcycle course through jack FM so she gave me the spa day. great massage and dinner was outstanding at the Eight bar resteraunt. I love contests, what a great swap!!!....TR
    Orrabest, Orratime!!

  6. #26136
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chers1 View Post
    We have a radio station in St. Catharines 105.7... my sister and I have won 2 all inclusive trips..the first one to Cuba, Breezes, Jibacoa and the second to a Sandals resort in Jamaica.. Sandles Whitehouse...we have won a couple of other things.. but yes.. I agree... I love contest too
    ...that is frickin amazing!!!....2 trips?!?? I ever did was winning 4 tickets to a movie at the Cinesphere at Ontario place, having answered a question about an old TV theme song.... a few days later, the same DJ ( who was a complete ass) gave exactly the same question, and I got thru again to amswer it correctly....duh!!!.....I told him I didn't want more tickets, but I'd take a swetatshirt with the station's logo on it, so I got that my plan is to win the AC/DC concert in Australia love LOVE them!!!!.....TR
    Orrabest, Orratime!!

  7. #26137
    Rock and Reggae Rules OK! tartanrocker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tad01 View Post
    Thanks everyone. Repped where I could. Sure took awhile to go through some of the past days posts! Funny stuff putt! LOL.

    Ecat, I had an awesome time in Vegas. I was lucky enough to come back with more money than when I went (even after all the drinking, eating, gambling, going to shows, etc). I landed about 2:30 am but took awhile to get luggage, pick up car and drive home. I didn't get in until about 4:30am. It will take a couple days to get back on schedule! hahah
    ....good for you, Tad01, fabulous that you brought more $$ back than you spent....did you get hit with the US tax thing on winnings?.....if you did, you can get that money back.....TR
    Orrabest, Orratime!!

  8. #26138
    Rock and Reggae Rules OK! tartanrocker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andit View Post
    Nightly recap

    . As I was putting on my coat, the speaker rushed past me, bumping into me. Now, it's important to note that he had a green ribbon on his lapel, & apparently everyone & their brother was asking him what it stood for.

    He apologized to me, & I said, "The green ribbon...."

    He cut me off, "Yes, for organ donation awareness."

    "I know," I said pointing to the green ribbon on my jacket, "I had a kidney/pancreas transplant 6 yrs ago."

    The poor man just about fainted. He hugged me, said, "You're what it's about. Take care of yourself." Then he ran off.

    My friend was a few feet away, watching all this. She came over & started teasing me, asking me why strange men were hugging me.

    Turns out the hugger was some sort of manager at Trillium Gift Of Life, the organ donor awareness folks in Ontario.

    So, I'm wondering if this is the new pick up line? Hi, I had a kidney transplant, wanna see my scars?

    Sorry, for those who don't know me very well, I have a terribly warped sense of humour. I couldn't stop laughing all the way home.

    Night all.
    .....LOL!!!.....well, we can compare scars if you like, Andit!!!.....I get some kinda looks when I pull into the disability parking spots.....people stare me down ....actually, GLARE is a better word's hilarious, and I can pick 'em out at 50 paces......
    ...first is the glare.....then they keep walking....they ALWAYS turn around a second time to see if I am out of the car yet, so I just sit there....hehehe!!!.....and always a last disapproving look as they enter a shop or wherever.....I won't give them the satisfaction of seeing me get out of the car and use my cane....
    ....older people do it too, and I admit it gets really annoying some days.....I have even had people knock on my window and tell me that I am in a disability parking spot, even when my sticker is displayed.......I usually tell them that after 12 hip surgeries including 5 replacements, I'm pretty sure I have a valid reason to park there.... scar comparisons??....I'm in!!!....LOL!!...
    ( and yep, I set off the metal detectors at the airport too....ROFL!!!)...TR
    Orrabest, Orratime!!

  9. #26139
    Smart Canuck michelem's Avatar
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    Good morning
    this is wayyy too early !
    have a great day everyone

  10. #26140
    Born To Run rockit's Avatar
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    I take it there will be no 5:00am AC/DC word so I'm back to bed

  11. #26141
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    Quote Originally Posted by FlyGuy123 View Post
    Wow! If I sent you my so called "lucky" rabbit's foot, would you carry it around with you for a couple of days and then send it back?
    I sure could try FlyGuy.. but I'm thinking that I've been pretty much could there be left.. but absolutly..

  12. #26142
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    And yes... good morning to all..No more sleeps..and actuallly... I didn't sleep much last night thanks for the codes..and reps where I can... as long as i'm not still in the penalty box...

  13. #26143
    Rock and Reggae Rules OK! tartanrocker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chers1 View Post
    And yes... good morning to all..No more sleeps..and actuallly... I didn't sleep much last night thanks for the codes..and reps where I can... as long as i'm not still in the penalty box...
    IT'S PUPPY DAY!!!! get some pics and post them..... congrats on the new addition to your family, and give her a kiss from me!!!....TR
    Orrabest, Orratime!!

  14. #26144
    Proud Canadian alienshore's Avatar
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    Hoaxes & Urban Legends - A)
    City Nicknames - C)

  15. #26145
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    goood moooooooooooorning, everybody!

    what a great day! i slept in until 7:00a! wow, do i feel good! it was pretty foggy out here but it's clear now.

    andi, what a green flag "coincidence"...if you believe in "coincidences". certainly an excellent evening topper! so? did he "cop a feel"? did he ask for your number? you can tell me.

    thanks for the 'you-tube' bowie/floyd post, flyguy.

    have an excellent day everybody!

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