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Thread: Club Q Q107-Loyalty Club (Southern ON Only)

  1. #41446
    ƃuılıǝɔ ǝɥʇ uo ƃuıɔuɐp Rockin' Kitty's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mmmme... View Post
    ~ at the beginning of any relationship, every guy treats his girlfriend as a god ... Later on somehow the letters get reversed!!!

    ~ eanie, meanie, minie, moe, caught a tiger with his hos, hoes, hose???

    ~ i hate being bi-polar. It's awesome.

    ~ my annoying neighbor challenged me to a water fight, so i'm doing some e-mailing while waiting for the kettle to boil.

    ~ why is there a stairway to heaven, and a highway to hell? Probably due to the traffic volume going in each direction!

    ~ my last relationship ended when i didn't open the car door for her. On reflection, i shouldn't have just swam up to the surface.

    ~ i hate waiting in lines. I wish this woman would hurry up and pick a suspect.

    ~ sometimes when my internet is down, i forget that the rest of my computer still works.

    ~ a student driver sped up behind me at a traffic light, scary. . . Then really scary, he was driving a toyota!

    ~ gravity always gets me down...

    ~ first you listen to your heart, then you listen to your head and then your wife will tell you what to do.

    ~ alcohol doesn't solve any problems...but then again, neither does milk.

    ~ when you are arguing with an idiot, make sure the other person isn't doing the same thing.

    ~ before there was an internet, people probably spent a lot of time wondering what to do with all their pictures of cats.

    love it!
    I've rec'd over $1500 so far of gift cards. All for free!

  2. #41447
    ƃuılıǝɔ ǝɥʇ uo ƃuıɔuɐp Rockin' Kitty's Avatar
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    I'm going over to the FREEBIES forum now to check out what's new before I have to hand the computer over to my oldest punk.

    See yous all here tomorrow. Same bat time, same bat channel!
    Nighty night!
    I've rec'd over $1500 so far of gift cards. All for free!

  3. #41448
    ƃuılıǝɔ ǝɥʇ uo ƃuıɔuɐp Rockin' Kitty's Avatar
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    ...PS Thanks for all the REPS yous have given me
    I've rec'd over $1500 so far of gift cards. All for free!

  4. #41449
    Ah-weem-oh-wep ... Gold Lion's Avatar
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    Speed Limit 17,500 mph

    This Month's Cool Site - Google Translate for Animals

    Friends are a very rare jewel indeed. They make you smile and encourage you to succeed.

  5. #41450
    Smart Canuck runt158's Avatar
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    hello all newbie here not sure what I'm doing or what this site is all about yet but working my way around it. Also a q listener and hopeful for a call.

    A guy walks into a bar in Arkansas and orders a white wine.

    All the hillbillies sitting around the bar look up, expecting to see some pitiful Yankee from the north.
    The bartender says, "You ain't from around here, are ya?"
    The guy says, "No, I'm from Canada.."
    The bartender says, "What do you do in Canada?"
    The guy says, "I'm a taxidermist. "
    The bartender says, "A taxidermist? What's a taxidermist? Do you drive a taxi?"
    "No, a taxidermist doesn't drive a taxi.. I mount animals."

    The bartender grins and hollers, "It's okay boys. He's one of us."
    Last edited by runt158; Tue, Mar 9th, 2010 at 09:38 PM.

  6. #41451
    Cool Nerd karmac's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by runt158 View Post
    hello all newbie here not sure what I'm doing or what this site is all about yet but working my way around it. Also a q listener and hopeful for a call.
    Welcome! If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask. We're a friendly group of people here. What this thread is about well...we try to help eachother out by posting codes for Q that will earn points for entries to contests and we talk about anything and everything that comes to mind (as long as it follows the guidelines of the board as to what is appropriate).
    Just because something isn't right for YOU doesn't mean it's wrong.

  7. #41452
    Pull Together Argo53's Avatar
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    Welcome Runt. (somehow that just sounds wrong ... sorry!)
    Courage is not the absence of fear but acting in spite of it.

  8. #41453
    Durham Rocker Kevin24's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lee03 View Post
    Peroxide is very good for blood stains... (proven to work for me) and I know that many nurses that I have spoken to swear by it.... you could try that for the other body fluids.... make sure that you use cold water....

    I have also used soda water in the past... the bubbles do something to lift the stains...

    Good luck...
    Hey Lee thanks for the reminder about soda water. I remembered I had some in the cupboard. I hit the stain with spot remover and soda water and let it soak for 10 minutes then hit it with the carpet cleaner and it's 90% gone. Going to try the pet soil remover I just bought on the remaining shadow.
    So where did you learn about this blood clean up and how many times have you been married?

    Meme: I got my first Q107 newsletter today since December 2008, The ISP reduced or removed the spam filter and it works again. You can tell I don't deal with Rogers or Bell. I didn't need the filter anyway, all the lonely lady emails still made it past the filters.

  9. #41454
    Smart Canuck runt158's Avatar
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    ok thanks and runt was a nickname as a kid and it stuck throughout life as I'm short but not a runt but just stuck with the nickname anyway. In case you were wondering. I take it your an argos fan we just bought seasons tickets this year

  10. #41455
    Ah-weem-oh-wep ... Gold Lion's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by psells View Post
    Neon do you have the raw figures for each contestant?
    Using the raw figures did not yield the expected result. (understanding why I had to take Statistics 101 three times?)

    I think the Pageant is rigged. Oh boy, this won't help TNSF's mood either.
    Last edited by Gold Lion; Tue, Mar 9th, 2010 at 09:57 PM. Reason: I'm easily distracted
    This Month's Cool Site - Google Translate for Animals

    Friends are a very rare jewel indeed. They make you smile and encourage you to succeed.

  11. #41456
    CrazyGilligan psells's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by psells View Post
    Thanks but Neon sent me what I needed, I have done some calcs which I will share shortly, right now I have to fire up Dad's Taxi Service.
    So here is the number crunching. 'Risk' is the chance of busting on each grab, 'Reward' is the percent increase in the cash if you don't bust. For the overall data (all times of day) there is no risk until the 3rd grab, then about 5% chance of busting on the 3rd or 4th grab. The 5th grab is slightly less than an even bet, then after that you are definitely on borrowed time.
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  12. #41457
    GreatScent Mmmme...'s Avatar
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    Have we missed a DCG word? I haven't seen one since before 4 or earlier?
    I went through the thread and accidentally entered festering for a DCG word...
    and already had entered it for Kim's ww.

    Anyone know??

  13. #41458
    Smart Canuck runt158's Avatar
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    if you enter a wrong word in the dcg it says thanks for entering anyway so does that mean that it is actually entered and it doesnt really matter what words you put in there or do they say thanks for entering and edit on the other side???

    Nce analysis on the risk factor as well that gives you something good to go by. I played last year on the game and went 5 times to get to 775 and ended up quiting it busted at 1100 two times later. But thought i was pushing it at 5 times and it sucked at the rate it went up for me.

  14. #41459
    CrazyGilligan psells's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by psells View Post
    For the 0740 data (Derringer) there is no risk until the 5th grab, which is slightly better than an even bet, after that the numbers are a bit skewed by two large potential payouts. Remember that these are small samples, particularly after 6 grabs, so it is hard to draw conclusions.
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  15. #41460
    Evelyn ecat444's Avatar
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    Welcome Runt!

    9:15ish: businessbzzed

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