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Thread: Club Q Q107-Loyalty Club (Southern ON Only)

  1. #42556
    80s Sitcom Trivia Guru truenorthstrongnfree's Avatar
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    What do the Toronto Maple Leafs and the Titanic have in common?

    They both look good until they hit the ice.

  2. #42557
    Evelyn ecat444's Avatar
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    4:15 stupid

  3. #42558
    Cat Trainer (Trainee??) Andit's Avatar
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    4 :15pm - stupid

    For a smile, see our vids:

  4. #42559
    6ffighter9 6ffightr9's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by truenorthstrongnfree View Post


    I resemble that remark

  5. #42560
    Evelyn ecat444's Avatar
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    Hi All, Crappy Day eh?

    Hey, the Q just mentioned the story I posted about the girl with the ex-husband in the accident when she was shaving her.......

  6. #42561
    GreatScent Mmmme...'s Avatar
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    I am not sure I would label myself as outspoken. I do express what is on my mind respectfully and do my best to address the appropriate person/people. I have encountered positive results/feedback, and I have helped others who could not speak up for themselves.
    My mom says,You will always get more with honey, than vinegar!

    Quote Originally Posted by chouchou1962 View Post
    Hi Mmmme

    Congrars on the prize. see good things come to those who are outspoken.


  7. #42562
    6ffighter9 6ffightr9's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mmmme... View Post

    My mom says,You will always get more with honey, than vinegar!
    My mother says the same thing also all the time but she never adheres to it.

  8. #42563
    Pull Together Argo53's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mmmme... View Post
    My mom says,You will always get more with honey, than vinegar!
    Depends what you're trolling for: Flys prefer honey; gnats prefer vinegar.

    I tend to use whatever is appropriate for the situation!!
    Courage is not the absence of fear but acting in spite of it.

  9. #42564
    6ffighter9 6ffightr9's Avatar
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    Firemen's Revenge

    Name:  Revenge.jpg
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  10. #42565
    GreatScent Mmmme...'s Avatar
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    I agree with you! In my situation, honey worked best!

    Quote Originally Posted by Argo53 View Post
    Depends what you're trolling for: Flys prefer honey; gnats prefer vinegar.

    I tend to use whatever is appropriate for the situation!!

  11. #42566
    Evelyn ecat444's Avatar
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    How would you like a pet like this?

  12. #42567
    Smart Canuck runt158's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mmmme... View Post
    It was a thought that maybe you hadn't realized. Often we do things and do not think much about it. So much for my deep thoughts!

    I have been playing on line since the beginning of March. I did also post the link for playing on line a a few weeks ago!

    I wrote or called Stouffers last year about something I had purchased ...that was not as they described... I received coupons, and was entered into a draw for a contest I didn't know existed...
    Fed-Ex rang my doorbell several week later with a package... and guess what? I won the contest!
    I doesn't hurt to express how you feel as long as you are not nasty, and I highly doubt you are that type of person!
    I agree i call the 1-800 numbers on the package if its different from what it should be(pizza-round) odd ball shape they want to know this and ask for the upc code and usually will send you a few new pizzas for letting them know. Lots of other things as well.

  13. #42568
    6ffighter9 6ffightr9's Avatar
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    Because like me he thinks it applies to Canada also.

    1/2 boy 1/2 man

    If you read this, you WILL forward it on.
    You just won't be able to stop yourself.

    The average age of the military man is 19 years. He is a short haired, tight-muscled kid who,
    under normal circumstances is considered by society as half man, half boy. Not yet dry behind
    the ears, not old enough to buy a beer, but old enough to die for his country. He never really cared much for work and he would rather wax his own car than wash his father's, but he has never collected unemployment either.

    Name:  image0011.jpg
Views: 433
Size:  32.3 KB

    He's a recent High School graduate; he was probably
    an average student , pursued some form of sport activities, drives a ten year old jalopy, and has a steady girlfriend that either broke up with him when he left, or swears to be waiting when he returns from half a world away. He listens to rock and roll or hip-hop or rap or jazz or swing and a 155mm howitzer..

    He is 10 or 15 pounds lighter now than when he was at home because he is working or fighting
    from before dawn to well after dusk. He has trouble spelling, thus letter writing is a pain for him, but he can field strip a rifle in 30 seconds and reassemble it in less time in the dark.

    He can recite to you the nomenclature of a machine gun or grenade launcher and use either one effectively if he must.

    He digs foxholes and latrines and can apply first aid like a professional..

    He can march until he is told to stop,
    or stop until he is told to march.

    He obeys orders instantly and without hesitation, but he is not without spirit or individual dignity.
    He is self-sufficient.

    He has two sets of fatigues: he washes one and wears the other. He keeps his canteens full and his feet dry.

    He sometimes forgets to brush his teeth, but never to clean his rifle. He can cook his own meals, mend his own clothes, and fix his own hurts.

    If you're thirsty, he'll share his water with you; if you are hungry, his food. He'll even split his ammunition with you in the midst of battle when you run low.

    He has learned to use his hands
    like weapons and weapons like they were his hands.

    He can save your life - or take it, because that is his job.

    He will often do twice the work of a civilian, draw half the pay, and still find ironic humor in it all.

    He has seen more suffering and death than he should have in his short lifetime.

    Name:  image0033.jpg
Views: 463
Size:  29.6 KB

    He has wept in public and in private, for friends who have fallen in combat and is unashamed.

    He feels every note of the National Anthem vibrate through his body while at rigid attention, while tempering the burning desire to 'square-away ' those
    around him who haven't bothered to stand, remove their hat, or even stop talking.

    In an odd twist, day in and day out, far from home , he defends their right to be disrespectful..

    Just as did his Father, Grandfather, and Great-
    grandfather, he is paying the price for our freedom. Beardless or not, he is not a boy.
    He is the CANADIAN Fighting Man that has kept this country free for over 200 years.
    Name:  image0044.jpg
Views: 432
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    He has asked nothing in return, except our friendship and understanding. Remember him, always, for he has earned our
    respect and admiration with his blood.

    And now we even have women over there in danger, doing their part in this tradition of going
    to War when our nation calls us to do so.

    As you go to bed tonight, remember this shot. . .

    A short lull, a little shade and a picture of loved ones in their helmets.
    Name:  image0055.jpg
Views: 439
Size:  30.9 KB

    A Prayer wheel for our military...
    please don't break it Please send this on after a short prayer.

    'Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands.

    Prayer Wheel

    Protect them as they protect us.

    Bless them and their families for the selfless acts they perform for us in our time of need. Amen.'

    When you receive this, please stop for a moment and say a prayer for our troops in
    Afghanistan , sailors on ships, and airmen in the air, and for those in Iraq ,
    and all foreign countries.

    There is nothing attached...
    This can be very powerful...

    Of all the gifts you could give the CANADIAN Armed Forces, prayer is the very best one.

    Pass it on to everyone and pray .

  14. #42569
    Canadian Explorer Stewy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ecat444 View Post
    How would you like a pet like this?

    Poor Guy,
    He wouldn't know if he was supposed to chase the cat or run from it.
    Have A Nice Day...Stewy

  15. #42570
    6ffighter9 6ffightr9's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ecat444 View Post
    How would you like a pet like this?

    What would you feed it?
    You could probably train it to crap on someones car.

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