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Thread: Shoebox of Love 2012 - MOTHER'S DAY PACKAGE TRAIN

  1. #1786
    I love a deal!! mommymonika's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stacymarie View Post
    this was posted on the huggies site...

    We know the idea of receiving extra points can be exciting and several fans have recently mentioned 34-point Huggies Rewards codes that were shared online. Unfortunately these codes were not authorized by Huggies and are not valid or redeemable. Because we value the integrity of our Rewards program, corrective action has been taken and no points will be awarded for these codes. We appreciate our loyal fans and hope that you will continue to redeem points from Huggies product purchases."
    Well you know what they say, if it's too good to be true, it probably is!

  2. #1787
    Smart Canuck shawlightning's Avatar
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    picked up my awesome package from Deanc today on my way to work..........have not had a chance to fully go thru it. will go through it in the morning and will post pics and list everything off then....

    thanks so much!!!

    but to bed!!!!
    julesie-pie likes this.

  3. #1788
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    Quote Originally Posted by shawlightning View Post
    picked up my awesome package from Deanc today on my way to work..........have not had a chance to fully go thru it. will go through it in the morning and will post pics and list everything off then....

    thanks so much!!!

    but to bed!!!!
    ok its morning, OPEN IT, OPEN IT!
    coyote00 likes this.
    RRLF $1 Life Choice, Pampers & Huggies Diapers, Pampers GTG codes

  4. #1789
    Smart Canuck shawlightning's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by julesie-pie View Post
    ok its morning, OPEN IT, OPEN IT!

    bahahahahahahahaha......give me a break....i just got up and had to eat first. if i don't eat i get sicker than a

    opening right now. give me a few minutes!!!
    julesie-pie and coyote00 like this.

  5. #1790
    Smart Canuck shawlightning's Avatar
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    alrighty......just went thru my package without all the hands flying in it (like i had yesterday when i opened it yesteday at work....LOL)

    OMG Deanc.......I love it!!!! here is what i got!!!

    a small coupon folder with coupons in it (this is exactly what i was looking for but could not find. perfect for planned trips keeping coupons separate for the different stores)

    package of 2 sharpies

    hot chocolate packages

    stickie notes with my full name on them (where ever did you get these.....LOVE them)

    a 'WORLD'S BEST MOM' pen (one of a kind and nobody can steal my pen at work!!!!!)

    a sample pack of Downy Unstoppables (sample pack is perfect cuz need to see if hubby will react to them or notso no need to worry)

    Pack of gum

    2 packages of stickers for my son (Cars and Spiderman)

    Basket Cupcake wrappers (these are awesome)

    package of Malteasers

    package of 8 Reese peanut butter cups (my absolute fav chocolate)

    Package of 2 Hair clips

    3 Hotwheels (my son was trying to steal them before i could take the picture so i told him that this was my mother's day gift and technically they were mine......he didn't know what to say. he will get them shortly.....LOL)

    Package of Assorted decorating sprinkles

    Package of Peanut Butter chips

    3 Chocolate Bars (Aero, Mr. Big, Oh Henry)

    Scrapbooking stamps

    Watermelon napkins (my son said we could only use them when we eat

    A chapter book for my son - Stink and the Great Guinea Pig Express (can't wait to read this with my son and he is so excited)

    Package of Scrapbooking paper

    Herbal Essences shampoo, conditioner and hairspray (my fave)

    I hope that i didn't miss anything. I love everything in the package. There is something in there for all of us (if i happen to choose to share the chocolate with hubby...LOL).

    Thank you so much for the thoughtful gift and card. the card made me smile. one of the girls at work read it first (like i said several hands in the box at once) and could not believe how personalized the card was between 2 people that don't even know each other. it is amazing how much we learn about each other just from our wishlists and the forums. Thanks so much for being my buddy!!!

    pic to follow shortly!!

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    Last edited by shawlightning; Sat, May 5th, 2012 at 11:45 AM.
    trish1980, hogama, mimzy71 and 7 others like this.

  6. #1791
    Smart Canuck misstarbender's Avatar
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    nice package!

  7. #1792
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    OMGosh my package finally's in Edmonton now!!
    julesie-pie likes this.

  8. #1793
    Canadian Guru coyote00's Avatar
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    Has anyone heard from Jezebel, is she ok? Not like her not to post for a few days

  9. #1794
    Junior Canuck Deanc's Avatar
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    Yay Shaw! I am glad everything was ok!! It was great to have you as a buddy
    As for the post it notes I use a website called, lol. Also got my MIL her mothers day present and my dad his birthday present at the same time

  10. #1795
    Smart Canuck shawlightning's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by coyote00 View Post
    Has anyone heard from Jezebel, is she ok? Not like her not to post for a few days
    she posted on one of my comments on facebook yesterday. but haven't seen her on here as much lately.

  11. #1796
    Smart Canuck shawlightning's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deanc View Post
    Yay Shaw! I am glad everything was ok!! It was great to have you as a buddy
    As for the post it notes I use a website called, lol. Also got my MIL her mothers day present and my dad his birthday present at the same time

    i will have to give that site a try.........have looked at it a couple of times but have never ordered from there.

  12. #1797
    Smart Canuck snuffaluffagus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by trish1980 View Post
    I'm so glad you like everything. I'm hoping that the dove soap is the right kind. I put it down and picked it up 3 or 4 times before finally giving in. Figured if you couldn't use it, you could donate it to the shelter or something.

    And the almonds, the only place I could find them were at the bulk store, I hope they are the right kind.
    Those almonds are the best! I'm always rushing everywhere so I like to keep healthy snacks on hand for those time I forget to eat (which is often ).

    The Dove is exactly the only kind I can use . I'm looking forward to trying the Caprina soap too (it smells just like Baby's Own soap, yum!). The iSlice is really cool too. Haven't seen anything like it before and it's going to come in really handy here. Oh, and the Tylenol was really useful (ran out of it) the day your package arrived. I had just finished sitting through a 9-hour course and written an exam which left me with a nasty headache that evening.

    Everything you sent is exactly what I needed and I'm extremely grateful to you. Thank you once again .
    trish1980 and coyote00 like this.
    ~RRLF $0.75 Organic Meadow, $1 Almond Fresh~

  13. #1798
    Canadian Guru Peachykeen2007's Avatar
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    nice pkgs gals

  14. #1799
    Senior Canuck Bear25's Avatar
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    And the mystery is solved so thanks to xox2010 for the package, everything is great.
    julesie-pie likes this.

  15. #1800
    Couponsrule couponsrule's Avatar
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    Yay, I got my package from Aidensmom10 today!
    I only opened it now as my sister had picked it up for me on the 3rd and just dropped it off this morning. It was definitely a "good things come in small packages" type of gift.

    I got:
    2 packs of Cadbury Mini Eggs-who doesn't love these?!2 Eye Liners
    1 Physician Formula Blush (which I just LOVE)
    1 Febreze car freshner
    1 Bottle of Heat Protect 'N Blow Lotion for my hair
    I Bottle of Eye Makeup Remover Lotion
    1 Lotto Max ticket (Which unfortunately didn't win me $50 Million, but was still fun to check )
    1 Box of After Eight Thin Mints which I'm really excited about because they are my favourite and I can't find them ANYWHERE after Christmas!

    The absolute BEST part of the gift was not one but TWO t-shirts with my FAVOURITE baseball team, the Toronto Blue Jays! I live in a small town and I can't find anything with their logo so that's the best gift ever for me and they fit Awesome!

    Thanks Aidensmom10 for the REALLY AWESOME gift and the card was sweet as well, especially with your son's cute little touch.

    Hopefully, my picture will upload.
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    Last edited by couponsrule; Sun, May 6th, 2012 at 11:13 AM.
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