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Thread: Shoebox of Love 2012 - MOTHER'S DAY PACKAGE TRAIN

  1. #1921
    Smart Canuck snuffaluffagus's Avatar
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    Lol, too funny!
    ~RRLF $0.75 Organic Meadow, $1 Almond Fresh~

  2. #1922
    Smart Canuck shawlightning's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jackie721red View Post
    I received an awesome package today from shawlightning.

    Thank you so much,i absolutely love it all.The nail polish are so cute and i love the colors.

    Below is a list of what i received,picture included.

    Attachment 116600

    1.2x 5 pk of nail polish(beautiful colors)
    2.Tweezers(needed new ones bad)
    3.ladys speed stick deoderant
    4.2 ladbug keychain lipstick(perfect to attcah to my purse,love these)
    5.2x G.U.M toothbrushes
    6.2 x bath and shower gel
    8.Hairbrush(one of those things,i need bad and keep forgetting to buy)
    9.pantene shampoo and conditioner
    10.Midnight orchid body lotion,shower gel and body spray
    11.sweet pea body lotion,shower gel and body spray
    12.Advil cold and sinus(can never get enuf of this stuff)
    13.purex ultra sample ziploc bags
    15.Cutest kitten memo pad and pen
    16.2x word search books
    17.2x writing pens
    18.Dragonfly garden ornament
    19.6x tubes of colored decorating icing(awesome)
    20.bottle chocolate sprinkles
    21.Pretty gift bag
    22.mimi mouthwash

    Totally spoiled,thanks again

    Also thanks to hogama for running this train and letting me ride.
    glad you liked it and it arrived in perfect timing for mother's day!!! was certainly not easy getting out to shop for this package train but had 2 good afternoons where i felt decent and so i powerhoused it and got it done. wanted to get more for it but just could not get into the city to do some good shopping.....LOL

    take care and ENJOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    jackie721red likes this.

  3. #1923
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    I just got a beautiful package from Bear25. Thank you, I love everything! The box was full to the brim and all for me

    She sent:
    4pk of my favorite gym did you know??
    3 beautiful knitted dish cloths
    a package of dog stickers
    a bag of Saybon hard candies..mmmmmm
    the warmest and softest fuzzy slippers I've ever had on my feet
    bath poof..I need a new one
    a cute rice krispie treat decorated with chocolate
    2 pks of mini cupcake liners..also needed these as I just used up all of mine making cupcake bouquets for Mother's Day
    cute address book
    a beautiful nail file
    mini lip gloss the colors
    loofah body scrubber with vanilla grapefruit lotion
    Quo nail brush
    connamon roll candle
    vanilla jar candle
    vaseline hand lotion
    thinsations cheesecake bars..mmmmmm
    chocolate strawberry facial mask..I'm using this tonight!!!
    body shop coconut shower cream...also using tonight!
    a beautiful Mother's Day card

    Thank you again for making me feel so special Happy Mother's Day!

    I'll apologize in advance for what I'm sure will be a huge picture but I can never seem to figure out the resizing thing
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    hogama, Melissa13, mimzy71 and 4 others like this.

  4. #1924
    Smart Canuck misstarbender's Avatar
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    I am going to try to post a picture today...Im having issues with the camera
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  5. #1925
    Canadian Guru Peachykeen2007's Avatar
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    Nice packages everybody

    Sorry to hear about your little guy Hogama - the way I look at it is this - boys will be boys no matter what we say and they are inevitably going to get bumps and bruises along the way, only thing we can do about it is snuggle and love em and try to make their boo boos go away when they get hurt
    hogama likes this.

  6. #1926
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    Sorry everyone I have been busy...... Love looking at everyones packages....

  7. #1927
    Senior Canuck Bear25's Avatar
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    I am so glad you finally got your package, i have never grumbled at CP as much as i did this week lol. I just sent things for you as i always think Mothers day is my time to spoil my mom, i'm so glad you like everything. On another note i hope Hogama your son is feeling better, kids really do bounce back faster then adults. I know i've told a few of you guys that i'm less then graceful, well yesterday has to be my dumbest moment as after work i was playing ball in house with the dog(i know i can hear my mother telling me not to play ball in the house) and i missed kicking the ball and i kicked the coffee table instead, yep i broke 2 toes. But hey i got a day off work and now i can catch up on couponing.
    Jezebel and slambert like this.

  8. #1928
    Canadian Genius
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    Great package everyone! I vote for a Fathers Day train!

    ooo and it looks like my second page might make it my buddy tomorrow instead of monday **fingers crossed**
    2012/05/10 17:13 HALIFAX Item processed at postal facility
    2012/05/09 00:49 MISSISSAUGA Item processed at postal facility
    2012/05/08 13:08 ETOBICOKE Item accepted at the Post Office
    RRLF $1 Life Choice, Pampers & Huggies Diapers, Pampers GTG codes

  9. #1929
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    I got a package! I got a package!!! Not sure where Canada Post thought i moved to but it finally made it here

    Thank you Mimzy! You are a rockstar!

    Will list all the fabulous goodies - some of which have already disappeared - when i figure out how to post a pic on be continued
    Jezebel, hogama, mimzy71 and 2 others like this.

  10. #1930
    blossomingcanuck mimzy71's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by YellowTamborine View Post
    I got a package! I got a package!!! Not sure where Canada Post thought i moved to but it finally made it here

    Thank you Mimzy! You are a rockstar!

    Will list all the fabulous goodies - some of which have already disappeared - when i figure out how to post a pic on be continued
    Yippee! Glad you got it and not some stranger scratching their head wondering "Now who the heck is this mimzy character and why on earth are they sending me gifts?"

    Cannot figure out how to post pix. Any help??
    Last edited by mimzy71; Thu, May 10th, 2012 at 07:18 PM.

  11. #1931
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    My list of fabulousness from Mimzy....

    pack of cute pens...most of mine don't work (at least not when i need them to) so ver useful
    adorable toddler toothbrush complete with hourglass timer
    pad of paper
    Chives and onions dip mix - of the local small town variety which are always the best!
    salad spicen grinder - I didnt' know such a thing existed
    BBQ lighter - we go through these like water...
    BBQ skewers - BTW can i tell you how freaking excited i am for bbq season!
    hand sanitizer - always super useful
    napkins - i think i have a picnic table cloth that matches these
    measuring cups....did i actually put these on my list or are you a psychic. my son has claimed my old ones as sandbox toys so much needed thank you
    giant wooden spoon...also loved by the 2 year old
    hot wheels car...has already been lost under the couch
    pack of Cars son is obsessed with Cars so big hit on that one
    chip clip magnets - yay! no more stale chips!!
    3 pkgs of seeds
    garden gloves for me and mini ones for my son - ps cutest things ever!
    little irish moss candle
    bag of cinnamon chai tea - yum
    Popsicle moulds - I was looking for some of these!
    oven thermometer
    2 lip glosses - you can never have enough lip gloss!
    emery boards
    hand cream - smells very summery
    face mask
    "Domestic Goddess" dish gloves - Hilarious and i love them!
    Bundle of really pretty cards - still trying to decide if these are home made or not...
    fantastic recipe cards for "Mom Saver Biscuit Mix" and KoolAid Play dough INCLUDING 2 pkgs of Kool Aid and Cream of Tartar to get us started. LOVE IT!
    A Lovely "Real Mothers" verse that is soooo true

    See? Told ya! ROCK STAR!

    Still trying to figure out the picture thing. Stay tuned.

  12. #1932
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    oh and gum and a kit kat bar...the kit kat bar has been eaten and the gum is in my purse
    julesie-pie likes this.

  13. #1933
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    Name:  2012-05-10 15.33.30.jpg
Views: 443
Size:  80.5 KB

    Name:  2012-05-10 16.15.32.jpg
Views: 476
Size:  69.5 KB
    Last edited by YellowTamborine; Thu, May 10th, 2012 at 07:43 PM.

  14. #1934
    blossomingcanuck mimzy71's Avatar
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    Finally figured out how to post pics!

    Awesome Thank Again Yellowtamborine!
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    Last edited by mimzy71; Thu, May 10th, 2012 at 08:17 PM.

  15. #1935
    Smart Canuck misstarbender's Avatar
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    can someone give me one good reason to stay on this site? seems I cant post in my own thread without someone (and I know who it was) complaining to mods that Im posting in MY OWN thread too much? Im sick of getting stalked around this site and Im about done with the whole thing..

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