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Thread: Shoebox of Love 2012 - MOTHER'S DAY PACKAGE TRAIN

  1. #121
    Smart Canuck new2sc's Avatar
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    I love tims for iced cap, and mcdonalds for coffee
    couponsrule and bluzsuz like this.

  2. #122
    Smart Canuck
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    has everyone gotten a buddy already? wishlist sent but no buddy yet

  3. #123
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    Just pmed my wishlist.

  4. #124
    Smart Canuck Jody22002's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by big momma View Post
    has everyone gotten a buddy already? wishlist sent but no buddy yet
    You won't get a buddy until boarding closes.

  5. #125
    Just Jez
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    slambert will be a bit late as she doesn't get back from her cruise until the 8th I think
    Last edited by Jezebel; Thu, Apr 5th, 2012 at 12:12 AM.
    hogama likes this.

  6. #126
    Canadian Guru Peachykeen2007's Avatar
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    google smileys in images and those redirect you to which ever site has it

    Quote Originally Posted by pumpkin9211 View Post
    So... everyone that has the cutest smileys and things..... WHERE do you get them??
    nat77 likes this.

  7. #127
    Loves codes of all kinds hogama's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by big momma View Post
    has everyone gotten a buddy already? wishlist sent but no buddy yet
    I'm still waiting on a few lists to come in.

  8. #128
    Loves codes of all kinds hogama's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shawshank View Post
    Anyone else having nice weather today? Makes me wanna shop!
    It has been SOOOOO COLD here the past week... or 2.... I can't wait for the warmer weather! All ready for Easter, but I still have to put a bike together (thanks to Swagbucks, Superpoints and Paypal, I got it for FREE!). No idea on how to put it together.... Gotta snag a man for stuff like that! I have my neice, nephew come over and they (and my son) will have an Easter egg hunt. My fave part of Easter!!!

  9. #129
    Smart Canuck Jody22002's Avatar
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    I'd assemble your bike if I lived anywhere near you. I am handy with things like that. Comes from being married to a procrastinator.

    We still hide stuff at our house even though my kids are all now teenagers. It's getting harder and harder, each year, for me to think of thinks to stuff in the little plastic eggs.

  10. #130
    Smart Canuck trish1980's Avatar
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    I'd so put that bike together for you as well. I'm like Jody. I'm pretty handy. I have put everything in my place together myself (BBQ...which was a huge pain btw, table and chairs, my sons crib and then his big boy bed, my bed, air conditioners in windows, changed my thermostat to a programmable one from the basic energy sucker upper, put in both ceiling fans...I could go I always say "who needs a man" after I do it all myself. Haha

  11. #131
    Smart Canuck jemwars's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by trish1980 View Post
    I'd so put that bike together for you as well. I'm like Jody. I'm pretty handy. I have put everything in my place together myself (BBQ...which was a huge pain btw, table and chairs, my sons crib and then his big boy bed, my bed, air conditioners in windows, changed my thermostat to a programmable one from the basic energy sucker upper, put in both ceiling fans...I could go I always say "who needs a man" after I do it all myself. Haha is so super helpful to know how to do all these things. I have a man who is an awesome handyman...problem is he's always got 10 projects on the go, so half the time it's just easier to do it myself then have to wait on him
    trish1980 and hogama like this.

  12. #132
    Just Jez
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    Quote Originally Posted by jemwars View Post is so super helpful to know how to do all these things. I have a man who is an awesome handyman...problem is he's always got 10 projects on the go, so half the time it's just easier to do it myself then have to wait on him
    yup I have a roomie like that! or he tosses instructions saying he knows how to do it...then ...needs the instructions LOL
    trish1980, hogama, mimzy71 and 1 others like this.

  13. #133
    Smart Canuck pumpkin9211's Avatar
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    I don't put anything together! I don't touch tools. I should learn, but I do not like to get dirty. My hubby said to me "WHAT did you do BEFORE me"? I just smiled and replied "Called my Daddy!" *BLINK~ BLINK*

    My family and closest friends call me "Princess". They have just accepted I don't "do dirt/cold/gross/bugs/etc".

    I do camp. We have a tent trailer(that I don't set up). Once he has it "ready". I go and make the beds... set up the heater/fan and spray myself with a toxic amount of bug spray. I also made my hubby buy me a porta-potty. He hates it. I love it. My sisters and girlfriends sure made fun of me.... but noone is laughing at 3am when you gotta pee and its dark and scary "out there".

    I'm aware... I'm spoiled. And, I love it

  14. #134
    Smart Canuck bluzsuz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pumpkin9211 View Post
    I don't put anything together! I don't touch tools. I should learn, but I do not like to get dirty. My hubby said to me "WHAT did you do BEFORE me"? I just smiled and replied "Called my Daddy!" *BLINK~ BLINK*

    My family and closest friends call me "Princess". They have just accepted I don't "do dirt/cold/gross/bugs/etc".

    I do camp. We have a tent trailer(that I don't set up). Once he has it "ready". I go and make the beds... set up the heater/fan and spray myself with a toxic amount of bug spray. I also made my hubby buy me a porta-potty. He hates it. I love it. My sisters and girlfriends sure made fun of me.... but noone is laughing at 3am when you gotta pee and its dark and scary "out there".

    I'm aware... I'm spoiled. And, I love it
    I can put things together, hubby is useless at it.
    BUT, I am the biggest creampuff when it comes to camping and such. Which is BAD for a Girl Guide leader... I get laughed at when we go to camp for Guides and my 6 man tent has a BYOBed, a Cooler for a nightstand and a rechargable lamp for reading. My other leader has a one man pup tent, a sleeping bag and a flashlight.
    I once got tricked into going to a canoe camp for 4 days and they didn't tell me that there were no 'flush' toilets until we were there.... I have thought about investing in a portapotty since then.
    julesie-pie and Aidensmom10 like this.

  15. #135
    Smart Canuck luc_anna's Avatar
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    When I meet hubby I had never been camping out in the middle of now where with no hydro. I go use to it. But once the kids came I could'nt take it anymore. I made him buy me a 33 foot camper with a slide out room. It has a bedroom for us and a seperate bedroom for the kids with 2 bunks. We have a washroom in it, hot water. And I made him buy a generator and set up the satallite. Now I fully enjoy are weekends at the camper (which is every weekend starting after the may long weekend). It's almost better then being at home now. 2 seconds and all the cleaning is done, then I just sit outside with my legs up with a nice cold drink and watch the kids run around and play all day.

    Get in, Sit down, shut up and hold on!

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