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Thread: At the movies #3 VWL -lots of prizes and bonus to be won- mailed home

  1. #1
    Frugal is not being cheap cherielake's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Likes Received
    Trading Score
    397 (100%)

    Expired on: Thu, May 24th, 2012
    I've had great success with this kind of train before and thought I'd do it again

    Please read all the rules BEFORE asking for your seat

    There will 10 riders (9 plus myself) - boarding closed 9 riders

    Please send your wishlist with your address in the same pm - Use the train name in the subject line - Just easier to keep everything strait lol! - please send your wishlist the same day you ask for your seat - thank you

    We'll be sending everyone 3 exact wishlist coupons - if you make arrangements for early expiry, different amout or anything, please forward me the ok'ed messages - please bundle your coupons with baggies, paper clipps or post its, no tape or staples. But please watch post its. If you attach them to flyer inserts they tend to damage the coupons. Also label to and from

    Coupon expiry - May 31st or later (this could change if it takes a while for the train to fill)

    Please be aware that people often see coupons of others lists and add them to their own. So needless to say they could be asking for coupons that expire topmorrow, next week, ect. CONFIRM the date with them before sending. I would hate to see people lose their prizes for a silly oversight

    Wishlists should have 40 or more items or be reasonbable enought that anyone can fill it (in your list please include 4 online coupons from, gocoupons, websaver ect)

    Fpc's & Call in's
    Fpc's count as all coupons, This INCLUDES roll up the rim coffee's donuts ect
    Call in will count as 2 coupons
    - You can have as many Fpc's and call-ins as you wish but this is above the 40 on your list

    -No Gc's - we are here for coupons

    -UPC's Your list is not to contain more then 10 Specific upcs. I know alot of people can stack but some people just do not have access to many different coupons

    Not enough coupons?
    1 Stamp - 1 - 2 coupons missing
    $.50 CT Money - 1 coupon (unless rider will take lower amount, or doesn't want)

    At The Movies:
    How it works- Before the game begins I will have selected Actors and actresses and will post their name. You have to guess the correct movie that they starred in. I will have all movies picked out before the game starts and screen shots for it as well. You can guess as many times as you wish, just not back to back.

    Prizes will be listed below the riders list

    Mail Day 2 days after train fills up
    Please include the following - so you don't get any coupons you didn't want:
    Online: Y/N
    French: Y/N
    Store specific: Y/N
    Printable: Y/N
    Multiples: Y/N
    Stack: Y/N

    Boarding pass can be any of the following:
    please clearly label this as it is different then the required coupons, and does not contibute to the bonus
    4 stamps plus 1 wl coupons/$.50 CT money OR
    3 Stamps plus 3 wl coupons/$.75 CT money OR
    2 Stamps plus $1 CT Money
    FPC Anything but tonic water or meds

    Chance for a bonus!
    Most Generous to conductor gets a $3 tims card
    most generous to others gets a mystery fpc
    Wishlist and alike coupons only - nothing craptastic like skin tag remover, meds or stuff I specificly do not want.. ect *Only perfect envies (no mistakes) are qualified for winning the bonus*

    Not sure about something. PM me, I'd be happy to answer any questions concernes or anything you may have!

    - When joining the train please wait untill all wishlists are posted to start bundling your coupons. I know lots of people like to do it ealry but some riders ask to change (add/remove) coupons from wishlists, untill the train is full and all are posted. Thanks so much

    I do check every bundle for proper coupons and expiries
    I will return envies with multiple mistakes - I will use your BP to send it back

    Players cannont win more then 3 prizes! not including the bonus just to make it fair for everyone
    copy and paste the above statement (in pink) when asking for your seat so I NOW you have read the rules

    1.CarolynMcConnell - envie din't arrive NO FEEDBACK FOR THIS RIDER - all coupons for her were put together and divded between riders (loose in envies)
    2. hydroxybutane -home
    3. pumpkin9211 home
    4. mangotango -home
    5. mjconnaughan - -home
    6. Squints76 -rec'd
    7. nadiabreckon -home
    8. jenp -home
    9. Cherie - Conductor

    $2 Stayfree Call in - nadiabreckon
    5 Stamps (half a book) mangotango
    2 Stamps + 3 WL coupons or equivilant) jenp
    $10 In assorted Coupons mjconnaughan
    $2 Tylenol Call In mangotango
    $2 Stayfree Call In hydroxybutane
    $3 Aveeno Call In Squints
    $.50 CT Money mjconnaughan
    5 Stamps (half a book) Squints

    Sheet of Stickers + 2 Wishlist coupons or equivilant mjconnaughan
    3 Icoke Pins + 2 wishlist coupons (or equivilant) Squints
    200 SDM Points - mangotango
    This thread is currently associated with: Guess, Coupons, Staples, Websaver, icoke, Pharmaprix, Shoppers Drug Mart
    Last edited by cherielake; Fri, May 4th, 2012 at 01:54 PM.
    mangotango likes this.

    Looking for some cute or fun handmade gifts? Check out my facebook page

  2. #2
    Frugal is not being cheap cherielake's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Likes Received
    Trading Score
    397 (100%)

    CarolynMcConnell's wishlist:

    Motts AppleSauce (counts as 2)
    Nutrigrainbars (Superfruit or regular) (counts as 2)
    Kashi (Bars,cracker, cereal, anything)
    2$ KashiCracker or 2$ Kashi Cereal (counts as 2)
    Kellogs FruitCrisps
    KellogsCereal (not mini wheats unless $1.50 or more) (is $2.50 counts as 2)
    Ol Del Pasotortillas
    Chicken/HamburgerCoupons (counts as 3)
    Any producecoupons (counts as 2 )
    Kraft Cheese (counts as 2)
    Kraft peanutbutter (counts as 2)
    Milk (counts as 2)
    Post Cereal
    Any Olay (counts as 2)
    Crest 3DWhite toothpaste
    Colgate OpticWhite toothpaste
    Oasis Juice
    V8 FruitJuice (Fusion okay, NOT Vegetable)
    Tropicana (NOT Trop50)
    Nature Valley
    Bacon (Notreadycrisp)
    Chicken Wings
    Cheetos (counts as 2)
    Rice CrispyBars (NOT granola)
    Source yogurt/Yogurt tubes/ Crush yogurt
    Eggo Waffles
    McCaain fries (NOT sweet potato or breakfast)
    DElissio/McCain pizzas
    Janes chicken
    ArcticGardens (counts as 2)
    Any Ice Cream
    Eggs (NOTWUB)
    U by Kotex
    Headand shoulders,
    Herbal Essences
    Palmovoile Dish Soap
    Chewy Dipps Bars
    Smartfood popcorn
    Wonder bread
    Heinz Ketcup

    Hydroxybutane's WishlistFrench: No
    Printable: No
    TFT: Atlantic Canada ONLY
    Store Specific: No
    Stack: No
    *If you have any problems, please don’t hesitate to contact*

    1. Aluminum Foil
    2. Baby Bonbel cheese
    3. Bag to Earth Compostable Bags
    4. Bread – whole wheat or whole grain only (no Jack’s please)
    5. Catelli Pasta (Healthy Harvest is fine)
    6. Chapmans
    7. Cheese – BLOCKS (Kraft, Armstrong, Cracker Barrel) NO ADL
    8. Cheemo Perogies
    9. Coke/Diet Coke or Coke Zero
    10. Dare or Grissol $1.00
    11. Dempster’s Bagels
    12. Dole Bagged Salads
    13. Dove or Dove’s Men
    14. El Paso coupons
    15. FPC: ANY FOOD, others please contact
    16. Frozen pizzas
    17. Eggs (the liquid ones are fine too, no Egg Whites or Omega Pro)
    18. Graves Apple Juice
    19. Healthy Steamers
    20. Imperial Margarine
    21. Irish Spring soap or bodywash
    22. Juices (not V8)
    23. Kashi Crackers $2.00
    24. Kraft Shredded Cheese
    25. Kraft Peanut Butter
    26. Lady Speed Stick
    27. Marc Angelo
    28. Nutrigrain Bars
    29. Olymel Chicken ($2.50 or more)
    30. Pads (NOT POISE or LINERS)
    31. Pepsi/Diet Pepsi
    32. Premium Plus Crackers
    33. Purex (must be on Zout)
    34. Quaker Granola Bars
    35. Quaker Oatmeal
    36. Salad dressing
    37. Spectro Gel
    38. Tampons (Tampax or U-by-Kotex)
    39. Tide/Sunlight (MUST be the scent free-hypoallergenic..Free or Natural)
    40. Tortilla CHIPS (like the nacho chips)
    41. Ziploc Bags

    Pumpkin's wishlist
    I will accept:
    I will not accept: Printed/Store Specific/French/TFT
    I WILL ACCEPT ANY UPC!--I can't stack
    ***If you have a different expiry, please pm me ***

    Will Count as ALL
    FPC Arctic Gardens
    FPC Beneful Wet
    FPC Cereal(ANY)
    $5 Chapmans
    FPC Coke 2L
    FPC Dairy Milk Bar
    FPC Dempsters Bagels
    FPC Egg Creations
    BOGO Gillette Razors
    FPC J&J Trial Pack <-- my little sister is having a baby
    ANY J&J Call-in with 2013 expiry(not Baby—Baby counts as 2)
    FPC HAIR DYE(Don’t care what brand—I just color my stupid grey roots! L )
    FPC Kashi Cereal
    FPC Lays/Ruffles/etc (from superbowl promo)
    FPC McCain Harvest Slendour (June 30, 2012)
    FPC Oasis Juice (from only—Expiry May 2012)
    $3 Olivieri Pasta or Sauce WUB any Prime Chicken Peelie (Dec 2012)
    FPC Orville Redenbacher Flavour Shakers(fron Conagra Promo)
    FPC Pepsi/7UP/Crush/ETC (from superbowl promo)
    FPC SmartFood(superbowl promo)
    FPC Smarties
    FPC Tea(ANY)
    FPC Triscuits
    FPC Trop50(superbowl promo)
    FPC Twistos(superbowl promo)
    ANY FPC for FOOD/BEVERAGE/CLEANING SUPPLIES/BEAUTY/PETS-- I’m not picky when its free.

    Count as 2
    ANY .50+ Call in
    $4 Advil Nighttime 10's/20's/40's(Dec 31 13)(from spinuwin)
    BOGO Arctic Gardens
    $6 WUB Bounty/Charmin/Puffs
    $1.50 off 1 case of Canada Dry Ginger Ale, Canada Dry Green Tea or Canada Dry White Tea Ginger Ale w/ Raspberry! Good on 12x355ml or 10x355ml
    $1 Colgate Palmolive Call in
    $4 off any covergirl exp June 30/12, 63762785(Came with the FPC Clarol Hairdye Facebook offer)
    $1.50 Fresh Chicken(from Ziploc)
    $1 Europes Best March 31, 2013 (from Easter Bakefest Booklet)
    .75 Fresh Produce (from Ziploc)
    $5 WUB 3 Garnier
    General Mills $1.00 on 345-775g box of cereal UPC 76143319 Expiry June 30 2012
    $5 WUB 3 Gillette Expiry Oct 31, 2012 UPC: 66008457
    $2 any Gillette Body Wash (excl. trial size) 99599268, May 31, 2013
    B1 Gillette Deodorant G1 Gillette Body Wash FREE (June 30, 2013)
    $2 (on 1) Gillette Deodorant Feb 28, 2013
    $2 Gillette Fusion ProGlide Razor Feb 29, 2013
    $3 Ground Beef WUB Hamburger Helper
    $1 Hain/Celestial
    $3+ Huggies Diapers (not WUB something else NOT BOXES)(NO INSERTS!)
    $1 J&J BABY CALL-IN(2013-please----trying to stock up for my sister)
    Kellogg's B2 Nutri-Grain bars, Special-K bars, All-Bran bars, or Rice Krispies bars and get free apples (1lb up to a maximum value of $1.99)June 30,2012
    Olympic Krema - Save $1.50 – July 31, 2012 (from Canadian Living Magazine)
    $3 Any Venus Razor Jan 31, 2013 OR Feb 28, 2013
    Ziploc—Save $3 on Bread

    Counts As 1
    $1 Always Infinity Pad (Aug 31, 2012)
    $1 Always Radiant Pads, Liners or Wipes Sept 30 2013
    Apple Juice (Allen’s or Rougemont)
    $0.75 Arctic Gardens product Oct 1, 2013
    Astro ORIGINAL(original is not GREEK) yogurt
    $0.50 Aylmer Accents Dec 31, 2012
    BBQ Sauce
    $1 Beneful WET July 31, 2012
    BOGO Beneful(
    .75 Black Diamond Cheese JUNE 30, 2012 46215781(from English Muffin package)
    $0.75 Black Diamond cheese 340-500 g Dec 31, 2013 (recipe plus calendar)
    .75 Black Diamond Block Cheese, 340-500g, any (Dec 31 2013) #46215723
    $1.25 WUB 2 Bounty/Charmin/Puffs (Feb 2013)
    $3 WUB Bounty/Charmin/Puffs
    .50 Bush's Beans
    $1 BusyBone July 31, 2012
    $1 Busy Rollhide July 31, 2012
    $.50 Campbell's Chunky Soup 540ml July 31/12
    .50 WUB any Campbell’s Chunky Soup, Ready to use broth, Goldfish Cracker or V8 July 31, 2012
    Canned Veggies(NOT ACCENTS!) (Less salt is A-OK with me)
    Cashmere Toilet Paper or Wipes
    .75 off any Catelli product (exp. June 30 ’12)
    $$ Chapmans Frozen Yogurt/Icecream
    $1 Charmin Sept 30, 2013 OR Dec 31, 2013
    $0.25 Chef Boyardee product Feb 28, 2013 (recipe plus calender)
    $1 WUB 2 Chef Boyardee
    Cheez Whiz (unicorn??)
    .50/.75/$1 Chew Lotta (dog treat)
    Chips(any kind, not WUB)
    $1 CoverGirl, any product Sept 30 2013
    .75 off WUB2 Christie Cracker Aug.31 '12
    .50 any Crest June 30, 2013
    Corn Pops Cereal (cinnamon is A-OK with me)
    .75 any D'Italiano Product 7540264 exp. Sept. 30/12
    .50 Dairy Milk Chocolate Bars
    .50/.75 any Danone
    Dare/Grissol $1 on any
    .50/.75/$1 Del Monte Fruit Snacks
    Delissio Pizza
    .50/$1 Dempsters Smooth MultiGrains
    $1 Dole Salad
    $1 Dove Style + Care
    $2 off WUB2 different Dove products, expiring Dec.31 '12
    $1 WYB3 ED Smith 540 ml pie filling 67610323 Sept 30, 2012
    .75 ED Smith Jam *1 per rider
    French's product (various flavours): $1.00*one per rider
    $1 any Garnier Fructis or Fructis Style Product (Dec.31) UPC 46965006
    $2 Garnier PEELIE
    .75 Gay Lea Gold Premium Sour Cream
    $2 (on 1) Gillette Body Wash Aug 31,2012 OR Sept 30, 2012 OR Oct 31, 2012
    .50 off any Goldfish CRACKERS or snacks July 31, 2012
    .75 G.U.M
    Healthy Choice Steamers (WUB 1 only)
    .50 Heluva Good Dip May 31, 2012**RRLF
    $1 ANY Highliner (not type specific)
    $1 any Highliner product 215-700gm. March 31 '13
    $1+ Huggies Wipes (not WUB anything else)(NOT INSERTS!)
    Hunts Tomato Paste or Sauce(NOT PASTA SAUCE) May 31+ expiry J
    Icoke pins (1 pin = 1 coupon) *one per rider
    $2.00 On any 1 Irish Spring Body Wash 443ml-532ml or Irish Spring Antiperspirant/Deoderant 92g (Oct. 31,2012) (smartsource insert)
    $1.50/$2.50 Jergens
    Johnsonville Sausage—WUB 1 (any kind except 5 cheese)
    Juice boxes
    .75¢/$1 Keebler Pie Crust
    $1 Kraft Parmesan GRATED Cheese September 30, 2012**RRLF
    $1 Kraft Parmesan (aged grated or shaved, 141gm) Dec.31 '12
    Kotex $1.50WUB2 Natural Balance products exp June 1/13
    .75 Lactantia Cream (NOT LACTOSE FREE) Dec 31, 2012
    $0.75 Lactantia butter 454g Dec 31, 2013(recipe plus calendar)
    $0.75 Lactantia Butter 454 g 46215912 Sept 30, 2012(from Keebler Pie Package)
    $1 WUB2 participating Maple Leaf canned meat products Dec.31 '12
    $1.00 Maple Leaf Natural Selections deli meats, June 30, 2012
    Marc Angelo
    .50 Marzetti Dip (NED)**RRLF
    May Family Farms Deli Meat
    $1 ANY Lipton Tea Product (Dec 31, 2012)*1 per rider
    $1 ANY Nestea 12 pack product (Dec 31, 2012)
    $1 Newman's Own 645ml Pasta Sauce, Dec31/12
    $1 Newman's Own Dressing 350ml or 236ml, Dec 31/12
    .50 all oasis classic, fruit etc, fruitzoo 960ml June 30/12 UPC 2250881(from English Muffin Package)
    $1 Oasis Juice Boxes (8x200mL or 5x200mL) March 31, 2013(back of Allens Juice Label)
    $1.25 Oasis NutriSource (1.89L) March 31, 2013(back of Allens Juice Label)
    $1.50 Oasis Refrigerated jugs -any flavour (2.63L) March 31, 2013(back of Allens Juice Label)
    $1.25 Oasis Refrigerated cartons -any flavour (1.75L) March 31, 2013(back of Allens Juice Label)
    $2 (on 1) Old Spice Red Zone Deodorant/Body Wash (June 30, 2013)
    B1 Old Spice Fresh Collection Solid or Body Spray G1 Fresh Collection Body Spray Free Sept 30, 2012
    B1 Old Spice Odor Blocker Body Wash G1 Odor Blocker Body Wash Free Sept 30, 2012
    Olive Oil (any kind, any amount)
    $1 Olivieri Dec 2012 (websaver)
    $1 Oylmel Bacon
    $2 Olymel Chicken Wings or Chicken Chunkies (July 31, 2013 #2200264) <- this is the only one I want!
    $2 Olymel Peelie
    Olymel Weiners
    $$ Olymel Peelies
    .75 off any Olympic Product
    $1.00 on any 1 Palmolive Ultra 739ml Dish Liquid (Oct. 31,2012) (smartsource insert)*1 per rider
    $1+ Panty Liners (any brand)
    $2 Playtex Peelie
    Peelies(for anything—surprise me)*1 per rider
    Pop-any kind (2L or 12 packs WUB 2 is A-ok with me)
    B2G1 FREE Pringles
    $1 WUB 2 Pringles(not snack packs)**RRLF
    $1 Purex(from sample—not the crystals)
    BOGO RedRose Tea(
    .50 any box of rice crispies squares or granola bars(161g.-200g) exp/dec 12, 2012
    Sabra Dips
    Salsa(any kind)
    $$ Satin Care Shave Gel (NO INSERTS)
    Shake N Bake Expiry Dec 31, 2012
    $0.55 on any Skintimate Shave Gel, 29007439, Dec 31,2013
    0.75 any Skippy product 87410462 Dec 31, 2012(recipe plus calendar)
    .75 Smuckers Product , July 30, 2012 *1 per rider
    Smuckers Dessert Topping(2013)
    $0.25 Snack Pack pudding Feb 28, 2013 (recipe plus calender)
    $1 Sunrype Juice Aug 2012
    $1 Tampax Pearl Jan 31, 2013
    $1 Tampax Pearl Dec 31 2013
    $2 TamPax Radiant Tampons Sept 30 2013
    Tampax-- NOT INSERT
    Tempra(is this a unicorn?)
    Tide(NO INSERTS)
    Tre Stella valid on any, exp. June 30, 2012
    Tylenol-Infants Only-any amount
    $.75+ U By Kotex(not Tween)
    Uncle Bens “Selected” Rice(NOT JUST BISTRO!) DEC 2012 Expiry**RRLF!!
    $1 one Venus Razor Sept 30 2013
    $2 (on 1) Venus Embrace Razor Sept 30, 2012
    VH Steamers (WUB 1 ONLY)
    $1 Vim Dec 31/12(redplum insert)*1 per rider
    Vlasic Pickles $0.50 Expiry Dec 31 2012
    .50 Welch’s ( OR Hang Tags)
    .50/.75/$1 White Swan Peelie
    **ANY Gillette/Oldspice with a 2013 expiry
    **ANY Pads/Liners/Tampons/Shampoo/Razors/Deodorant/Bodywash/Soap/Toothpaste with a 2013 expiry
    **ANY Laundry Soap/All Purpose Cleaner/DishSoap with 2013 expiry

    Mangotango's Wishlist:

    French: N
    TFT: N
    Store specific: Safew2ay ok, Anything else NO
    Printable: Y color only
    Stack: N
    Multiples:N unless stated otherwise

    Count as 3
    any FPC from superbowl promo
    FPC Adult Cat food
    FPC AmOOza twists
    FPC Aquafina Vitamin Water (if there is any for 2012)
    FPC Coke
    FPC Dairy Milk Chocolate Bar
    FPC Dempsters Bagels
    FPC maxx scoop cat litter
    FPC McCains foods - Pizzas, Deep ‘n delicious cakes, Wong wing entrée’s
    FPC oasis
    FPC Pepsi
    FPC powerade
    FPC Philadelphia cream cheese (dill flavoured ok)
    FPC Quaker chewy or dipps granola bars
    FPC smarties
    FPC SunnyD
    FPC Twisto's
    FPC wipes (safeway ok)
    share your breakfast pin
    $5 chapmans
    BOGO Coke - Cans or 2L
    Any Tim hortons roll up the rim winners
    BOGO Vh Steamers
    $1 CT money

    Count as 2
    canada dry ginger ale regular or flavoured* RRRRLF
    $1/$3 chapmans
    .50-.60 CT Money
    $1 Colgate Palmolive
    $3 ground beef wub HH
    J&J Callins - $2 j&j band-aid - $2 Stayfree/Carefree - $3 j&j aveeno
    $1 kimberly clark call-in - good for various not just huggies **
    love your breakfast pin
    BOGO Pop
    $2 shredded wheat
    stouffers pins must include the UPC!!
    .50 stride gum or other chewing gum
    $ tetley tea (orange poke only plz)
    $$(any) u by kotex

    Count as 1
    A&H Litter deodorizer
    $1 Amooza Twists (
    $1 becel
    $2 when you purchase any size of becel pro.activ calorie-reduced margarine (UPC 87410502 ONLY! exp 06/30/2012
    save $3 on bread wub 1 ziploc product
    .50 wub any one campbells product (good on campbells chunky soup, campbells ready to use broth, pepperidge farm crackers or snacks, v8 or v8 v-fusion beverage)
    $.50 campbells chunky soup
    $1 wub 2 Chef Boyardee
    $$ Any Chef Boyardee
    .40 - .35 CT Money
    $1 Dempsters Bagels (websaver)
    dole drinks
    fancy feast elegant medleys (not wub 10 or 12 tins)
    Fancy feast wet cat food (not wub 10 or 12 tins)
    Friskies Dry cat food
    glade solids- only
    $.50 Goldfish Crackers (good for cheddar)
    $1 Honey Bunches of oats ( or tear pad)
    Icoke pins - only 1 per rider valid for 2012
    juice boxes
    $1 lady speed stick (upc 80003648) exp. 07/29/12
    lunch mate bucks
    $1 marc angelo
    Maxx cat Litter **RRLF
    .75+ nesquick (good on one)
    $1 Nutrigrain (websaver)
    .50 oasis (good on 960ml)
    .75 oasis (good on 960ml)
    $1 old dutch chips
    Pop $$ off wub1 (2L or can), wub 2 (2L), Only
    B2G1 Pringles
    pudding snack packs
    Quaker Granola Bars (not nature valley, fiber 1, or fiber plus.. all bran bars are not granola bars)
    shreddies - not shredded wheat
    sunmaid rasin bread
    thinsations (
    villaggio bread
    Whiskas wet cat food BOGO, B2G1 or B3G1 (not $2 off from smart source please)

    mjconnaughan's Wishlist
    French No
    Store specific No
    Printable No
    Multiples yes but no more then 2 of one coupon please
    TFT No
    Stacking No
    Websaver/gocoupons/ Yes

    Counts as all
    $3 Beef wub HH
    FPC instant Quaker Oatmeal
    FPC Kellogg’s
    FPC adult cat dry food
    $5 Maple Leaf Prime
    BOGO Coke product 12 pack
    FPC Cereal(any)
    Kelloggs love your Cereal PIN rrrlf
    BOGO Coke product 12 pack
    Free coke wub OEP
    FPC Trop50
    FPC- 2L Pop -RRRRLF
    FPC- 6 X 710ml diet Pepsi- RRRRLF
    FPC Bagels
    FPC Beneful Wet
    FPC Coke wub Old El Paso
    FPC Popcorn
    FPC Maxx Cat Litter
    FPC Dove
    FPC CheeCha Puffs
    FPC Quaker Chewy or dipps granola bars, 156-206g (11/30/12) #15105149
    FPC Smarties
    FPC Tostitos
    Free Green Giant veggies WUB Hamburger helper
    FPC Superbowl Promo
    $5.00 Chapmans
    FPC Old Dutch
    FPC Vaseline
    FPC Hair dye
    Tim hortons roll up the rim winners

    Counts as 2
    BOGO Arctic Gardens
    BOGO Beneful
    Old El Paso(any)
    $3 Tide
    Old dutch chips
    Bassili’s Best Lasagna
    $$ off pop
    $$ off ice cream or frozen treats
    apples wub??? know they are out there just haven't seen them lol

    Counts as 1
    arctic gardens
    Chef boyardee
    $1.00 Post Honey Bunches of Oats Sept 30 2012
    $1 Shredded Wheat
    Shake and Bake(dec)
    Aero Bubbles
    Busy Bone
    Beggin Strips
    any mini wheat
    corn pops(cinn ok)
    $1 Oasis Juice Boxes (8x200mL or 5x200mL) March 31, 2013
    $1.25 Oasis NutriSource (1.89L) March 31, 2013
    $1.50 Oasis Refrigerated jugs -any flavour (2.63L) March 31, 2013
    $1.25 Oasis Refrigerated cartons -any flavour (1.75L) March 31, 2013
    Cheez whiz
    Skippy products
    Eggo waffles
    tuna (not flavored)
    frozen fruit
    canned fruit
    nutrigrain bars(websaver)
    Pizza Pops
    Olymel $2.50 (from gocoupons)
    Catelli Pasta
    Beneful WET
    $1.50 Orville Redenbacher Smart
    Chef boyardee
    1 WYB3 ED Smith 540 ml pie filling
    Lactantia Butter (after August ex please)
    rice crispy granola bars(websaver)
    Snack Pack puddings
    Quaker oatmeal
    Mug cakes
    McCain french fries
    $2 Olymel frozen chicken
    smuckers Dessert topping ex apr 30/13
    ED smith jam
    Kraft Peanut Butter
    Activia yogurt
    .75 G.U.M (2013)
    Nivea Shower Gel
    Ziploc Bags

    Any food coupon with 2013 ex except fish

    Squints76's Wishlist:
    Printables/French/TFT/Storespecific: no yes
    Stacking: YES

    countas all coupons
    $5.00Maple Leaf Prime Portions RRRLF = all coupons
    $5.00 Maple Leaf Marinated Boneless Seasoned Chicken RRRLF = all coupons

    Free Eggos 8 ct (from cereal boxes)
    FPC Smarties- from cereal boxes
    FPC Tampax
    FPC Sunlight LaundryDetergent
    $5 Quantam (UPC 06546146 from shoppers voice)
    $5 Chapmans
    $4 off Chicken WUB Old El Paso Kit
    $3/4 off Beef WUB Old El Paso Kit of Hamburger Helper
    4.00 Snack SizeChocolate bars (from Bear Paws box)
    Pin for freebreakfast item/cereal from cereal box

    Countsas 3 coupons
    $1.50 any fresh chicken (from ziplock boxes
    $2 Always on any product- from newspaper
    Bananas (From Kellogg’s Cereal boxes)
    Cerama brite (if it exists)
    $2 WUB 2 dozen eggs

    Countsas 2 coupons
    $2 off any ONE Old Spice Fresh collection orred zone deodorant or body wash expiry June 30/13
    $3 Finish Quantam
    $2 Maple Leaf Prime Portions peelie UPC 00605289 only
    $2 Finish Quantam (please NO UPC 06546784)
    Chef Boyardee $1 WUB2
    $2 WUB2 Ziploc products
    $3 WUB any (2) Bounty, Charmin, or Puffs (fromBounty/Charmin packs)
    $1 Conagra Foods
    $0.75 any Fresh Produce (from ziplock boxes)
    $0.75 any block cheese (from ziplock boxes)
    2.00 Highliner (good on any)
    Heinz ketchup
    $1.50 Colgatetotal
    Aquafina vitaminPlus water RRRLF (will take multiples)
    $1 WUB 2 dozen eggs – from any source
    $3 Zantac
    $0.50WUB any Campbell’s chunky soup, campbell’sready to use broth, goldfish crackers/snacks, V8 or V8-fusion

    Countsas 1 coupon
    Philadelphia cream cheese or cooking cream (FPC cooking cream = allcoupons)
    Dempsters smart bread
    Any Ziplock
    Pizza Pops
    VH Steamers (any EXCEPT UPC 44406338 and 44406400 and 44406312) RLF
    Becel Margarine (good on any)
    Any Chef Boyardee
    Old El Paso kits
    Betty Crocker Icing or Cake mixes
    V8-FUSION Juices (not UPCs 00923822 or 00924144)
    $1.00 on any Renée's Gourmet product
    Any Pepsi 12x355ml
    Kraft Dinner (regular boxed KD or Smart)
    Any Crush or Dr.Pepper
    Tetley tea (good on any flavour)
    Cheesestrings (notamooza)
    Kraft dressings (goodon any)
    Cracker Barrel/Black Diamond/Armstrong cheese
    Canadian Tire Money(0.50 = 1 coupon)
    Bacon (not naturalselections or Ready Crisp)
    Tuna (not flavoured)
    $1 Europe's BestFrozen Fruit
    Maple Leaf Top Dogs or Schneiders hot dogs RRLF
    $1 Maple Leaf
    Koolaid jammers
    Crisco Vegetable Oil
    Hellman’s Mayo (good on any)
    Axe (good on deodorant or spray)
    Any Juice coupons from Allens labels (2013 expiry)
    All bran bars
    Triscuit crackers
    Olymel Bacon
    $1 Old Dutch chips
    $1 Highliner (good on any)
    McCains French Fries (not sweet potato)
    Goldfish graham snacks (not crackers)
    Cheez whiz
    Bear Paws cookies (NOT cereal and fruitplease)
    Any chapmans
    Astro Biobest Smoothies
    $1.50 off 1 caseof Canada Dry Ginger Ale, Canada Dry Green Tea or Canada Dry White Tea GingerAle w/ Raspberry! Good on 12x355ml or 10x355ml

    nadiabreckon's Wishlist
    Online: Y
    French: N
    Store specific: N
    Printable: N
    Multiples: N
    Stack: N

    Coke FPC
    Dry Cat food FPC
    Cat Litter FPC
    ANY grocery FPC
    $5 Chapmans

    $5 WUB3 Garnier
    BOGO or $0.75 Thinsations
    $1/$2 Old Dutch
    $1 WUB2 Pepsi 2L
    $2 J&J Call-ins - count as 2
    Betty Crocker cake mix or icing
    Milkbone dog treats (any)
    Pampers or Huggies training pants (no diapers, not WUB wipes)
    Huggies or Pampers points
    Huggies or Pampers wipes ($1 off or more)
    Tampax Tampons
    Shake N Bake
    Barelli Pasta
    $1 Nutrigrain (Websaver)
    Catelli Pasta (any)
    $1 Hain Celestial (good on any)
    Coolision yogurt
    Oasis juice (good on 946ml)
    $2 any Tide (P&G Ok)
    $1 Colgate-Palmolive Call-in -count as 2
    Chef Boyardee
    $1 Arm & Hammer cat litter
    $2 Whiskas dry cat food
    $1 Marc Angelo
    $2 Jamieson Vitamins (peelie)
    $1 Philly Cream cheese (good on any)
    $1 ANY Dare
    $1.50 Ginger Ale (regular or flavored)
    Stouffer's Bistro
    Lean Cuisine
    Kraft Peanut Butter
    Betty Crocker Fruit snacks (good on any)
    Aeroplan Pins
    Icoke Pins
    Pepsi/coke products
    $1 Arctic Gardens
    BOGO Arctic Gardens
    Gain Laundry detergent
    Satin Care shave Gel
    Aylmer's Tomatoes
    Janes (good on any)
    Nutrience dry dog food (good on any)
    Canadian Tire $$

    JENP’S WISHLIST Coupons – Y
    Store Specific – Y (ONLY for Safeway or SDM)
    French/TFT – N
    Printable – N (unless specified, COLOR ONLY)
    Multiples: - Y (but please, no more than 2)
    All Coupons must have Canadian Redemption Address!!

    FPC Philadelphia Cooking Creme
    FPC McDonald’s McBistro Sandwich
    FPC M&M’s or Maltesers (June 30/14)
    FPC Oasis Juice or Smoothie **RRLF
    FPC Quaker Instant Oatmeal (facebook promo)
    FPC Nordica Cottage Cheese
    FPC Dempsters Bagels
    FPC Egg Creations
    FPC Naturegg (ANY are fine with me!!)
    FPC Bassili’s Best
    FPC Sweet Baby Rays BBQ Sauce
    FPC Dairy Milk Chocolate Bar
    FPC Carefree Liners
    FPC Folgers K-Cups
    FPC Timothy’s K-Cups
    FPC Sunlight Laundry
    FPC Purex Laundry
    FPC Vaseline
    FPC Silk (Kellogg’s Share Your Breakfast Promo) **RRLF
    FPC Eggos (Kellogg’s Share Your Breakfast Promo)
    FPC Bananas (Kellogg’s Share Your Breakfast Promo)
    ANY FPC from Pepsi Promo
    BOGO Amooza Twists ***RRLF, 18m old LOVES these
    ANY FPC from Pepsi Promo
    ANY FOOD/BEVERAGE FPC (except CheeCha Puffs)
    $5 Playtex Call In (good on feminine products)
    Kellogg’s Share Your Breakfast Promo Pin Code **RRLF
    $3+ ANY Call Ins (No cat, smellies or J&J)
    $5+ Pampers – not WUB please, no Inserts
    $2 Orville Redenbacher (Conagra Promo)
    $3 ANY Advil (UPC 12922983)

    $0.50+ Call Ins/Vouchers from: Danone, Colgate Palmolive, Kimberly Clark (good on U by Kotex), Dare, ConAgra, Campbells, General Mills, SC Johnson, Unilever, Quaker)
    Pin Code Kelloggs “Love Your Cereal” Promo **RRLF
    B1G1 Arctic Gardens
    $4 Advil Nighttime (Dec 31, 2013)
    $4 WUB2 Snack Size Chocolate Bars (Bear Paws Box)
    B2G1 Chef Boyardee (Conagra Promo)
    $2 Carefee/Stayfree Call In (2013)
    $5 Children’s Advil (Advil Spin U Win Promo)
    Aylmer REGULAR Tomatoes (NOT Accents)
    $6 WUB Bounty/Charmin/Puffs
    $3 WUB Bounty/Charmin/Puffs
    $1 Black Diamond Cheesestrings 16 pack or Fun Cheez 8 pack (from milk bag)
    $1.50 Fresh Chicken (from Ziploc)
    $1.50 WUB1 10/12 pack of Canada Dry Ginger Ale, Diet Ginger Ale, Club Soda, Tonic Water, Green Tea Ginger Ale or White Tea Ginger Ale w/ Raspberry Flavour
    $1 ANY Diana Sauce or Marinade NED
    $2 Highliner (good on ANY product)
    B1G1 Healthy Choice Steamers (
    $0.75 Minigo Yogurt **RRLF, 18m old LOVES these!!
    Johnsonville Sausage (good on Breakfast Sausage) **RRLF
    $1 Kraft White Cheddar Singles (
    $1.50 Oasis 2.63L Refrigerated Products (Mar 31, 2013) NOT Nutrisource
    $1.25 Oasis 1.75L Refrigerated Products (Mar 31, 2013) NOT Nutrisource
    $0.75 Fresh Produce (from Ziploc)
    $1 Playtex Call In
    $1 ANY Playtex, Schick, Wet Ones, Hawaiian Tropic or Banana Boat Prod. UPC 29006928
    $1 Schneiders Country Naturals (good on Bacon & Ham)
    Tetley Tea (good on Orange Pekoe)

    **1 POINT/COUPON**
    Bassili’s Best UPC’s
    Activia Drinkable Yogurt (are there any??)
    $1 aMOOza Twists (
    $1 Arctic Gardens (WUB1)
    $0.75 Allens Apple Juice
    $0.50 WUB1 Aylmer Accents Tomatoes
    $0.75 ANY Block Cheese Product (from Ziploc)
    $0.75 WUB2 Christie Crackers
    Club House Slow Cooker Seasonings
    $3 Childrens Advil (Advil Spin-U-Win Promo)
    $0.75 Blue Diamond Almonds (NED)
    B1G1 Beneful Prepared Meals (
    $0.75 Black Diamond Cheese (Dec 31/13 expiry)
    Cloverleaf Tuna (not Tuna Salad Kit, flavoured OK)
    $0.25 WUB1 Chef Boyardee (2013 expiry)
    $0.75 Catelli Pasta (Tearpad)
    $0.50 Campbell’s (WUB1) UPC 00923792
    $1 WUB1 Dare or Grissol
    $1 Danino Kids Yogurt 6x60g (Dec 31/12)
    $0.75 Dempsters White Bread (Doorhanger or other!)
    $0.75 DelMonte 100% Fruit Snacks (not the $1 WUB2)
    $0.75 ANY D’Italiano Product (Sept 30/12)
    $1 Egg Creations (good on ANY, not a specific flavour) NED only
    $0.40 ANY Golden Dragon Product (NED)
    $2 Granny’s Stuffed Turkey Breast (June 30/13)
    $1 Granny’s Boneless Skinless Turkey Breast (June 30/13)
    $1 Granny’s Ground Turkey Breast or Thigh (June 30/13)
    $1 Granny’s Turkey Thighs (June 30/13)
    $1 WUB4 Hunts Tomato Paste (June 30/12 or later)
    $1+ Healthy Choice Steamers (not WUB)
    $1 any Highliner 215-700g product, incl. Market Cuts (UPC 12605169 only)
    $0.75 International Delight (good on ANY, not just Café Inspiriations)
    $1 Keebler Pie Crust
    $2 Kashi Pita Crisps or Snack Crackers
    $1 Kraft Shredded Cheese (
    $1 Kraft 100% Parmesan Cheese (Aged Grated or Shaved) Dec 31/12 expiry
    $0.50 Kikkoman Sauce 250ml+ (NED)
    $0.75 on ANY 500ml or 1L Lactantia Cream (for use on any, not type specific)
    $0.75 ANY Lactantia Butter Product 454g (not the June expiry, I have lots)
    $1 Mars Bar
    Minute Maid Juice Boxes/Cans/Frozen Concentrate **RRLF
    $0.75 Maple Lodge Farms Chicken Bacon
    $0.50 Milkbone Soft & Chewy Treats (expiry April 30/13 only!)
    $0.50 Milkbone Mini Biscuits (expiry April 30/13 only!)
    $1 WUB2 Maple Leaf Canned Meat Products (good on flakes)
    $1 Maple Leaf Natural Selections (Deli Meat)
    $1 Mini Wheats Centres
    $0.50 Naturegg Break-Free Omega3 Liquid Egg, Omega 3 or Omega Pro Eggs (NED)
    $0.40 Naturegg Omega 3 Hard Boiled Egg Snack Packs
    $1 Oasis Fruits Etc., FruitZoo or Classic Products (2013 expiry)
    $1 Oasis 100% Premium (2013 expiry)
    Olymel Weiners
    Olymel Bacon
    $1/$2 Olymel Peelie
    $1 Orville Redenbacher Popcorn Peelie (good on ANY, not a specific kind)
    $1 Pampers Wipes
    $3.50 Purina Dog Chow (
    Philadelphia Dips or Cream Cheese
    $1 Palmolive Ultra 739ml liquid (Oct 31/12)
    $1 Rice Krispies Brown Rice
    Rice Krispies Granola Bars
    $2 any Softlips Product
    $1 Silk (expires May 2012 and on please)
    $0.50 Shake & Bake (Dec 31/12)
    $1 Summer Fresh Hummus or Dips (Dec 31/12)
    Toothpaste (Crest, Colgate, Aquafresh only)
    $3 Venus Razor (2013 expiry)
    $1 Vim (redplum)
    $0.50 Welch’s 100% Juice (
    B1G1 Weight Watchers Satisfying Selections
    Weight Watchers Smart Ones Soup
    $0.50 CT Money

    Cherie's Wishlist:
    French: No
    TFT: No
    Stack No

    Store Specific: (ONLY for safeway)
    Perosnized: Yes (with name on it)
    Multiples: No
    Printed: Yes in color only! - and as long as the mailing address can be easliy read

    ** For the coupons that say multiples ok, do not send more then 2 thanks
    * I will also Accept Early Expiry of May 12th and on as the train gets to me first

    Count as all
    FPC always/kotex
    FPC Bananas

    FPC or BOGO Amooza Twists
    FPC Anything from my list
    FPC Any McCains Products (wing wong, fries, cakes, pizzas - anything!)
    FPC Coke
    FPC Adult Cat food (any kind)
    FPC Dempsters Bagels
    FPC Adult Dog food
    FPC Eggos
    FPC Huggies Diapers (good on size 4)
    FPC Little Swimmers
    FPC Maxx Cat Litter or other Cat Litter
    FPC Oasis Juice - or from cereal boxes or other?
    FPC Pepsi (super bowl promo)

    FPC philadelphia cream cheese (dill ok)
    FPC Quaker Granola Bars
    FPC Quaker Instant Oatmeal (facebook promo)

    FPC Smarties
    FPC SunnyD
    FPC Timothy's K-Cups
    FPC Trop 50 (super bowl promo)
    FPC Twisto's (super bowl promo)

    FPC Wipes - safeway ok
    FPC Vasiline

    BOGO Coke
    $2 Always
    $3 Beneful Dry Dog food
    $5 Champmans
    $4 off any covergirl exp June 30/12, 63762785(Came with the FPC Clarol Hairdye Facebook offer)
    $4 Covergirl April 28th and later please -Brandsaver
    $$ Oreo Cookies (hoping someday these will exist)
    $5+ Pampers Mail out from company ONLY
    $3+ Quaker Call in
    share your breakfast pin code from cereal boxes
    $3 Kimberly clark good on various
    Any Tim Horton prizes from Roll up the Rim

    2 Points
    Any mail out from j&j (pink, blue, green) 2013 expiry
    - $2 Stayfree, $2 band-aid $2 Tylenol ** RRRLF
    - $3 Clean and Clear / Aveeno mail out from j&j
    $1 Black Dimond Cheese (200g, 300g, or 500g) from milk bag
    $2 Beneful Dry Dog food
    $3 Bread wub Ziplock
    $.75 Any Cheese Product (from ziplock)
    multiples welcome
    $1 wub 2 Chef boyardee
    BOGO Chef Boyardee
    $1 Colgate-palmolive multiples welcome
    $1 wub 2 Dozen Eggs ** RRLF
    $1.50 Fresh Chicken (ziplock) **RRLF!! (multiples welcome)
    $.75 Fresh produce (Ziplock) (multiples welcome)Friskies DRY Cat Food
    $2 Highliner good valid on ank kind not type specific
    $1 Huggies Baby wipes
    Kimberly Clark Mail outs - must be good for kotex or various products (if more the $1 will count as all)
    Buy 2 Nutrigrain, special k, or rice krispie BARS and get 1lbs Apples free june 30/2012
    Maxx Cat Litter** RRLF, multiples welcome
    Pampers Codes From Diapers ** RRLF!! multiples welcome
    $.75 Oasis (good on 960 ml) multiples welcome
    $2 Orville Redenbacher (Conagra Promo)
    $2 Pam wub 1
    $3+ Pampers Diapers good on size 4 cruisers or baby dry (no swaddlers/sentive, wub or boxes) later then june 30 ONLY
    $1 Pampers Wipes
    Pin Code Kelloggs “Love Your Cereal” Promo **RRLF
    $1 Purina Beggin stripps or T bonz RRRLF multiples welcome
    Puppy Pee Pads
    $1+ Quaker Call in (good on any)
    Quaker Instant Oatmeal
    B1G1 Sunlight dish washing liquid
    U by Kotex reg and tween
    Any BOGO`s from my wishlist below** other then stated bogos as 1 point

    Count as 1
    A&H Cat Litter
    A&H Cat Litter Deodorizer ** RRLF!!
    Alymer Tomatoes (not accents)
    $1 Amooza twists (

    Armstrong cheese
    $1 Becel
    $2 Becel Proactive (good on any size)
    Bick's Pickles
    Black Diamond cheese good on blocks and cheese slices
    $3 Bounty/charmin/puffs
    Busy Bone Dog treats
    Busy Roll Hide Dog Treats

    $.50 Campbells Good on various (goldfish, V8, Broths, chunky) - this is a single coupon
    Canned Veggies -(green giant , del monte, any!) any but tomatoes **RRRLF multiples welcome
    $.75 Catelli valid on any multiples welcome
    $3 wub 2 Charmin, bounty or puffs

    Cheese Whiz (unicorn?)
    $.25+ Chef Boyardee
    Clover leaf tuna flavored ok (no kits)
    $2+ Cottonelle
    $2 Covergirl wub 1 only (no $3 wub 2 ect)
    Crisco Vegetable oil
    $.75 Valid on ANY Danone yogurt

    $1 Dare or Grissol Products (good on 1)
    Delisso Pizzas (no flat bread please)
    $1 Dempsters Bagels (websaver or other)
    $3.50 Dog Chow (

    $1 Energizer batteries Valid on any size or variety
    $1 Febreeze AIR EFFECTS Only
    Gain Laundry Detergent (not wub plz) April 20 and later
    Gatorade (do these exists?)
    Gerber graduates treats only
    Any Gillette with 2013 expiry only
    $.50 Goldfish Crackers (not grahams)
    Hellmans Mayo
    $1 Highliner valid on ANY 215g - 700g product including 227 Market cuts UPC:12605169 12/2013 or other upc? not type specific
    $1 Honey Bunches of Oats
    Hot dog or hamburger buns (any but "ben's" can't find it here)
    Huggies Codes from diapers only
    Ivory dish washing soap
    $1+ Juice Boxes
    K-Cups other then Folgers
    $1Kraft Shredded Cheese (
    Kraft peanut butter (unicorn?)
    Lactantia butter
    Lactantia Cream multiples welcome
    $1 Marc Angelo (valid on ANY product) facebook offer
    $1 Marc Angelo sausages
    Milk Bone Chewy treats
    $.50 Minigo yogurt (gocoupons)
    $.75 Minigo yogurt

    $1 Mini Wheat Centers
    $2 Mini Wheat Centers (from cereal Box)
    Mini Wheat Little bites - hope there is more out there
    Minute Maid Juice Boxes or Cans
    Motts fruitsations Any after april??
    $1 Nutrigrain bars (websaver)
    $.50 Oasis (good on 960 ml) multiples welcome
    $1 Oasis Juice boxes (junior juice ok) multiples welcome
    Oasis 100% Premium Juice

    $1 Old dutch
    Pampers gtg codes ** RRLF, from wipes
    B1G1 Pantene (P&G Inserts)
    $1 + any panty liners not wub
    Pasta Sause (not tomato sause or paste)
    Pop - 7up, ginerale, schweppes, Dr. Pepper, Crush, Bogo $ off, or $$ wub 2 ok

    Pop tarts
    $1 wub 2 Pringles

    Stouffers Pins please include UPC multiples welcome
    Summer Fresh hummus & Dips
    Sunscreen (any amount or kind - copper tone, ombrelle, ect must be good on kids or infants) multiples welcome
    Sunlight Dish soap
    Triscuits crackers Original only plz
    Villaggio Bread / buns
    Vlassic Pickles

    $1 WUB 1 or $2.50 wub 2 VH Indian Market / thai Sauces
    Whiskas Wet cat food (NOT CASES) Bogo, b2G1, B3G1 ok

    If you think I may like something based on my list please feel free to ask ☺
    I have 4 kids from toddler to teens, I also have 3 dogs and a cat.. so Im almost up for anything but plz ask first
    Last edited by cherielake; Tue, Apr 10th, 2012 at 10:13 AM.

    Looking for some cute or fun handmade gifts? Check out my facebook page

  3. #3
    Senior Canuck
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    may I ride please??

  4. #4
    Frugal is not being cheap cherielake's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mjconnaughan View Post
    may I ride please??
    your missing the copy and paste part

    Looking for some cute or fun handmade gifts? Check out my facebook page

  5. #5
    Senior Canuck
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    ok due to the last one I am assuming this is what is to be copy pasted.

    Please be aware that people often see coupons of others lists and add them to their own. So needless to say they could be asking for coupons that expire topmorrow, next week, ect. CONFIRM the date with them before sending. I would hate to see people loose their prizes for a silly oversight

    I must be blind because I read the post 2 and still can't see it. lol

  6. #6
    Senior Canuck
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    OMG and then I scroll up and it bites me lol


  7. #7
    Frugal is not being cheap cherielake's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mjconnaughan View Post
    OMG and then I scroll up and it bites me lol

    LMFAO!! Thank you! At least I got you to read the rules

    Looking for some cute or fun handmade gifts? Check out my facebook page

  8. #8
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    If I didn't know any better I would say I am losing my mind half the time!!! Oh, wait, maybe it may have something to do with 4 preteen and teens in my house driving me crazy on a daily basis! Thanks for putting up with me lol.

  9. #9
    Frugal is not being cheap cherielake's Avatar
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    Looking for some cute or fun handmade gifts? Check out my facebook page

  10. #10
    Frugal is not being cheap cherielake's Avatar
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    come join a train full of prizes

    Looking for some cute or fun handmade gifts? Check out my facebook page

  11. #11
    Frugal is not being cheap cherielake's Avatar
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    Looking for some cute or fun handmade gifts? Check out my facebook page

  12. #12
    Frugal is not being cheap cherielake's Avatar
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    added some different Prizes!!

    Looking for some cute or fun handmade gifts? Check out my facebook page

  13. #13
    Frugal is not being cheap cherielake's Avatar
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    Any takers? Lots of prizes to be won

    Looking for some cute or fun handmade gifts? Check out my facebook page

  14. #14
    Smart Canuck pumpkin9211's Avatar
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    I love your trains... I couldn't play much on the last one..... I'm thinking about this.....
    mangotango likes this.

  15. #15
    Senior Canuck mangotango's Avatar
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    I'd like a seat please!

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