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  1. #1
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    Economy's condition taken into consideration for the short term is improving by the "Stats Canada" but the future in overall is not so bright. what do you think?
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  2. #2
    Bean bun going offline Ciel's Avatar
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    The unemployed and underemployed of the past 5 years have known for a long time how bad the job scene is. Seeing articles regarding budget measures at provincial and federal levels proves that there is no interest in keeping jobs of living wages in Canada and only recently confirms what the UandU demographic have experienced or heard through their peers. Unless one happens to be part of the knowledge worker demographic that pays premium wages and is the target demographic for any urban city wanting those kind of workers (many cities are claiming to be oriented towards such professionals)., there seems nothing planned to help workers outside of that demographic have work that pays them to have families and lives involving own residences.

    It won't be too long when we will read stories about deaths in Canada like those in Greece-deaths caused by financial hardships and no hope left.
    Last edited by Ciel; Thu, Apr 5th, 2012 at 12:47 AM.
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  3. #3
    It's time to win lekate's Avatar
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    I still work in customer service, it's ridiculous that I can't even afford to buy things from that store.
    Did you see the pool? They flipped the B!tch!

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  4. #4
    Senior Canuck Speckled28's Avatar
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    I've been looking for work for a LONG time.......and have yet to find a job. I often wonder when they release the unemployment statistic if they're including those people are either A) never qualified, or B) have used up all their unemployment. I live in a small community with a horrendous job market.....and next to no opportunities, and I can't even describe how discouraging it is. The town is so small that you need to drive to be able to get anywhere......which means having a car of your own and being able to afford to pay for it, and pay for the growing price of gas......the next closest town here is 20-25 minutes away. So basically if you're working part time or minimum wage you're just working to pay for your gas. I'm finding it a really vicious circle......I need a car to get a job here......but I need a job to be able to afford a car....and I need both of those things in order to have enough money and resources to move to a bigger community with slightly more options. I only went to a two year college.....but for something that I'm extremely passionate about and I can't find a job in my field if my life depended on it. Tim Hortons, Canadian Tire etc etc don't want me because they know I'll leave if I find something better (which isn't even true right now....I've been looking for so long that I'd be SOOO happy just to find a job). It's depressing.

  5. #5
    Mastermind Natalka's Avatar
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    Interesting that so far the answerers are from the east...

    Here in SK, things are going amazingly well - with the economy, and especially with the employment situation - at all levels, and virtually all types of jobs from food service, stores, to many different types of professions.

    It's a good time to be here - and that's the reason there are many people coming from other provinces to work and raise their families - both to the two big cities, smaller cities, and the bedroom communities outside cities - just a wonderful quality of life here.

    Also, we've always had lots of immigration to here, and that's increased because of the higher demand for workers.

  6. #6
    Bean bun going offline Ciel's Avatar
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    The Saskatchewan government has made itself really well known in the past two years, with Internet ads on various websites and appearances at Toronto's National Job Fair for two years in a row.

    I'm glad that Saskatchewan is having something of a glory period, as the province knows what it was like when times were less rosy. But what beyond the potash industry keeps Saskatchewan going? Wheat? When Alberta's oil boom winds down, Canada will feel that too.
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  7. #7
    Bean bun going offline Ciel's Avatar
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    I think it was at a job fair a few years ago that one of the Hamilton Service Canada employees explained how a labour market's unemployment rate was derived: 100 people in a CMA (census metropolitan area) were called and based on the ones that indicated unemployment, that was the figure used to create the monthly unemployment rate.

    If you had been relying on labourmarketinfo reports (the ones that used to be based on news releases and clippings), they used to show the unemployment rates for the current month and provide the rate for the month one year prior and indicate the change.
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  8. #8
    Smart Canuck
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ciel View Post
    The Saskatchewan government has made itself really well known in the past two years, with Internet ads on various websites and appearances at Toronto's National Job Fair for two years in a row.

    I'm glad that Saskatchewan is having something of a glory period, as the province knows what it was like when times were less rosy. But what beyond the potash industry keeps Saskatchewan going? Wheat? When Alberta's oil boom winds down, Canada will feel that too.
    We have oil and other resources besides potash. From many years of living in a "have-not" province to one that is flourishing...I can't complain about "Sask-A-Boom". Only trouble is that lots of people are taking advantage of the opportunities by moving here, which have driven up housing prices and made things a lot more hectic on the roads.

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