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Thread: who is taking all the tear pads??????

  1. #196
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    Thats a good point too millak, but with the same analogy you could say 5 ppl, taking 5 each would rid the tear pad of coupons within minutes as well. And I used 10 as a round number - sometimes I take less...
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  2. #197
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    Personally I dontmind buying couopons from eBay. I just bought eBay coupons for $3 that will save me over $20. The time spent at home with my family instead of loading everyone up to o to the store is well worth the money to me. I wAnted to trade with another SCer but they wanted more in stamps than $3. I have also sold coupons on ebay. I don't take entire tear pads. I do take a few each time I'm at the store however and sometimes end up with more than I will be able to use. A few trips a week to certain stores where there are tear pads left and I accumulate more than I personally will use or be able to share with family. I jus keep the few bucks I earn in my pay pal account to pay for coupons that I either can't find or are not available in my area. I don see that as being any different thank trading on here for coupons. Ive also given away coupons for nothing to others on this site. I dont think blaming eBay is really quite fair. Blame people who steal entire tear pads but tha does no mean they end on on eBay. I traded for large quantity of coupons 20 plus on this site. I don't know the situations of how people came to find those coupons, mybe they traded for them, maybe they took a few each time they were at the store etc. I think it's important to give people the benefit of the doubt, we don't know their personal situations or their needs. I just hope that those coupons are being used where ever they are!
    elayjosh, Aimz, IMLN and 4 others like this.

  3. #198
    Super Saver JennyFromTheRock's Avatar
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    Last edited by JennyFromTheRock; Sun, May 27th, 2012 at 01:13 PM.
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    I said before - I can't stand even trading for peelies - I know its weird, but that to me is really stealing coupons. Those are so specific to the item they are on, terrible that ppl are taking them off of packages and/or from the inside at times too. Sad.

    Quote Originally Posted by JennyFromTheRock View Post
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  5. #200
    Canadian Genius wolfwoman's Avatar
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    Who ever thought we would pay for plants, trees, rocks, water, ice etc either? It is what it is. Let it go people.
    IMLN and mrs.march6 like this.

  6. #201
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    Quote Originally Posted by JennyFromTheRock View Post
    Someone else looking to help out the common good!!

    Someone really paid 10.78 (winning bid + 1.25 shipping) to acutually save 12.50$ on stuff that they will also have to pay for? The REAL saving is only 1.75$, if you use them all... INSANE!
    amandalee76 likes this.

  7. #202
    Super Saver JennyFromTheRock's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rewok View Post
    Someone really paid 10.78 (winning bid + 1.25 shipping) to acutually save 12.50$ on stuff that they will also have to pay for? The REAL saving is only 1.75$, if you use them all... INSANE!
    I agree its insane.... but its actually $10.50 worth of coupons!! Unreal isnt it?? 14 x $.75 = $10.50..... the winning bid of $10.78 means they LOOSE $.28 buy getting them!!!
    mydusty likes this.
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  8. #203
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    Quote Originally Posted by JennyFromTheRock View Post
    I agree its insane.... but its actually $10.50 worth of coupons!! Unreal isnt it?? 14 x $.75 = $10.50..... the winning bid of $10.78 means they LOOSE $.28 buy getting them!!!
    Not to mention what if they can't find them on good sale for before the coupon expiry date.They'll be paying a lot to use those coupons.

  9. #204
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    Quote Originally Posted by Poirot View Post
    If the manufacturers of these products that that have the coupons on ebay contacted ebay and told them to remove the sales and auctions.I think that would help keep coupons on the store shelves for the actual customers to take.
    Last year I contacted Toonies for Tummies to advise them that there was a seller on ebay selling whole tearpads of their coupons. I thought they would help get ebay to put a stop to it but unfortunately it had the opposite effect and now they stopped issuing Toonies for Tummies coupons altogether

  10. #205
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    Quote Originally Posted by JennyFromTheRock View Post
    I agree its insane.... but its actually $10.50 worth of coupons!! Unreal isnt it?? 14 x $.75 = $10.50..... the winning bid of $10.78 means they LOOSE $.28 buy getting them!!!
    Oops... I don't know how I calculated that 12.50 value, shame on me!
    JennyFromTheRock likes this.

  11. #206
    Canadian Genius Insane's Avatar
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    But sometimes you get the peelies from buying the product. Say I go to buy a pack of huggies diapers. But I have $8 or FPC or whatever coupons from the company. I'm going to use my coupon that's worth more on the product instead of the peelie. Why couldn't someone turn around and trade it? Just because someone is trading/selling peelies doesn't mean they took them off of packages they didn't pay for.

    Quote Originally Posted by amandalee76 View Post

    I said before - I can't stand even trading for peelies - I know its weird, but that to me is really stealing coupons. Those are so specific to the item they are on, terrible that ppl are taking them off of packages and/or from the inside at times too. Sad.
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  12. #207
    Super Saver JennyFromTheRock's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Insane View Post
    But sometimes you get the peelies from buying the product. Say I go to buy a pack of huggies diapers. But I have $8 or FPC or whatever coupons from the company. I'm going to use my coupon that's worth more on the product instead of the peelie. Why couldn't someone turn around and trade it? Just because someone is trading/selling peelies doesn't mean they took them off of packages they didn't pay for.
    Yeah for sure, there are ways of getting pellies illegitimately!! I have a few that I have got using fpc's or higher value coupons.... I have also traded for some and I dont ask questions....... however, the people with listings of 20 peelies, and several of those listings running at one.... are stealing them. No doubt in my head.
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  13. #208
    Smart Canuck anastasia1009's Avatar
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    I have witness it in this area and where I shop you can see the peelies taken from the huggies
    JennyFromTheRock likes this.

  14. #209
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    theres a rotten banana in every bunch, hey ladies?? to bad they are ruining couponing for those of us who are just trying to save a few dollars, and have some fun doing it.....

  15. #210
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    yes!...this happens to me aswell...if you're going to have the nerve to take all the least take the whole at least people know there aren't any left...its so annoying when they put the booklet back....arghh!

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