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Thread: who is taking all the tear pads??????

  1. #46
    Frosh Canuck
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    I always. Go 2 or 3 times at week to my locals store like no frills, sdm, price shoppers and sellers to see what on sale and if I can found some coupons but not luck and some times if we are around any rcss then I asked dh to dropped me off and get some coupons for myself, my mom, my sister and a friend because I read that some sc find some really good coupons
    Couple days ago I went to get something for dh from the car and I sow around 50 good coupons in the garbage and I picked them because I was looking for those type of coupons and they were expired and that stinks some people need and some just pick what they don't need and throw them in the garbage

  2. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by amandalee76 View Post
    I have been pretty lucky lately finding tear pads in my area. I have been careful who I tell the location too though. The first time I posted in a group on a different site - they were gone by the next day. This time, I told 4 ppl and I went to the store a couple days later and there were still lots left. I think we need to stop sharing the location with everyone.

    I think it is crazy that they are selling coupons. They don't seem to ask much $ though, so with ebay feels, paypal fees etc how do they even make any money? I mean really? It takes time to drive and get them etc.. Seems silly to me.
    Thanks why when I find coupons I don't tell anybody

  3. #48
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    So I never thought to look at the location to see if there is a seller in my area - sneaky smart idea LOL
    Of course, I went to look. There are a few close to me and lots in BC... I can't even imagine paying $8 for 10 of the $3 nexus tear pads - like are you serious?

    Quote Originally Posted by Tbites View Post
    There's a seller in your neck of the woods.... mind you, I don't see the latest tearpads listed ?
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  4. #49
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    I went to sobeys a few days ago and saw a Nutrigrain 50 cent tearpad with one little coupon. My husband took it. Then I noticed that thrown among the boxes on the shelf the entire tearpad was ripped apart-looking and sitting there. I was going to take a few more, but stopped myself for reaching for it unless someone saw me and thought I had ripped off the entire tearpad. Maybe somebody had second thoughts or almost got caught??

  5. #50
    Smart Canuck jemwars's Avatar
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    I'm so jealous Around here any coupon worth while is gone in one day max...usually it more like an hour It's very frustrating!!
    Quote Originally Posted by misstarbender View Post
    no one takes all the tear pads where I live. I can go to the store take a couple coupons off a tear pad..and there is ALWAYS lots around, and then go back to the store a week or so later and there will STILL be coupons on that pad!!!
    and not just one store! all the stores! I can think of 4 right now that are all walking distance from my house that I can go and I know those coupons will be there...its nice I dont have to fight with greedy people for coupons!!

  6. #51
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    I haven't found the Nexxus coupon but also had a quick look at 3 different WM stores and neither one carries the travel size container. Some information just in case someone is banking on the overage - you may not find the product to use it on.

  7. #52
    Member of rep ho-ing club kelly25's Avatar
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    I don’t understand how coupons is even a category on e-bay! Thought this was illegal!????!?

  8. #53
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    If the manufacturers of these products that that have the coupons on ebay contacted ebay and told them to remove the sales and auctions.I think that would help keep coupons on the store shelves for the actual customers to take.
    Last edited by Poirot; Sat, Apr 28th, 2012 at 02:23 PM.

  9. #54
    Canadian Genius Insane's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelly25 View Post
    I don’t understand how coupons is even a category on e-bay! Thought this was illegal!????!?
    Quote Originally Posted by Poirot View Post
    If the manufacturers of these products that that have the coupons on ebay contacted ebay and told them to remove the sales and auctions.I think that would help keep coupons on the store shelves for the actual customers to take.
    I think it's because you aren't actually paying for the coupon, you are paying for their "time to collect, clip and mail the coupons".
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  10. #55
    CaToonie Frugal_Boy's Avatar
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    I think I know where your SECRET Metro is LOL
    I also have a secret Shoppers too it located in a hidden area

    Quote Originally Posted by torontogal12 View Post
    think this depends on locations. I have found a great Metro where tearpads seem to stay for weeks and weeks because no one takes them off. I have so many Quaker/Trop50 coupons because they kept the 4 tearpads up for 2 months in 2 different locations in the store. That store is low traffic so is always fully stock with everything, so we've never needed a raincheck. It's amazing. It's hard to get there, but worth the trip. It is staying my secret lol
    amandalee76 likes this.

  11. #56
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    i live in urban edmonton, i've come across about 7 empty nexxus tearpads so far... all the others fully stocked....i'm lucky part of my job every day i have to go into shoppers drug mart!

  12. #57
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    I have gone to 5 different stores on the west end of Edmonton and all the Nexxus tear pads were completely empty. It's disappointing.

    Quote Originally Posted by mrsfreeman View Post
    i live in urban edmonton, i've come across about 7 empty nexxus tearpads so far... all the others fully stocked....i'm lucky part of my job every day i have to go into shoppers drug mart!

  13. #58
    Smart Canuck ninna's Avatar
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    You know, I've been reading about the disappearance of tear pads in other communities recently and thinking, "wow. That must really suck for the people in that town/city who enjoy using coupons."

    I never imagined it would happen in my town. Alas. It has. I went into Metro yesterday to do some shopping and literally every single display where coupons ought to be hanging was torn off. Whoever did it literally ripped the entire coupon booklet-- cardboard backing and all-- so that all you could see was the square outline where the tear pad should've been hanging.

    "Be yourself. Everyone else is already taken." Oscar Widle

  14. #59
    Senior Canuck Dinobuzz's Avatar
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    Not sure if you're aware, but the travel sized Nexxus is on the shelf with the regular sized shampoos.

    Quote Originally Posted by 2shopmom View Post
    I haven't found the Nexxus coupon but also had a quick look at 3 different WM stores and neither one carries the travel size container. Some information just in case someone is banking on the overage - you may not find the product to use it on.

  15. #60
    Senior Canuck Dinobuzz's Avatar
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    This topic always gets me annoyed cause for those who take all of of the tear's just wrong.....I don't care if you share them, it's not right.....nobody appointed them to be the "coupon God" who justifies hoarding them all just because you're planning on sharing.....if someone wants some, they'll take them off the tear pads themselves.
    renegado and anastasia1009 like this.

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