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Thread: who is taking all the tear pads??????

  1. #61
    Canadian Genius Insane's Avatar
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    Anyone remember those I think they were smartsource machines where you took the coupon out and there was a delay before a new one popped out? Makes it difficult to take 20 or more coupons when there is a 10second delay before you can grab another coupon. Maybe they need to do that with all store coupons.
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  2. #62
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    I agree that there are people taking whole pads. But I also find that a lot of my stores don't even put them out at all.

    With some stores (maybe this is crazy thinking) I wonder if the employees are helping themselves or taking for someone they know who coupons.

    I rarely find any coupons at all. I've never seen ANY evidence of anything ever (no cardboard backer, no display, etc) at Walmart. Safeway rarely ever puts anything out. I've asked and the employees don't know of any. Sobeys is getting better (I wonder if someone complained)

    The reason I wonder about the employee part is I found a tearpad once at Sobeys for the Certo Canning stuff. I didn't need it, and didn't take any for trading so I put the tearpad back in the basket I found it in. There was a Sobeys employee standing there, staring at me-almost like she was waiting for me to leave? As soon as I moved she went to the basket-it was very weird.

    And lately I've seen stores putting out expired tearpads-like even over a year expired. Cleaning out a desk?

    All very frustrating

  3. #63
    Canadian Genius wolfwoman's Avatar
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    In the 6 months that I have been couponing, I have seen only 2 tearpads in my town. The only way I have been able to coupon is through trading. Althouh I love my regular traders, it would be great just to be able to go to my local stores and find a tearpad. I have seen 1 in Wal-mart but the coupons expired last month. The landscape of couponing has really changed and not for the better.

  4. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by wolfwoman View Post
    In the 6 months that I have been couponing, I have seen only 2 tearpads in my town. The only way I have been able to coupon is through trading. Althouh I love my regular traders, it would be great just to be able to go to my local stores and find a tearpad. I have seen 1 in Wal-mart but the coupons expired last month. The landscape of couponing has really changed and not for the better.
    totally agree and the greed of some couponers is very frustrating!! when senior couponers try to rip off newbies it irrks me to no end!!!

  5. #65
    Senior Canuck Speckled28's Avatar
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    I rarely find any tear pads anywhere near me either. There are two stores that I can sometimes find some at.......and I've only found one tearpad EVER at our local Walmart. It makes it so hard to get any coupons....never mind good ones.......between the stores just not putting out the pads and then the people who take all the coupons in one swoop.
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  6. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dinobuzz View Post
    Not sure if you're aware, but the travel sized Nexxus is on the shelf with the regular sized shampoos.
    none on the shelves

  7. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by Speckled28 View Post
    I rarely find any tear pads anywhere near me either. There are two stores that I can sometimes find some at.......and I've only found one tearpad EVER at our local Walmart. It makes it so hard to get any coupons....never mind good ones.......between the stores just not putting out the pads and then the people who take all the coupons in one swoop.
    Walmart never puts pad coupons.I think it's a manufacturer rep who puts out coupons.

  8. #68
    Senior Canuck Speckled28's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Poirot View Post
    Walmart never puts pad coupons.I think it's a manufacturer rep who puts out coupons.
    Sounds about right. The one and only that I found there was for hair dye.....and it was a tear pad on a new aisle display.

  9. #69
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    I was at a Rexall last week that had a coupon machine - I thought it was a great idea! (It was for Dr Scholls) I have been really lucky finding tearpads lately. However I have said before - I have stopped telling everyone where they are, and now only tell a few
    Jezebel, anastasia1009 and Mich649 like this.
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  10. #70
    CaLoonie JasmineMcdonald's Avatar
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    I completely agree with you all, the stores that I used to stock up on last year I would go into the stores to shop every week, and I would take 2-3 of the coupons off of a tearpad whenever I would go in to get milk.. The pads would stay on the shelf for about 3 month in both stores!!!!!!!!!!!!! Then a new couponer moved to town! Well, I know exactly who it is which drives me even more crazy! Because its not multiple people! And now when I go into a store and find a coupon I stand there and take 5 - 10 if I am planning on using a coupon to stock up on something (I usually take 1-2 for trading with others who have the same issue). I used to feel bad about taking that amount when I find a good tearpad. But I know that this couponer is going to be coming in and taking all the pads to sell... Ugh it makes me mad...
    julesm14 and amandalee76 like this.

  11. #71
    Smart Canuck julesm14's Avatar
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    I have been finding the same thing. I have always looked for tearpads for years and always grab a couple for products I know I will use when I am in doing my regular shopping. I have been grabbing a couple extra now for trading but only if the pad is full. If it is less than half I just take what I know I can use before the expiry. But lately I walk up and down the aisles and just see empty spots where the tearpads should be. Very discouraging....I don't like that they are going to waste! I am sure the people who take the whole pad don't actually use it themselves--just greedy! I recently had to go to a small town north of me for an appointment and stopped in at the Metro---OH MY it was full of tearpads it was awesome!! I finally got a couple of the bicks coupons I had heard about and been looking for at home! So maybe that is the solution stalk the small towns!!!

  12. #72
    CaLoonie JasmineMcdonald's Avatar
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    Somebody just sold 10 $2 coupons for van houtte coffee for $2.00!
    Aaak! So sad.. This world is getting more and more greedy!

    This is crazy.. Tearpads seem to be getting sold in piles of 10. with a min bid of $0.99.. or buying right away for $4..
    One of the bids is for 10 dare MIR's... whoever buys them won't even be able to use them all..
    Last edited by JasmineMcdonald; Tue, May 8th, 2012 at 08:14 PM.

  13. #73
    Super Saver JennyFromTheRock's Avatar
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    So we all had the discussion on people selling coupons on ebay... which is where a lot of coupons from stores are going. I had made a point of buying coupons last week on eBay for the purpose of cross referencing them with traders on here. Turns out........ I BOUGHT coupons from 9 people on here who trade kind of sad.

    On very interesting one came in though. Turns out one that sells HUGE amounts, like HUGE.... 5 or 6 lots of 10+ of basically every popular coupon ( I bought 14 for Any astro ) and she had about 5 other listings for the same set... turned out to be a Smart Canuck gone bad. Many people were recently ripped off by Kyriakos for GC's..... turns out he / she is now selling on ebay. As soon as I saw the envelope I knew, they are using the same return address labels as before, with the same name, but yet another address ( same area though ) so if any of you have a bone to pick with Kyriakos over missing GC's.......... you can reach them via eBay....
    Insane, tink30 and mckbutterfly like this.
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  14. #74
    Canadian Guru hollyquaiscer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Insane View Post
    Anyone remember those I think they were smartsource machines where you took the coupon out and there was a delay before a new one popped out? Makes it difficult to take 20 or more coupons when there is a 10second delay before you can grab another coupon. Maybe they need to do that with all store coupons.

    I laughed at my dd, one day we were in a store and one of those machines spit a coupon across the aisle at her. She couldn't believe it, and she was pissed cause it wasn't even a coupon for something she used
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  15. #75
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    The Kyriakos=Ebay thing came to light a few months ago when she was first banned on the Negative Trade Experience thread. Sally and most, if not all, the people who were scammed know she was selling their coupons. I didn't post her Ebay ID outright back then, because I didn't know if it would be removed or not... She stopped selling for a while when all this came out, but she's been back for a few months now. Hopefully, this time around it's not coupons she took from others without sending them their GCs.

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