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Thread: who is taking all the tear pads??????

  1. #106
    Roman Empress salady's Avatar
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    Sigh. If people would STOP buying coupons off ebay, then we would still see them on tear pads!!
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  2. #107
    Canadian Genius wolfwoman's Avatar
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    I can see how people can be driven to buy coupons if they can't find them and they can't find them because they are buying them. Sigh, It's a never-ending circle.

  3. #108
    Canadian Genius Insane's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by salady View Post
    Sigh. If people would STOP buying coupons off ebay, then we would still see them on tear pads!!
    Or people would just trade for outrageous amounts. I don't see the buying as the's the taking of so many tear pads that creates the problem.
    MiaowTheCat likes this.
    You just proved Signature Advertising works!

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  4. #109
    Roman Empress salady's Avatar
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    Right, well there is no way to control people taking 1 coupon vs taking 1000. I suppose the only safe way is to start keeping them behind the cash counter then. That'll solve the problem.
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  5. #110
    ♥~♥ ex0ticb3lla's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JennyFromTheRock View Post
    Well, for point #2 that you made, on s single trip for someone taking whole pads of coupons, they can get 50 - 100 of each coupon in 1 trip. If there are 5 diferent ones ( lets say 50 of each ) thats 250 coupons in less than an hour. Usually they sell in lots of 10 or 20. So lets say using lots of 15 to stay in the middle. Even if they are selling the lots for $1 - $2 ( most say plus $1 for shipping which more than covers shipping and the ebay fees ) the person still ends up with nearly $20 profit for just that 1 trip. So lets say the trip to the store to swipe the tear pads takes a half hour, then the listing takes another half, they are still making $20 profit. Just by stealing tear pads. Thats not even taking into account that some of the coupons sell for much higher ( think Nexxus, Astro Original, Catelli, Lactania cream ) If they do that every day ( some sellers had hundreds of listings ) they are making $240 tax free money a week ( again that doesn't take into account the higher netting "good" coupons I mentioned ) . So I guess selling their souls are worth it to them.
    ya that's not even including the $11.99 for 20 nexxus coupons they're selling LOL what a joke.
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  6. #111
    Smart Canuck sharkie's Avatar
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    that is terrible....

  7. #112
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    Quote Originally Posted by JennyFromTheRock View Post
    Many people were recently ripped off by Kyriakos for GC's..... turns out he / she is now selling on ebay. As soon as I saw the envelope I knew, they are using the same return address labels as before, with the same name, but yet another address ( same area though ) so if any of you have a bone to pick with Kyriakos over missing GC's.......... you can reach them via eBay....

    I like this line in her ebay listing:

    I want to give you the best value for your money!

    Then leave the coupons in the stores.

  8. #113
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    Quote Originally Posted by renegado View Post
    I like this line in her ebay listing:
    I want to give you the best value for your money!

    Then leave the coupons in the stores.
    You got that right about leaving coupons in the store.Coupons should cost us $0.00.
    amandalee76 likes this.

  9. #114
    Super Saver JennyFromTheRock's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by renegado View Post
    I like this line in her ebay listing:
    I want to give you the best value for your money!

    Then leave the coupons in the stores.
    Yeah no kidding right!?!?!?!
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  10. #115
    Canadian Genius anisa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JennyFromTheRock View Post
    So we all had the discussion on people selling coupons on ebay... which is where a lot of coupons from stores are going. I had made a point of buying coupons last week on eBay for the purpose of cross referencing them with traders on here. Turns out........ I BOUGHT coupons from 9 people on here who trade kind of sad.

    On very interesting one came in though. Turns out one that sells HUGE amounts, like HUGE.... 5 or 6 lots of 10+ of basically every popular coupon ( I bought 14 for Any astro ) and she had about 5 other listings for the same set... turned out to be a Smart Canuck gone bad. Many people were recently ripped off by Kyriakos for GC's..... turns out he / she is now selling on ebay. As soon as I saw the envelope I knew, they are using the same return address labels as before, with the same name, but yet another address ( same area though ) so if any of you have a bone to pick with Kyriakos over missing GC's.......... you can reach them via eBay....
    sometimes you just shake your head at how corrupt minded ppl are. most ppl wouldn't even THINK to pull scams... some ppl are born to steal!

    how sick!

    *ahem* ppl that have ebay accounts could ask the nice ppl at ebay to kindly check the listing to see if there is anything *ahem* fishy going on
    Last edited by anisa; Tue, May 15th, 2012 at 07:04 PM.
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  11. #116
    Roman Empress salady's Avatar
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    Oooh, now this:

    As always, it's not the coupons that I'm selling.
    I'm providing the service of finding and delivering savings to you!

    Yeah, whatever. Why don't you just leave them alone and let me find them myself??
    CouponLover618 likes this.
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  12. #117
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    In my local Safeway, there were oj coupons before and they took them all

  13. #118
    Canadian Genius anisa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by salady View Post
    Oooh, now this:

    As always, it's not the coupons that I'm selling.
    I'm providing the service of finding and delivering savings to you!

    Yeah, whatever. Why don't you just leave them alone and let me find them myself??
    yes well, they all say that.

    if someone strongly suspects that this is stolen product, why not let ebay know. they can then come to their own conclusions.
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  14. #119
    Smart Canuck sharkie's Avatar
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    E-Bay has been aware of this but as long as people say we are paying for their time not the coupons then there is nothing E-Bay will do....
    amandalee76 likes this.

  15. #120
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    Quote Originally Posted by salady View Post

    As always, it's not the coupons that I'm selling.
    I'm providing the service of finding and delivering savings to you!
    If this is true, why is she charging $6.50 for 10 $3 Nexxus coupons but only $3 for 10 $1 Smuckers syrup coupons? It's the same service.

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