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Thread: Gardening Brag And Other Backyard Adventures

  1. #16
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    You can also check kijiji for plants. I found raspberry canes in my city for $1. Lots of people also sell plants that can be seperated like hostas for pretty cheap
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  2. #17
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    Love this thread! Dolarama had seeds 3/$1, also I get a lot of plants from yard sales and church sales.
    I have 3 large compost piles which is awsome for the veggies and as a mulch, and it`s free. Everyone should post pictures of their gardens when they get growing.

  3. #18
    Junior Canuck saradouce's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IMLN View Post
    Awsome idear snuff! I purchassed all my seads from with my superpoints, all FREE! But i hade to pay for earth and composte! If you want some more seeds i have some for you! LOTS of herbs, beens, peas, carottes, ognion, salade, turnip, pepers and hot pepers! Oh ya strawberies to, but they arent growing, the only ones that wont take off
    Strawberries took almost 3 months to grow fully last year. We transplant them in the garden at the end of october, we're now waiting to see if they gonna produce this year!
    Be patient!

  4. #19
    Frosh Canuck bgheuchert's Avatar
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    OOOH! I like this thread. Just a bit of a thought for you guys trying to get a great flower garden on the cheap, when I moved into my first home the yard was TERRIBLE!! I would take walks with my newborn son around the neighbourhood and look for ideas. On more than occasion I would meet a nieghbour who was out working in the yard and they would say hi, I would introduce myself and tell them what I admired about thier yards. All gardeners love to talk about gardening, and usually at some time during the conversation they would offer me plants that they would be thinning out of thier gardens for free because "they hate to see them go to waste". I made and filled two full flower beds in the from of the yard with free perannuals given to me from the kindness of our neighbours. Dozens of varieties. All free!
    flyingdutch likes this. good things come to those who like my page

  5. #20
    Smart Canuck flyingdutch's Avatar
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    awesome brag! I love gardening and am always happy to hear when others are getting started in it to. It's so rewarding to be able to eat something that you helped make using your own hands. And it's a double bonus because it is a great way to save money (both in terms of food and also a relatively cheap hobby). Good luck with all your savings and work. Keep us updated on your progress

  6. #21
    Smart Canuck snuffaluffagus's Avatar
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    I wish I could post that I've gotten tonnes of gardening done already but, that wouldn't be true *sigh*. I've been having difficulties trying to fit garden time with doing double time and nearly 80hrs of work each week for the last few weeks. I managed to finally get yesterday off and edged, weeded, and turned half the garden over. Dh redeemed a portion of his air miles (that he's been collecting for 20 years!) to get me 2x 50$ Botanix gift cards. Today he picked up garden top soil so that I could get my hands dirty after work. Here's what we got in the past week.

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    18x garden top soil 51.28$ - 50$ GC (via Air Miles) = 1.28$

    2x Geraniums
    2x cherry tomato
    2x beefsteak tomato 5.81$ - 5$ CT scratch card = .81$

    Total: 57.09$
    - GC, Scratch Card 55$
    Oop: 2.09$

    Here's what I'm really, really excited about! The two barrels were going to be thrown out at work so I threw them into the back of dh's truck. I'll be turning the brown barrel into a hot composting barrel (they retail for about 100$+) and the black one will most likely be used as a rain barrel/planter. Hopefully I'll get another day off next week so I can finish up with the planting of the vegetable garden and then get started on the compost project.

    Name:  Garden 2012 4.JPG
Views: 699
Size:  31.4 KB
    Last edited by snuffaluffagus; Sat, May 26th, 2012 at 10:17 PM.
    Kitty77, Ceren, 2010ontest and 1 others like this.
    ~RRLF $0.75 Organic Meadow, $1 Almond Fresh~

  7. #22
    one jar at the time 2010ontest's Avatar
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    I like the barrel reuse

    I hope you will have time to do it next week.
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  8. #23
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    Spent the day put down mulch in the front garden and digging up the endless stream of weeds in the back. All was going well until I grabbed a bunch of weeds and a wasp. Ouch!

    Think I will turn some sheep manure into my veggie garden plot tomorrow to get ready to put my veggies in.

    Happy planting!

  9. #24
    Smart Canuck miztia's Avatar
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    I chopped off some stems from my ivy plant last week to root in water so I could put them as fillers in my urns outside. Another week and I should have 6 more plants.
    I also watched some youtube videos about taking cuttings, so I am trying to root some petunia, purple sandcherry shrub, and my favorite rose bush. That should save a few $$ and fill out the garden. Takes about 3-4 weeks to see roots. Hope it works!
    Kitty77 and snuffaluffagus like this.
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  10. #25
    Smart Canuck snuffaluffagus's Avatar
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    I didn't know cuttings could be taken from rose bushes. Cant wait to try that now too!
    ~RRLF $0.75 Organic Meadow, $1 Almond Fresh~

  11. #26
    Smart Canuck Kitty77's Avatar
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    Have enjoyed reading Everyone's posts, some great ideas.
    Grandson's first garden, we had fun planted onions, potatoes, climbing beans, pumpkins. Last fall bought 2 bags of fresh garlic, $2 used all winter and now the bulbs are sprouting in the fridge, so ready to plant. One rhubarb plant has a couple of stalks ready to pick. Have very small yard so a bit of a challenge, have grown tomatoes, cucumbers, beans in pots. Found vegetable seeds at a Thrift store for 10 cents a pack, should still be good, they are last year's seed, but have had luck with seeds more than year old before. It started raining tonight so wonderful as we just planted all these things.

    Happy Gardening!!

  12. #27
    Finding Deals
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    I love great deals on soil & fertilizer. The Loblaws/Super Center sale at the end of June is often great too.

    Just keep watering folks....this is a dry dry dry spring to start new plantings. I feel bad for the plants....cedars are turning orange in May and the ground is cracking in some areas!


  13. #28
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    Love this thread - would love to hear how it goes with those cuttings! Might give this a try too! Would love to see pictures from people for inspiration too. I don't have a huge backyard so trying to fit everything that I want to plant is tricky - there's just to many options I want to try them all!!
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  14. #29
    Smart Canuck Mystic's Avatar
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    Nice Job!
    Join Swagbucks - I've earned $150.00 so far!!
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  15. #30
    Smart Canuck snuffaluffagus's Avatar
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    Have you ever cried over not getting a freebie? Like real tears?

    All Winter long I daydreamed and drew plans of where I would plant trees on our property this Spring. Every time when I thought I couldn't take another dark, cloudy day, my mood brightened when I thought of my trees.

    Our municipality gives to residents 800 trees every Spring. The distribution day was yesterday. I went to work early and totally forgot/missed it . Sigh.
    2010ontest likes this.
    ~RRLF $0.75 Organic Meadow, $1 Almond Fresh~

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