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Thread: $20.84 for ALLLLLLLLLLLLL of this. Thanks to all my SC teachers

  1. #31
    Canadian Guru
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    I like those punchball critters but cant seem to find them at WM. I have seen these in a few brags on here..where did you find them in the toy section? party section?
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  2. #32
    CaLoonie JasmineMcdonald's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by babyluck View Post
    When you're newbie to couponing, its really hard to know which coupon should be used on what product, at least it was hard for me when I started. We are here to help, not to criticise.
    Agree 100%, exactly what I was thinking of saying.
    I've made my fair share of couponing mistakes, not so much anymore but I've been jumped on before so badly by certain SC'ers (not the awesome ones) that I recently stut down my last account and re-joined! Actually, one of my worst was with an SC'er named Ron.. Disclaimer: I'm not alleging that the guy bullying on this thread is that same ron that was banned..
    QuteeLocs and Scorp411 like this.

  3. #33
    IwannasaVe QuteeLocs's Avatar
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    I really really appreciate all the support you are all AMAZING! I was going to remove this post after Ron' comment, but I'm so glad I left it.
    Thanks s Much

    Quote Originally Posted by Scorp411 View Post

    Great Brag!! And I found myself in the same position a couple of times on this site. Once because my Walmart Price matched a Lever soap Coupon zone coupon (I didn't even ask for it-the cashier offered) and once for making the mistake of posting about my total savings including bonus points earned. I no longer post brags, though I would love to... because it seems like some people in here LIVE to criticize and control others to make themselves feel better about what must be very sad little lives.

    I know there are people who misuse coupons intentionally... who clear shelves and try to 'scam' cashiers but generally speaking people who post in this brag section are honest to God couponers who want to save their family money and want to help out their community. I really wish people who feel the need to jump down another's throat would bug off and leave the brags alone. For those who want to make sure you didn't make a "mistake" with a coupon... seems like good manners would dictate sending a private message and allowing you to correct it on this thread yourself, but hey, what do I know... I'm just a newbie myself.

    I'm apologizing in advance for posting this publicly but the naysayers seem to have no compunction about it and I have always posted in a positive manner on this site until now... and I'm tired of coming in the brag section to read something positive and inspiring and finding this kind of stuff going on. I feel for the OP... 'cause I've been there.

    To the people that defended you and me when I posted... You are terrific people!!! And I love all of you for all the help you've given me and mine in saving money and your support!!!
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  4. #34
    IwannasaVe QuteeLocs's Avatar
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    I found them in the Toy section. Look in the area where they have bubbles, water guns, and chalk " )

    Quote Originally Posted by sweetmomma View Post
    I like those punchball critters but cant seem to find them at WM. I have seen these in a few brags on here..where did you find them in the toy section? party section?
    RedEng likes this.

  5. #35
    Smart Canuck bluzsuz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ArmyWifeEdmonton View Post
    Wow! That was rude...
    no kidding eh - I am pretty sure its within SC ettiquette NOT to make posts like that.
    hollyquaiscer and QuteeLocs like this.

  6. #36
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    Nice that you come on here to brag and get attacked. Way to go on a great haul!
    QuteeLocs likes this.

  7. #37
    Canadian Guru hollyquaiscer's Avatar
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    Sigh....I wish people would just be happy for others. We all make mistakes, newbies, veterans, all of us. We are human, not robots. It would be so much nicer if instead of jumping all over someone, we would nicely point out something like .....I think you did a fabulous job with your shopping, just a side note that I think perhaps you made a mistake on the type of milk you grabbed from the shelf, it's suppose to be ...... This easily gets the OP to notice they did in fact make a MISTAKE and to thank the person for advising them for future use with that coupon. No need for short, rude comments. Please people, this is a community as we all are part of it. Treat others with respect, if you can't, maybe it's time to find a new community to play in.

    I hope everyone is enjoying the weekend and has a fabulous Sunday!
    QuteeLocs, Scorp411 and wolfwoman like this.
    We all need a little sunshine every now and then

  8. #38
    IwannasaVe QuteeLocs's Avatar
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    Thank you so much! I really do appreciate all the positivity : )

    Quote Originally Posted by hollyquaiscer View Post
    Sigh....I wish people would just be happy for others. We all make mistakes, newbies, veterans, all of us. We are human, not robots. It would be so much nicer if instead of jumping all over someone, we would nicely point out something like .....I think you did a fabulous job with your shopping, just a side note that I think perhaps you made a mistake on the type of milk you grabbed from the shelf, it's suppose to be ...... This easily gets the OP to notice they did in fact make a MISTAKE and to thank the person for advising them for future use with that coupon. No need for short, rude comments. Please people, this is a community as we all are part of it. Treat others with respect, if you can't, maybe it's time to find a new community to play in.

    I hope everyone is enjoying the weekend and has a fabulous Sunday!

  9. #39
    Canadian Genius wolfwoman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by newfbc View Post
    And another person scams a Walmart cashier... way to go!

    You know what they say about opinions. They are like a**es, in this case it's really true. Ignore the haters( and A**s) and enjoy the savings
    QuteeLocs likes this.

  10. #40
    CaToonie barginbin-barbie's Avatar
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    This is the second brag I have seen where someone has tamed the elusive punch ball critters. Kids must love those things
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  11. #41
    IwannasaVe QuteeLocs's Avatar
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    The first brag you saw was probably mine, LOL I'm collecting them for my sons birthday loot bags.
    They're actually kind of ugly and weird. I hope the kids like them

    Quote Originally Posted by barginbin-barbie View Post
    This is the second brag I have seen where someone has tamed the elusive punch ball critters. Kids must love those things

  12. #42
    Admin Boo Radley's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by newfbc View Post
    And another person scams a Walmart cashier... way to go!


    You've been banned for a week for calling someone a scammer publicly instead of reporting post if you had issue with it and letting the forum moderators deal with it.

  13. #43
    Senior Canuck Marteli's Avatar
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    way to go ! Ithink is a great haul ! .. I think if the misktae is being done without knowing ..well is a MISTAKE ! .. is a mistake on part of the cashier for not READING the coupon and WM for not teaching their cashiers about cooupons handeling !
    QuteeLocs likes this.
    Happy Shopping !!

  14. #44
    Smart Canuck peterman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ArmyWifeEdmonton View Post
    Wow! That was rude...
    Last edited by peterman; Thu, May 3rd, 2012 at 09:10 AM.
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  15. #45
    Smart Canuck Valerey's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by newfbc
    And another person scams a Walmart cashier... way to go!


    You've been banned for a week for calling someone a scammer publicly instead of reporting post if you had issue with it and letting the forum moderators deal with it.

    • Which is exactly why most people (like me) never post their brags.
      Sad really.

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