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Wed, May 9th, 2012, 12:43 AM #31
Don't blame the stockboy. He's really not getting anything out of taking down the sign, the bosses probably told him to do that. It doesn't benefit him at all.
I had some crap pulled on me at safeway over advil. The girl looks at me and goes oh, it's an old sign. And I just about blurted out "And...?" because seriously wtf. Who cares, you guys left it up. That is your bad and it doesn't matter if there's an expiry on it, that isn't even the customer's responsibility. It's a displayed price.
Where I work, if an employee is taking a sign down when a price check is called for, it's because they're bringing the expired sign to us to use as a confirmation and then to get rid of, or if it's a current sign, to give to the people who handle pricing to fix the error.
I think I've spoiled myself working where I do. We treat customers with the utmost honesty, respect and integrity, and I kind of expect to be treated the same when I go elsewhere. We don't BS people, and I expect the same and unfortunately don't get it most places.
Wed, May 9th, 2012, 04:57 AM #32
The stockboy/girl may not be getting anything out of taking down the sign, but that doesn't make him/her immune from any blame. There is a point where ethics come into play, in any job, regardless of position. SCOP is a voluntary policy that if the store agrees to implement, must be followed. Of course no store owner/manager/employee wants to give away free product, but that doesn't excuse using shady tricks to avoid responsibility.
I doubt an issue of SCOP ever gets this far (which is probably a part of the problem), but failure to resolve a dispute "may be referred to a designated arbitrator on a cost recovery basis," which indicates that it's not something to be taken lightly.
I would hope that an employee of an organization would do the right thing. Obviously, in today's economy, most people are thankful to be employed, period. But there has to be a point where ethics come into play. The fact that we're seeing morals and ethics being cast aside is why this thread exists and so many people can say they've witnessed this. It's a sad reality of the marketplace today.
But that doesn't excuse anyone from blame, not even the stockboy/girl.Last edited by Aimz; Wed, May 9th, 2012 at 05:01 AM.
[*A I M Z*]
Wed, May 9th, 2012, 05:05 AM #33
Of the few times I have had a scop at the no frills here in Timmins. Once the cashier ran to check and came back and said yes you're right. The other couple of times didn't even check, just said oh ok, then the first ones time she even gave me 2 for free. Being the person I am said isn't first one free(just finished work at 7am, gotta learn to shut up,lol) and she said nah its fine I'll do both..
Wed, May 9th, 2012, 04:15 PM #34
ive had this happen at zehrs... they had a 20 pack +bonus 10 pack of claritin on for $10 and i had a 2.50 came up the wrong price and the cashier got someone to check and they came back and said it was the one beside it...well i went to the shelf after checking out and the sign was now missing...
RRLF Kellogg's pins for free breakfast (BONUS 50 points for joining!!!)
Wed, May 9th, 2012, 07:01 PM #35
My local Giant Tigar is a place that you reallyyyyyyy have to read the price signs. They situate BV brand product sale tags in such a way that you will accidently pick up something brand name instead of the actual sale item. I had this happen to me twice before I noticed their methods.
Some I have noticed:
E.D Smith jam - Sale price $1.50 (but at a closer look the tag states BV Jam - sale $1.50.
Heinz Ketchup - Sale price $2.50 (But at a closer look the tag states BV Ketchup - Sale $2.50.
all Bicks pickles - Sale price $2.99 (but at a closer look the tag states BV pickles - Sale $2.99
Those are just a couple examples I have seen.
They will not honer the price because of mis-situated tags -
But Giant tiger is the only place I have encountered yet that does not honer mistakes.
My WM, RCSS, LD (except that you can only stack weekdays before 1pm and wednesday nights - have wondered if legal), No frills is my fav place because I always always always get a SCOP! Last time I got a free Old spice figi deodorant (scanned threw at $5.99), the time before I got a free salad dressing! etc; of course I have a massive SCOP list for NF!I've set up 3 trains.Still loading. If you are interested,links are on my userpage.
No, this isn't your coffee, I had a two for one coupon!
Thu, May 10th, 2012, 04:39 AM #36
That's very easy to say. But if you were in the place of the stockboy making minimum wage you might also find it hard not to follow your bosses orders. No matter how much you might disagree or think it un-ethical. Not saying the stockboy doesn't know what's going on, but most likely just following orders, doing his shi*ty low paying job and go home.
Last edited by cabmonk; Thu, May 10th, 2012 at 04:52 AM.
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