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Thread: The Truth About Coupon Stealing

  1. #46
    Smart Canuck sharkie's Avatar
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    well said....thank you.....i just posted the petition......

  2. #47
    Smart Canuck K8's Fate's Avatar
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    Troll alert! In this thread...not the op.

    I love our hard working mods! No more troll
    That was fast!
    Last edited by K8's Fate; Tue, May 1st, 2012 at 05:30 PM. Reason: Add comment/update
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  3. #48
    Smart Canuck sharkie's Avatar
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  4. #49
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    Isnt trading a gc for coupons the same thing as buying a coupon? Your still trading monetary value for coupons. Does it matter if you paid for your coupons with a gc or a paypal account. I just dont see why we cant just trade. I have a coupon I dont need or use and you have a coupon you dont need, that I would like.

  5. #50
    Smart Canuck glowworm2k's Avatar
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    So very true! I think that for some people, coupons have become less about saving and more about trying to make a dollar (whether legitimate or not).

    I have pretty much gotten out of couponing. I found that if I actually put a dollar value on my time (which I get used to doing as a self-employed person), I was losing instead of gaining on couponing, especially when I factored in postage costs. There are less than 10 products that I regularly buy that I use coupons for (we tend to try to live minimalistically (sp?) and don't normally eat anything that comes in a box), so I've decided that if I happen to find coupons I will use, it's a bonus and if not, well, someone else can have the savings - I'll just keep watching the flyers to get good sales and not worry.
    lekate and anastasia1009 like this.

  6. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by K8's Fate View Post
    Troll alert! In this thread...not the op.

    I love our hard working mods! No more troll
    That was fast!
    Was that the one targeted at me?

  7. #52
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    Years ago when I first started couponing , I got all these coupons I wouldnt use and thought there must be someone who needs them. So i googled and found smartcanucks. Boy things have changed from when I first started

  8. #53
    Smart Canuck K8's Fate's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by K8's Fate View Post
    Troll alert! In this thread...not the op.

    I love our hard working mods! No more troll
    That was fast!
    Quote Originally Posted by couponmummy View Post
    Was that the one targeted at me?
    No. I hope you're not a
    I didn't even see you post in this thread.
    This troll was just been banned by the mods. So their posts may not show up anymore (unless they're in quotes...).
    Last edited by K8's Fate; Tue, May 1st, 2012 at 05:49 PM.
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  9. #54
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    There was a post targeted at me in another thread and then deleted, and I believe this poster posted in this thread so I thought the two were related.

    How do you say half price another way?
    Last edited by couponmummy; Tue, May 1st, 2012 at 05:59 PM.
    Jezebel and K8's Fate like this.

  10. #55
    Smart Canuck sharkie's Avatar
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  11. #56
    Clearance Junkie Ami1984's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tammytee View Post
    It is illegal for people to "sell" coupons, but since they state that they are only charging for shipping, I guess it kind of slides under the radar. E-Bay should ban the selling of them, I am totally dissapointed in EBay for allowing this to happen. I think EBay should also get charged for this since they are allowing this to happen on their site
    If people continue to purchase coupons on sites like Ebay, than the rest of us do suffer!
    I also don't agree with some people on here asking for an outstanding amount of stamps for coupons. Really, I can see asking for the ones to cover the postage and one or two extra, but to ask for 10,and so on is a bit to far fetched. In around of about way I see that as selling too.

    Just my personal opinions
    I agree with you about trading coupons for stamps and GC, it is considered selling because stamps are considered legal tender, and GC well it is money.

    People selling coupons on e-bay is terrible to me, I personally would never do it and agree that is people just stopped buying then it wouldn't happen, but unfortunately the people that buy them see nothing wrong with it, they don't see it has oh these people are the ones stealing all the tear pads, they just look at it like sweet I finally got my hands on some. That is just my opinion

  12. #57
    Smart Canuck snuffaluffagus's Avatar
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    I'm not sure if I should be offended with some of the comments made in this thread . While I don't buy nor sell coupons on ebay, nor take ridiculous amounts of coupons from tear pads, I do trade for GCs. For every trade (mainly FPCs), I RAOK perhaps 15-20 times. And when I do trade, the value of GC is often less than 20% value of FPCs and even less of a percentage when trading for coupons. There are few coupons I'm looking for and not many folk, if any, have them to trade. What's wrong exactly with trading for a GC that I can use towards the purchase of something my family needs? That would be morally wrong on my part to ask for a measly 5$ GC in exchange for 35-40$ of free products? I don't make money on my trades and I'm sure many other valuable SC members don't profit from trading for GCs either.

    In addition, I'm a store manager and frequently use coupons to purchase dish soap, all-purpose cleaners, toilet paper, paper towels, etc. to help keep operating costs down all the while keeping employees' salaries stable and/or increasing, especially during the slower months so I don't have to cut hours. And yes, if I've bought 6 cases of gingerale with a 1.50$ coupons on them, I'm certainly going to use them towards the next 6 cases. What else am I supposed to do with them? Throw them out?
    ~RRLF $0.75 Organic Meadow, $1 Almond Fresh~

  13. #58
    Great Dane Mommy tammytee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by snuffaluffagus View Post
    I'm not sure if I should be offended with some of the comments made in this thread . While I don't buy nor sell coupons on ebay, nor take ridiculous amounts of coupons from tear pads, I do trade for GCs. For every trade (mainly FPCs), I RAOK perhaps 15-20 times. And when I do trade, the value of GC is often less than 20% value of FPCs and even less of a percentage when trading for coupons. There are few coupons I'm looking for and not many folk, if any, have them to trade. What's wrong exactly with trading for a GC that I can use towards the purchase of something my family needs? That would be morally wrong on my part to ask for a measly 5$ GC in exchange for 35-40$ of free products? I don't make money on my trades and I'm sure many other valuable SC members don't profit from trading for GCs either.

    In addition, I'm a store manager and frequently use coupons to purchase dish soap, all-purpose cleaners, toilet paper, paper towels, etc. to help keep operating costs down all the while keeping employees' salaries stable and/or increasing, especially during the slower months so I don't have to cut hours. And yes, if I've bought 6 cases of gingerale with a 1.50$ coupons on them, I'm certainly going to use them towards the next 6 cases. What else am I supposed to do with them? Throw them out?
    I am glad that you would use the Ginger Ale coupons to purchase more! I don't see anything wrong with that!
    You use coupons to keep a store in operation, and supply stock for that store? Wow I bet the owners love you, supplying stock for their store at no cost to them! Pure profit with no over head.

  14. #59
    Sith Lady and Cool Kid Darth Penguin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sharkie View Post
    t.roll poster was named 50pc or something similar.

    Short answer : no Long answer : NOOOOOOOOOOO!

    Welcome to the Penguinocracy..One Penguin, One vote..I am The Penguin..I have the One Vote

  15. #60
    Mastermind Shwa Girl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sharkie View Post
    ...She will probably not even end up with a criminal record...This has been happening everywhere and the criminal justice system does not take it seriously.....
    Sometimes the stores do prosecute. When I was a cashier, the loss prevention guys and gals did take it seriously. They knew who were the repeat offenders and did help the police to prosecute. They wanted the other shoppers to see that our store was being protected.

    Saturdays was a bad day -- the guilty thought they could be lost in the crowd. What they did not know was that some in the crowd were loss prevention guys and gals dressed like everyday folk.

    I don't know why they try -- cameras are everywhere. And some are not easy to spot.

    Thanks for your thread OP.

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