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Thread: Coyote's lotto max #4 - Heading Home May 14th

  1. #1
    Canadian Guru coyote00's Avatar
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    May 2011
    Winnipeg, Manitoba
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    456 (100%)

    Expired on: Sun, Jul 1st, 2012

    Name:  LOTTERYPIC.jpg
Views: 1223
Size:  18.3 KB


    Seven riders plus myself

    Trade Rating 25+

    Request your seat in the thread and PM me your w/l and addy as soon as possible

    Sending 3 coupons per rider

    Not enough coupons? 1 postage stamp = 1/2 coupons

    Expiry: June 30th or later

    Mail Date: MAY 7th or before

    Wishlists: Must have 35 items before FPC's

    Indicate preference for printed, inserts, stacking, T4T, printables, duplicates, store specific, ect. You MUST be willing to accept online coupons. Failure to note these will result in riders assuming yes to all.

    BP = 4 postage stamps & 3 extra w/l coupons (on addition to the 3 required)

    Any deviations must be in written agreement between yourself and the other rider. This agreement must be sent to me prior to mailing your envie.

    The conductor is not responsible for lost, damaged envies or riders who do not follow the rules.

    Each rider will choose one number that will be part or the 7 numbers that will be on our Lotto Max tickets. So, no duplicate numbers are allowed.

    You can pick your number and please post it in the thread when you request a seat. I am not choosing a number but will have an equal share in all prizes won.

    I will purchase 2 tickets for the first Friday draw after the train fills and our set of numbers will be one of the sets on the ticket. I will scan our ticket so that you can all see the numbers and will post them in the thread. I will also write all of our names on the back of the ticket prior to the draw and will send you a scan of this via PM as I don't want to post real names in the thread. I will require everyone's real name for this. If you have a problem with your fellow riders knowing your real name I would have to suggest that you don't join as I can't get around it.

    Any wins over 39 dollars will be shared equally amongst us all (I will send you your share) . Any wins under will be used to procure additional lotto max tickets for the next draw (again one set will be the original numbers we chose and the others will be quick picks and bonus numbers).

    Same rules apply, I will scan tickets and sign them with all our names and post them. Wins over 39 dollars again will be divied up and sent to you (even if the train has already been sent home to you). Same process will repeat itself until we have insufficient funds or we win over 39 dollars. If we are lucky hopefully we can continue playing. If our pot goes down under $5.00 which is the minimum cost for a ticket in the first draw I will purchase 1 additional ticket for the following Friday again using our chosen numbers. Same process will be followed as in the first draw. If we do not win a min of $5.00 for this draw that will be the conclusion to our lotto play and I will keep any monies under $4.00 left in the pot.

    Hopefully Group Karma will bring Lady Luck our way!

    (2) Mailed May 6th Received May 11th
    2. JODY22002
    (11) Mailed May 3rd Received May 10th
    3. CARLA54321
    (30) Mailed May 7th Received May 10th
    (48) Mailed May 5th Received May 11th
    (14) Mailed May 7th Received May 11th
    (17) Mailed May 7th Received May 10th
    7. JENP
    (26) Mailed May 7th Received May 9th
    This thread is currently associated with: Via Rail
    Last edited by coyote00; Thu, May 31st, 2012 at 11:43 PM.

  2. #2
    Canadian Guru coyote00's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Winnipeg, Manitoba
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    456 (100%)

    Lotto Info

    Our Numbers:
    Name:  LOTTO Train 4 May 4.jpg
Views: 1179
Size:  21.3 KB

    Last edited by coyote00; Fri, May 11th, 2012 at 05:30 PM.

  3. #3
    Canadian Guru coyote00's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Winnipeg, Manitoba
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    Trading Score
    456 (100%)


    Websaver/Brandsaver/ – yes
    Toonies for Tummies, French, printables – no
    Store Specific – only SDM please

    Count as all 3
    Kellogg's Share Your Breakfast promo codes (for bananas, Tetley, Eggos, Activa etc)
    Kellogg's Love Your Cereal promo codes (for Mini Wheats, Rice Krispies, Cinnamon Pops)
    FPC- 6 X 710ml diet Pepsi- RRRRLF
    FPC Arctic Gardens
    FPC Dove
    FPC Cavendish Fries
    FPC Eggos
    FPC Healthy Choice Steamers
    FPC Kettle Chips
    FPC any laundry detergent/dryer sheets
    FPC Oasis
    FPC Olivieri pasta/sauce
    FPC Tampax/Playtex tampons- RRLF
    FPC Stouffer’s Saute Sensations/Single Serve entree or Stouffer's Bistro product (not only Bistro Sliders)
    FPC Sunlight laundry
    ** any FPC for anything on my wishlist
    $5 Prime Marinated Boneless Skinless Breasts/Seasoned Flattened Chicken/Boneless Skinless Breasts or Prime Portions- RRLF
    $5 Chapmans -RRLF
    $3 J&J call in- Aveeno/Neutrogena (2013 exp only please)
    J & J replacement

    Count as 2
    Roll Up The Rim- free coffee
    BOGO Amooza Twists
    BOGO Arctic Gardens veggies
    BOGO VH Steamers
    BOGO Healthy Choice Steamers
    VH Steamers $1.50 only from Shoppers Voice, have lots of $1 & $1 WUB2
    Colgate-Palmolive $1
    $2 Royale- must be good on any Royale product
    Fresh Express salad $1
    Fresh fruit $2 WUB 2 Hunts Snack Packs
    Softlips $2

    Count as 1
    $.75 any fresh produce- from Ziploc boxes
    $.75 any block cheese- from Ziploc boxes
    $1.50 any fresh chicken product- from Ziploc boxes
    Allens apple juice $.75 on 1.89L
    Always pads (not Infinity) $1+
    Amooza twists $1 (from not tearpad)
    Arctic Gardens stir fry, frozen veggies or rice $1 or $2
    Arthur's Smoothies $1
    Astro $1 off any Astro product (good on Original & Biobest & Zero, not the Bio Best Smoothie only)
    Black Diamond cheese $.75
    Campbells- $.50 any Campbell's product (good on soup, goldfish or V8)
    Campbells Chunky Soup $.50
    Catelli pasta $.75 off any
    Catelli Smart pasta $1
    Chapmans ice cream/frozen yogurt
    Cheerios (not chocolate)
    Cheese- shredded or blocks $1+ (Black Diamond, Kraft, Armstrong, Cracker Barrel)
    Classico pasta sauce
    Clorox wipes
    Colgate Total- no size restriction
    Cottonelle $2
    Crystal Light (good on singles)
    Dairy Milk 100g bars $.50
    Diana Sauces or Marinades (not gravy) $1
    Diet Pepsi- RRLF
    Dole Salad
    Dove soap $ 1.50 off 4 X 90g pack
    Driscoll’s berries $1- RRLF
    English muffins
    Europe’s Best frozen fruits or veggies $1
    Gain laundry detergent $3 WUB2
    General Mills cereal $1 good on any (red peelie)
    Goldfish crackers (NOT grahams) $.75
    Hunts Snack Packs $1
    Interntional Delight (not Cafe Inspirations)
    Janes $2 (not $1)
    Jello $1 off any refrigerated pudding, gel or mousse snacks
    Jergens Natural Glow daily moisturizer $2
    Johnsonville Italian sausage $1
    Kellogg's $2 good on any (red peelie)
    Kettle Chips $1
    Kraft Shredded cheese $1
    Lactantia cream 500ml or 1L $.75 (not lactose free)
    Lean Cuisine
    Lysol wipes
    Maple Leaf Natural Selections deli meat $1
    Maple Leaf BBQ (Top Dogs, hot dogs, Dempters/Ben's buns) $1 WUB 2 websaver
    Marc Angelo $1+
    Marzetti Greek or Ranch Veggie Dip $.75-RRLF
    Maxx cat litter
    Minute Maid juice (not frozen)
    Minute Rice
    Nutrigrain bars $2
    Oasis- juice boxes $1/ jugs $1.50/cartons $1.25- not NutriSource please
    Old Dutch chips $1
    Olivieri garlic bread
    Oral B Pro Health manual toothbrush $1
    Pam $2 WUB1
    Pepperidge Farms Goldfish crackers (not grahams)
    Philly cream cheese/dips (not Dill)
    Playtex tampons $2 peelie
    Purex laundry detergent- liquid, new crystals, new ultrapacks
    Renee’s Gourmet product $1
    Skippy Natural or any Skippy $.75
    Smuckers sundae syrup $1
    Special K fruit crisps $1
    Sponge Towels 6 roll packs $3 WUB 2
    SummerFresh dips $1
    Sun Rise Soy Foods- Stir Fry "Tofu n Sauce" $1
    Tampax tampons $1+
    Tetley Tea $1- must be good for Orange Pekoe
    Thai Kitchen $1
    Thinsations cookies/bars
    Tide $3WUB2- from Duracell packages
    Uncle Ben's "Rice & Sauce" $.50- not Bistro Express
    Venus razor $3 off any (not WUB)
    Welch’s fruit snacks
    Ziploc (baggies or containers) $2 WUB 2 or $1 WUB 1


    Store Specific:N

    Counts as all Coupons:

    FPC Sunny D
    FPC Oasis Juice or Smoothie
    FPC Timothy's
    FPC Cereal
    FPC Silk
    FPC Eggos
    FPC Glade Expressions
    FPC Hair Dye
    BOGO Snuggle
    Any FPC
    5.00 Mapleleaf Prime Chicken
    FPC Veggies wub Hamburger Helper
    3.00 Beef wub Hamburger Helper
    2.00 wub2 Eggs
    Any 2.00+ Call In

    Counts as two coupons:

    Any .50+ Call In
    5.00 wub3 Garnier
    3.00 Nexxus
    5.00 wub3 Gillette
    1.50 Chicken(Ziploc Box)
    .75 Produce(Ziploc Box)
    .75 Cheese(Ziploc Box)
    2.00 Clubhouse Marinade(Ziploc Box)
    BOGO Dempster's
    BOGO Vh Steamers
    BOGO Artic Gardens
    BOGO Mountain Dew(Pepsi Box)
    BOGO Oliveri
    BOGO Smart Ones
    .75 Lactania Cream(NOT Lactose free)- RLF
    2.00 Pam
    2.00 off meat wub Pam
    2.00 Olymel Peelie
    2.00 Highliner(good on any - not specific)
    Free Apples wub2 Nutrigrain, etc
    FPC Coke wub Old El Paso
    2.00 Melitta Coffee-RLF
    .50 Old El Paso Peelie
    .55 Reser's Peelie
    2.00 Purina Dry Cat Food Peelie
    1.50 Canada Dry

    .75 Catelli Tearpad
    1.00 Fresh Express Salad
    1.00 Earthbound Farms(RLF)
    1.00 General Mills Peelie
    1.00 Johnsonville(not 5 cheese)
    1.00 Marc Angelo
    .75 Cream of Wheat
    4.00 Van Houtte Peelie
    3.00 Van Houtte Peelie
    3.00 Venus(Feb 28/13)
    3.00 Febreeze Home Collection(Feb 28/13)
    5.00 Kids Advil

    Counts as 1:

    1.00 wub any Gaylea, Nordica, or Lacteeze product
    1.00 Pam
    1.00 Nestea(good on singles)
    1.00 Oasis Juice Boxes
    1.00 Graves or Rougement
    .50 Oasis(good on 960ml)
    1.25/1.50 Oasis
    2.00 Olive Oil
    .75 Keebler Ice Cream Cones
    3.00 wub2 Hagaan Daz
    .75 Keebler Pie Crusts
    .35 Duncan Hines Cake Mix
    .75 Lil Ones Yogurt
    .75 Danone
    1.00 Astro Original
    1.00 Astro(good on 650g tubs)
    1.00 Danino
    1.00 Kraft Slices
    .75 Black Diamond(good on block or slices)
    2.00 Becel Pro-Active
    .75 Lactania Butter
    .75 Thinsations
    .75 General Mills Product(
    1.00 wub2 Mott's Fruitsations
    1.00 wub2 Refrigerated Jello
    1.00 wub3 Jello Powder
    .30 Del Monte Portable Fruit
    1.00 Del Monte Perfection
    1.00 Peek Freans
    1.00 Old El Paso Tortillas(websaver)
    .50 Bush's Baked Beans
    Hunt's Pasta Sauce/paste/tomato Sauce
    Alymer's Tomatoes(not Accents)
    .50 Canadian Club BBQ Sauce
    .30 KD Cups
    1.00 Catelli Smart(gocoupons)
    1.00 Oliveri
    1.00 Kraft Parmesaen Cheese
    2.00 wub2 Smartfood Popcorn
    1.00 Swanson Skillet Meals
    1.00 Olymel Ham
    1.00 Olymel Bacon
    Olymel Weiners
    1.00 May Family Farms
    1.00 wub2 Top Dogs, etc
    1.00 Dempster's Bagels
    Dempster's Hamburger or Hot Dog Buns
    .75 Villagio
    .75 D'italiano
    1.00 Nutrigrain bars
    Special K Crackers
    2.00 Kashi Crackers
    .75 wub2 Christie Crackers
    1.00 off fruit wub toblerone
    1.00 Dole Salad
    1.00 Artic Gardens
    1.00 wub2 eggs
    .75 ED Smith Jam
    1.00 wub3 ED Smith Pie Filling
    .75 Smuckers
    .75 Skippy
    Dr Oetker Pie Filling
    2.00 Carnation Instant Breakfast
    1.00 wub4 campbell's
    .50 Campbell's Broth
    .50 Campbell's Chunky
    .50 Campbell's(good on a variety of products)
    .50 Goldfish
    .75 Del Monte Fruit Snacks
    1.00 any Gravol Product
    1.00 Hawaiian Tropic
    3.50 Dog Chow(
    2.00 Benefull Dry
    1.00 Beneful Wet
    Live Clean
    2.00 L'Oreal Hair Expertise
    2.00 la Coupe
    .75 GUM
    1.00 Playtex(no inserts)
    5.00 wub2 John Frieda
    2.00 wub3 Maybeline Nail Polish
    .75 Scotties
    Scope(no inserts)
    Purex Toilet paper
    1.00 Sunlight Power Packs
    4.00 L'Oreal Excellence

    **I'm not concerned with the specific dates on my WL. They are just for my reference**

    Websaver/Brandsaver/ – yes
    Toonies for Tummies – no
    French – no
    Can you stack – no
    Store Specific – no

    FPC (counts for all coupons)
    Advil, $5 children’s
    Any FPC (pm me about because I will probably accept)
    Tide, $3 (not wub)

    Counts as 2
    Beneful dry dog food
    Beneful wet, B1G1
    Driscoll berries
    Resolve, $2, (Smart Source)
    $2.50+ Pampers (not wub, has to be good on any kind of diapers – not just cruisers)

    Counts as 1
    All bran bars, $1+
    Astro Zer0
    Aunt Jemima – syrup or pancakes (does this exist)
    Black Diamond Cheese, block cheese (not sarg shredded please)
    Black Diamond Cheese, cheese slices
    Black diamond Cheese, $.75 cheesestrings, Dec 31, 2012
    Blue Diamond Almonds
    Catelli pasta (not smart)
    Christie Crackers, $.75 WUB 2
    Clif Bar, $1 WUB 2, Mar 31, 2013
    Clubhouse Seasonings B1G1
    Cracker Barrel Cheese
    Dairyland, Lil’L ones yogurt (not cool ones), Oct 31, 2012
    Dempsters Bagels, $1
    Dempster, hamburger and hot dog buns, Oct 31, 2012
    Eggos, $1
    Eggs, $1 WUB 2, (real eggs with shells)
    Enfamil A+, $5, good on yellow tubs
    Europes Best (not potatoes please)
    Generil Mills, $0.75 on selected varieties
    Gerber jar baby food
    Green Giant Vegetables, frozen
    Green Works, not laundry
    Healthy Choice Steamers
    Heinz beans
    Heinz baby food, jars
    Heinz baby cereal
    Jello, Save $1 WUB 3 - Dec 31, 2012
    Kellogg’s cinnamon pops, $0.75+
    Kellogg’s mini-wheats
    Kellogg’s nutrigrain bars, $1+
    Kellogg’s rice krispie squares
    Kraft Cheese Whiz (not jalapeno)
    Kraft Peanut Butter
    Kraft Cheese Slices
    Lean Cuisine
    Majesta, $2
    Maxx Scoop Cat Litter
    Minigo Yogurt, $.75+
    Minute Maid juice
    MiO Liquid Water Enhancer, $1, Dec 31, 2012
    Nature Valley, not value size please
    Nestle baby cereal
    Old El Paso Kit, Save $.50, Jul 31, 2012
    Orville Redenbacher popcorn
    Palmalive Dish Soap, $1, Oct 31, 2012 (redplum)
    Pampers wipes $1+ (not WUB)
    Pampers GTG points, from diapers
    Post Alphabits
    Post Shreddies
    Premium plus soda crackers
    Primo pizza sauce
    Primo soup
    Quaker Chewy or DIPPS granola bars
    Shout spray & wash
    SnackPack pudding
    Summer Fresh, $1
    Sunrype juice
    Thinsastions (
    Tide, Save $2
    Triscuit, Rice Thin, Wheat Thins, Ritz Munchables, $0.75, Dec 31, 2012
    Vim, $1, Dec 31, 2012 (redplum)
    Weight watcher smart ones (not soup)
    Ziploc, B2 save $2
    Canadian Tire money - $0.50 = 1 coupon
    Any fresh fruit or vegetables, not WUB V8
    $0.75 off cheese (from Ziploc)
    $1.50 off fresh chicken (from Ziploc)
    $0.75 off any fresh produce (from Ziploc)
    Co-op Marketplace stickers

    Printed / Inserts / Online / Stacking - YES if it is on my wishlist
    T4T - NO as I don't live where they are accepted
    French - Ask first please but most likely YES
    Duplicate - YES of course
    Store Specific - NO please

    ***I have some coupons that I have listed with a specific UPC because I am only looking for that specific UPC to stack - please dbl check in case you have a coupon I may not have***

    Counts as ALL coupons
    FPC’S *will gladly accept any FPC for any item on my wishlist*
    Natrel Baboo (hoping this will help my little guy off the breast lol) - RRRRLF
    Stouffers (bistro, sliders, entrees, sauté sensations)
    Dempsters Bagels
    Cottonelle Toilet Paper
    Coke or Pepsi or B1G1
    J&J Replacement Product
    Pampers or Huggies Diapers / Pants
    Pampers or Huggies Wipes
    Oasis Child promo from G.M cereal (classic/fruits/fruitszoo)
    Philadelphia Cooking Cream
    SC Johnson
    Starbucks (drink)
    Kelloggs/General Mills cereals
    Cineplex Snacks (Old El Paso boxes)
    Aero Bubbles
    Orville Redenbacker Flavour Shaker
    Healthy Choice Steamers
    Kellogg’s Eggos or Pancakes
    FPC Kellogg’s Corn Pops or Mini Wheats
    Kit Kat – 43812530 – Energizer Battery Packs
    Oasis 1.75L – 76143700 – General Mills Cereal Boxes
    Clairol Perfect 10 Hair Coloring – 63762613
    John Frieda Hair Coloring - 40015066
    Quaker Maple Brown Sugar Oatmeal – 15106331
    Sunlight Laundry Detergent – 72613590
    Sweet Baby Ray’s BBQ Sauce - 53100203
    Sunny D – 5070663
    Dr.Oetker Mug Cake – 88623245
    Huggies Mega Pack Diapers – 49103319
    Quaker Chewy or Dipps granola bars - 15105149
    Free 2L wub Old El Paso
    Smarties Eggs or Bag –
    Arctic Gardens – 49700523
    Dove any product – 89288117
    Tetley Tea – 08116840

    KELLOGG'S PINS – Breakfast Wave 1 and now 2
    - Silk True Almond® or Silk® Soy Beverage (946ml or 1.89L) upto a $4.99 value.
    - Danone Activia® Plain Yogurt tub (650g) up to a $3.99 value.
    - Free Tetley® Perk™ (72 count) or Tetley® Green Tea (24 count) up to a$5.99 value.
    - Eggo* Waffles (8 count) up to a $3.49 value.
    - V8 V-Fusion® Light or Regular (1.36L) up to a value of $4.00.
    - Bananas (2 lb) up to a $1.69 value.
    - Danone Coolision Yogurt

    KELLOGG”S PINS – Love your cereal promo (1pin counts as ALL)
    - Kellogg's* Mini-Wheats Little Bites* Original cereal or Kellogg's* Mini-Wheats Little Bites* Cocoa cereal (445g).
    - Kellogg's* Cinnamon Pops* cereal (340g).
    - Kellogg's* Mini-Wheats* Centres cereal (510g).

    Any *CALL IN MFG Coupons* for the companies listed below $1+ –
    Protor & Gamble (Pampers/Charmin) / Kimberly Clarke (Huggies/Cottonelle) / Johnson & Johnson / Colgate-Palmolive / Campbell’s / Playtex / NUK / Pepsi-Co / Quaker / SC Johnson / Weston Bakeries / Coca-Cola or Pepsi / Royale / Dempsters / McCain / Delissio / Schneiders / Stouffers / Olymel / Conagra

    $$ Kraft Kool-Aid Jammers ($5 wub 3)
    B1G1 Snuggle Laundry Detergent
    B1G1 aMOOza Twists – 05532823
    $0.75 fresh produce – 33687966
    $1 Oasis juice boxes – 2250874 – Mar 2013
    $1 Kellogg’s product – 71579346
    $1 Olivieri pasta or sauce - 12520581
    $1 on any General Mills cereal – 76143319
    $1 any Energizer batteries – 43812455 or 43812019
    $1 on Dare or Grissol products – 11624657
    $1 Colgate-Palmolive product – 8003924
    $1 off fresh chicken (Ziploc boxes)
    $1 Classico Sauces
    $1 Eggo Pancakes
    $2 Huggies diapers – 49101935
    $2 wub (2) dozen eggs - 35001524
    $3 Johnson & Johnson - 04376428
    $3 Gillette Venus razor – 63756829
    $3 Aveeno J&J 2013 coupon (not $3 wub 2)
    $3 Marc Angelo any product
    $3 Tide 25 load (wub 1)
    $3 on beef wub Hamburger Helper - 76143609
    $3 Purex Laundry Detergent
    $3 Royale (any product)
    $3 Johnsons call-in
    $4 on chicken wub Old El Paso
    $4 on beef wub Old El Paso
    $4 Covergirl (good on any)
    $5 wub 3 Gillette - 66008457
    $5 wub (2) Stayfree products
    $5 Maple Leaf Prime Portions – 00605250
    $5 Maple Leaf Stuffed Chicken – 00605276 or 0060080
    $5 wub (2) Finish products – 06546146
    $5 Chapman’s product – 69302288 or 69301735
    $5 Marc Angelo any product
    $5 wub(3) Garnier products
    $5 Royale (mail out company)
    $5 Greenworks (mail out company)
    $5 Playtex (mail out company)
    $5 Skinny Cow (Kellogg’s cereal box)
    $5 Febreze Flameless Luminere
    $5 Stouffer’s replacement coupon
    $6 wub Charmin, Bounty and Puffs – 66009144
    $7 SC Johnson
    $5/$7/$8/$10 Pampers diapers
    $3/$5/$7/$10 Olymel voucher good on ANY Olymel product – NED
    Huggies Enjoy The Ride Reward Code from BOXED DIAPERS only 20pts+

    Counts as 2 Coupons
    $$ Cheemo perogies
    $$ Europe's Best Fresh Fruit
    $$ Hunt’s Manwich
    B1G1 Arctic Gardens – 49700536 or 49701382
    B1G1 Club House Gravy
    B1G1 Club House Slow Cooker
    B1G1 Weight Watchers Satisfying Selections (Dec expiry)
    B1G1 Red Rose Canadian Breakfast
    $0.75 any Catelli product – 10833562
    $1 Renees gourmet product – 59013961
    $1 Astro Original - 11909819
    $1 Johnsonville Smoked Sausage – 44203883
    $1 Hamburger Helper
    $1 wub 12pk Nestea (good on any)
    $1 Betty Crocker potatoes
    $1 Del Monte Perfection Glass Jars - 14502053
    $1+ Kimberly Clark Call-in (good on Cottonelle or Huggies)
    $1+ Philadelphia Dips (must be good on GARLIC not tubs pls)
    $1.50+ Janes Chicken
    $1.50+ VH Steamers (wub1)
    $1.50 fresh chicken – 33687979
    $1.50 Kellogg’s Rice Krispie Treats
    $1.50 Kellogg’s All-Bran Bars
    $1.50 10/12 x 355mL Canada Dry Ginger Ale – 12808090
    $1.50 Jergen’s Moisturizer – 40015011
    $1.50 Jergen’s Moisturizer – 40015066
    $1.50 Jergen’s Moisturizer - 40014568
    $1.50 Jergen’s Moisturizer - 40014816
    $1.50 Stouffer's Bisto
    $2 wub 2 Smartfood Popcorn - 23312500
    $2 L’Oreal Sublime Mousse – 46964960
    $2 General Mills products
    $2 Kellogg’s products ANY
    $2 Johnsons call-in
    $2 McCain frozen pizza
    $2 Huggies diapers (49102938)
    $2 Huggies diapers (49102909)
    $2 Club House Grill Marinades (Ziploc boxes)
    $2 Pam Cooking Spray
    $2 on fresh fruit wub (2) Snack Packs – 44406758
    $2 Johnson & Johnson – 68372763 or 04376402
    $2 Melitta coffee – 14708376
    $2 any 1kg or smaller Janes product – 57730754 or the Dec 2013 expiry
    $2 Jergen’s product – 40015255
    $2 Jergen's Glow Moisturizer - 40015226
    $2 Jergen's 120mL or larger product - 40015255
    $2.50 Jergen’s Moisturizer – 40014627
    $2.50 Jergen’s Moisturizer – 40014988
    $3 Huggies diapers – 49097711
    Lean Cuisine Pins

    Counts as 1 coupon
    B2G1 Gerber Graduates Snacks – 10031780
    Buy Maple Leaft Prime product and Get Dempster’s Oven Fresh Bread – 00605595
    $$ Crystal Light
    $$ Chef Boyardee
    $$ Clorox wipes
    $$ Coke / Pepsi
    $$ Dad’s Cookie Rings (is there ANY)
    $$ Gerber Graduates Snacks (good on puffs)
    $$ Kraft Ketchup (wub 1)
    $$ Kraft BBQ Sauce
    $$ Lysol wipes
    $$ Oasis 960mL shelf juice
    $$ Red Rose Orange Pekoe Tea
    $$ Ziploc ($1 wub 1 or $2 wub 2)
    $0.25 Hun't Snack Pack - 44405651 OR ANY GOOD ON 1
    $0.25 Chef Boyardee – 44405641
    $0.35 Duncan Hines Cake Mix - 63222134 or ANY
    $0.50+ Campbell’s Chunky
    $0.50 Dempster’s Original Hot Dog & Hamburger Buns – 12520998
    $0.50 Uncle Ben’s Sauce n Rice – 08299521
    $0.50 Dare Bear Paw Crackers – 11623986
    $0.50 McCain Pizza Pockets - 04611699 or ANY
    $0.50 Bush’s Beans – 39401316
    $0.50 Bush’s Beans - 39400169
    $0.50 Dr.Oetker Mug Cake – 88623522
    $0.50 T.Marzetti Dip - 11503170
    $0.50 Special K Cracker Chips – 71194569
    $0.50 Heluva Good Dip
    $0.50 Kellogg’s Nutri-grain Superfruit Flavours – 71578138 NOT 71194556 please
    $0.75 Blue Diamond products (any)
    $0.75 any D'Italiano product - 7540264
    $0.75 any block of cheese – 33687982
    $0.75 T.Marzetti Veggie Dip - 11503066
    $0.75 500mL or 1L Lactantia Cream – 13611428
    $0.75 on any Danone product – 29505803
    $0.75 any G.U.M product – 34107502 or 34107645
    $0.75 International Delight product – 5070480
    $0.75 on any Skippy product - 87410462
    $1 Purex - 12015535
    $1 Marc Angelo – 27910900 or 27910921
    $1 wub (2) Jell-o pudding, gel or mousse products – 05532618
    $1 wub 2 Ziploc products (Ziploc boxes)
    $1 wub (2) Cadbury products – 13307950
    $1 Johnson & Johnson baby
    $1 Nestea - 10034877
    $1 Carnation Hot Chocolate (NOT BREAKFAST ESSENTIALS)
    $1 Melitta coffee – 14708262 ONLY THIS UPC PLS
    $1 Danino Yogurt – 29505858
    $1 any Danone product – 29407936 or similar
    $1 Fresh Express – 87206224 or smiliar
    $1 Smucker’s Sundae Syrup – 51526450
    $1 wub (3) Jell-o Jelly Powder Products – 05532490
    $1 wub (2) Pringles Super Stack – 63814431
    $1 Heinz Little Kids or Toddler products
    $1 ANY Orville Redenbachers – 44406325
    $1 Heinz Farley Biscuits
    $1 WUB (3) Heinz beans
    $1 Driscoll’s product
    $1+ Healthy Choice Steamers wub (1)
    $1 Hunt’s Snack Pack 12pk
    $1 wub (2) Swcheppes 2L products
    $1 wub (2) 7-Up 2L products
    $1 wub (2) Pepsi 2L products
    $1 wub (2) Coke 2L products
    $1 Kellogg’s Cheerios cereal (pampers box 2013/14)
    $1 wub (2) Mann’s Fresh Veggies/Fruits
    $1+ Old El Paso (not smart fiesta pls)
    $1+ Dare (good on bear paws cereal & fruit or crackers)
    $1+ Stoffer's Lean Cuisine or Panini
    $1+ Powerade (zero ok)
    $1+ McCain Ultra Thin pizza
    $1+ Sweet Baby Rays BBQ
    $1+ Philadelphia Cream Cheese
    $1+ Old Dutch chips (good on 1 bag)
    $1+ Kellogg’s Nutrigrain bars (good on regular)
    $1.50 Huggies Pull-Ups Training Pants – 49097812
    $2 wub (2) Old Dutch Chips
    $2 Oasis 1.75L refrigerated juice
    $2 wub 5 Heinz beans
    $2 off OLYMEL Chicken Wings 650gm or Chicken Chunkies 600g (2200264)
    $2 off OLYMEL frozen poultry product (2200295)
    $2 Dove Visible Care Body Wash - 89288423
    $2 Huggies Pull-Ups Training Pants – 49095207
    $2 wub (2) Greenworks – 01223747
    $2 Cottonelle 12pk bathroom tissue – 49102882
    $2 wub (2) VH Sauces – 44406530
    $2 wub (2) VH Sauces – 44406396
    $2 wub (2) VH Sauces – 44405609
    $2 wub (2) VH Sauces - 44405582
    $2 wub (2) Dare products
    $2 on a fresh pkg of meat wub Pam Grilling 141g – 44406657
    $2 on Maple Leaf Prime - 00606080
    $2 Gillette Body Wash – 99599268
    $2 wub (2) Dove Products – 89288414
    $2 Softlips product – 60503871
    $2.50 Olymel (gocoupons)
    $2+ Cottonelle toilet paper
    $3 Nexxus – 89288380
    $3 wub Charmin, Bounty and Puffs – 66009157
    $3 wub (2) Jergen’s Lotions – 40014991
    $4 wub 2 Snack Size Chocolate Bars (Dare Bear Paw box)
    Stouffers Pins
    Aeroplan Pins

    --$1 General Mills, good on any product - from the manufactorer - MOST WANTED!
    -FPC for any Pillsbury product
    -Beechnut Toddler FPC
    -FPC Pepsi (regular only)
    -Kellogs B2S$2
    -Heinz ketchup
    -Sunrype apple juice 1litre
    -Black Diamond cheese slices
    -Old Dutch chips
    -Creamy Danone yogurt
    -Solocare contact solution
    -McCain or Kraft pizza (not when you buy something else, get $ off pizza, not individual)
    -Marc Angelo Chicken skewers
    -Chapmans ice cream
    -Schneiders Lunch Mates
    -Pillsbury cinnamon buns
    -Old El Paso Taco kit
    -Cottonelle TP
    -Ice Cream
    -Oasis 946ml
    -Minigo or Danino
    -Chocolate BARS
    -Kimberley Clark Blue Hologram Coupon (good on cottonelle)
    -Kraft salad dressing (not refrigerated)
    -Renees salad dressing
    -Mr. Christies Snack Pac cookies
    -Black Diamond cheese
    -Any call in coupon (except $3 Aveeno, I already have enough thanks)
    -Sunlight detergent
    -Cheerio coupons
    -Clorox wipes
    -Green works ($1.50 or $5)
    -Snackpac pudding (I believe it is by Hunts)
    -Kraft dinner (regular kind only)
    -B2G1 Mini wheats bites
    -Green giant regular veggies
    -Regular Pepsi
    -Driscoll berries
    -$6 WUB Bounty/Charmin/Puffs
    -$2 Majesta
    -$.75 Fresh Produce (Ziploc) RRLF
    -Roll Up the Rim winner
    -Any Kellogs cereal box coupons
    -$1 Dempsters Bagels
    -$2 wub 2 dozen eggs
    -$1 wub 2 dozen eggs
    -Goldfish crackers (NOT Grahams please)
    -.75 General Mills products
    -$3 Nexxus (any product)
    -$3.00 WUB2 Haagen Dazs 500mL tubs & multipacks
    -$1.50 Canada Dry (off 1 pack)

    Printables: N
    Store Specific: N
    TFT: N
    French: N
    Online ( etc): Y

    Please note all coupons must be valid on the purchase of one item and any type, not flavour specific unless noted: when you buy x # or flavour type specified.

    FPC/HV – counts as all coupons for this train

    Cineplex Movie Tickets
    FPC Cottonelle Toilet Paper
    FPC Eggo Waffles
    FPC Huggies or Pampers diapers
    FPC Oasis Juice Boxes
    FPC Olivieri Pasta
    FPC Quaker granola bars (valid on the chewy granola bars)
    FPC Yogurt (regular not Greek)
    $5.00 Chapmans
    $5.00+ Colgate-Palmolive
    $4.00+ Huggies / Kimberley-Clark silver coupons (must be valid on Huggies)
    $5.00 Playtex Bucks (coupon must be valid on any Playtex item)
    $5.00 Ziploc/Saran

    Regular coupons

    $1.00 Aero chocolate bars
    $1.00+ off one package of any Armstrong cheese
    Astro Yogurt (must be valid on the Smooth & Fruity variety)
    Bausch and Lomb Sensitive Eyes Multi-Purpose Solution 355ml
    Becel (must be valid on any size – or at least the 907g tub and not type specific) Please do not send me the buttery becel coupon
    $1.00+ Campbell's (coupons valid on any Campbell's company products)
    $1.00+ Cheerios (must be valid on any type)
    Children’s Tylenol $3.00+
    Classico Pasta Sauces RRLF
    $1.00+ Colgate-Palmolive (coupon must be valid on any Colgate-Palmolive item)
    $1.00+ voucher Congra Foods
    $2.00 Cottonelle Toilet Paper (Dec 2012 expiry) not sure where these are from but I keep seeing them on people’s wls
    $0.50 valid on any one Dare product
    $1.00 valid on any Dare or Grissol product
    Disney Movie Reward codes from dvd purchases (please write down what movie it’s from)
    Eggs $1 wub 2 dozen (Heart and Stroke calendar)
    Heinz Little Kids products $1.00+, $2 wyb 2 okay
    Huggies Diapers valid on any diapers from the manufacturer, (not from flyer coupon inserts please, special mailouts ok)
    Huggies Wipes valid on any wipes from the manufacturer, (not from flyer coupon inserts please, special mailouts ok)
    $1.00+ Hunt’s Snack Packs valid on any size
    icoke pins one per rider please
    Italpasta (
    J&J Call-in coupons: $3 Aveeno, $2 Tylenol, $2.00 Stayfree, $2.00 Band-Aid, $1.00 Baby products (2013 expiry please)
    $2.00+ Janes
    KD Smart ( one per rider please
    Kellogg's cereals (valid on any not cereal specific)
    Kimberley-Clark silver coupons (any amount, must be valid on Huggies)
    $1.00+ Lean Cuisine (not spa)
    $1.00+ Marc Angelo
    McCain International Pizza
    $1.00 Nature Valley Granola Bars (must be valid on any type and any size one on cashew bars okay) Please do not send me the coupons only good on club packs
    $1.00+ Oasis Juice (Fruit Zoo) must be valid on the 5x200ml packages please
    $2.00 Oasis 1.75L
    Olivieri Pasta ( or other
    Pampers Diapers Gifts to Grow Codes (from diaper packages)
    Pepsi coupons valid on diet pepsi
    $1.00 Playtex Bucks (coupon must be valid on any Playtex item)
    Quaker (valid on any Quaker product)
    Quaker granola bars (valid on the chewy granola bars)
    $1.00+ Royale (coupon must be valid on any Royale product)
    Stouffer’s Bistro
    SunRype 5x200ml packs
    SunRype 100% Apple Juice 1L.
    $1.00+ Tetley Tea (valid on any flavour and the canister size too)
    $0.75 Thinsations ( one per rider please
    Tropicana 100% orange juice (valid on any type or size not Tropics please)
    $1.00 Ziploc or $2.00 WYB any 2 (no size restrictions)

    JENP'S WISHLIST Coupons – Y
    Store Specific – Y (ONLY for Safeway or SDM)

    French/TFT – N
    Printable – N (unless specified, COLOR ONLY)
    Multiples: - Y (but please, no more than 2)
    All Coupons must have Canadian Redemption Address!!


    FPC Philadelphia Cooking Creme
    FPC Oasis Juice or Smoothie **RRLF
    FPC Egg Creations
    FPC Naturegg (ANY are fine with me!!)
    FPC Bassili’s Best
    FPC Sweet Baby Rays BBQ Sauce
    FPC Carefree Liners
    FPC Folgers K-Cups
    FPC Timothy’s K-Cups
    FPC Sunlight Laundry
    FPC Purex Laundry
    FPC Vaseline **RRLF
    FPC Silk (Kellogg’s Share Your Breakfast Promo) **RRLF
    FPC Eggos (Kellogg’s Share Your Breakfast Promo)
    FPC Bananas (Kellogg’s Share Your Breakfast Promo)
    FPC Coolision (Kellogg's Share Your Breakfast Promo)
    ANY FPC from Pepsi Promo
    BOGO Amooza Twists ***RRLF, 18m old LOVES these
    ANY FPC from Pepsi Promo
    ANY FOOD/BEVERAGE FPC (except CheeCha Puffs)
    $5 Playtex Call In (good on feminine products)
    Kellogg’s Share Your Breakfast Promo Pin Code **RRLF
    $3+ ANY Call Ins (No cat, smellies or J&J)
    $5+ Pampers – not WUB please, no Inserts
    $2 Orville Redenbacher (Conagra Promo)
    $3 ANY Advil (UPC 12922983)
    $2 Cottonelle TP
    $2 any Janes Products(1kg or Smaller) ***RRRLF
    $5 WUB3 Gillette

    $1+ Call Ins/Vouchers from: Danone, Colgate Palmolive, Kimberly Clark (good on U by Kotex), Dare, ConAgra, Campbells, General Mills, SC Johnson, Unilever, Quaker
    Pin Code Kelloggs “Love Your Cereal” Promo **RRLF
    B1G1 Arctic Gardens
    $4 Advil Nighttime (Dec 31, 2013)
    B2G1 Chef Boyardee (Conagra Promo)
    $2 Carefee/Stayfree Call In (2013)
    $5 Children’s Advil (Advil Spin U Win Promo)
    Aylmer REGULAR Tomatoes (NOT Accents)
    $6 WUB Bounty/Charmin/Puffs
    $1.50 Fresh Chicken (from Ziploc)
    $1 ANY Diana Sauce or Marinade NED
    $2 WUB 2 Dozen Eggs (UPC 35001524)
    $2 Highliner (good on ANY product)
    $0.75 on Selected General Mills ( **RRLF
    B1G1 Healthy Choice Steamers (
    $0.75 Minigo Yogurt **RRLF, 18m old LOVES these!!
    Johnsonville Sausage (good on Breakfast Sausage) **RRLF
    $0.75 Fresh Produce (from Ziploc)
    $1 Pampers Wipes
    $1 Playtex Call In
    $1 ANY Playtex, Schick, Wet Ones, Hawaiian Tropic or Banana Boat Prod. UPC 29006928
    $2 Royale Paper towels sept 30th 2012 expiry
    $1 Schneiders Country Naturals (good on Bacon & Ham)
    Tetley Tea (good on Orange Pekoe)

    **1 POINT/COUPON**
    Activia Drinkable Yogurt (are there any??)
    $1 off ANY Astro Product (not type specific)
    $1 Astro BioBest Max Smoothie or MaxImmunite (UPC 11909936 ONLY)
    $1 Arctic Gardens (WUB1)
    $0.75 Allens Apple Juice
    $0.75 ANY Block Cheese Product (from Ziploc)
    $0.75 Black Diamond Cheese (Dec 31/13 expiry)
    $0.75 Blue Diamond Almonds (NED)
    $3 WUB Bounty/Charmin/Puffs
    $0.75 WUB2 Christie Crackers
    $1 on 1 CLIF Builders Protein Bar
    Club House Slow Cooker Seasonings
    $3 Childrens Advil (Advil Spin-U-Win Promo)
    $0.25 WUB1 Chef Boyardee (2013 expiry)
    $1 Catelli Smart (websaver)
    $0.50 Campbell’s (WUB1) UPC 00923792
    $1 Dr. Oetker Pizza UPC 88623173 (Dec 31/12)
    $1 Danino Kids Yogurt 6x60g (Dec 31/12)
    $0.50 Dempsters Original Hot Dog or Hamburger Buns
    $0.75 Dempsters Deluxe Buns
    $1 Egg Creations (good on ANY, not a specific flavour) ***NED only*** No Dec 31 expiry please
    $0.40 ANY Golden Dragon Product (NED)
    Gillette Men’s Deoderant (not Clinical, 2013 expiry)
    $1 WUB4 Hunts Tomato Paste (June 30/12 or later)
    $1+ Healthy Choice Steamers (not WUB)
    $1 any Highliner 215-700g product, incl. Market Cuts (UPC 12605169 only)
    International Delight Coffee Creamer (good on ANY, not just Café Inspiriations)
    $1 Janes Chicken
    $1 Keebler Pie Crust
    $1 Kraft White Cheddar Singles (
    $1 Kraft Shredded Cheese (
    $1 Kraft 100% Parmesan Cheese (Aged Grated or Shaved) Dec 31/12 expiry
    $0.35 WUB2 Kraft Handi-Snacks
    $0.50 Kikkoman Sauce 250ml+ (NED)
    $0.75 on ANY 500ml or 1L Lactantia Cream (for use on any, not type specific)
    $0.75 ANY Lactantia Butter Product 454g (not the June expiry, I have lots)
    $1 Mars Bar
    $1 WUB2 Maple Leaf Top Dogs, Natural Selections Hot Dogs or Dempsters Buns (websaver)
    Minute Maid Juice Boxes/Cans/Frozen Concentrate **RRLF
    $0.50 Milkbone Soft & Chewy Treats (expiry April 30/13 only!)
    $0.50 Milkbone Mini Biscuits (expiry April 30/13 only!)
    $1 Maple Leaf Natural Selections (Deli Meat)
    Marzetti Dips **RRLF
    $0.50 Naturegg Break-Free Omega3 Liquid Egg, Omega 3 or Omega Pro Eggs (NED Only)
    $0.40 Naturegg Omega 3 Hard Boiled Egg Snack Packs
    $0.50 Nivea Lip Care Product
    $1 Oasis Fruits Etc., FruitZoo or Classic Products (2013 expiry)
    $1 Oasis 100% Premium (2013 expiry)
    $1.50 Oasis 2.63L Refrigerated Products (Mar 31, 2013) NOT Nutrisource
    $1.25 Oasis 1.75L Refrigerated Products (Mar 31, 2013) NOT Nutrisource
    $0.50 ANY Old El Paso Kit (July 31/12)
    $1/$2 Olymel Peelie
    $3.50 Purina Dog Chow ( **June 15th or later ok
    Philadelphia Dips or Cream Cheese
    Rice Krispies Granola Bars (or regular is fine too, just RRLF Granola)
    $0.55 any Resers Product (peelie)
    $2 any Softlips Product
    $0.50 Shake & Bake (Dec 31/12)
    $1 Summer Fresh Hummus or Dips (Dec 31/12)
    $3 Venus Razor (2013 expiry)
    $0.50 Vlasic Pickles
    Weight Watchers Smart Ones Soup

    Websaver/Brandsaver/ – yes
    Toonies for Tummies – no
    French – no
    Can you stack – yes (but ok if not stackable)
    Store Specific – no unless Safeway or Sobey's
    Printables – No

    Duplicates: Only where stated (which is quite numerous LOL)


    FPC Any Artic Gardens Product (Shoppers Voice)
    FPC K-Cups (let me know if you are sending this I will include $3.00 tims card for you in your envie in addition to your coupons)
    FPC Tea
    FPC Laundry Detergent
    FPC Great Grains
    $5.00 Maple Leaf Marinated Boneless Seasoned Chicken or flattened chicken RRRRRLLLLFFFFF
    $3.00+ Marc Angelo
    $5.00 Skinny Cow
    Platex $5.00 call in (must be good on feminine products)
    I am open to any food FPC (Must be a true FPC not WUB something else)

    Artic Gardens BOGO
    AXE (Has to be good on spray)
    Chicken $1.50
    (ziploc booklet) RRRLF
    Fresh Produce $0.75 RRLF
    K-Cups $2.00+
    Pepsi $1.00 WUB2, $2.00 WUB2 or BOGO
    Plaxtex $2.00
    Royale $3.00 Any Kind

    Arm & Hammer Laundry Soap $1.00 (UPC 65333909 or other)
    Black Diamond Cheese $1.00 NOT cheese strings please
    Bounty/Charmin/Puffs $6.00 (2013 exp)
    Bread Save $3.00 WUB Ziploc
    Chocolate snack size bars $4.00 (bear paws box) Multiples ok
    Dempsters BOGO
    Europe's Best Fruits or Veggies $1.00 (multiples ok)
    Fresh Express Salad $1.00 (multiples ok)
    Healthy Choice Steamers BOGO (
    Hamburger $3.00 WUB HH
    Janes 1kg box $2.00 exp Dec 2012
    Lean Cuisine $1.50
    Marc Angelo $1.00 + (multiples ok)
    Pam $2.00 (Conagra Promo)
    Smart Bread $1.00+
    Tampax, Playtex or U-Kotex $$ (no tween please) (multiples ok)
    VH Steamers BOGO

    All Bran Bars $1.50 (websaver)
    Artic Gardens $1.00 (multiples ok)
    Astro Zero (multiples ok)
    Aylmer $0.50 WUB1
    Bacon (Real please no bits)
    Black Diamond Cheese $.75 ( Dec exp) (multiples ok)
    Campbell's Ready to use broths $0.50 WUB1 (multiples ok)
    Canned Veggies (not tomatos please)
    Catelli $.75 good on any (multiples ok)
    Chef Boyardee
    Cracker Barrel Cheese (Blocks Only) (multiplies ok)
    Dawn Dish Soap $1.00 WUB1
    Dempsters Bagels $1.00 websaver
    Dempsters Smooth Multigrains Bread $1.00 (websaver)
    Deodorant Lady's $1.00+ WUB 1
    D'Italnio $0.75 good on any
    Dole Salad Kit $1.00
    Dr. Oetker mousse BOGO (facebook Offer or other
    Dryer Sheets
    Eggs (real ones)
    Filipo Berio Olive Oil $2.00 (exp Dec 2013)
    Franks Red Hot Sauce $1.00 (Dec exp only)
    Fresh Fruit (multiples ok)
    French's Mustard $1.00 (dec)
    Friskies Wet Cat Food (not treats please)
    Fusion Proglide Razor $2.00 WUB 1 (exp Feb 2013)
    Grannys Boneless Skinless Turkey Breast $1.00
    Grannys Poultry $0.50 (websaver) (multiples ok)
    Healthy Choice Steamers $1.00 (WUB1)
    Hunts Tomato Sauce/Pasta Sauce/paste
    Kelloggs $2.00 Good on Any (red peelie)
    Kraft White Cheddar Singles $1.00 (
    Maple Leaf Peelie $0.50 + (multiples ok)
    Melitta Coffee $2.00
    Mini Wheat Centres $1.50 (websaver)
    Mini Wheat Centres $1.00
    Nutrigrain $1.00 (websaver)
    Oasis Juice Boxes (2013) (multiples ok)
    Oasis Jugs (2.63L) $1.50 (exp March 2013) (multiples ok)
    Oasis Cartons (1.75L) $1.25 (exp March 2013) (multipless ok)
    Oasis $.50 (UPC2250881, if you have another UPC thats ok to)
    Ocean Spray (good on diet please)
    Old Dutch $1.00 WUB1
    Olymel Bacon (multiples ok)
    Olymel Chicken $2.00/ $2.50 (GOCOUPONS) (multiples ok)
    Olymel Peelie $2.00 (multiples ok)
    Olymel Weiners (multiples ok)
    Orville Redenbachers Popcorn $1.50 (websaver) (multiples ok)
    Palmolive Ultra 739ml dish liquid $1.00
    Pam $1.00 has to be good on Original not just baking (multiples ok)
    Philadelphia Cream Cheese/Dip
    Red Rose Tea BOGO ( (multiples ok)
    Schneiders $1.00 WUB 2 Various (facebook offer)
    Special K Fruit Crisps $1.00 (websaver)
    Splenda (good on 1 please and not granulated)
    Smart Ones BOGO (multiples ok)
    Sponge Paper Towels $1.00 (websaver)
    Summer Fresh Hummus $1.00
    Thinsations $.75 (
    Venus Razors $3.00 (multiples ok)
    VH Steamers $1.50 WUB1 (multiples ok)
    Weight Watcher's Baked goods (multiples ok)
    Ziploc $1.00 WUB Any
    CT MONEY OK (.50 = 1 COUPON) (multiples ok)
    Last edited by coyote00; Wed, May 2nd, 2012 at 10:12 AM.

  4. #4
    Smart Canuck Jody22002's Avatar
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    Me please. PM WL later tonite.

  5. #5
    Canadian Guru coyote00's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jody22002 View Post
    Me please. PM WL later tonite.
    Welcome aboard

  6. #6
    Smart Canuck Carla54321's Avatar
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    Can I have a seat please?

  7. #7
    Smart Canuck Carla54321's Avatar
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    I forgot my number - #30

  8. #8
    Canadian Guru coyote00's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carla54321 View Post
    Can I have a seat please?

    Welcome aboard

  9. #9
    Canadian Guru Peachykeen2007's Avatar
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    me please if I can send WL later tonight


  10. #10
    Canadian Guru coyote00's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Peachykeen2007 View Post
    me please if I can send WL later tonight

    Welcome aboard

  11. #11
    Smart Canuck
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    Me please! My number is 14. I will send my wishlist and address now.

  12. #12
    Canadian Guru coyote00's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NateandAva View Post
    Me please! My number is 14. I will send my wishlist and address now.
    Welcome aboard

  13. #13
    Smart Canuck
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    I noticed you put #13 above but I would like #14 please. Thanks!
    coyote00 likes this.

  14. #14
    Canadian Genius Shop Girl's Avatar
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    I'd love to join please. Will pm you my info shortly.

    Number #17 please
    If you haven't joined Swagbucks yet, it's a great way to earn amazon gift cards and many others by simply using their search engine or doing easy clicks. Please join with my referral link - thanks!

  15. #15
    Canadian Guru coyote00's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shop Girl View Post
    I'd love to join please. Will pm you my info shortly.

    Number #17 please
    Welcome aboard

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