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Thread: SAVE-ON-FOODS THREAD-Coupons and deals post them here!

  1. #91
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    does anyone know if i have a save on printed coupon (like this new one for 1.50 off quaker chewy bars) do i need one coupon for each box i buy or just the one coupon in total?

  2. #92
    Senior Canuck rish's Avatar
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    you can use 1 coupon for 4 box and yes you need to print this coupon and give to the cashier.

  3. #93
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    yes thank you i printed one just didn't want to waste ink printing multiples if i didn't have to

  4. #94
    The ONLY Diva of SC! saveadollardiva's Avatar
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    Save on Foods – Quaker Chewy Granola Bars - Save $1.50 (May 29)

    Save on Foods – Glutino Pizza - Save $2 (May 29)

    Save on Foods – Portabella Swiss Veggie Sliders - Save $4 (May 29)

    Print and redeem this coupon at Save on Foods, PriceSmart Foods, Overwaitea Foods or Cooper’s Foods along with your MORE Rewards card and save $4.00 on the purchase of Western Family Portabella Swiss Veggie Sliders
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  5. #95
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    This is the first time I got coupons in the mails from SOF, so I really suspect it's because my prescription files were transferred from another pharmacy. Haven't heard from anyone else that they got them.

    They email you links to printable coupons weekly though, if you sign up with SOF.

    Quote Originally Posted by alfredblyth View Post
    That is really grate you get a bunch of SOF coupon. I show the link which you put in your post i think you can use any coupon all are good deal. Can you suggest me the web site which provide this kind of coupon? I am intrested to collect the coupon it is really very useful to buy any food products and also home product with less price.

  6. #96
    Senior Canuck rish's Avatar
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    Save on food flyer (May 27 - June 02)

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  7. #97
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    Just a heads up....our SOF in French Creek on Vancouver Island just shut us down stacking...if the coupon says anything like "only one coupon per purchase" they aren't allowing stacking, the manager said something about tonnes of memos in the last month about it. The Nanaimo stores are still A-OK! So disappointing that the stores have different views of company policy.

    It might be helpful to put out a list of which stores are still ok at stack at as I've heard similar stories from a few stores in Vancouver.


  8. #98
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    That's so ridiculous because "one coupon per purchase" means that one coupon with that one UPC code can be used for one item.

  9. #99
    Coupon*ista mandolimed's Avatar
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    hold the phone-lol ... is there really a coupon out there for buy ANY 4 campbells PRODUCTS and save $1??? i need to get my hands on those!

    thankyou so much for posting!! my flyer lady didnt come around today
    ღ ღ Coupons are my Money ღ ღ ღ ღ

  10. #100
    Senior Canuck westcoastblondie's Avatar
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    59 cents for minute made with the $1.00 off any two - Brilliant!

  11. #101
    Canadian Guru Midnightly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jezz View Post
    Just a heads up....our SOF in French Creek on Vancouver Island just shut us down stacking...if the coupon says anything like "only one coupon per purchase" they aren't allowing stacking, the manager said something about tonnes of memos in the last month about it. The Nanaimo stores are still A-OK! So disappointing that the stores have different views of company policy.

    It might be helpful to put out a list of which stores are still ok at stack at as I've heard similar stories from a few stores in Vancouver.

    in victoria the ESQ location is this way but the blanchard location has no issues (as long as the wording is not coupon restrictive aka cannot be combined with any other COUPON offer-and other variations of the wording)
    a part of me is surprised the stores are still allowing stacking.. with how badly some of the stores have been hit by extreme shoppers... LD has updated their policy more times in the last year then they have in the last 10 years due to excessive couponing (and staff being treated badly by couponers)
    When life hands you Edward Cullen...throw him back and demand Eric Northman....

  12. #102
    coupon skank emeritus mcminsen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mandolimed View Post
    hold the phone-lol ... is there really a coupon out there for buy ANY 4 campbells PRODUCTS and save $1??? i need to get my hands on those!

    thankyou so much for posting!! my flyer lady didnt come around today
    I found this coupon a while ago at a Buy Low store in Vancouver. I would expect they'll have them in Save On stores since they have it in their flyer. Look for them on end of aisle displays and/or on stack out displays.

    nessa23 likes this.

  13. #103
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    Quote Originally Posted by mandolimed View Post
    hold the phone-lol ... is there really a coupon out there for buy ANY 4 campbells PRODUCTS and save $1??? i need to get my hands on those!

    thankyou so much for posting!! my flyer lady didnt come around today
    When SOF has advertised in their flyer that they have a coupon I have had to pick it up at customer service sometimes. I have learned to ask on my way in the store and to not leave the desk until I have an answer or the coupon, after hunting all over the store on the first two occasions for the buy multiple Kraft product coupons. They were also limiting to one per customer on those with me.

  14. #104
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    My SOF does this too with the Kraft coupons ... never thought about other ones though, hmmm.

    I was in another SOF and saw the Campbell's one on a display with the brown bags. The also had the free burger buns when you buy 4 as well ... and they STACK! Wahoo! It's a win-win-win = save $1, get free buns and help the Food Bank (along with getting 4 cans of soup, of course!).

  15. #105
    Canadian Genius redhdlois's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mcminsen View Post
    I found this coupon a while ago at a Buy Low store in Vancouver. I would expect they'll have them in Save On stores since they have it in their flyer. Look for them on end of aisle displays and/or on stack out displays.

    I found it today at SOF in North Vanc. It was a big stand alone display towards the back of the store.
    Oops....spoke too soon! The upc on the one I found is 00924607 !! (Instead of the TDM to the left of the upc it has OWFG)
    Last edited by redhdlois; Sat, May 26th, 2012 at 01:20 AM.
    mcminsen and nessa23 like this.

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