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Thread: Heads-up - Canadian Tire scratch coupon ($5 off purchase or M&M coupon) May 18-20

  1. #211
    Frosh Canuck
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    Went to Canadian Tire in North Vancouver...Used the scratch card I had one $5 and 4 M&M coupons. The cashier called the manager when I said it was no purchase nessasary for the M&M. She told me she had to ask the Manager first. I thought OK. Anyways the Manager Meshia must have been having a really bad day because it was so busy. She told me that it was one per customer thoughtout the whole promotion and dug into my bag without my consent and took all my cards. I was so shocked! I immediatly called head office and they told me that they have the rights to go through my bags if they suspect anything! I have never been treated that way before.

  2. #212
    Canadian Genius redhdlois's Avatar
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    I went to that store last night...can't say as they knew what they were was very frustrating!!

  3. #213
    Mastermind Shwa Girl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aly8887 View Post
    Went to Canadian Tire in North Vancouver...Used the scratch card I had one $5 and 4 M&M coupons. The cashier called the manager when I said it was no purchase nessasary for the M&M. She told me she had to ask the Manager first. I thought OK. Anyways the Manager Meshia must have been having a really bad day because it was so busy. She told me that it was one per customer thoughtout the whole promotion and dug into my bag without my consent and took all my cards. I was so shocked! I immediatly called head office and they told me that they have the rights to go through my bags if they suspect anything! I have never been treated that way before.
    No they are wrong. They do not have the right to search you. Only a peace officer (police) has the right to search you. If they suspect a customer is shop lifting (not talking about you), their loss prevention staff holds the customer and calls the police. The police can take action only if there is a reasonable suspicion of a crime.

    They have stolen your property and conducted an illegal search. Maybe the CEO of Canadian Tire should be contacted if head office customer service is so misinformed.
    ssbean, redhdlois and jackie721red like this.

  4. #214
    Smart Canuck mulock's Avatar
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    Customer Service at Canadian Tire in Dartmouth Crossing, NS told me "We don't have any scratch cards" when I asked for one. I explained I don't receive the flyer because I read it online, and then they put a form in front of me to fill out. After about 5 minutes of waiting, they gave me a scratch card. I was not impressed.

  5. #215
    Canadian Guru scbpooh's Avatar
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    Its amazing the stories the CS ppl at CT will come up with! I tried to take my card that i had already checked to get my $5 M&M coupon because it said no purchase necessary to CS to get scratched. CS told me that it was "No purchace" to GET the card, but in order to reveal the prize i had to buy something!!!! Lucky for me, I remembered it was Smart Source day so i just paid the $2 to pick up the paper (which i was going to sometime in the day anyways) and then got my $5 M&M coupon.

  6. #216
    Mastermind Natalka's Avatar
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    Bought two packs of wave petunias ($12), got the $5 M&M Meatshops coupon, yay!
    MamaF likes this.

  7. #217
    Mastermind Natalka's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MamaF View Post
    I had one scratch card and bought some garbage bags, but ended up with the $5 M&M's coupon. They used to have the strawberry shortcake ice cream bars that they used to sell on the Dickie Dee carts when I was younger, I wonder if they still have those? If not I'll get some of the peach drink powder.......hope they still have that!
    They still have the bars, but I think they taste different than the Good Humour ones we used to get..
    scrapyddm and MamaF like this.

  8. #218
    Canadian Genius PurpleBunny89's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aly8887 View Post
    Went to Canadian Tire in North Vancouver...Used the scratch card I had one $5 and 4 M&M coupons. The cashier called the manager when I said it was no purchase nessasary for the M&M. She told me she had to ask the Manager first. I thought OK. Anyways the Manager Meshia must have been having a really bad day because it was so busy. She told me that it was one per customer thoughtout the whole promotion and dug into my bag without my consent and took all my cards. I was so shocked! I immediatly called head office and they told me that they have the rights to go through my bags if they suspect anything! I have never been treated that way before.
    I would of called the police, thats stealing. Would she like it if you reached into her bag and took out her wallet?!
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  9. #219
    Smart Canuck miztia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mulock View Post
    Customer Service at Canadian Tire in Dartmouth Crossing, NS told me "We don't have any scratch cards" when I asked for one. I explained I don't receive the flyer because I read it online, and then they put a form in front of me to fill out. After about 5 minutes of waiting, they gave me a scratch card. I was not impressed.
    I saw that they had cards at the till, and when I asked for one, she said they are only for the employees, and that I would have to get mine out of the newspaper.
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  10. #220
    lshortt lshortt's Avatar
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    OMG I cannot believe some of the stories, yesterday I used 6 of my $5.00 ones in seperate transactions at the same cashier with no problems. One right after the other and used coupons too. I used 8 of my M&M ones at seperate tills I had some cashiers say you had to purchase something and I showed them the line that said no purchase necessary and no problems. all this at the same Canadian Tire. going back today as I need more gardening stuff.
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  11. #221
    Coupon's Dirty Mistress g_skywalker's Avatar
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    Ok I give, I tried and tried, but I can't see the numbers below the bar code. I couldn't find the details of how to see it, tried a flashlight, table lamp, etc. but all I can see is the bar code, not the numbers.

  12. #222
    dreaming of Jann.... SarahS83's Avatar
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    I got charmin and used a $1 off coupon and $5 CT card = $3.03 for 20 double rolls. I'm happy.
    Last edited by SarahS83; Sun, May 20th, 2012 at 12:15 PM.
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  13. #223
    Canadian Guru scbpooh's Avatar
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    Just got back from using 2 of our 3 cards.

    1st transaction- Tri light bulbs $5.49 + taxes - $5 card= $1.05 paid with CT money & got 2c back plus another 5c CT money back!

    2nd transaction- 1 Tide $6.49 + taxes= $7.13- $5 card- $2 brandsaver= $.13 piad w/ CT money got 2c back and another 5c CT money back!!!!

    Very happy happy my transactions went so smoothly! Planning on going to another location in a little bit and doing the Tide transaction again!

  14. #224
    One Awesome Domestic Diva MrsSunshine's Avatar
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    aly.. please. contact the CEO. NO they are not allowed. OMG thats crazy. as a PP stated.. they have to contact the proper authorities to do this.
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  15. #225
    Bean bun going offline Ciel's Avatar
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    Yesterday-went shopping for Lysol soap refill, one baking soda box and 2L Coke-could not find soda so got second baking soda box(thankfully a small supply was on display near cash, so I was spared a hike to back of store to the bin). Got a $5 M&M coupon and had to pay for CT purchase (got a 5 cent CT bill as part of change).

    Well, since M&M had frozen yogurt and ice cream at $2.99 this weekend for Max Members, I got 2 containers with the coupon and had 98 cents to pay after coupon (no taxes). So I got a "sweet" deal to enjoy on a hot day.
    Shwa Girl likes this.
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