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Thread: Heads-up - Canadian Tire scratch coupon ($5 off purchase or M&M coupon) May 18-20

  1. #46
    Canadian Genius coley3's Avatar
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    Thanks for the barcode info. Click to get FREE Giftcards just for searching the web. It is so easy.

  2. #47
    Canadian Genius anisa's Avatar
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    Does anyone know of an especially friendly CT in Brampton? the ones i have been to always act like you are a nuisance to them! ;p i normally go to shoppers world or trinity commons.
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  3. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by anisa View Post
    Does anyone know of an especially friendly CT in Brampton? the ones i have been to always act like you are a nuisance to them! ;p i normally go to shoppers world or trinity commons.
    I haven't had an issue at any of the Canadian Tires. I usually make the rounds as follows for these promos --> Trinity Commons, McLaughlin (at Bovaird), then Shoppers World.

    Choosing a younger cashier is always a decent bet, although I find that the cashiers at CT tend to be young anyway.
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  4. #49
    Blessed with 4 children
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    Quote Originally Posted by anisa View Post
    Does anyone know of an especially friendly CT in Brampton? the ones i have been to always act like you are a nuisance to them! ;p i normally go to shoppers world or trinity commons.
    Never had any issues anywhere, I think the key is to go early before the cashiers get all tired and cranky lol
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  5. #50
    Smart Canuck
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    Quote Originally Posted by couponmummy View Post
    Someone on another forum posted this idea.

    Buy a $10 CT GC with the M&M scratch card. Then buy $5 worth of stuff, use the $5 CT scratch card and pay remainder with $10 GC.
    Good idea! You will need some $ when going through the checkout anyway.

  6. #51
    Canadian Genius PurpleBunny89's Avatar
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    Oh wow can't believe everyone is missing the fact that one of the prizes is a $5 M&M Coupon, its going to be the most likely "prize" which isn't much of a prize at all IMO. I'll use my scratch card and if its for the coupon I'll suddenly change my mind on my purchases
    anisa and countrycouponer like this.
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  7. #52
    Canadian Genius anisa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by couponmummy View Post
    Someone on another forum posted this idea.

    Buy a $10 CT GC with the M&M scratch card. Then buy $5 worth of stuff, use the $5 CT scratch card and pay remainder with $10 GC.
    sorry mum, i'm a little slow today!

    i don't follow
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  8. #53
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    It's a good deal if you drink coke. The 2L is 1.09, there is a pin underneath cap, very tradeable, and get a M&M coupon. We usually get the onion rings for 4.99.

  9. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by PurpleBunny89 View Post
    Oh wow can't believe everyone is missing the fact that one of the prizes is a $5 M&M Coupon, its going to be the most likely "prize" which isn't much of a prize at all IMO. I'll use my scratch card and if its for the coupon I'll suddenly change my mind on my purchases
    I'll probably use my $5 M&M coupon for the 1kg bag of fries which usually goes on sale for $4.99, or their ice cream tubs Om nom nom!!
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  10. #55
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    anisa, if you shine a flashlight underneath, you can tell whether you get $5 CT or M&M. Most people will just use the $5 CT and not bother with M&M. You will probably have to pay tax on the $5 so why not buy a $10 GC and get M&M coupon at same time? Double dipping.

    Same concept like SDM. Buy SDM GC, get base points, use GC for purchases and get points.

  11. #56
    Couponing Princess!
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    There must be multiple codes that are $5 off.

    I am looking at one right now that ends in 06704 that's $5 off.
    Add me on twitter and I'll add you back! Just mention you are from SC!


  12. #57
    Canadian Genius anisa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by couponmummy View Post
    anisa, if you shine a flashlight underneath, you can tell whether you get $5 CT or M&M. Most people will just use the $5 CT and not bother with M&M. You will probably have to pay tax on the $5 so why not buy a $10 GC and get M&M coupon at same time? Double dipping.

    Same concept like SDM. Buy SDM GC, get base points, use GC for purchases and get points.
    ok i'm really slow today. if we only have one scratch card per household, and say your store is not handing them out to customers, how do you end up with 2 cards? are they giving away m&m coupons with the purchase of a gift card?

    please forgive me! lol
    Tbites likes this.
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  13. #58
    Axiomatic Canuck Tbites's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by anisa View Post
    ok i'm really slow today. if we only have one scratch card per household, and say your store is not handing them out to customers, how do you end up with 2 cards? are they giving away m&m coupons with the purchase of a gift card?

    please forgive me! lol
    I'm glad you're asking, because I'm not understanding it either , I'm re-reading the post again.... I think she mea there's CT stores that GIVE you another scratch card at the cash when you're making your GC purchase.
    Last edited by Tbites; Tue, May 15th, 2012 at 07:25 PM.

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  14. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by anisa View Post
    ok i'm really slow today. if we only have one scratch card per household, and say your store is not handing them out to customers, how do you end up with 2 cards? are they giving away m&m coupons with the purchase of a gift card?

    please forgive me! lol

    you get additional scratch cards from the recycling boxes in your building/neighborhood/friends

  15. #60
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    Can you do recycle bin walks? There are condos and appts where they put the flyers in your mailbox. There will also be a bin where the mailboxes are located. People will come home after work, get their mail, and then toss whatever they don't want in that bin. Go around 7:00PM when everyone is home and the bin is full of CT flyers with scratch card.

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