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Thread: The Dog Club!

  1. #46
    Mastermind Lynn49's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MortgageQueen View Post
    I hear you Lynn, I still miss my baby Bruno. He was the light of my life . .. .
    Oh, MQ....looking into those eyes I see an old soul with so much love and compassion...they're never with us long enough, but they do stay in our hearts forever...I can't wait to meet our Tammy (Tammy1, and Katie) again.....Bless their big hearts...

  2. #47
    Canadian Guru avoncallingu's Avatar
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    Oh, Lynn! What a beautiful dog your Tammy was! And Jenny, of course, is lovely too! We've been talking a lot about our dear Tucker, lately - he was only with us for a year and a half. We got him from the OSPCA - mostly blind - and allergic to lots of things and hip dysplacia - But he ran like the wind and played chase with our other dog. What a sweetie - black and white shih tzu. I used to think they were not very appealing looking dogs but my head turns every time I see one going for a walk.

    Isn't it amazing that we all find THE BEST DOG IN THE WORLD! And they are all different breeds, temperaments, sizes, colours, ages! There's a heart for every heart it seems!
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    when we lost Casey our vet gave us a wonderful poem called the rainbow bridge and it is about how our pets are waiting for us when we get to heaven and how they don't cross the bridge until we are reunited. I still cry every time I read it. It can be found in many versions online if you google rainbow bridge.
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  4. #49
    Luv Saving People Money MortgageQueen's Avatar
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    Lynn49- Oh, MQ....looking into those eyes I see an old soul with so much love and compassion...they're never with us long enough, but they do stay in our hearts forever...

    Thanks Lynn. It's nice to know peoplke that feel the same way. I still try not to think about him too much because it just makes me sick. . .I miss him so much.

    Avoncallingu- We've been talking a lot about our dear Tucker, lately - he was only with us for a year and a half. We got him from the OSPCA - mostly blind - and allergic to lots of things and hip dysplacia - But he ran like the wind and played chase with our other dog.

    That is such a sad and heartwarming story at the same time! Bless you for giving him a happy last 1 1/2 yrs! You are obviously a very special person!!
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  5. #50
    Canadian Guru hollyquaiscer's Avatar
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    Morning all, guess we need to try a little harder to keep the dog lovers thread going.

    This is Marley, she's our little princess. Doesn't like walks in the rain, hates snow and cold weather, and ALWAYS must be carried to bed at 8pm. No matter what we are doing, she'll give you a dirty look if you miss her bedtime...heaven forbid, she's only laid around most of the day acting like a princess

    And this is her Florida cut, she likes it, keeps her cooler on those hot winter days

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  6. #51
    Canadian Guru hollyquaiscer's Avatar
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    The bow in Marley's hair was sent to me, along with many others by kk7's wonderful daughter. She's such a talented young lady
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  7. #52
    Canadian Guru hollyquaiscer's Avatar
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  8. #53
    Canadian Guru hollyquaiscer's Avatar
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  9. #54
    KK7 is offline
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    Too funny I happened to see you post and was stalking you in the dog thread and low and behold you were showing off Kayla's Bow's an saying such nice things about her thanks so much Holly...I will be sure to tell her when she gets home!

    Also if there are any dog lovers needing bows let us know Kayla loves making them and well Snoopy our 40lb manly dog DOES NOT like them lol
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  10. #55
    Canadian Guru hollyquaiscer's Avatar
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    Hey Kim, you tell Kayla I said hi and let her know that Marley wears her bows every once in a while, she likes to prance around the park and m eet the new boys,
    We all need a little sunshine every now and then

  11. #56
    Canadian Guru hollyquaiscer's Avatar
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  12. #57
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  13. #58
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  14. #59
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  15. #60
    Luv Saving People Money MortgageQueen's Avatar
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    Not much I can add to improve on that. . .
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