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Thread: The Dog Club!

  1. #1
    Junior Canuck
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    Come on, SC!! There is a cat club and no dog club? WHAT IS THIS BLASPHEMY!?!

    Let's chat about dogs. Our dogs, other people's dogs, small dogs, big dogs, brown dogs, black dogs, fat dogs, skinny dogs, and more!!

    So the dog in my display pic is JACKIE my pompom! He was diagnosed with Alopecia X last week.. :O(
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    Everytime you like my post I give the dog in my display picture a big *KISS!*

  2. #2
    Junior Canuck
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    I have a PitBull he is 9 years old
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  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by almostmommy View Post
    I have a PitBull he is 9 years old
    Thats awesome! I love pitbulls. They are such big snugglies..
    rhinoswife likes this.
    Everytime you like my post I give the dog in my display picture a big *KISS!*

  4. #4
    Senior Canuck Speckled28's Avatar
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    Our family dog Gizzy! He's a poodle and he'll be 3 this summer. The last picture is of him when we first bought him......and I couldn't resist the bum shot! He's always trying to see under the gate, lol.

    He's all boy.....roll/dig in the at bugs.....a little trouble maker! lol

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  5. #5
    Senior Canuck Speckled28's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Snow Queen View Post
    Come on, SC!! There is a cat club and no dog club? WHAT IS THIS BLASPHEMY!?!

    Let's chat about dogs. Our dogs, other people's dogs, small dogs, big dogs, brown dogs, black dogs, fat dogs, skinny dogs, and more!!

    So the dog in my display pic is JACKIE my pompom! He was diagnosed with Alopecia X last week.. :O(
    I can't quite picture a pompom with Alopecia!! Though I'm sure he'll be loved the same!

  6. #6
    Community Helper VeeVee's Avatar
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    I have a Yorkie/Bichon named Sacha,he is a year old He is super cuddly, has a massive personality and is super smart lol and as of recently is a doggy coat model (see my thread in the pet section lol)
    hollyquaiscer and rhinoswife like this.

  7. #7
    Smart Canuck Sunshyne1's Avatar
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    woot woot!

    I have a mutt...but a loveable handsome mutt (see below)
    His name is Tucker, and he's a Border Collie/Husky cross.
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  8. #8
    Senior Canuck Speckled28's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sunshyne1 View Post
    woot woot!

    I have a mutt...but a loveable handsome mutt (see below)
    His name is Tucker, and he's a Border Collie/Husky cross.

    Beautiful!! And I can't say I've heard of those two breeds crossed before!

  9. #9
    CaLoonie gspmamma's Avatar
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    We have two dogs. Vivace is a German Shorthaired Pointer. (she is my profile pic) and Skippy who is a Jack Russell. Vivace is not just a pet to us but also a service dog for my son. Both are rescues and we love them to bits.
    Not All Disabilities Are Visible. Proud owner of a medical alert wonder pup. (formally a puppy mill pup that was rescued and assists a special needs child)

  10. #10
    Clearance Junkie Ami1984's Avatar
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    I have 3 dogs and they are our kids, Spoiled right rotten but I would not have it any other way... Thats them in my profile pic, From left to right Is Serta (9), Jessica(13), and then Delila(1)

  11. #11
    Merician Loving Nuck! kparker1786's Avatar
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    My type of group/topic!

    I have two dogs, love of my lives (next to my husband haha). Abbie, is a yellow lab/golden retreiver cross. She thinks she's not as big as she REALLY is. And she's a big suck hole haha. Then there's Otis! He's a mix of terrier, poodle and chihuahua. And he naturally thinks he's a rottie or a Great Dane haha Abbie will be 7 in June and Otis will be 3 in August!

  12. #12
    Luv Saving People Money MortgageQueen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by almostmommy View Post
    I have a PitBull he is 9 years old
    I am sooooooo jealous!! I lost my baby a year ago. . .and the law says I can't have another. (I won't even go there)

    I have a Lab/rottie mix named Nika-Bear. She's pure black and looks like a giant Lab with a square head. Her wagging tail can throw you across the room. . haha! She's 100 lbs (lean) She was a rescue and the sweetest girl you'll meet. Her coat shines like a diamond (maybe it's that pound of meat she eats every day!) She is incredibly powerful but is very gentle with Eddie. She has a beautiful face and always gets compliments but thankfully she stays humble.

    Eddie is a "giant" JackRussell. I got him at 7 months old, from a young girl who was moving out west. She said she was told he was pure-bred, but we both agreed there must be something else in him. . .as he's now 32 lbs. I haven't got a clue what it could be because he looks exactly like a . . .Jack Russell.
    Eddie will steal anything. . .just because he can. But he'll show it to you afterwards. He's quite proud of his thieving ways. My DH calls him "The Terrorist" because he's non-stop and will get into everything and especially likes to annoy the cats. His favourite activity is swimming and if you're not careful, he'll happily jump in the tub with you. We have a large pond and he'll just swim around in it aimlessly. . .although he's discovered frogs lately and now they're his second favourite thing.
    He's really into gardening too. As I pull a weed, he's impatiently pacing until I throw it over my shoulder. . which he tries to catch. If I take too long in extracting a weed, he'll come over and help "dig it up".

    . . .and if you think that's cute. . check out the winner of Britain's got Talent.
    Speckled28 and mustanggirl91 like this.

  13. #13
    Smart Canuck bluerose's Avatar
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    Great Idea so now there is a Dog Lovers Group Club on Smartcanucks feel free to post pictures of dogs and discuss dogs.Join now woof.

  14. #14
    Luv Saving People Money MortgageQueen's Avatar
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    ok, so as all beloved pets do on a friday night of a long weekend. . . .Eddie (aka- the Terrorist) got porcupined. My poor DH was out walking them while I was out helping my Mom pick flowers for her balcony. Get a text "Eddie wants you to come home. He got Quilled. BTW, where's the aspirin?"
    I wasn't sure if the aspirin was for DH or Eddie. . . but it turned out it was for Eddie. BUT he gave him TWO! Poor little Eddie is only 32 lbs! I was afraid to remove the quills in case he bled out from over-thinning his blood. . arrrgh.
    Anyway, after my 200 lb husband wrestled with my 32lb dog for about 1/2 hr, I managed to get them all out. Not sure who whined and cried more. . DH or Eddie. Last time it was Nika, who is a very powerful 100 lb dog. . .so I guess we can consider ourselves lucky. . . Hey! I just saved $400!! Yippee

  15. #15
    Luv Saving People Money MortgageQueen's Avatar
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    Sheesh! No one's posting anything. COme on PEOPLE. . . I only have so many Eddie stories you know. . .
    So tonight we discovered Eddie has a special talent. He likes to catch mosquitos. So how LUCKY AM I, right?! Makes up for his "clepto" ways. . I'm now taking bookings for his services. . .

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