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Sun, May 6th, 2012, 10:16 PM #1
- Join Date
- May 2011
- Location
- Winnipeg, MB
- Posts
- 1,830
- Likes Received
- 166
- Trading Score
- 323 (100%)
~ Please read all rules before requesting a seat.~ You must PM your wish list and address for your seat to be reserved. Please forward this info within 24 hrs of requesting a seat – if not done, you will be bumped from the train
~ I will be taking 9 riders + me!
Please indicate If you are willing to accept the following:
Websaver/Brandsaver/ – Y/N
Toonies for Tummies – Y/N
French – Y/N
Store Specific – Y/N
Printables – Y/N
Personalized – Y/N
Multiples – Y/N
***If this is not included, it will assumed the answer is YES to all.***
Boarding Pass Options:
~ 4 unused “P” stamps & 2 extra WL coupons
~ FPC from my WL (no stamps required)
~ FPC from my these below: (no additional coupons or stamps required)
FPC Timothy’s K-Cups
$10 Pampers
FPC Folgers K-Cups
FPC Peanut Butter
~ Your wishlist must contain at least 40 coupons , including 4 easily accessible coupons – online or recent inserts. FPC’s & HV coupons have no limits!
~ No expiries before July 15, 2012!
~ Please remove ANY coupons from your WL that expires for July 15 (unless you are willing to accept them)
** I will not be held responsible if you do not receive your envie back before you are able to use the early expiry.
~ Please forward me PM's of any agreements between expiry dates, other coupons. THIS IS REALLY IMPORTANT!! I will not chase people down for the PM's. If this is not done by the time I receive the envie, I will assume the coupon is "extra" or incorrect. Sorry, I’m not going to chase people down for these PM’s.
~ Please separate each riders coupons using paper clips, baggies or envelopes.
~ Mail date – TBA
~ Send 3 exact coupons to each rider and conductor from their wishlist
~ 1 P STAMP = 1-2 Coupons
~ FPC’s (for 1 item, not WUB) counts as all coupons. (regardless of value)
~ Call Ins must be a minimum of 2 coupons, regardless of value (for everyone)
~ Failure to follow the rules may result in your envelope being returned to you. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE make sure to double/triple check your envie to ensure you are sending the proper coupons & proper expiry dates.
~ I understand that mistakes do happen. If there are more than 3 mistakes in your envie, I will use you BP to mail it back to you, and you will forfeit your prize. (Any coupons sent for a rider that has their envie returned to them will be mixed up & split among all riders)
~ Feedback is mandatory for all riders, and the conductor. It does not need to be immediately, but I will be checking to make sure you have done so.
Now Lets Make a Deal!!!
~ I have 42 envelopes that contain different items – FPCs, stamps, GC’s, Stickers, Assorted coupons, icoke pins, empty envelopes. The contents of the envies are determined prior to the game starting.
EVERYONE will pick their first envies at the same time – you must post in the thread with which envie you would like to pick. I will update post #3. Once everyone has chosen their first envies, I will reveal what is inside each one & you will have to decide whether you would like to keep your envie, or trade it for another.
~ All communication must be done in the thread.
**You can only win 1 envie in the entire game. If you choose to keep your envie, that will be your prize, and you cannot pick again!!
**You also cannot trade your envie with another riders envie on the train. The envie you pick is yours, if you trade it, you're trading for another pick in the next round
***NOTE - I will only send VWL items to people who choose blank envelopes as I will be supplying all the prizes***
**To be eligible to receive your prize envie, you should not have any mistakes in your envie - if you do, you will forfeit your prize, and I will only be sending WL coupons**
Game will start after everyone confirms they have mailed their envies.
*~* Riders *~*
**1) ErinsMom - mailed 5/9 - RECEIVED
**2) ag7365 - mailed 5/10 - RECEIVED
**3) Melissa13 - mailed 5/9 - RECEIVED
**4) mjconnaughan - mailed 5/8 - RECEIVED
**5) Jody22022 - mailed 5/10 - RECEIVED
**6) mangotango - mailed 5/9 - RECEIVED
**7) cherielake - mailed 5/9 - RECEVIED
(*)8) missbee217 - mailed 5/9 - RECEIVED, awating feedback for riders/me
**9) chesterjes - mailed 5/9 - RECEIVED
Last edited by jenp; Sat, Jun 16th, 2012 at 06:13 PM.
Sun, May 6th, 2012, 10:16 PM #2
- Join Date
- May 2011
- Location
- Winnipeg, MB
- Posts
- 1,830
- Likes Received
- 166
- Trading Score
- 323 (100%)
ErinsMom's wishlist
Websaver/Brandsaver/ – yes
Toonies for Tummies, French, printables – no
Store Specific- no
Counts as all 3
Kellogg's Share Your Breakfast promo codes (for bananas, Tetley, Eggos, Activa etc)
Kellogg's Love Your Cereal promo codes (for Mini Wheats, Rice Krispies, Cinnamon Pops)
FPC Arctic Gardens
FPC Dove
FPC Cavendish Fries
FPC Eggos
FPC Kettle Chips
FPC any laundry detergent/dryer sheets
FPC Oasis
FPC Olivieri pasta/sauce
FPC Tampax/Playtex tampons
FPC Stouffer’s Saute Sensations/Single Serve entree or Stouffer's Bistro product (not only Bistro Sliders)
FPC Sunlight laundry
** any FPC for anything on my wishlist
$5 Prime Marinated Boneless Skinless Breasts/Seasoned Flattened Chicken/Boneless Skinless Breasts or Prime Portions (will accept June 30 expiry) RRLF ** PM me if you are sending this & I will add 2 extra coupons to your envie**
$5 Chapmans -RRLF
$3 J&J call in- Aveeno/Neutrogena (2013 exp only please)
J & J replacement
Tims Roll Up the Rim Coffee Winner <--moved to All 3 as it is an FPC (as per rules)
Counts as 2
BOGO Arctic Gardens veggies
BOGO VH Steamers (will accept June 30 expiry)
VH Steamers $1.50 only from Shoppers Voice, have lots of $1 & $1 WUB2
Colgate-Palmolive $1
$2 Royale- must be good on any Royale product
Fresh Express salad $1- RRLF
Fresh fruit $2 WUB 2 Hunts Snack Packs- RRLF
Softlips $2
Counts as 1
$2 on fresh packaged meat WUB Pam
$.75 any fresh produce- from Ziploc boxes
$.75 any block cheese- from Ziploc boxes
$1.50 any fresh chicken product- from Ziploc boxes
Allens apple juice $.75 on 1.89L
Always pads (not Infinity) $1+
Amooza twists $1
Arctic Gardens stir fry, frozen veggies or rice $1 or $2
Arthur's Smoothies $1
Astro Original $1 (not Greek)
Astro $1 off any Astro product (good on Original & Biobest & Zero, not the Bio Best Smoothie only)
Black Diamond cheese $.75
Campbell's $1 WUB any 4
Campbells- $.50 any Campbell's product (good on soup, goldfish or V8)
Campbells Chunky Soup $.50
Chapmans ice cream/frozen yogurt
Cheerios (not chocolate)
Cheese- shredded or blocks $1+ (Black Diamond, Kraft, Armstrong, Cracker Barrel)
Classico pasta sauce
Clorox wipes
Colgate Total- no size restriction
Cottonelle $2
Crystal Light (good on singles)
Dairy Milk 100g bars $.50
Diana Sauces or Marinades (not gravy)
Diet Pepsi
Dole Salad
Driscoll’s berries $1- RRLF
English muffins
Filippo Berio olive oil $2
Europe’s Best frozen fruits or veggies $1
Europe's Best Fruit Essentials $2- RRLF **mutilpes please** (from latest Red Plum insert or websaver)
Gain laundry detergent $3 WUB2
General Mills cereal $1 good on any (red peelie)
Goldfish crackers (NOT grahams) $.75
Hunts Snack Packs $1
Interntional Delight (not Cafe Inspirations)
Janes $2 (not $1)
Jello $1 off any refrigerated pudding, gel or mousse snacks
Johnsonville Italian sausage $1
Keebler waffle bowls & cones $.75
Kettle Chips $1
Kraft Shredded cheese $1 (new Habanero Heat is OK)
Lactantia cream 500ml or 1L $.75 (not lactose free)
Lean Cuisine
Lysol wipes
Maple Leaf Natural Selections deli meat $1 (will accept June 30 expiry)
Maple Leaf BBQ (Top Dogs, hot dogs, Dempters/Ben's buns) $1 WUB 2 websaver
Maple Leaf Prime Chicken $2 (Mar 2013 expiry)
Marc Angelo $1+
Marzetti Greek or Ranch Veggie Dip $.75-RRLF
Maxx cat litter
Minigo $.75
Minute Maid juice (not frozen)
Minute Rice
Nutrigrain bars $2
Oasis- juice boxes $1/ jugs $1.50/cartons $1.25- not NutriSource please
Olivieri garlic bread
Oral B Pro Health manual toothbrush $1
Pam $2 WUB1
Pepperidge Farms Goldfish crackers (not grahams)
Philly cream cheese/dips (not Dill)
Playtex tampons $2 peelie
Purex laundry detergent- liquid, new crystals, new ultrapacks
Reactine $2
Skippy Natural or any Skippy $.75
Special K fruit crisps $1
Sponge Towels 6 roll packs $3 WUB 2
SummerFresh dips $1-RRLF
Sun Rise Soy Foods- Stir Fry "Tofu n Sauce" $1
Tampax tampons $1+
Tetley Tea $1- must be good for Orange Pekoe
Thinsations cookies/bars
Tide $3WUB2- from Duracell packages
Tostitios chips $1 (from 24 pack Pepsi boxes)
Tostitos salsa $1 (from 24 pack Pepsi boxes)
Uncle Ben's "Rice & Sauce" $.50- not Bistro Express
Venus razor $3 off any (not WUB)
Welch’s fruit snacks
Ziploc (baggies or containers) $2 WUB 2 or $1 WUB 1
Counts as all coupons
FPC Arctic Gardens
FPC Activia Yogurt
FPC Asana Yogurt
FPC Bananas
FPC Beneful Prepared Meals
FPC Coke products
FPC Healthy Choice Steamers (websaver) RRLF
FPC KitKat
FPC Lays Chips (from Superbowl promo)
FPC Nordica Cottage Cheese
FPC Oasis
FPC Pepsi (from Superbowl promo)
FPC Quaker Granola Bars
FPC Smartfood Popcorn
FPC Smarties
FPC Smart Ones Soup
FPC SunnyD
FPC Trop50--RRLF
FPC Twistos
Any FPC (no baby,smellies, hair dye)
$5 Chapmans
$2 Cottonelle
BOGO Amooza
BOGO Sunlight
$2 off Maple Leaf Prime Naturally Chicken, March 2013 expiry
$1/1.50 Chicken (Ziploc box)
$3 Aveeno/Neutrogena Call in
$3 Ground Beef WUB Hamburger Helper
Counts as 2 coupons
BOGO Arctic Gardens
BOGO Dempsters
BOGO Healthy Steamers
BOGO Olivieri
BOGO Pepsi Max
B2 Nutri-Grain bars, Special-K bars, All-Bran bars, or Rice Krispies bars and get free apples
$5 WUB 3 Garnier
$3 WUB 2 Charmin, Bounty or Tide
$.75 Black Diamond Block Cheese, 340-500g, any (Dec 31 2013)
$.75 Block Cheese-any (Ziploc box)
$3 Bread WUB Ziplock
$1 WUB2 Certo---RRLF
$2 off Club House La Grille 30 Minute Marinades
$1 Colgate Palmolive Call-in
$1 Dare/Grissol
Delissio Pizza
Eggs $1 wub 2 dozen
$1 Europes Best March 31, 2013 (from Easter Bakefest Booklet)
$.75 Fresh Produce (from Ziploc boxes)
Fresh Express Salad
$1 any Gay Lea, Nordica, Lacteeze or Ivanhoe product, expiring Dec.31 '13.
General Mills Peelie
$3 WUB 2 Haagen-Dazs
Free Hamburger Buns WUB 4 Campbell’s Products
Hunts Snak Pak Save 2$ on Fresh Fruit WUB2 4 packs
$.75 Lactania Cream, Dec 2012 expiry-not lactose free RRLF
Kellogg’s Peelie
$1 Lactanis Milk Dec 31 expiry-good on 4L bags
$1 Kraft Parmesan Cheese Sept 30 expiry RRLF
$.50 Maple Leaf Top Dogs
Marc Angelo-valid on any
$2 ANY Melitta RRLF
$1 off 24 pkg nestle water
$1.25Oasis Refrigerated cartons march 2013 expiry
$1 Olymel Bacon
$1 Olymel Peelie
$2 Olymel Peelie
$1 any Renee's Gourmet product
$1 Tostitos Artisan Recipes Tortilla Chips
$1Tostitos Salsa, Salsa Con Queso or Spinach Dip
Trop50 RRLF
$2 on your next purchase of an 18ct Variety Pack 504g, 23312584, Dec 31,2012
Counts as 1
$1+ All Bran Bars
$1 Always Radiant Pads, Liners or Wipes Sept 30 2013
Armstrong Cheese
Arthurs Smoothies
$1 Astro Original yogurt-not Greek, 2013 expiry
Bagel O’s
Beneful Wet
Beggin Strips
$1 BUITONI Pizza
Black Diamond Cheese
Blue Diamond Almonds
Blue Dragon
Bush’s Beans
$1 WUB4 Campbells-not store specific
Campbell's $0.50 WUB any Chunky Soup, Ready to use broth, Goldfish Cracker or V8
Canned tuna-not flavored
Canned veggies
$.30 Any Catelli Product March 31st 2013
Chunky soup
$.75 D'Italiano Product-any exp. Sept. 30/12
$.75 Danone
$1 Dempsters Smooth Multigrain bread (websaver)
$.50 off Dempster's Original Hot Dog & Hamburger Buns RRLF
$.75 off Dempster's Deluxe Buns RRLF
Delissio Pizza
Del Monte Canned Fruit
$2 Dove any Nourishing Oil Care product
$2 Duracell (from battery pack)
$2 WUB 2 Dove
$2+ Finish Quantum
$1 off fresh fruit wub Toblerone
Frozen Vegetables-Artic Gardens/Europe’s Best/Green Giant
$.75 General Mills products (
$2 Gillette Fusion ProGlide Razor Feb 28, 2013
Goldfish Crackers, (not grahams)
Golden Dragon
$.75 G.U.M
Healthy Steamers Frozen Dinners
$1 WUB3 Jell-o Jelly Powder products,
Johnsonville Sausages-not five cheese
Lactantia Butter,
$.75 off Keebler Waffle Bowls or Waffle Cones
Kikkoman Sauce
Kraft Handi-Snacks
$1 wub2 Mapleleaf Canned Meat
$1 WUB2 packages of Maple Leaf Top Dogs, etc. (websaver)
$1Maple Leaf Natural Selections deli meats
$1 Marc Angelo Sausages
Marzetti Dips
$2 Meat WUB PAM
$0.50 Milkbone Soft & Chewy Treats (expiry April 30/13)
Miracle Whip
$.75 on any Natura product (expiry Mar 2013)
$1 ANY Nestea 12 pack product
$1 Nestea or Goodhost
Newman's Own Dressing
$1.50 Oasis Refrigerated jugs march 2013 expiry
$.50 on any Old El Paso
Old Spice (2013 expiry)
Olive Oil
Olivieri Pasta or Sauce
$1 Palmolive
$1 WUB 2 Refrigerated Jello
$.50 Rice Krispie squares
$.75 Rougemont 2l or allens 100% apple juice 1.89L
$1 Saputo
$1.50 Satin Care
SC Johnson peelie
$2 WUB2 Smartfood Popcorn
Skippy Peanut Butter—not natural
Smuckers Dessert Topping
Tabasco Sauce
VH Sauces $2wub2 (March 31, 2013)
Vlasic Pickles
Weight Watchers Smart Ones Frozen dinners
Weight Watchers Smart Ones Soup
No - TFT / French / Store Specific / Printables
Yes - Personalized / save / websaver ect.
Multiples: Max 2 unless otherwise noted
Counts as all
*FPC Cadbury Dairy Milk bar (june 30)
*FPC Clairol Perfect 10 hair colour
*FPC Dempsters Bagels (from FB)
*FPC Gardein or other meatless products (ie Yves ect, not Tofu pls)
*$5 Ice Cream/Chapman’s
*FPC Oasis Smoothie (1.75L)
*FPC’s from Pepsi MIR Promo (Tostitos / 6-pk pepsi / Smartfood Popcorn / Twistos)
*FPC Quaker Granola Bars (good on Dipps)
*FPC Silk Soy Milk
*FPC Sunlight laundry
*FPC Tassimo discs **RLF
*Coupon for free breakfast item from Cereal boxes (ie. Silk/Eggos ect.) **
Counts as 2
*B1G1 Arctic Gardens veggies or $2 on one
*$3 Aveeno (call-in - 2013 pls)
*$0.75 ANY Block Cheese (from Ziplock pkg)
*$3 on Bread wub Ziploc (oct 2012)
*$1.50 on ONE Canada Dry Ginger Ale, Canada Dry ect. Case of 12x355ml or 10x355ml
*$4 Cover Girl on one
*$1 wub2 Del Monte No salt canned veggies (from label Dec 31)
*B1G1 Dempsters
*$1 Fresh Express bagged salad (dec)
*$0.75 any Fresh Produce product (from ziplock package)
*$2 on Fresh Fruit wub any 2 snack pack (july 31)
*$1 Hain Celestial (call in good on any product - June 30 expiry okay)
*$2 Kashi Crackers
*Kelloggs “Love Your Cereal” Promo PIN (only need 1 more!)
*B1G1 Mach3 Disposables 3ct razors
*$4 wub2 Nestle 20ct snack size bars (Dec 31 from bear paws box)
*B1G1 Olivieri pasta
*$2+ Silk Soy Milk
*$2 Stayfree (J&J call in - June 30 expiry okay)
*$2 Tylenol/Band-aid (J&J call in - June 30 expiry okay)
*B1G1 Sunlight
Counts as 1
*$1 Always Radiant Liners (2013)
*$1 Arctic Gardens
*$0.75 Armstrong cheese
*$1 wub2 Bagel-O’s boxes
*$1 Bassilli Lasanga 907g (from Calendar Dec 2012)
*$1+ Becel (good on reg.)
*$0.75 Black Diamond cheese 340-500g (Dec 2013 - 1 per rider)
*$0.75 Blue Diamond Almonds (not wub)
*$1.50+ on any ONE Blue Water product
*$3 WUB2 Bounty/Charmin/Puffs
*Bush’s Baked Beans
*$0.50 Campbell’s Goldfish Crackers (july)
*$0.50 Cnd Tire $
*$0.75 Catelli good on any (tear pad)
*Chapmans Frozen Yogurt
*$2 on 18ct Variety pack chips (504g - Dec 31)
*$0.75 wub2 Christie crackers (1 per rider)
*$2 Club House La Grille
*$2 Cottonelle any product
*$1 Cottonelle moist wipes (Dec 2012)
*$1 on any ONE Dawn Dish soap
*$0.75 Dempsters white bread
*$0.50 Dempsters Hot dog/hamburger buns (Oct 31)
*$0.75 Dempsters Deluxe buns ect. (oct 31)
*$0.75 D’Italiano good on any (Sept 30)
*$1 Dr. Oetker Mug Cake
*$Dr.Pepper/Crush 12-pk cans
*$0.35 Duncan Hines Cake mix (dec 31)
*$0.75+ Eggos
*$1 Europe’s Best fruit (from booklet - 2013)
*$2 Europe’s Best (Only from websaver please)
*$3 Febreze Home Collection (2013)
*$2 Filippo Berio (2013)
*$0.75+ Fontaine Sante Hummus cocktail (Dec 31, 2013)
*$0.75 General Mills Selected products (
*$2 Gillette Deodorant (2013)
*$0.75 G.U.M. product
*$1 on any Gravol product (Dec 2012 - 65334066)
*Free Hamburger buns wub4 Campbell’s product (Aug 31)
*$0.75 any International Delight product - any new ones out there??
*Jake’s bake house bread
*$1 Kraft Singles white cheese (save)
*$0.75 Lactantia Butter (Dec 31 2013)
$0.50 Leclerc cookie product (NED)
*$1.50 Mccain potato medley (websaver? Not tear pad)
*Miss Vickies chips
*$1 Naturegg 12-pk carton (
*Newman’s own Salsa or other salsa brands
*$1 Oasis Juice Boxes (8x200mL/5x200mL) March 2013 - from Allens
*$1 Oasis 1.75L Refrigerated (NOT Nutrisource pls)
*$1 Paper Mate Inkjoy pens (Sept 30 - from Lou Lou mag)
*$1 Pepperidge Farm Sweet Biscuits (NED)
*$1 Purina Beggin Strips
*$1 wub2 Pringles Superstacks or B2G1F
*$0.55 Reser’s Product (mar 2013)
*$0.75 Rice Thins crackers or Crisps (Dec 31 - 1 per rider)
*$0.75 Rougement 2l juice (dec 31)
*$1 Sabra Hummus
*$5 wub3 Seventh Generation products
*$1+ Silk /Almond Milk /So Nice (good on refrigerated carton)
*Simply Orange/lemonade juice
*$0.75 Skippy peanut butter good on any (dec 2012 - from calendar)
*SmartOnes Soup/ frozen entrees (not satisfying selections)
*$2 Soft Lips any product (dec 2012)
*$0.75 Stagg Chili (NOT .50 please)
*$1 Summer Fresh 300g topped hummus
*$1 any Tetley Green Tea (08117016)
*$1 Tostitos Artisan Chips
*$1 Tostitos salsa/Dips (Dec 31)
*$3 Venus Razor (2013)
*$0.50 Welch’s 100% Juice (save - 1 per rider)
*$0.75 on any 1 Wheat sticks or Ritz Munchables (Aug 31 - 1 per rider)
*$1 Ziploc good on any (not wub)
French No
Store specific No
Printable No
Multiples no
Stacking No
Websaver/gocoupons/ Yes
Counts as all
FPC- 2L diet Pepsi -RRRRLF
FPC- 6 X 710ml diet Pepsi- RRRRLF
$5 Chapmans
fpc-laundry detergent
FPC Trop50
FPC Sunny D
FPC Bagels
FPC Smarties
FPC any laundry detergent
FPC instant Quaker Oatmeal
FPC Chocolate
most Food FPC(PM to check)
Kelloggs love your Cereal PIN
FPC or $5 Maxx cat Litter
FPC - Quaker Chewy or dipps granola bars, 156-206g (11/30/12) #15105149
FPC Kellogg’s
FPC adult cat dry food
BOGO Coke product 12 pack
FPC Cereal(any)
FPC Beneful Wet
FPC triscut crackers
FPC Dove
FPC Tostitos
FPC Superbowl Promo
FPC Old Dutch
FPC Vaseline
FPC yogurt
FPC Eggo waffles
FPC Beneful wet dog food
FPC Hair dye
Counts as 2
$3 beef wub HH
$1 mug cakes rrrlf
Bassili’s Best
Good nights Dec exp or later
$$ off ice cream or frozen treats on one or wub
$.75+ Block cheese
BOGO arctic Gardens
Counts as 1
BOGO Beneful(
any Old El Paso salsa, kits, shells, ext
Old dutch chips
Janes chicken
Dr Oetker Panebello Pizza(
$$ off coke products
Delisso Pizzas
Chef boyardee
Snack Pack puddings
Friskies DRY Cat Food
$1.00 Post Honey Bunches of Oats Sept 30 2012
$1.50 Busy Bone
Cheez whiz
frozen fruit
canned fruit
Olymel $2.50
ED Smith Jam
$1 Beneful WET
1 WYB3 ED Smith 540 ml pie filling
Lactantia Butter ex August or later
Snack Pack puddings
Quaker oatmeal
Mug cakes(dec exp or later)
bbq sauce
Cinnamon Pops
Cheez whiz
oasis Juice (not nutrisource)
Europes Best
Arctic Gardens
Shake and Bake
Trop 50
Busy Bone
White Sugar
Beggin Strips
1.50 mini wheat centers
mini wheat
2.00 off any OFF!
$1 Oasis Juice Boxes (8x200mL or 5x200mL) March 31, 2013
$1.50 Oasis Refrigerated jugs -any flavour (2.63L) March 31, 2013
$1.25 Oasis Refrigerated cartons -any flavour (1.75L) March 31, 2013
Skippy products
Eggo waffles
$1 Palmolive from smartsource
Pizza Pops
.75 General mills (
$2 Olymel frozen chicken
smuckers Dessert topping ex apr 30/13
Special K Fruit crisps(websaver)
1.00 off any Nestea or Goodhost
any kelloggs cereal
any post cereal
Kraft Peanut Butter
friskies wet cat food
hamburger helper
dole fruit
Pop Tarts
$1 nesquick wub milk
Jody22002's Wishlist:
Store Specific:N
Counts as all Coupons:
FPC Sunny D
FPC Oasis Juice or Smoothie
FPC Timothy's
FPC Cereal
FPC Silk
FPC Eggos
FPC Glade Expressions
FPC Hair Dye
BOGO Snuggle
5.00 Mapleleaf Prime Chicken(June 30 ok)
FPC Veggies wub Hamburger Helper(June 30 ok)
3.00 Beef wub Hamburger Helper
2.00 wub2 Eggs
Any 2.00+ Call In
Counts as two coupons:
Any .50+ Call In
5.00 wub3 Garnier
3.00/6.00 Bounty/Charmin/Puffs
3.00 Nexxus
5.00 wub3 Gillette
1.50 Chicken(Ziploc Box)
.75 Produce(Ziploc Box)
.75 Cheese(Ziploc Box)
2.00 Clubhouse Marinade(Ziploc Box)
BOGO Dempster's
BOGO Vh Steamers
BOGO Artic Gardens
BOGO Mountain Dew(Pepsi Box)
BOGO Oliveri
BOGO Smart Ones
.75 Lactania Cream(NOT Lactose free)- RLF
2.00 Pam
2.00 off meat wub Pam
2.00 Olymel Peelie
2.00 Highliner(good on any - not specific)
Free Apples wub2 Nutrigrain, etc
FPC Coke wub Old El Paso
2.00 Melitta Coffee-RLF
.50 Old El Paso Peelie
.55 Reser's Peelie
2.00 Purina Dry Cat Food Peelie
1.50 Canada Dry
.75 Catelli Tearpad
1.00 Fresh Express Salad
1.00 Earthbound Farms(RLF)
1.00 General Mills Peelie
1.00 Johnsonville(not 5 cheese)
1.00 Marc Angelo
1.00 Driscoll Berries
.75 Cream of Wheat
4.00 Van Houtte Peelie
3.00 Van Houtte Peelie
Mio Water Enhancer
$1 on Tostitos Artisan Recipes Tortilla Chips 275g, 2331255, Dec 31,2012
$2 wub one jell-o instant pudding and one cool whip tub...05532591...expires dec 21 2012.
3.00 Venus(Feb 28/13)
3.00 Febreeze Home Collection(Feb 28/13)
5.00 Kids Advil
5.00 Advil Cold n Flu
2.00 Cottonelle Toilet paper
4.00 Covergirl
Counts as 1:
1.00 wub any Gaylea, Nordica, or Lacteeze product
1.00 Pam
1.00 Nestea(good on singles)
1.00 Nestea 12 pk
1.00 Lipton 12 pk
True Black Juice
Rougement Juice
Graves Apple Juice
1.00 Oasis Juice Boxes
1.00 Graves or Rougement
.50 Oasis(good on 960ml)
1.25/1.50 Oasis
2.00 Olive Oil
.75 Keebler Ice Cream Cones
3.00 wub2 Hagaan Daz
.75 Keebler Pie Crusts
.35 Duncan Hines Cake Mix
.75 Lil Ones Yogurt
.75 Danone
1.00 Astro Original
1.00 Astro(good on 650g tubs)
1.00 Danino
.00 off Yoptimal 0%
1.00 Minigo
1.00 Liberte
1.00 Kraft Slices
.75 Black Diamond(good on block or slices)
1.00 Kraft Shredded
1.00 Kraft Habanero
2.00 Becel Pro-Active
.75 Lactania Butter
.75 Thinsations
.75 General Mills Product
1.00 Special K Crackers
2.50 Special K Granola
Blue Diamond Almonds
1.00 wub2 Mott's Fruitsations
1.00 wub2 Refrigerated Jello
1.00 wub1 Refrigerated Jell-o
1.00 wub3 Jello Powder
.30 Del Monte Portable Fruit
1.00 Del Monte Perfection
1.00 Peek Freans
1.00 Old El Paso Tortillas(websaver)
.50 Bush's Baked Beans
Hunt's Pasta Sauce/paste/tomato Sauce
Alymer's Tomatoes(not Accents)
.50 Canadian Club BBQ Sauce
.30 KD Cups
.75 Catelli
1.00 Catelli Smart(gocoupons)
1.00 Oliveri
.75 Ritz Munchables
.50 Uncle Ben's Rice n Sauce
1.00 Renee's Gourmet
Newman's Own
Miracle Whip
2.00 wub2 Smartfood Popcorn
1.00 Swanson Skillet Meals
1.00 Olymel Ham
1.00 Olymel Bacon
2.00 Delissio Thin n Crispy
Olymel Weiners
1.00 May Family Farms
1.00 wub2 Top Dogs, etc
1.00 Dempster's Bagels
Dempster's Hamburger or Hot Dog Buns
.75 Villagio
.75 D'italiano
1.00 Nutrigrain bars
Special K Crackers
2.00 Kashi Crackers
.75 wub2 Christie Crackers
1.00 off fruit wub toblerone
1.00 Dole Salad
1.00 Artic Gardens
1.00 wub2 eggs
.75 ED Smith Jam
1.00 wub3 ED Smith Pie Filling
.75 Fleischman's Pizza Yeast
.75/1.00 Smuckers
.50 on ONE VH Steamer
Marzetti Dip
.40 Golden Dragon
.75 Skippy
Dr Oetker Pie Filling
2.00 Carnation Instant Breakfast
1.00 wub4 campbell's
.50 Campbell's Broth
.50 Campbell's Chunky
.50 Campbell's(good on a variety of products)
.50 Goldfish
FREE 8pk Hamburger buns wub4 Campbells
.75 Del Monte Fruit Snacks
.50 Cadbury DairyMilk
1.00 any Gravol Product
1.00 Hawaiian Tropic
3.50 Dog Chow(
2.00 Benefull Dry
1.00 Beneful Wet
Live Clean
2.00 L'Oreal Hair Expertise
2.00 la Coupe
.75 GUM
1.00 Playtex(no inserts)
5.00 wub2 John Frieda
2.00 wub3 Maybeline Nail Polish
.75 Scotties
Scope(no inserts)
Purex Toilet paper
1.00 Sunlight Power Packs
2.00 wub2 dove
1.00 Garnier Fructis
2.00 Garnier Pure Line Product
4.00 L'Oreal Excellence
1.00 Alberto
3.00 Zantac
2.00 off any one OFF product
Majesta Toilet Paper
Purex Toilet Paper
1.00/2.00 SC Johnson
Mangotango's Wishlist:
French: N
Store specific: Safew2ay ok, Anything else NO
Printable: Y color only
Stack: N
Multiples:N unless stated otherwise
Count as 3
i am open to any food/beverage FPC true fpc not wub
any FPC from superbowl promo
FPC Adult Cat food
FPC AmOOza twists
FPC Aquafina Vitamin Water (if there is any for 2012)
FPC Carefree Body Shape Liners
FPC Chips - any kind except kettle chips
FPC Coke
FPC Dairy Milk Chocolate Bar
FPC Kit Kat
FPC maxx scoop cat litter
FPC McCains foods - Pizzas, Deep ‘n delicious cakes, Wong wing entrée’s
FPC oasis
FPC Pepsi
FPC powerade
FPC Philadelphia cream cheese
FPC Quaker chewy or dipps granola bars
FPC smarties
FPC SunnyD
FPC Twisto's
share your breakfast pin
$5 chapmans
BOGO Coke - Cans or 2L
$1 CT money
$5 MAXX cat litter
Count as 2
$1+ Call Ins/Vouchers from: Danone, Colgate Palmolive, Kimberly Clark (good on U by Kotex), Dare, ConAgra, Campbells, General Mills, SC Johnson, Unilever, Quaker, Unico$1 or $1.50 canada dry ginger ale regular or flavoured* RRRRLF
$1/$3 chapmans
.50-.60 CT Money
$1 Colgate Palmolive
$4 covergirl (not wub)
$3 ground beef wub HH
J&J Callins - $2 j&j band-aid - $2 Stayfree/Carefree - $3 j&j aveeno
$1 kimberly clark call-in - good for various not just huggies **
love your breakfast pin
$1 Mug Cakes
SC Johnson Mail outs
$1/$2 SC Johnson Peelies
$2 shredded wheat
stouffers pins must include the UPC!!
.50 stride gum or other chewing gum
$$(any) u by kotex
BOGO VH steamers (june 1st + june 30th ok)
Count as 1
A&H cat litter
A&H Litter deodorizer
$1 Amooza Twists (
$1 becel
save $3 on bread wub 1 ziploc product
.50 wub any one campbells product (good on campbells chunky soup, campbells ready to use broth, pepperidge farm crackers or snacks, v8 or v8 v-fusion beverage)
$.50 campbells chunky soup
$2 Carefree Body Shape Liners
$1 wub 2 Chef Boyardee
$$ Any Chef Boyardee
.40 - .35 CT Money
dole drinks
fancy feast elegant medleys (not wub 10 or 12 tins)
Fancy feast wet cat food (not wub 10 or 12 tins)
Friskies Dry cat food
.75 general mills products (
glade solids- only
$1 Honey Bunches of oats ( or tear pad)
Icoke pins - only 1 per rider valid for 2012
$1 WUB1 or WUB2 Refrigerated Jello Cups
johnsons baby wash
juice boxes
KD Cups
$1 lady speed stick (upc 80003648) exp. 07/29/12 ONLY! NOT from SS insert
lip gloss?? (not wub)
lunch mate bucks
$1 marc angelo
Maxx cat Litter **RRLF
$.50 Mug Cakes Dec expiry
$1 Nutrigrain (websaver)
.50 oasis (good on 960ml)
.75 oasis (good on 960ml)
Oasis 100% premium juice
$1.25 Oasis juice (no nutri-source please)
Pop $$ off wub1 (2L or can), wub 2 (2L), Only
pudding snack packs
Quaker Granola Bars (not nature valley, fiber 1, or fiber plus.. all bran bars are not granola bars)
$0.75 any Skippy product 87410462 Dec 31, 2012
shreddies - not shredded wheat
$2 on any softlips
sunmaid rasin bread
thinsations ( or tear pad
villaggio bread
Cherie's Wishlist:
French: No
Stack No
Store Specific: (ONLY for safeway)
Perosnized: Yes (with name on it)
Multiples: No
Printed: Yes in color only! - and as long as the mailing address can be easliy read
** For the coupons that say multiples ok, do not send more then 2 thanks
* Do NOT send FPC's with Price filled in, as they have already been redeemed
All Coupons, call ins or fpc's sent should be Canadian, with Canadian redemption address
Count as all
FPC always/kotex
FPC Arm & Hammer Catt Litter
FPC or BOGO Amooza Twists
FPC Anything from my list
FPC Any McCains Products (wing wong, fries, cakes, pizzas - anything!)
FPC Cinnamon Corn Pops
FPC Chips (lays/ruffles - super bowl promo)
FPC Coke, pepsi, dr.pepper any pop really (not wub)
FPC Adult Cat food (any kind)
FPC Adult Dog food
FPC Eggos
FPC Kellogs Cereal (red and white coupon - valid on any)
FPC Little Swimmers
FPC McDonalds french fries (for kids from halloween booklet)
FPC Mini Wheats centers or Little bites
FPC Oasis Juice
FPC Pepsi (super bowl promo)
FPC philadelphia cream cheese
FPC Quaker Granola Bars
FPC SunnyD
FPC Trop 50 (super bowl promo)
FPC Twisto's (super bowl promo)
FPC Vasiline
$3 Valid on Any Advil (UPC 12922983)
$5 Champmans
$2 Huggies good on wipes (printed mail out coupon)
$5 Maxx Cat Litter
$5+ Pampers Voucher from company
$2+ Quaker Call in
share your breakfast pin code from cereal boxes
$3 Kimberly clark good on various
$2 any McDonald's Happy Meal (June 3rd expiry OK)
I'm open to pretty much any food fpc true fpc not wub (not sea food, no soy please, no natrel baboo stuff for babies or whatever its called)
2 Points
Any mail out from j&j (pink, blue, green) 2013 expiry- $2 Stayfree, $2 band-aid $2 Tylenol ** RRRLF
- $3 Clean and Clear / Aveeno mail out from j&j
Any Call In coupon $.75 or more
Arm & Hammer Cat Littler any amount
Axe Deodorant
$3 Bread wub Ziplock ***RRLF multiples welcome
$2 Carefree Body Shape Liners
$.75 Any Cheese Product (from ziplock) multiples welcome
$1 Colgate-palmolive multiples welcome
$1 WUB 2 dozen eggs, real eggs from a chicken, not a carton or omega 3 - if $2 wub 2 it counts as all 3
$2 Eurpoe's Best
$1.50 Fresh Chicken (ziplock) **RRLF!! (multiples welcome)
$.75 Fresh produce (Ziplock) **RRLF (multiples welcome)
Friskies DRY Cat Food
$1 General mills peelie (valid on any kind)
Gillette - buy any one deodorant get a free body wash
$2 Highliner good valid on any kind not type specific
$1 Huggies Baby wipes
Kimberly Clark Mail outs - must be good for kotex or various products (if more the $1 will count as all)
$.75 Minigo yogurt
$1 Minigo yogurt
$1 Oasis Juice Boxes
$.75 Oasis (good on 960 ml) multiples welcome
$1 Olivieri Pasta or sauce (websaver)
BOGO Olivieri Pasta (facebook promo)
$2 Pam wub 1
$3+ Pampers Diapers good on size 4 cruisers or baby dry (no swaddlers/sentive, wub or boxes) later then june 30 ONLY
$1 Pampers Wipes
Pin Code Kelloggs “Love Your Cereal” Promo **RRLF
$1 Purina Beggin stripps or T bonz RRRLF multiples welcome
Puppy Pee Pads
$1+ Quaker Call in (good on any)
Quaker Instant Oatmeal
$2 Royale Paper towel Sept 30 2012
Skinny Cow Ice cream
B1G1 Sunlight dish washing liquid
U by Kotex reg and tween
Any BOGO`s from my wishlist below** other then stated bogos as 1 point
Count as 1
A&H Cat Litter Deodorizer ** RRLF!!
$1.50 All bran bars (websaver)
Alymer Tomatoes (not accents)
Armstrong cheese blocks
Black Diamond cheese good on blocks and cheese slices
$3 Bounty/charmin/puffs
Busy Bone Dog treats
Busy Roll Hide Dog Treats
$.50 Campbells good on various (chunky, broth, V8, Goldfish)
Campbells Soups Wub 2, 3, or 4 ok (not low fat)
Canned Veggies -(green giant , del monte, any!) less salt ok - any but tomatoes **RRRLF multiples welcome
$.75 Catelli valid on any
$1 Catelli Smart (websaver)
Cheese Whiz (unicorn?)
$.25+ Chef Boyardee
Clover leaf tuna flavored ok (no kits)
$2+ Cottonelle
Crisco Vegetable oil
$.50 or $.75 Valid on ANY Danone yogurt
$1 Dare or Grissol Products (good on 1)
Delisso Pizzas (no flat bread please)
Dempsters Hotdog or hambuger buns (regular kind only plz)
Duncan Hines Cake Mixes or Icing
$1 Europes Best
Gain Laundry Detergent (not wub plz) is there any of these anymore?
Gatorade (do these exists?)
Gerber graduates treats only
Any Gillette body wash with 2013 expiry only
$1 Highliner valid on 200g - 712g including market cuts 2013 expiry ONLY!
$1 Honey Bunches of Oats (sept 30)
Huggies Codes from diapers only (if from wipes 2 codes = 1 coupon)
Ivory dish washing soap
$1 wub 2 Jello - refrigerated
$1 wub 3 Jello - powder
K-Cups other then Folgers
$1 Kraft Shredded Cheese (
$1 Kraft Parm (grated) cheese sept expiry?
Kraft peanut butter (unicorn?)
$.30 wub 2 Kraft Dinner cups
Lactantia butter later then june (have too many of those)
$.75 Lactantia Cream (not Lactose Free) mulitples welcome
Milk Bone treats 2013 only please
$2 Mini Wheat Centers (from cereal Box)
Mini Wheat Little bites - hope there is more out there
Minute Maid Juice Boxes or Cans
Motts fruitsations Any after april??
$1 Nutrigrain bars (websaver)
$.50 Oasis (good on 960 ml)
Oasis 100% Premium Juice
OFF (bug spray) any amount wub ok - not clip on
$1 Old dutch (hoping for new ones)
$1 Pam good on original
$2 Pampers good on cruisers or baby dry (no sensitive, boxes, or wub) Later then June 30 2012
Pampers gtg codes from diapers (if from wipes 2 codes = 1 coupon)
Pasta Sauce or tomatoe sauce (not paste)
Pop - 7up, ginerale, schweppes, Dr. Pepper, Crush, Bogo $ off, or $$ wub 2 (2L) ok
Pop tarts
$.50 Rice Crispie Treats (tear pad)
$1.50 Rice Kripies treats
Stouffers Pins please include UPC multiples welcome
Sunlight Dish soap
Thinsations or tear pad
$2 Tide Valid on 20 + loads if over $2 will count as 2
Villaggio Bread (please come back)
Missbee217's Wishlist
TFT: Yes
French: No
Stack: No
Store Specific: No
Printable: In colour on Photo paper
On-line: Yes!
**Please note, all coupons must be valid in Ontario**
**I will happily accept ANY FPC**
Counts as 3
**Advil Childrens $5+ **RRLF**
Amazon $5 GC or .ca code
Arctic Gardens FPC
Bananas FPC (From Kelloggs)
Brisk FPC (Not 1L WUB 12pk)
Canada Dry FPC
Canadian Tire $5 GC
Chapmans’s $5
Chicken WUB
**Cineplex Admit One Pass **RRLF**
Cineplex GC
Cinnamon Pops FPC
Danone Activia FPC
Danone Coolision FPC
**Delissio $2 + **RRLF**
**Delissio FPC **RRLF**
Dempster’s FPC
Eggo FPC
General Mills cereal $2.50+
**General Mills PINS (2) for Reebok t-shirt**RRLF**
Ground Beef $3 or $4 WUB
**Hilton H Honors Reward Points**RRLF**
Johnson & Johnson’s Call-in $2 + (Valid for all Johnson's products or Buddies)
Johnson's Take-Along Pack FPC
Kashi FPC
**Kelloggs Love Your Cereal PINS (2) **RRLF**
**Kelloggs Share Your Breakfast PIN (or FPC) **RRLF**
Maple Leaf Prime $5 +
Mini Wheats FPC
Nordica Cottage Cheese FPC
Nutri-Grain Bars $2 +
Oasis $5
Oasis FPC
Olymel $10
Orville Reddenbacher FPC
PC $5 GC
Pepsi FPC
Philadephia Cooking Cream FPC
Purina Dry Dog Food FPC
Quaker Granola Bars (Chewy) FPC
Quaker Instant Oatmeal FPC
Schneiders Lunchmates or Grab N Go $2 +
Shoppers Drug Mart $5 GC
Silk True Almond FPC
Similac Cheque $5 or $10
Smartfood PopCorn FPC
Smarties FPC
Smuckers FPC
Superbowl Promo FPC (any of the 6)
Sunny D FPC
Tetley Tea FPC
**Tide $3 on 25 load **RRLF**
Tim Hortons $5 GC
Tostitos FPC
ToysRUs $5 GC
Triscuit Thin Crisps FPC
Trop 50 FPC
V8 V-Fusion FPC
Whiskas FPC
Counts as Two
Arctic Gardens BOGO
Bread (From Ziploc)
Finish Tabs or Quantum $ 3 +
Fishing Lures (CT Exclusive okay)
Fresh Produce 75c + (From Ziploc)
Gillette Body Wash FPC WUB Deodorant/Anti-Perspirant
Green Giant FPC WUB (If full FPC, counts as 3)
**Kelloggs $2 Peelie**RRLF**
Highliner $2 + (Valid on any)
Kraft Shredded Cheese FPC WUB (If full FPC, counts as 3)
Maple Leaf Prime $3 +
**Olymel Chicken $2.50 or BOGO **RRLF**
Tim Hortons RRRoll Up The Rim
Counts as 1
Cheez Whiz
Chocolate Bars (any, really)
Colgate Children’s Toothpaste
Catelli pasta
Dr. Oetker pizza
**Delissio Pizza (normal ones that go on sale) **RRLF**
Dempster’s Tortilla Wraps
Diana Sauce (Not Gravy)
Dog Treats (not Pedigree WUB)
Eggs (real, normal eggs)
Five Alive
Gillette Body Wash $2 +
Gillette Deodorant/Anti-Perspirant $2 +
**Gingerale (Canada Dry or Schweppes, WUB okay) **RRLF**
Glad Garbage Bags (Regular or Force Flex)
Granulated White Sugar
Hostess chips
Hot Stuffs
HP Ink refillsJuice Boxes (Real juice)
Rice Krispies Granola Treats $1.50
Kraft (any $ if good on any)
Kraft Cheese
Lays chips
Lunch Mate Bucks (one 5 pt code = 1 coupon)
Lysol No-Touch Refills
M&Ms (the candy, not the store…unless it is an FPC )
Maple Leaf Bacon (Not Ready Crisp)
Maple Leaf Prime
MAXX Scoop
Milk (Real, normal cow milk, Neilson, Sealtest, etc)
Minute Maid
Motts Fruitsations
Mr. Christie cookies
NesQuik $1 + (WUB milk okay)
Nestle Ice Cream
Nestle Pure Life (not sparkling)
Nutrigrain $1 +
Old El Paso (Salsa, wraps, kits or seasoning)
Orajel (Adult Extra-Strength)
Oreo Ice Cream Treats
Pepsi (regular)
Philadelphia Cream Cheese, Dips, or Cooking Cream
Pillsbury cookies, croissants, rolls, etc
Pillsbury Pie Crust
Pizza Pops
Pledge Fabric Sweeper
Post Cereal (Good on any, or kid friendly ones)
Pop Tarts
Quaker Granola Bars (Chewy)
Quaker Instant Oatmeal
Royale (Toilet Paper only, unless good on any) $2 +
Ruffles Chips or Dips
Sally Henson Nail Polish
Schneiders Lunchmates or Grab N Go
Schweppes (Gingerale, Crush, Rootbeer, etc)
Shoppers Optimum Points
Sidekicks (Not B3G1)
Snak Packs
Sun Maid Raisins (Valid on the boxes for lunch snacks)
Sunny D
Swanson Skillet
Tang (especially Singles)
Tenderflake UPCs
Tetley Tea (valid on Orange Pekoe)
Tide $2 + (after May expiry)
Toaster Strudel
Tostitos (Chips or Salsa, WUB okay)
Tylenol – Children’s $3 +
Tylenol – Extra Strength
Whiskas Dry Cat Food $3 +
Yoplait Mini-Go or Tubes $1 +
Ziploc $1 + (Must be valid on sandwich or freezer bags; WUB okay)
**We have 4 kids, so any peanut-free lunch snacks, fresh fruit & veggies are GREAT!**
Chesterjes’s Wishlist
French: Y
Store specific: only safeway
Printable: Y
Multiples: Y
Stack: Y
Counts as all:
FPCice cream
FPCHuggies or Pampers
FPC Cereals
FPC Bagels
FPC Juice
FPC Coke/pepsi/ Dr Pepper etc
$4+ Huggies
$2+ Huggies Wipes
$3/$4 Beef WUB HH / Old El Paso Kit
Chapmans $5
Anycoupon from taco kit boxes
FPC Philly Creme cheese or dips
$5 Prime Chicken Breasts
FPC Quaker Granola Bars
FPC Quaker Oatmeal
Kelloggs PIN(share your breakfast) rrrlf <--moved as you only require 1 pin for an FPC (as per rules)
I am open to most FPC…just ask J
Counts as 2:
BOGO arctic gardens vegetables
pediasure cheques/ensure cheques
colgate palmolive mailouts
gerber graduatesmeals and snacks ***RRRRRLF
Kimberly Clark/Huggies
J&J mailouts
General mills mailouts
Conagra mailouts
Campbell's mailouts
SCJohnson mailouts
Unilever mailouts
Quaker mailouts
Playtex mailouts
Maple leaf mailouts
Schneiders mailouts
Any mailouts really…just ask J
Kelloggs PINS(love your cereal) rrrlf
$2 kelloggs redpeelie
$2 Band aid Callin (J&J)
$6 WUB Bounty/Charmin/Puffs
$2 Tylenol Callin (J&J)
BOGO amooza
Counts as 1:
huggies diapers or pull-ups (no inserts)
huggies or pullups wipes (no inserts)
johnsonand johnson
purex laundry soap ***RRLF
cereal...notalpen or shredded wheat
v-8fusion (not ending in 144)***RRLF
carnation instant breakfast
coke/pepsi/drpepper products
prime stuffed chicken
bicks pickles or relish
old el paso *any*
kraftor black diamond cheese - any
chef boyardee
crackers– especially bear paws, goldfish
aquafinavitamin water/gatorade/powerade
popcorn-flavor shakers ok
heinz ketchup
kraft or renees salad dressing
frozen meals ie lasagna, healthy choice etc
frozen veggies
clubhouse gravies/sauces
pizzapops/bagel bites/taquitos
kraft dinner
arctic gardens vegetables-no printables please
europes best
Philly Dips or chream cheese
pasta sauces
icecream treats
chicken,cheese or produce from ziploc boxes
ziploc baggies
frozen pizza
dole fruit cups
infant/childrensTylenol or advil (not printable)($5 value counts as 2)
janes chicken
$2 Kashi
$3 WUB Bounty/Charmin/Puffs
Shake N Bake
Bull's Eye orKraft Bbq Sauce
Mccain French fries – not sweet potatoe please
ct money
tenderflake upcs for the little chefs jacket*** RRRRLF
if you dont see it just easy to get along with
Store Specific – Y (ONLY for Safeway or SDM)
French/TFT – N
Printable – N (unless specified, COLOR ONLY)
Multiples: - Y (but please, no more than 2)
All Coupons must have Canadian Redemption Address!!
Prices should not be filled in on FPC’s, please!
FPC Philadelphia Cooking Creme
FPC Oasis Juice or Smoothie **RRLF
FPC Egg Creations or Naturegg
FPC Sweet Baby Rays BBQ Sauce
FPC Carefree Liners
FPC Folgers K-Cups
FPC Timothy’s K-Cups
FPC Purex Laundry
FPC Vaseline **RRLF
FPC Kit Kat
FPC Silk (Kellogg’s Share Your Breakfast Promo) **RRLF
FPC Bananas (Kellogg’s Share Your Breakfast Promo)
FPC Coolision (Kellogg's Share Your Breakfast Promo)
ANY FPC from Pepsi Promo
FPC/BOGO Amooza Twists (any new ones out there??)
FPC Smart Food Popcorn
FPC Lays
ANY FOOD/BEVERAGE FPC (except CheeCha Puffs, Triscuits, Trop50)
$5 Chapmans
$5 Playtex Call In (good on feminine products)
Kellogg’s Share Your Breakfast Promo Pin Code **RRLF
$3+ ANY Call Ins (No cat, smellies or J&J)
$5+ Pampers – not WUB please, no Inserts
$2 Cottonelle TP
$2 any Janes Products(1kg or Smaller) ***RRRLF
$5 WUB3 Gillette
$2 any McDonald's Happy Meal (June 3rd expiry ok)
$1 Minigo (gocoupons)
$1+ Call Ins/Vouchers from: Danone, Colgate Palmolive, Kimberly Clark (good on U by Kotex), Dare, ConAgra, Campbells, General Mills, SC Johnson, Unilever, Quaker, Unico
Pin Code Kelloggs “Love Your Cereal” Promo **RRLF
Free Hamburger Buns WUB 4 Campbell’s Products
$2 off Fresh Fruit WUB 2 Hunts Snack Packs 4-pk
$0.75 Fresh Produce (Ziploc)
$0.75 Block Cheese (Ziploc)
$1.50 Fresh Chicke (Ziploc)
B2G1 Chef Boyardee (Conagra Promo)
$2 Carefee/Stayfree Call In (2013)
$5 Children’s Advil (Advil Spin U Win Promo)
$3 Chapmans
Aylmer REGULAR Tomatoes (NOT Accents)
$6 WUB Bounty/Charmin/Puffs
$0.75+ ANY Danone (valid on ANY product)
B1G1 Dempster’s Bread
$1.50 Fresh Chicken (from Ziploc)
$1 ANY Diana Sauce or Marinade NED
$2 WUB 2 Dozen Eggs (UPC 35001524)
$2 Europe's Best
$0.75 on Selected General Mills ( **RRLF
B1G1 Healthy Choice Steamers ( June 30 ok!
$0.75 Minigo Yogurt **RRLF, 18m old LOVES these!!
Johnsonville Sausage (good on Breakfast Sausage) **RRLF
$1 Jello Refrigerated Pudding, Gel or Mousse Snacks **RRLF
$0.75 Fresh Produce (from Ziploc)
B1G1 Oliveri Pasta
$1 Playtex Call In (good on feminine products) **RRLF
$1 ANY Playtex, Schick, Wet Ones, Hawaiian Tropic or Banana Boat Prod. UPC 29006928
$2 Royale Paper towels sept 30th 2012 expiry
$1 Schneiders Country Naturals (good on Bacon & Ham)
Tetley Tea (good on Orange Pekoe)
$3 Zantac (any 75mg or 150mg) July 31/13 **RRRLF
Activia Drinkable Yogurt (are there any??)
$1 off ANY Astro Product (not type specific)
$1 Astro BioBest Smoothie
$1 Amooza Twists (
$1 Arctic Gardens (WUB1)
$0.75 ANY Block Cheese Product (from Ziploc)
$0.75 Black Diamond Cheese (Dec 31/13 expiry)
$0.75 Blue Diamond Almonds (NED)
$3 WUB Bounty/Charmin/Puffs
$1 Buitoni Frozen Pizza
$1 Catelli Smart (websaver)
$0.75 WUB2 Christie Crackers
$1 on 1 CLIF Builders Protein Bar
Club House Slow Cooker Seasonings
$0.25 WUB1 Chef Boyardee (2013 expiry)
$0.50 Campbell’s (WUB1) UPC 00923792
$0.50 Campbells Chunky Soup
$1 WUB4 Campbell’s Products (NOT STORE SPECIFIC PLEASE)
$1 Dr. Oetker Pizza UPC 88623173 (Dec 31/12)
$1 Danone Activia Yogurt (
Dove Hair (not Style + Care, any out there??)
$0.50 Dempsters Original Hot Dog or Hamburger Buns
$0.75 Dempsters Deluxe Buns
Delissio Thin Crispy Crust
$1 Fresh Express Salad
Gillette Men’s Deoderant (not Clinical, 2013 expiry)
$1 Goodhost or Nestea product
$1 WUB4 Hunts Tomato Paste (not June 30 expiry, hoping there’s more out there)
$1.50 Healthy Choice Steamers (not WUB)
International Delight Coffee Creamer (good on ANY, not just Café Inspiriations)
$1 WUB2 Refrigerated Jello Cups
$1 WUB3 Jello Powder
$1 Keebler Pie Crust
$1 Kraft White Cheddar Singles (
$1 any Kraft Shredded Cheese ( NOT Habenero Heat
$1 Kraft 100% Parmesan Cheese (Aged Grated or Shaved) Dec 31/12 expiry
$0.35 WUB2 Kraft Handi-Snacks
$0.30 WUB2 Kraft Dinner Cups
$0.50 Kikkoman Sauce 250ml+ (NED)
$0.75 on ANY 500ml or 1L Lactantia Cream (for use on any, not type specific)
$0.75 ANY Lactantia Butter Product 454g (not the June expiry, I have lots)
$1 Mars Bar
$1 WUB2 Maple Leaf Top Dogs, Natural Selections Hot Dogs or Dempsters Buns (websaver)
Minute Maid Juice Boxes/Cans/Frozen Concentrate **RRLF
$1 MiO Liquid Water Enhancer
$1 Maple Leaf Natural Selections (Deli Meat)
Marzetti Dips **RRLF
$0.40 Naturegg Omega 3 Hard Boiled Egg Snack Packs
$1 Select Varieties Naturegg 12 pk carton (
$0.50 Nivea Lip Care Product
$1 Oasis Fruits Etc., FruitZoo or Classic Products (2013 expiry)
$1 Oasis 100% Premium (2013 expiry)
$1.50 Oasis 2.63L Refrigerated Products (Mar 31, 2013) NOT Nutrisource
$1.25 Oasis 1.75L Refrigerated Products (Mar 31, 2013) NOT Nutrisource
$2 Olymel Peelie
$3.50 Purina Dog Chow (
Philadelphia Dips or Cream Cheese
Rice Krispies Granola Bars (or regular is fine too, just RRLF Granola)
$0.55 any Resers Product (peelie)
$1 Smuckers Dessert Topping
$1 WUB2 Schneiders® Country Naturals™ hot dogs, Red Hots®, Juicy Jumbos®, Grill 'ems or Ham Steaks (
$2 any Softlips Product
$0.50 Shake & Bake (Dec 31/12)
$1 Summer Fresh Hummus or Dips (Dec 31/12)
$3 Venus Razor (2013 expiry)
$0.50 Vlasic Pickles
Weight Watchers Smart Ones SoupLast edited by jenp; Mon, May 7th, 2012 at 10:01 PM.
Sun, May 6th, 2012, 10:16 PM #3
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*~* available envies *~*
2) 5 WL Coupons (or equivalent) & 10 stickers - ERINSMOM - KEEPING
8) 5 WL Coupons (or equivalent) & 5 stickers - chesterjes - KEEPING
11) Surprise FPC - JODY22002 - KEEPING
12) 4 WL Coupons (or equivalent) & 10 stickers - MANGOTANGO - KEEPING
16) 15 icoke pins & 3 WL coupons (or equivalent) - Melissa13 - KEEPING
20) $3 Tim Hortons GC - AG7365 - KEEPING
27) $15 Assorted Coupons & 10 stickers - missbee217
29) Surprise FPC - cherielake - KEEPING
35) Surprise Call In & 4 WL Coupons (Or equivalent) - mjconnaughan - KEEPING
42) TRADEDLast edited by jenp; Thu, May 17th, 2012 at 09:02 PM.
Sun, May 6th, 2012, 10:20 PM #4
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memememe please
will pm you my wishlist later tonight when i get home if that is ok
Sun, May 6th, 2012, 10:47 PM #5
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I would LOVE to ride again!
Last edited by missbee217; Sat, May 12th, 2012 at 09:57 PM.
RRLF: Cineplex Passes, Optimum Points (and my sanity...I think I lost it a while back)
Sun, May 6th, 2012, 10:56 PM #6
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Me please, Pming info right away
Looking for some cute or fun handmade gifts? Check out my facebook page
Sun, May 6th, 2012, 11:17 PM #7
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Sun, May 6th, 2012, 11:22 PM #8
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Me too please
Sun, May 6th, 2012, 11:25 PM #9
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Sun, May 6th, 2012, 11:30 PM #10
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Me please!!!
Sun, May 6th, 2012, 11:46 PM #11
Me please.
Join Swagbucks!! Get FREE Amazon codes and much more! Just click here
Mon, May 7th, 2012, 08:29 AM #12
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I would love to ride again
Mon, May 7th, 2012, 10:15 AM #13
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Mon, May 7th, 2012, 10:16 AM #14
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only 1 seat left!!
Mon, May 7th, 2012, 10:29 AM #15
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Can I have the last seat please?
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