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Thread: I will be spending my birthday in the hospital with my baby :)

  1. #1
    I heart DH and DS francine1985's Avatar
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    The bad news it that the Dr. wont be doing my c-section on my birthday like I was hoping so we wont be sharing a birthday... However my c-section and tubal are scheduled on June 6th at 9 am (my birthday is June 7th). Its really weird but I'm actually excited that i will be spending my birthday in the hospital. I am actually counting down the days until the day before my birthday.

    I asked if it was likely to change because when i was induced with ds1 they kept postponing my induction. I was told there was a small chance if there were too many emergency c-section however it will likely go as planned because its scheduled early in the morning. and surgery schedules are more set than induction dates.
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    Last edited by francine1985; Mon, May 7th, 2012 at 01:33 PM.
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    Mastermind Natalka's Avatar
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    Hoping you are able to stay comfortable til then, and that all is going okay!

    I had an emergency c-section, so can definitely see the benefits in having a planned one!
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  3. #3
    I heart DH and DS francine1985's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Natalka View Post
    Hoping you are able to stay comfortable til then, and that all is going okay!

    I had an emergency c-section, so can definitely see the benefits in having a planned one!

    thank you... everything is going really well so far. I'm staying as comfortable as possible... dh is really helping out a lot more when hes home from work so i get to spend quite a bit of time relaxing and reading or watching tv lol. dh does all the cooking and 99% of the cleaning as well as helping with ds1 when hes home from work.) dh is going to take parental leave for a couple of months so he can take care of me and our 2 sons while i recover from the surgeries.

    ds1 was an emergency c-section and it was quite scary. i figured i would probably end up with an emergency c-section this time as well and since i cant go through another pregnancy i may as well have a planned c-section and get my tubes tied at the same time. i was lucky to get a great Dr willing to tie my tubes at 26 as ds2 will be born the day before my 27th birthday (most drs wont tie tubes until the woman is 30-35 or has 3 or more kids.)
    Last edited by francine1985; Mon, May 7th, 2012 at 03:55 PM.
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  4. #4
    Smart Canuck
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    My 1st was an emergency C and the 2nd was a planned tubal and C section. It us true what they say, the recover is a million times faster! I was in on Friday, gone by Sunday morning.
    Just look on the calendar and see if it is a full moon. For whatever reason, when there is a full moon they are packed!
    My mom's b-day is also June 7th, so it is a good day!

  5. #5
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    Good Luck, been though it 3x and each time was easier!
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  6. #6
    ♥ New Mommy ♥ ashokia's Avatar
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    I was actually so afraid of having a second one because the first one was a nightmare. Was induced Monday morning at 9 am, did the IV drip, the balloon catheter, had my water broken manually and was stuck at 5 cm. They finally did an emergency c-section because my blood pressure was skyrocketing. My epideral ran out half way through the surgery and they were running around shoving needles in my IV, I threw up on poor DH 3 times and then they took him away with the baby who was in trouble and left me shaking like crazy on the table.

    I just realized today that I can have a planned c-section (one of the girls at my work is doing that with her second) so now I'm actually really contemplating having another one.

    DS was born a few days after our wedding anniversary, I had to beg the Dr. to let me wait a few more days so that it didn't fall on the same day! Good luck with your new LO and hope everything goes well and you recover super duper quickly!
    francine1985 likes this.

  7. #7
    Sith Lady and Cool Kid Darth Penguin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by francine1985 View Post
    thank you... everything is going really well so far. I'm staying as comfortable as possible... dh is really helping out a lot more when hes home from work so i get to spend quite a bit of time relaxing and reading or watching tv lol. dh does all the cooking and 99% of the cleaning as well as helping with ds1 when hes home from work.) dh is going to take parental leave for a couple of months so he can take care of me and our 2 sons while i recover from the surgeries.

    ds1 was an emergency c-section and it was quite scary. i figured i would probably end up with an emergency c-section this time as well and since i cant go through another pregnancy i may as well have a planned c-section and get my tubes tied at the same time. i was lucky to get a great Dr willing to tie my tubes at 26 as ds2 will be born the day before my 27th birthday (most drs wont tie tubes until the woman is 30-35 or has 3 or more kids.)

    Good luck. Mr francine sounds like a keeper doing all that stuff for you so you can rest.

    And your doc is helping too....that helps as well.

    my 3rd Ds was nearly a CS..if I hadn't delivered by 6pm , they were taking me to the OR..DS was born at 5.54..I work well under pressure

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  8. #8
    Smart Canuck glowworm2k's Avatar
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    Good luck to you, Francine! I don't have any experience with c-sections, but I think the idea of knowing what to expect and when to expect it seems like a definite plan, especially as opposed to an emergency c-section.

    All the best to you!
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  9. #9
    Smart Canuck csaund21's Avatar
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    Good Luck! I also have a c-section scheduled for June (mine is June 11th).

    Have a wonderful birthday and hopefully a quick recovery~looking into a beautiful babies eyes helps
    francine1985 likes this.

  10. #10
    Smart Canuck ninna's Avatar
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    That'll be a fantastic birthday present for you! Congratulations!

    In my family, it happened the other way around. My mom had my sister the day after her own birthday...and that was probably a good thing since my parents also got married on my mom's birthday--so the day was busy enough!
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  11. #11
    Shameless Reps FTW krysta lynne's Avatar
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    i had my daughter totally naturally (no meds nothing.) but my son was an emergency csection. he just would not come out! his heartrate was dropping and they had to act quickly. after they took him out i got lots of looks of understanding. lmao he was 10lbs 6 oz. no wonder he wasnt coming out naturally.
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    Quote Originally Posted by krysta lynne View Post
    i had my daughter totally naturally (no meds nothing.) but my son was an emergency csection. he just would not come out! his heartrate was dropping and they had to act quickly. after they took him out i got lots of looks of understanding. lmao he was 10lbs 6 oz. no wonder he wasnt coming out naturally.

  13. #13
    Canadian Genius anisa's Avatar
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    how exciting! have wonderful birthdays, both of you!
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  14. #14
    I heart DH and DS francine1985's Avatar
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    so tomorrow is the big day. I have to wake up at 6 am to have a shower and get ready to go to the hospital for 7am (I have to be there 2 hours before my surgery). I am so excited. I am also very proud of myself as i was told i would likely be on insulin by 20 weeks (gestational diabetes) but tomorrow is the day and I'm still diet controlled.
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  15. #15
    Canadian Guru aussie's Avatar
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    Good luck Francine!!!!!! I served a lady at work last week who is also going in tomorrow to have her baby! can't have been you though, because they spend $560 and used no coupons!!! gasp! LOL
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