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Thread: 5 gifts mom doesn't want for Mother's Day

  1. #16
    Canadian Guru hollyquaiscer's Avatar
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    I have had my eye on a real beauty of a coach purse for the last two months now. Would never spend that kind of money on myself, but....if it were a gift from the kids for mothers day, well....thats a totally different story. As for that KitchenAid stand mixer, I seem to remember one mothers day a few years ago when I was actually crying (I know, I know...what a sap...) I was so overjoyed at the gorgeous bright yellow mixer I opened. It has made my bread making 100% easier. I get the fun part, the kneading. So any of those types of gifts I would love with the exception on the lingerie, I'll take a pass on that.
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  2. #17
    One Awesome Domestic Diva MrsSunshine's Avatar
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    im with Darth.. my birthday always falls a week before Mother's day

    cookbooks.. only if it was about cakes/cupcakes.
    purses.. i prefer to buy my own
    makeovers. hmm maybe..
    lingerie.. pfft.. y bother it will only end up on the floor anyway in two seconds
    jewellery... always a good choice with hubby
    chocolate. well if i know whats good for me.. i better not get anymore.
    what I know im getting is a break of hubby.. he's taking MIL out.. and kids are with me.. what they do.. well. we shall see.
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  3. #18
    One Awesome Domestic Diva MrsSunshine's Avatar
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    OH and a mixer.. darn tootin i'd love one. and he knows exactly which one.
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  4. #19
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    I have to disagree with the article as well

  5. #20
    Sith Lady and Cool Kid Darth Penguin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aoffman View Post
    I have to disagree with the article as well
    It's a very 1 dimentional view , IMHO. The writer seems to think women , esp mothers have a hive-mind, in that we think alike.

    A repectful partner will show his children that their mother isn't just a mother but a person with her own thoughts and feelings, likes and dislikes and show how to take that into account when getting a gift.

    The whole "every woman likes" is the type of person who's running around Wal*Mart or the gas station at 10 pm franctically looking for a suitable, non-offensive gift. It takes the pressure off the man and puts it back on the woman..."if only you'd told me....".
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    Short answer : no Long answer : NOOOOOOOOOOO!

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  6. #21
    Smart Canuck glowworm2k's Avatar
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    I don't get stuff for Mother's day. But as to the list...
    cookbooks - love 'em. I love getting a new cookbook - so full of promise and so much excitement at seeing all of the stuff that I can make. This would definitely be a welcome gift
    purses - don't use 'em. I have a backpack and pockets. 'nuff said.
    makeovers - not really my thing, but I would totally love getting a nice haircut, one of the ones where they wash your hair and give you a scalp massage.
    lingerie - not really my thing. I just bought new pajamas on the post Christmas closeout sales, so there's not really a need right now.
    appliances - there aren't really any I need. As I have an unhealthy love of small appliances, I'm only allowed to have more if they will fit into one of my new kitchen drawers, which is mostly full, so I'd have to get rid of something.

    Chocolate and perfume are off bounds as gifts due to my allergies.
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  7. #22
    Canadian Genius DiamondLil's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hollyquaiscer View Post
    I have had my eye on a real beauty of a coach purse for the last two months now. Would never spend that kind of money on myself, but....if it were a gift from the kids for mothers day, well....thats a totally different story. As for that KitchenAid stand mixer, I seem to remember one mothers day a few years ago when I was actually crying (I know, I know...what a sap...) I was so overjoyed at the gorgeous bright yellow mixer I opened. It has made my bread making 100% easier. I get the fun part, the kneading. So any of those types of gifts I would love with the exception on the lingerie, I'll take a pass on that.
    LOL - I am starting to think the KitchenAid stand mixer to us is like the newest XBox to our kids (and sometimes, our husbands).
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  8. #23
    ♥ New Mommy ♥ ashokia's Avatar
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    It must be because my child is still a baby that I would love a huge purse with lots of pockets to put my coupons and the rest of the contents of my house in!! I've been trying to find one for back to work that's big enough for my coupons and a lunch bag with little success thus far! LOL.

  9. #24
    Mastermind Natalka's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DiamondLil View Post
    LOL - I am starting to think the KitchenAid stand mixer to us is like the newest XBox to our kids (and sometimes, our husbands).
    Very true! It's the mostly unattainable Holy Grail for which money can't be 'wasted' upon! Son's equivalent: car parts; husband's is tools.

    I don't even covet the highest-end one, either!

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  10. #25
    Canadian Guru hollyquaiscer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ashokia View Post
    It must be because my child is still a baby that I would love a huge purse with lots of pockets to put my coupons and the rest of the contents of my house in!! I've been trying to find one for back to work that's big enough for my coupons and a lunch bag with little success thus far! LOL.

    If I had that huge a purse, I'd probably get lost in it while looking for something I lost in it the week before as for that KitchenAid Mixer....oh yes, once you have it, you will wonder why you ever had anything else and how on earth you ever survived without slices, it dices....oh sorry, wrong commercial

    here's my baby
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  11. #26
    Contradiction in progress sweet sparrow's Avatar
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    What am I missing out on with the lovely stand mixer in vibrant colours everyone is chatting about? My friend uses her food processor for cookies and baked goods. Is the mixer very different?

    I have a hand mixer that seems to throw flour and ingredients everywhere. Did I get a bad one or are they generally like that?

    They do look lovely though.
    Last edited by sweet sparrow; Fri, May 11th, 2012 at 04:50 PM.

  12. #27
    Mastermind Natalka's Avatar
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    sweet sparrow - I want the KA stand mixer because it does bread dough, etc. with a hook. That's the big reason for me to want it, my hands/arms can't do what they once could. For making cookies, cakes, etc., I'm fine beating with a wooden spoon or hand mixer.
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  13. #28
    Canadian Genius DiamondLil's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hollyquaiscer View Post
    here's my baby

    I have your baby's little brother - got an onyx black one after Christmas since Santa didn't bring one... I'm still holding out hope this mothers day of getting a Keurig...

    I'm starting to wonder exactly who wrote that article that said us moms didnt want purses, kitchen appliances, cook books, makeovers or bedclothes.... I would be happy with any of those.

    I did get an early mothers day gift today (thanks to my kindergartener) - he gave me a wooden spoon with Hershey kisses wrapped in the bowl end of it and a homemade card (which he drew himself!). The excitement of a 5 year old - he couldnt wait until Sunday to give me his gift. I my little sweetheart.
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  14. #29
    Canadian Genius DiamondLil's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Natalka View Post
    sweet sparrow - I want the KA stand mixer because it does bread dough, etc. with a hook. That's the big reason for me to want it, my hands/arms can't do what they once could. For making cookies, cakes, etc., I'm fine beating with a wooden spoon or hand mixer.
    I know what you mean Nat, I use mine all the time when I want to bake pie crusts - its now so effortless.
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  15. #30
    . DH666's Avatar
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    Patty didn't post here yet? Darn! I was hoping to get ideas...

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