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Thread: Why can't people spell colour correct!!!?????

  1. #31
    Canadian Guru
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    It's one thing to use American vs. Canadian spellings. Another to just misuse the language altogether.

    I can't STAND the misuse of contractions. It's means IT IS, there is no other usage for it. A sign at work the other day advertising for food bank donations said, "Thank you for you're support." AUGH!
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    Last edited by Zonny; Fri, May 11th, 2012 at 05:54 PM.
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  2. #32
    Sith Lady and Cool Kid Darth Penguin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by marstec View Post
    I agree about the Wall of Text...I rarely read those...not worth my time if the poster hasn't bothered to take the time to make separate paragraphs.
    I sometimes wonder if I go too far the other way and make each sentance a new paragraph.
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    Short answer : no Long answer : NOOOOOOOOOOO!

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  3. #33
    Hooked! slayer_glade's Avatar
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    I couldn't care less XD.

    I will always use color instead of colour unless what I'm typing calls for the u. Otherwise, never.

  4. #34
    Canadian Genius wolfwoman's Avatar
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    WOW! Such a debate over spelling. In my humble opinion, who cares? Bigger things to worry about, ie world hunger?
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  5. #35
    Canadian Guru DaveP's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wolfwoman View Post
    WOW! Such a debate over spelling. In my humble opinion, who cares? Bigger things to worry about, ie world hunger?
    Shouldn't that be spelled hounger?

  6. #36
    Canadian Genius anisa's Avatar
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    i will always use color.

    i also hate capital letters, i will rarely start my 'chat' typing with a capital letter, or capitalize my 'i'.

    i use thru, because it is easier and kind of fun to me that said i do try and spell things correctly, but i don't nitpick so that it takes away from the speed of my typing. sometimes your brain is going a mile a minute and you want to get it all out before you lose your train of thought! i do try to use decent grammar!

    i probably type in a way makes me sound pretty dum (yes i spell it this way on purpose), even tho (again i spell it this way on purpose). no one would guess i actually have a half decent IQ ;p
    hollyquaiscer and GoJays like this.
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  7. #37
    KK7 is offline
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    I use the word color just because I know I spelling it right lol but I see I am still disturbing people oh well
    Last edited by KK7; Fri, May 11th, 2012 at 07:36 PM.
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  8. #38
    Canadian Guru DaveP's Avatar
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    [Warning has the f word.]

    Last edited by DaveP; Fri, May 11th, 2012 at 07:52 PM.
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  9. #39
    KAZ2Y5 Chantel's Avatar
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    I use a mix of Canadian and American spellings. I hate Colour. I will never use it again. CULL OUR doesn't sound right. CULL OR does. That's what I'm going with, I don't care what country I'm in, it looks stupid and usually the U's are useless.

    If my child learns American spellings and their teacher marks them incorrect for it, I'll be having a word with them. I remember how ridiculously confusing it was to be given American-published books to read and then told that the spellings they used were wrong.

    There is more than one way to spell a lot of things, and as long as it's right in some way, not just a complete butchering of the word, have at 'er. And this is coming from a grammar/punctuation/spelling nazi.
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  10. #40
    Canadian Guru hollyquaiscer's Avatar
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    Well, I feel so very ashamed, although I do spell the word colour correctly, all this talking about bad spelling is making me hang my head......I will do the walk of shame ...... Spelling used to be one of my strongest areas. Now, due to the meds I take and the brain fog(can be extremely bad) I suffer from the fibromyialga, my spelling gets worse almost on a daily basis. To the point that I get very embarrased. So to all of you out there that get annoyed with bad spelling, I send you my appology(?) in advance.
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  11. #41
    Misanthrope GoJays's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wolfwoman View Post
    WOW! Such a debate over spelling. In my humble opinion, who cares? Bigger things to worry about, ie world hunger?
    yep, i totally agree.. although poor spelling is a huge pet peeve of mine, i will rarely make a comment about it (well, sometimes in the game room), but really, this is a coupon/chat/socializing forum.. proper spelling is not mandatory to participate - thank goodness too, otherwise most people wouldn't be here
    Quote Originally Posted by anisa View Post
    i will always use color.

    i also hate capital letters, i will rarely start my 'chat' typing with a capital letter, or capitalize my 'i'.

    i use thru, because it is easier and kind of fun to me that said i do try and spell things correctly, but i don't nitpick so that it takes away from the speed of my typing. sometimes your brain is going a mile a minute and you want to get it all out before you lose your train of thought! i do try to use decent grammar!

    i probably type in a way makes me sound pretty dum (yes i spell it this way on purpose), even tho (again i spell it this way on purpose). no one would guess i actually have a half decent IQ ;p
    so with you on this one.. and i like chikin
    hollyquaiscer likes this.

  12. #42
    Canadian Guru DaveP's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hollyquaiscer View Post
    Well, I feel so very ashamed, although I do spell the word colour correctly, all this talking about bad spelling is making me hang my head......I will do the walk of shame ...... Spelling used to be one of my strongest areas. Now, due to the meds I take and the brain fog(can be extremely bad) I suffer from the fibromyialga, my spelling gets worse almost on a daily basis. To the point that I get very embarrased. So to all of you out there that get annoyed with bad spelling, I send you my appology(?) in advance.
    Your spelling and grammar are bang on. no need to apologize to anyone for anything.

    I'm M0r3 @nn0y3d Wi7h p30pL3 Wh0 $p3@k lIK3 7HI$.

    Last edited by DaveP; Sat, May 12th, 2012 at 05:13 AM.
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  13. #43
    Bean bun going offline Ciel's Avatar
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    Metric tonne (1000kg) and Imperial ton (907kg or 2000 lbs.) are different measures.

    I have never seen gauge spelt gage in US books. Car reviews on both sides of the border will use the term gauge...

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  14. #44
    Roman Empress salady's Avatar
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    Correctly! Correctly!!!!!! Why can't people spell colour correctly!

    I'm such a pedant.
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  15. #45
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    Just wanted to say that some of us DO know the difference, but my darn American IPad likes to "correct" my Canadian spelling. PIMA to go back and change it. Color. See? . I just spelled it with a U.

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