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Thread: Where Have All My Flowers Gone?

  1. #31
    Senior Canuck Dinobuzz's Avatar
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    This kills me: "I only took a couple"......seriously? The fact you're stealing off of someone's property is simply WRONG! Doesn't matter HOW many you take...... It's NOT yours!!

    Man, some people's logic/common sense just has gone to the dogs .....what they think they're entitled to, just amazes me.

  2. #32
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    My daughter (2) did that I told her it wasnt ours and we went up to the door to give it back and apologize the lady still let her have it which was hard for me because im trying to teach her. But atleast she knows to get permission.

    I just picture her going to every house and asking can I have a flower? Oh jeeze.....:p going to have some long walks
    Last edited by sbugle12; Fri, May 18th, 2012 at 02:32 PM.
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  3. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by greencanuck View Post
    I have the same problem in my front yard of random passers-by filching the flowers.
    Sitting in my living room, looking over the front garden, I have caught about a half dozen people each gardening season.
    At least twice that number are not caught.

    The most memorable occasions were:
    - when a mystery person took every tulip that was blooming ( at least 30) at one time. ( Beautiful garden one minute, empty 10 minutes later)
    - a mother teaching her child how to take them (I could see and hear them through the open window) "First look to see if anyone is watching you, grab the flowers fast, take from the bottom of the stem, walk away fast"
    - a 16-17 year old neighbour who ran across the road very fast, looked around to see if anyone was watching, stole a bunch very fast and then ran back home very fast. ( I went to her home and confronted her with her mother)
    - Multiple times, I have knocked hard on the window when I see people crouching down to look at the flowers and coming up with some in their hand.

    It takes a lot of work and some money to garden.
    If someone politely asks, and is modest in their request, I give them more flowers than they ask for.
    I just hate the thieving.
    Wow!!! I would be so livid!

    Most of my perennials are still babies, and do not bloom a lot of flowers just yet, so if someone just decided to steal them I'd read them the riot act!
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  4. #34
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    thats why i plant my favourite flowers in the backyard i spend a lot of money and time on them and would devastated if someone stole them

  5. #35
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    People even do that from public parks . Just because its in a public park that doesn't mean you can take it , as its panted by the city with tax payers money and is meant for the enjoyment of peope visiting the arks.

  6. #36
    Smart Canuck jessep13's Avatar
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    wow i cant beleive someone would teach their child how to steal! My daughter is in the stage where she loves flowers. And does want to take them from ppls gardens but i tell her no, those are pretty flowers meant to be enjoyed. And than i give her a dandelion.
    mrs.march6 likes this.
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  7. #37
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    I just had to add to this rant because I am pissed! A couple weeks ago my fiance and I took the whole long weekend to put in a nice vegetable garden in the back yard, this morning I look out my window to see someone in my backyard digging up some of my plants, I run out side screaming but they got out the gate with most of the cucumber plants before I could get a good look at them. I am so upset, someone just walked into my backyard! like who do you think you are?

  8. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by beehive View Post
    I just had to add to this rant because I am pissed! A couple weeks ago my fiance and I took the whole long weekend to put in a nice vegetable garden in the back yard, this morning I look out my window to see someone in my backyard digging up some of my plants, I run out side screaming but they got out the gate with most of the cucumber plants before I could get a good look at them. I am so upset, someone just walked into my backyard! like who do you think you are?
    That's just crazy.Fence says keep out of my property.
    Last edited by Poirot; Thu, May 31st, 2012 at 06:31 PM.

  9. #39
    always been frugal nessa23's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by beehive View Post
    I just had to add to this rant because I am pissed! A couple weeks ago my fiance and I took the whole long weekend to put in a nice vegetable garden in the back yard, this morning I look out my window to see someone in my backyard digging up some of my plants, I run out side screaming but they got out the gate with most of the cucumber plants before I could get a good look at them. I am so upset, someone just walked into my backyard! like who do you think you are?
    are you freakin' kidding me?!?! I don't even know what to say right now (this applies to OP's original rant and this one)

    I can't BELIEVE people have the balls to come right into someone else's yard, let alone steal PLANTS!!! like..... really?? I'm not going to go off on a tangent, but man.... this world is really crazy.
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  10. #40
    Junior Canuck etherealone's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mrs.march6 View Post
    Every week I am so happy to see the lady who delivers my flyers come to my door...well, until this week! I noticed that she was crouching down in my flowerbed in my front yard and low and behold, she was helping herself to some of my tulips and daffodils. I opened my door and asked her what she was doing..she told me that she liked my flowers and only took a few...WHAT THE I think I have seen and heard it all. I still can't believe it..what is happening to people????!!!!!!
    I'm sorry. i find this refreshing! in my neighborhood, people break into your house and steal things for drug money. A few flowers? I think I would have died laughing first before I got angry.

    My sweet grandmother used to drive around on her scooter and get real close to her neighbors plants, and she always carried pruning shears. If she saw something that she liked, she would take a small cutting. I would scold her, but She wasn't hurting anyone. Her garden was the pride of the town. Mostly of cuttings that she had "liberated." and like those she borrowed from, she gave just as many cutting to help other gardeners out.

    bulb flowers multiply constantly. worse than rabbits! do her one better and separate them, bag them and put them out on your front porch for free! give them away!

    their only flowers in the grand scheme of things.
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  11. #41
    Senior Canuck Kalmel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AmberLab View Post
    greencanuck - A mother teaching a child how to steal someone's flowers?! Well, if that doesn't just take the cake to add up to the other scenarios someday.
    I know!! i was thinking the same thing! seriously..i would be so! I would show her daughter how to smack someone behind the head without leaving a mark...

  12. #42
    Junior Canuck etherealone's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kalmel View Post
    ......I would show her daughter how to smack someone behind the head without leaving a mark...
    HAHAHHAHA. thats hilarious!!!!
    if at first you don't succeed, do it the way your wife told you...

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