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Thread: --->ErinsMom's Quick & Easy Traditional Trains<---

  1. #1
    AKA Holly ErinsMom's Avatar
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    Expired on: Sun, Aug 19th, 2012
    Sending out 2 trains of tearpads, booklets & peelies.
    This train is for all riders, any trade rating just no previous negative ratings.

    ~~No internet, printed or flyer inserts at all & NO Meds/pharmacy~~
    ~Over $ 110 in coupons + 8 BxGx's in each train~~
    ~~No more than 2 of any coupon leaving the station~~
    ~~Starting with a few good ones that expire June 30, 2012, most July 31 & later~~
    (this train is starting with not 1 single coupon that expires before June 30,
    I expect it to return home that way )
    ~~ This is starting out as a great train, in my opinion.
    Lots of new coupons & ones you guys are asking for on VWTs~~

    The Rules:
    ~~I will take 4 riders for each train, order TBD after train is full~~
    ~~Keep this a tear pad/booklet/peelie/call in only,
    absolutely no inserts/internet/printed coupons & NO MEDS
    ~~Replace with coupons that expire after July 31, 2012 ONLY~~
    ~~Replace $ for $, BOGO for BOGO, food for food~~
    ~~No more than 2 of any coupon in the train at any time~~
    ~~No TFT, printable, French or store specific coupons to be added~~

    Reserve your seat:
    ~~Post in this thread & PM me your address now to reserve you seat~~
    ~~Boarding Pass = 1 stamp & 3 coupons from my wishlist~~
    ~~boarding pass coupons to expire after July 31, 2012 as well~~
    ~~Please add your boarding pass to the appropriate envie~~

    Keep the train moving:

    ~~Train will leave the station as soon as it’s full~~
    ~~ Please post date received & sent, please post in & out values ~~
    ~~ Keep this train moving-Mail within 24hrs of receiving it~~
    ~~ Please have your envie weighed at the post office to ensure sufficient postage~~
    ~~ Rate the conductor (me) as soon as you receive the train, I will rate all riders when the train returns to me~~
    ~~Be kind to the next rider, add coupons people actually want~~

    Please do not join if you don't intend to play by the rules.
    No Drama Please!!!

    This thread is currently associated with: N/A
    Last edited by ErinsMom; Thu, May 31st, 2012 at 08:05 PM.
    julesie-pie likes this.

  2. #2
    AKA Holly ErinsMom's Avatar
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    Train #1
    1. mjconnaughan- received May 22
    2. CouponLadybird- received May 31
    3. Coupmama- received June 5
    4. delliel- received June 13
    Home to ErinsMom- received June 15

    Train #2
    1. spatterson- received May 24
    2. coyote- received May 31
    3. misstarbender- received June 9
    4. julesie-pie- received June 23
    Home to ErinsMom- received July 5

    ErinsMom's wishlist

    Websaver/Brandsaver/ – yes
    Toonies for Tummies, French, printables – no
    Store Specific- no

    Counts as 3
    Kellogg's Share Your Breakfast promo codes (for bananas, Tetley, Eggos, Activa etc)
    Kellogg's Love Your Cereal promo codes (for Mini Wheats, Rice Krispies, Cinnamon Pops)
    FPC Arctic Gardens
    FPC Dove
    FPC Cavendish Fries
    FPC Eggos
    FPC Egg Creations
    FPC Kettle Chips
    FPC any laundry detergent/dryer sheets
    FPC Oasis
    FPC Olivieri pasta/sauce
    FPC Tampax/Playtex tampons
    FPC Stouffer’s Saute Sensations/Single Serve entree or Stouffer's Bistro product (not only Bistro Sliders)
    FPC Sunlight laundry
    ** any FPC for anything on my wishlist
    $5 Prime Marinated Boneless Skinless Breasts/Seasoned Flattened Chicken/Boneless Skinless Breasts or Prime Portions (will accept June 30 expiry) RRLF
    $5 Maple Leaf breast fillets/butterfied/thinned sliced RRLF (new facebook/websaver)

    Counts as 2
    5 Chapmans -RRLF
    $3 J&J call in- Aveeno/Neutrogena (2013 exp only please)
    J & J replacement
    BOGO Arctic Gardens veggies
    BOGO VH Steamers (will accept June 30 expiry)
    VH Steamers $1.50 only from Shoppers Voice, have lots of $1 & $1 WUB2
    Fresh Express salad $1- RRLF
    Fresh fruit $2 WUB 2 Hunts Snack Packs- RRLF
    Softlips $2
    Black Diamond shredded or 500g cheese $3 WUB 2 (from Shoppers Voice)- RRLF
    $2 on fresh packaged meat WUB Pam
    Skintimate Shave Gel $3 (from shoppers Voice)

    Counts as 1
    $.75 any fresh produce- from Ziploc boxes
    $.75 any block cheese- from Ziploc boxes
    $1.50 any fresh chicken product- from Ziploc boxes
    Allens apple juice $.75 on 1.89L
    Always pads (not Infinity) $1+
    Arctic Gardens stir fry, frozen veggies or rice $1 or $2
    Arthur's Smoothies $1
    Astro Original $1 (not Greek)
    Astro $1 off any Astro product (must be good for Astro Zero)
    Black Diamond cheese $.75 (2013 expiry)
    Brookside $1 (nuts & choc covered fruit)
    Campbell's $1 WUB any 4
    Campbells- $.50 any Campbell's product (good on soup, goldfish or V8)
    Campbells Chunky Soup $.50
    Chapmans ice cream/frozen yogurt
    Cheerios (not chocolate)
    Cheese- shredded or blocks $1+ (Black Diamond, Kraft, Armstrong, Cracker Barrel)
    Cracker Barrel Natural cheese slices $1 (from new Kraft What's Cooking magazine)
    Christie products $2 WUB 2 (from new Kraft What's Cooking magazine)
    Classico pasta sauce
    Clorox wipes
    Colgate Total- no size restriction
    Cottonelle $2
    Crystal Light (good on singles)
    Dairy Milk 100g bars $.50
    Diana Sauces or Marinades (not gravy)
    Diet Pepsi
    Dole Salad
    Driscoll’s berries $1- RRLF
    English muffins
    Filippo Berio olive oil $2
    Europe’s Best frozen fruits or veggies $1
    Europe's Best Fruit Essentials $2- RRLF (from latest Red Plum insert or websaver)
    Gain laundry detergent $3 WUB 2
    Gain laundry detergent $1
    Goldfish crackers (NOT grahams) $.75
    Hunts Snack Packs $1
    Interntional Delight (not Cafe Inspirations)
    Janes $2 (not $1)
    Jello $1 off any refrigerated pudding, gel or mousse snacks
    Johnsonville Italian sausage $1
    Keebler waffle bowls & cones $.75
    Kettle Chips $1
    Kraft Shredded cheese $1 (new Habenaro Heat is OK)
    Lays $2 off 18ct variety pack (from 24 pack Pepsi boxes)
    Lean Cuisine
    Lysol wipes
    Maple Leaf BBQ (Top Dogs, hot dogs, Dempters/Ben's buns) $1 WUB 2 websaver
    Maple Leaf Prime Chicken $2 (Mar 2013 expiry)
    Marc Angelo $1+
    Marzetti Greek or Ranch Veggie Dip $.75- RRLF
    Maxx cat litter
    Minute Maid juice (not frozen)
    Minute Rice
    Nutrigrain bars $2
    Oasis- juice boxes $1/ jugs $1.50/cartons $1.25- not NutriSource please
    Olivieri garlic bread
    Pam $2 WUB1
    Pepperidge Farms Goldfish crackers (not grahams)
    Philly cream cheese/dips (not Dill)
    Playtex tampons $2 peelie
    Purex laundry detergent- liquid, new crystals, new ultrapacks
    Reactine $2
    Schick Intuition (women's) razor or refill $5 (from Shoppers Voice)
    Special K fruit crisps $1
    Special K cracker chips $1 (not $.50) from Special K mail out booklet, exp June 18
    Sponge Towels 6 roll packs $3 WUB 2
    SummerFresh dips $1-RRLF
    Sun Rise Soy Foods- Stir Fry "Tofu n Sauce" $1
    Tampax tampons $1 (no inserts please)
    Tampax Radiant $3
    Tetley Tea $1- must be good for Orange Pekoe
    Thinsations cookies/bars
    Tide $3WUB2- from Duracell packages
    Tostitos Artisan tortilla chips $1 (from 24 pack Pepsi boxes)
    Tostitos salsa $1 (from 24 pack Pepsi boxes)
    Twistos Baked Snack Bites $1 (from 24 pack Pepsi boxes)
    Uncle Ben's "Rice & Sauce" $.50- not Bistro Express
    Venus razor $3 off any (not WUB)
    Wheat Thins $.75 (from new Kraft What's Cooking magazine)
    Yoplait $1 peelie- Apr 2013 expiry
    Ziploc (baggies or containers) $2 WUB 2 or $1 WUB 1
    Last edited by ErinsMom; Thu, Jul 5th, 2012 at 03:41 PM.

  3. #3
    Senior Canuck
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    may I ride please?

  4. #4
    Canadian Genius CouponLadybird's Avatar
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    somewhere out there
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    Me too please

  5. #5
    Smart Canuck
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    Can I have a seat please?

  6. #6
    Weenie Mom
    Join Date
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    Seat please

  7. #7
    AKA Holly ErinsMom's Avatar
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    Train #1 is full
    I'll have it in the mail for tomorrow morning's pick up.

  8. #8
    Smart Canuck spatterson's Avatar
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    Me, me, me!!!! (please)

  9. #9
    Canadian Guru coyote00's Avatar
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    May I have a seat please

  10. #10
    Smart Canuck misstarbender's Avatar
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    May I have a seat please?! PMing you now!

  11. #11
    Canadian Genius
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    oo me please
    RRLF $1 Life Choice, Pampers & Huggies Diapers, Pampers GTG codes

  12. #12
    AKA Holly ErinsMom's Avatar
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    Ok, now Train #2 is full as well. Thanks!

    Both envies will be in the mail for pick up in the am.

    Enjoy the ride!!
    julesie-pie likes this.

  13. #13
    Smart Canuck
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    Seat please.
    Last edited by cjethani; Thu, Jun 21st, 2012 at 05:58 PM.

  14. #14
    AKA Holly ErinsMom's Avatar
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    Sorry cjethani, we're full at 8 riders.

  15. #15
    Senior Canuck
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    Arrived this afternoon, will mail tomorrow morning. Out $10.50/In $15.80. BP paid. On to CLB. Feedback left. Thanks for the ride!!

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