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Thread: Lola's Missing DH VWT - FULL - Stay tuned for random contests

  1. #121
    Mastermind bargain_hunter_lola's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bargain_hunter_lola View Post
    Contest #9 - post 111 will win flower seeds
    Quote Originally Posted by luc_anna View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by masid View Post
    oops sorry lola. pass to luc_anna as she was the closest!
    So the winner of the #9 mini contest is luc_anna. Congrats!
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  2. #122
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    mailed my envie

  3. #123
    Mastermind bargain_hunter_lola's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bargain_hunter_lola View Post
    Contest #7 - rider who posts the best coupon related smiley wins their bp back. 1 smiley per rider. If you post more than 1, only your first smiley (after this post) will count.

    I'll let DH judge this one when he's on his stretch off.
    I will be getting DH judge the contest tomorrow sometime, so make sure you get your smiley/emoticon pic in ASAP if you want to partake in this mini contest!

  4. #124
    Smart Canuck Mich649's Avatar
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    Mailed envie yesterday!!

  5. #125
    Mastermind Anna Michele's Avatar
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    less than $1 at NF
    less than $20 at WM

    how anyone can say they don't have time to coupon and save money on the things they are gonna buy anyways is crazy

    it just leaves more money for me to spend on me
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  6. #126
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anna Michele View Post
    less than $1 at NF
    less than $20 at WM

    how anyone can say they don't have time to coupon and save money on the things they are gonna buy anyways is crazy

    it just leaves more money for me to spend on me

    okay, someone needs to teach me where to find smileys. I so love them all
    gracesmommy likes this.

    Get in, Sit down, shut up and hold on!

  7. #127
    Mastermind bargain_hunter_lola's Avatar
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    DH is on a mission to get the pool opened, so I'll get him to judge tomorrow.

    So, while we're waiting for that we'll do another contest!

    Contest #10 - First person to answer all the following trivia question correctly (without googling -honour system of course) wins a sheet of Canada Day temporary tattoos.

    Since the prize is a little bit kid oriented, the questions will be also. They are pretty easy so you can post in the thread.

    1) What is Elmo's favourite food?
    2) Who wrote "Chicka Chicka, Boom Boom"?
    3) Name ONE of Handy Manny's tools?
    4) “The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.” is a quote from what famous author?
    5) What is Sophie the Giraffe?
    6) Name ONE book by Roald Dahl:
    7) Finish the sentence: "We've got ears, it's time for ______"
    8) Name ONE pixar movie:
    9) How many books are in the Harry Potter series?
    10) What popular kids board game makes you "pop" a dice to get your pieces around the board and into home?

  8. #128
    claires mommy too! <3 gracesmommy's Avatar
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    1. pizza
    2. bill martin jr
    3. the tape measurer (cant remember her name) - stretch?
    4. dr seus
    5. a chew toy for teeting babies
    6. matilda LOVED IT!
    7. cheers
    8. toy story
    9. 7?
    10 trouble
    Last edited by gracesmommy; Tue, May 29th, 2012 at 09:19 PM.

  9. #129
    claires mommy too! <3 gracesmommy's Avatar
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    im not too familiar with harry potter so thats a guess

  10. #130
    Mastermind Anna Michele's Avatar
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    I googled shopping emoticons
    Quote Originally Posted by luc_anna View Post
    okay, someone needs to teach me where to find smileys. I so love them all
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  11. #131
    Smart Canuck xssavings's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bargain_hunter_lola View Post
    DH is on a mission to get the pool opened, so I'll get him to judge tomorrow.

    So, while we're waiting for that we'll do another contest!

    Contest #10 - First person to answer all the following trivia question correctly (without googling -honour system of course) wins a sheet of Canada Day temporary tattoos.

    Since the prize is a little bit kid oriented, the questions will be also. They are pretty easy so you can post in the thread.

    1) What is Elmo's favourite food?
    2) Who wrote "Chicka Chicka, Boom Boom"?
    3) Name ONE of Handy Manny's tools?
    4) “The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.” is a quote from what famous author?
    5) What is Sophie the Giraffe?
    6) Name ONE book by Roald Dahl:
    7) Finish the sentence: "We've got ears, it's time for ______"
    8) Name ONE pixar movie:
    9) How many books are in the Harry Potter series?
    10) What popular kids board game makes you "pop" a dice to get your pieces around the board and into home?
    Sad that I'm a Nanny and yet I could only answer maybe 2 questions.

  12. #132
    Mastermind Anna Michele's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xssavings View Post
    Sad that I'm a Nanny and yet I could only answer maybe 2 questions.
    I know right I'm a mommy of 3 and I only know maybe 3 or 4 , 5 tops. I would def need google for this one
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  13. #133
    claires mommy too! <3 gracesmommy's Avatar
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    i'm thinking the 7 harry potter books will be wrong, and maybe the pixar 1. i'm trying to picture dd's toy story movie and if that pixar lamp is on it. im pretty sure it is but maybe not hehe.

  14. #134
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anna Michele View Post
    I know right I'm a mommy of 3 and I only know maybe 3 or 4 , 5 tops. I would def need google for this one
    I'm with you there Anna Michele, I have 4 kids and only know a few of those. Handy Manny was starting to become popular as my youngest was out growing 'little kid shows'

  15. #135
    Mastermind bargain_hunter_lola's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gracesmommy View Post
    1. pizza
    2. bill martin jr
    3. the tape measurer (cant remember her name) - stretch?
    4. dr seus
    5. a chew toy for teeting babies
    6. matilda LOVED IT!
    7. cheers
    8. toy story
    9. 7?
    10 trouble
    gracesmommy, you are the winner! Congrats, you have them ALL right

    I made up the questions based on my kids favourite things (except Harry Potter is a fav of mine).

    1) Elmo (sesame street) loves Pizza
    2) Manny's tools include: Rusty (monkey wrench), Pat (hammer), Squeeze (pliers), Dusty (saw), Turner (screwdriver)
    3) Chicka Chicka, Boom Boom is an alphabet books for kids (excellent book)
    4) Quote from I can read with my eyes shut by Dr. Seuss
    5) DS loves his Sophie teether
    6) Roald Dahl has written many famous books (Charlie and the Chocolate factory, James and the giant peach, etc.)
    7) On the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Mickey often says "we've got ears, it's time for cheers".
    8) Pixar's movies include: Toy Story, Up, Wall-E, Finding Nemo, Cars
    9) There are 7 Harry Potter books
    10) Trouble board game has a "pop" button in the middle of the board and the point is to get around the board to your colours home base.

    And yes, I spend way too much time doing kid stuff. lol.
    Last edited by bargain_hunter_lola; Tue, May 29th, 2012 at 11:22 PM.
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