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Thread: How to announce a pregnancy to friends and loved ones?

  1. #31
    The ONLY Diva of SC! saveadollardiva's Avatar
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    OHHH Congrats!!! So excitied for you and your DH!!! I have not had any children yet, but i think you should go by your gut feeling. If everything seems to fall into place and it seems like a great time go for it and tell everyone!
    Last edited by saveadollardiva; Wed, May 30th, 2012 at 04:08 PM.
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  2. #32
    Smart Canuck glowworm2k's Avatar
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    Well, I told my Grandma on the weekend; she's one smart cookie and would've realized something was up with me even if I hadn't mentioned it I didn't do anything fancy for telling her as she prefers to keep things low-key and doesn't go for big surprises. She was very excited and also honoured to find out that she knew before my parents or DH's parents. We had some great conversations about her own experiences of having children (now both in their 60s) and how I should ignore most of the advice I receive and just let things fall into place on their own (she explained to me that the advice she got was mostly annoying and led her to worry more than calm her fears). She also had a few very sweet moments over the next few days when out of nowhere she would say, "Oh! I just realized that your little baby will have blue eyes and curly hair" (both DH and I have both) or "I really hope you share your love of gardening with your baby!" ... just those "awwwww" moments to know that she was very excited for me Next up will be my parents in a few weeks. Everyone on here has provided me with so many fun ideas that I'm thinking I might do something with a bit of a "Surprise!" feel to it, especially for my Dad

  3. #33
    claires mommy too! <3 gracesmommy's Avatar
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    with our first it was dh's dads birthday so we wrapped up baby booties as a gift. i dont know who screamed more, his dad or his mom with our 2nd it was at easter dinner. gracie told everyone she had big news, that she was going to be a big sister. totally cliche but so cute
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  4. #34
    Lua is offline
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    BIG congrats to you!!!!!

    DH and I are still in the TTC stage, but of course, i've already been thinking about how we're going to go about telling people when our time comes.

    I really like the idea of getting onsies for the grandparents... or at least DH's parents. They are polish so we already know our future child will be calling them babcia ('bab-cha') and dziadziu ('ja-ju') so I'll probably just do an iron-on that says "I love my Babcia and Dziadzu. For my parents though, i'm not sure what they'll want to be called, so I'm still undecided if we'll do that route.

    I've also read a really cute idea for announcing to DH or even others ---- putting an actual bun in the oven. hahaha If i had the patience, I'd put a bun in the oven and tell DH to see what I made when he got home from work one day... but I now I'll never be able to hold in results from him when I find out. So maybe we'll orchestrate something like that and take a photo to announce it to friends on FB?... hmmm OR... (i'm thinking as i type here) ... print out a photo with a bun in the oven along with some other photos and give to the parents.. "look at these photos we just printed" and see if they clue in!! LOL that would be a hilarious way to tell DH's mom as she's obsessed with photos.

    Anyway, i'm sure it will be great no matter how you do it!... I really like the idea of telling your dad on father's day.
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  5. #35
    Smart Canuck couponclippercaitie's Avatar
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    I love the bun in the oven idea!!! I wanted to tell DH in a cool way, but I couldn't hold it in, and told him while he was doing the dishes lol

    Quote Originally Posted by Lua View Post
    BIG congrats to you!!!!!

    DH and I are still in the TTC stage, but of course, i've already been thinking about how we're going to go about telling people when our time comes.

    I really like the idea of getting onsies for the grandparents... or at least DH's parents. They are polish so we already know our future child will be calling them babcia ('bab-cha') and dziadziu ('ja-ju') so I'll probably just do an iron-on that says "I love my Babcia and Dziadzu. For my parents though, i'm not sure what they'll want to be called, so I'm still undecided if we'll do that route.

    I've also read a really cute idea for announcing to DH or even others ---- putting an actual bun in the oven. hahaha If i had the patience, I'd put a bun in the oven and tell DH to see what I made when he got home from work one day... but I now I'll never be able to hold in results from him when I find out. So maybe we'll orchestrate something like that and take a photo to announce it to friends on FB?... hmmm OR... (i'm thinking as i type here) ... print out a photo with a bun in the oven along with some other photos and give to the parents.. "look at these photos we just printed" and see if they clue in!! LOL that would be a hilarious way to tell DH's mom as she's obsessed with photos.

    Anyway, i'm sure it will be great no matter how you do it!... I really like the idea of telling your dad on father's day.
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  6. #36
    Smart Canuck glowworm2k's Avatar
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    Well, it's now the weekend to tell my parents. I took Caitie's advice off the thread here, and bought little onesies that say "Grandpa's Little Helper" and "Grandma is simply the best" for Dad and Mom. I'll wrap them up once I show them to one of my baby-crazy friends this morning. I am nervous as all get out, part of which is the hormones, part of which is fear of drama. I guess my Mom has me the most worried. She has been pressuring me to co-sign her mortgage as her debt-to-income ratio is too high to renew the mortgage right now. I know it's mostly the hormones, but I feel like she's just trying to kick me when I'm down and vulnerable. I only have a contract job that lasts until March (although I got word it will likely be ended early, in December or January) and with a baby on the way, I just can't do it. But, I feel sooo guilty saying that. I am hoping that the baby news can help me get off the hook. I told Mom "No" a few weeks back in a long and detailed email that set out all my reasons and spelled out the fact that I cared for her, but couldn't help. She's trying to guilt me into it again, and I am hoping the hormones don't take over if she digs in about it (I have been having some massive mood swings in the past few weeks). So, I'm hoping for the best, but expecting the worst for the weekend. Please keep your fingers crossed for me this weekend; I need all the good karma I can get.... which is one of the reasons that I'm taking a friend out for breakfast to talk strategy and taking a friend out for coffee later to share the news as I know she will be supportive!
    Last edited by glowworm2k; Fri, Jun 15th, 2012 at 08:56 AM.
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  7. #37
    Mastermind Natalka's Avatar
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    Good luck, glowworm, and your plan sounds great... if she asks again, keep the no simple, without drawn-out explanations, just that you are unable to help at this time.
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  8. #38
    All my children have fur Wendark's Avatar
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    Glowworm! Congratulations to you and your dh! I am so happy for you both.

    And now a little advice from someone who was never blessed with children: Make sure you show everyone just how happy you are with this wonderful news. Don't let your fear of their negativity dampen your delivery of the news. This might help discourage some of that expected negativity. And hopefully the adults will behave themselves much better than expected. Good luck this weekend
    Natalka, KK7 and glowworm2k like this.

  9. #39
    Smart Canuck glowworm2k's Avatar
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    Well, the weekend is now behind us and thank goodness! Telling my Dad was absolutely wonderful. The two of us had breakfast on Saturday morning before my DH or his DW got out of bed. I had wrapped up the onesie and put it on the table. He said that maybe we should save the Father`s Day gift until Sunday, but I told him that I wanted him to open it right away. His jaw hit the floor and he gave me a big hug... I don`t think he stopped smiling for the rest of the weekend; it was fabulous!! His wife was a bit difficult. She was congratulatory, but had to spend the evening after we got home from Mom`s telling me every story she knew about birth, most coming from her 2 week nurse-trainee stint in the labour and delivery ward 35 years ago. Both Dad and I were not impressed when she wouldn`t shut up about blood and complications, so we just went to bed leaving poor DH to listen to her for another hour, before he took a book to the bathroom and hid in there until she went to bed

    With Mom, I told her after I put my foot down about the mortgage co-sign. I thought it would help to change the channel on that difficult subject, but she just pouted for the rest of the evening. My DH thinks part of it was that my Grandma (her mom) and Dad knew before her as she gets petty about things like that. I am thinking she will come around. My new big concern is that my Mom never gave away any of the baby stuff my sister and I had (crib, playpen, highchair, etc.) - that hasn`t been used in almost 30 years - and now expects me to use it all. This wouldn`t be that big of a deal, except she`s a hoarder and I am worried about the conditions in which the items were kept... I don`t know how easy it will be to clean everything to a degree that leaves me comfortable to use it with a new baby (e.g., how to do you clean the mesh of a crib that may have been exposed to mold and rodents??) That's a concern for another day, though, and a few friends have told me that I should just harness my rollercoaster emotions and turn on the tears if need be to get what I want. I'm not a very dramatic person, but that sure sounds like a plan

    Thanks to everyone here on SC for your support; I really appreciate being able to come here and vent, and I'm sure you're all saving DH getting his ears talked off even more than he already does!!!

  10. #40
    Mastermind Natalka's Avatar
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    Glad everything went (mostly) well for you!

    Now, enjoy gestating!

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  11. #41
    All my children have fur Wendark's Avatar
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    Wow, that sounds like everything went much better than anticipated. If your mom's moodiness was the worst of it, that's not so bad. (notice how I'm just ignoring your dad's wife? There will always be people who tell you stupid stories - walk away from them).

    As for the old furniture, aren't there new regulations on cribs? I think something that old is not safe for the baby - something to do with the spaces I think. I mean, the crib could be scrubbed and painted, and the mesh could be bleached, but I think the items are too out dated.
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  12. #42
    Canadian Guru Brandy Hunter's Avatar
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    You probably told them by now, but check out pinterest! I see announcement ideas all the time on there
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    Amazing read. Great ideas.
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  14. #44
    Canadian Genius Ciel21's Avatar
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    Preferably get the word out to extended kin and relatives before posting any online registries for baby essentials or desired items or posting the news on social media (especially if older relations are not on social media or don't know the ones used by younger relations).

    We've learned three announcements via an elder in the extended family then I went on quest to find gift registries. Two of three announcements came when couples were mid-way or later in their awaited pregnancies. Last one has not yet posted anything definite online so I am holding back on sending a baby gift for now.

    Another announcement this year (spring) came via text to Bro and I assume to other relatives with cellphones. I hadn't found any gift registry except a month ago, when I did see a request for two of the same item (site had a promotion going on at that time for that particular brand).

    I have become acquainted with many apparel lines and store websites this year. I took in a baby gear Instagram live event to understand what current parents-to-be have to consider for car seats (and bases) and stroller systems. Sounds rather complicated--I'd recommended that gift givers consider getting first-time parents-to-be their preferred seats systems early (if items are provided in a registry link or you find a registry or two or three online) so they have time to figure out how it suits their cars before babies come into the world. Baby gear stores might allow floor models to be dry fitted in customers' cars before they buy as car seat sales can be final!

    Besides the usual baby stores or Buy Buy Baby or ToysRUs, look at Chapters Indigo, and department stores for registries. Sometimes you find different items requested depending on the stores accessed for registry items. For US sites, look at and as well as store sites and

    I am marvelling at stroller organizers. I really want a light coloured one and I should have considered a purchase during the hot summer. I was trying to balance an open pop can and a shopping cart with one hand as I had my cane in other hand. Still scoping out stores with the particular organizer I want!
    Last edited by Ciel21; Fri, Sep 24th, 2021 at 12:16 AM.
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  15. #45
    Canadian Genius Ciel21's Avatar
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    It can be hard to control temptations to buy all the cute baby onesies and clothing your heart wants. Keep a budget. Add in mailing costs and box cost if you cannot give gifts in person.

    Initial gift boxes: a swaddle blanket, a onesie with snaps and allover print, baby socks (can be hard to find coloured or print ones unless there's a box of them and maybe a small item (night light or finger toy-mind the sparkles) and a small greeting card (check baby stores-some carry a selection of cards).

    Now I'd lean more towards one onesie, a book for parents (or selection of baby bath products), and either a colourful stroller organizer (for visibility reasons in foggy or poor weather conditions) or a car seat organizer for a gift to parents-to-be. Plus a greeting card.
    "This is the Way." The Mandalorian

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