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Thread: Bill C-78 "emergency" legislation

  1. #76
    Senior Canuck Arielmac's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kparker1786 View Post
    I'm sorry but your post just made me laugh right out loud. Police don't really care if someone is yelling at someone else, if it's life or death, it'd be different for sure, because that's their JOB. It's not their job to get people out of an "uncomfortable" situation. And I can compare, I grew up in a small town where there are drunks all the time, and they usually take forever. While I was in Montreal a year or so ago, I got some rude police people talking about how I wasn't listening to them. Excuse me? I have a hearing loss, so obviously I don't hear like everyone else. (My friend told me what they were English) It seems like some of the police in Montreal like their egos stroked. Kinda like the PM...

    As for the protests, yet they aren't allowed more then 50 people?! And people aren't allowed to publish about it or announce it? Did you NOT read TaraF's post? Obviously not. Please do. She's obviously pointing something out and is doing so in an intelligent manner.
    First of all don't judge what situation I was in since I did not specify and I don't judge it was necessary to. Just believe me when I say it was important but not urgent.

    Second, yes they are allowed more then 50 people and they are allowed to publish and announced it/ Did you not read the Bill 78? Obviously not. Please do. Show me a place where it says they are not allowed more then 50 or to publish/announce it. I have read it multiple time and yet, no such things.

    You will find the section about protest in Division III under act 16 and 17: http://www2.publicationsduquebec.gou...e=2012C12A.PDF
    Last edited by Arielmac; Sat, May 26th, 2012 at 04:47 PM.
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  2. #77
    Merician Loving Nuck! kparker1786's Avatar
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    "Public demonstations involving more than 50 people have to be f-l-a-gged to authorities eight hours in advance, include itinerary, duration and time at which they are being held."

    AKA you can't do anything spur of the moment PLUS how is ANYONE supposed to know what is going to happen? Or how long it will be? They are expecting us all to have ESP. I guess YOU have ESP since you're all for it then. I'm not trying to attack anyone or judge, but this law is just stupid on so many levels!

    Bill 78 summary

    • Fines of between $1,000 and $5,000 for any individual who prevents someone from entering an educational institution.
    • Penalties climb to between $7,000 and $35,000 for a student leader and to between $25,000 and $125,000 for unions or student federations.
    • Public demonstations involving more than 50 people have to be ged to authorities eight hours in advance, include itinerary, duration and time at which they are being held.
    • Police can order the protest move to a different spot.
    • Offering encouragement for someone to protest at a school, either tacitly or otherwise, is subject to punishment.

    Another thing is the LAST part here. Punishment? That sounds peaceful...
    Last edited by kparker1786; Sat, May 26th, 2012 at 05:03 PM.

  3. #78
    Smart Canuck K8's Fate's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kparker1786 View Post
    "Public demonstations involving more than 50 people have to be f-l-a-gged to authorities eight hours in advance, include itinerary, duration and time at which they are being held."

    AKA you can't do anything spur of the moment PLUS how is ANYONE supposed to know what is going to happen?
    You can do anything spur of the moment. However, when you organize a group of 50 or more to protest, the authorities would like the same details as those who are protesting (itinerary and time). This will allow them to be better prepared in case a few rioters decide to ruin the protest. Most large urban centres already have the same requirements.
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  4. #79
    Senior Canuck Arielmac's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kparker1786 View Post
    "Public demonstations involving more than 50 people have to be f-l-a-gged to authorities eight hours in advance, include itinerary, duration and time at which they are being held."

    AKA you can't do anything spur of the moment PLUS how is ANYONE supposed to know what is going to happen?
    Or how long it will be? They are expecting us all to have ESP.

    They already PLANNED to do one every night!!!!!!!
    Funny that May 22nd 2 of the 3 students association were able to follow that law without any issues... Cause they KNEW what was going to happen.

    I guess YOU have ESP since you're all for it then. I'm not trying to attack anyone or judge, but this law is just stupid on so many levels!

    Really, not trying? You do well without trying.

    Bill 78 summary

    • Fines of between $1,000 and $5,000 for any individual who prevents someone from entering an educational institution.
    • Penalties climb to between $7,000 and $35,000 for a student leader and to between $25,000 and $125,000 for unions or student federations.
    • Public demonstations involving more than 50 people have to be ged to authorities eight hours in advance, include itinerary, duration and time at which they are being held.
    • Police can order the protest move to a different spot.
    • Offering encouragement for someone to protest at a school, either tacitly or otherwise, is subject to punishment.

    Another thing is the LAST part here. Punishment? That sounds peaceful...
    Hum... When you break a law, what do you get, a pad in the back?

  5. #80
    Awake. TaraF's Avatar
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    Does ANYONE care that a bus load of students was pulled over on the highway by the SQ on May 18th and illegally detained? They were on their way to a college to *gasp* possibly protest. OH NOES!!! The SQ boarded the bus and thankfully it was all caught on video. They detained them and demanded to know who they were, where they worked and their intentions, only allowing them to leave when they promised to not go to the College, receiving a police escort to the highway. They were detained for "breach of peace" which is bogus as they were sitting on a bus on a highway.

    THIS is what Mainstream Media is failing to report to the masses and THIS is also the kind of targeted BS that's happening to those wishing to express themselves and also the kind injustice those are taking with them to the streets in protest. While I don't condone violence, s it any wonder why when people do engage in violence that they feel it's their only choice?

    Canada is starting to resemble Nazi, Germany and quite frankly it scares me. And if it doesn't scare you it should.
    Last edited by TaraF; Sat, May 26th, 2012 at 05:38 PM.

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    FYI in New York city when a group wants to protest do you know how many days advance notice they have to give to the police??

    12 days - so 8 hours here is not to much of a big deal and as for the law quashing freedoms just read it, it doesn't stop anyone from doing anything

    This thread has gotten pretty sh*tty. Interesting opinions from people who don't live here. Why don't you come visit and see?
    anisa, aussie and erin9mmm like this.

  7. #82
    Merician Loving Nuck! kparker1786's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arielmac View Post

    They already PLANNED to do one every night!!!!!!!
    Funny that May 22nd 2 of the 3 students association were able to follow that law without any issues... Cause they KNEW what was going to happen.

    Really, not trying? You do well without trying.

    Hum... When you break a law, what do you get, a pad in the back?
    Punishment, for offering encouragement?! Seriously? What is the world coming to? It seems like the Book of Revelations is right, man's Government will screw over the world/country before the rapture. I guess it's actually happening.

    As for the attacking, I was generalizing. Just like you were.

    Also, I have visited. I personally have the utmost respect for MOST people who work in Quebec. I have a friend who is going to school there and she is not part of the protests, but she said that the police are ignorant and I have firsthand experience with it.
    Last edited by kparker1786; Sat, May 26th, 2012 at 05:54 PM.

  8. #83
    Merician Loving Nuck! kparker1786's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Patty Smyth View Post
    All of the pictures with red paint are done by students not rioters.
    So you saw them and asked them if they were students and if they were protesting or rioting? .....Didn't think so.

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    Quote Originally Posted by kparker1786 View Post
    Patty, how is that protesting? Like Tara said, there's a major difference between rioting and protesting. Please don't take that I am FOR rioting, I'm not at all, but you're posting about RIOTS not PROTESTS which is what this Bill is all about.

    All in all, I'm annoyed that Quebec is filled with stupid political people, then again Ontario is too *sigh*

    All of the pictures with red paint are done by students not rioters.

  10. #85
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    I hope I don't offend anyone here, just trying to inject a note of levity... Tara, I can't help picturing what would happen to you if it had been the Harper govt that instituted this bill.

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    Quote Originally Posted by kparker1786 View Post
    So you saw them and asked them if they were students and if they were protesting or rioting? .....Didn't think so.

    Yes I saw their sorry asses get hauled away by police.
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  12. #87
    Sith Lady and Cool Kid Darth Penguin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TaraF View Post

    Canada is starting to resemble Nazi, Germany and quite frankly it scares me. And if it doesn't scare you it should.
    Huzzah! The thread has now been Godwinised....

    Short answer : no Long answer : NOOOOOOOOOOO!

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  13. #88
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    Quote Originally Posted by saradouce View Post
    Remember the 21st of march 2001?

    The war entry for Canada in Afghanistan? Everyone was thinking they were all terrorist.

    They were not.

    Everyone here thinks all students do such nasty and stupid thins.

    They don't.

    I'm against all form of violence. I didn't protest except for the 100th day's.

    Bill 101 is not banning English (look, I'm speaking English, watching TLC, working in English). It puts French at first plan.

    And it's normal. My grand-father was bullied by his foreman because he didn't speak English. All banners were english.
    We are francophone, it is part of us. Bill 101 is only protecting this unique part of Canada.

    and you call me blind?

  14. #89
    Smart Canuck K8's Fate's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TaraF View Post
    Canada is starting to resemble Nazi, Germany and quite frankly it scares me. And if it doesn't scare you it should.
    Quote Originally Posted by Darth Penguin View Post
    Huzzah! The thread has now been Godwinised....'s_law
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  15. #90
    Awake. TaraF's Avatar
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    Oh Dave you so silly! However on the Harper issue, he is the Prime Minister of Canada (whether I or anyone else likes that or not) and he has a responsibility to this Country to see that order is kept. So if complete and utter mayhem has been taking place in Quebec for 3 months straight why hasn't he stepped in to do anything about it? Or hell, I haven't even heard him denounce anything publicly.

    Quote Originally Posted by DaveP View Post
    I hope I don't offend anyone here, just trying to inject a note of levity... Tara, I can't help picturing what would happen to you if it had been the Harper govt that instituted this bill.

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