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Thread: At what age to kids start school?

  1. #1
    Senior Canuck
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    At what age to kids start nursery school or pre school?
    Being a first time parent I am totally confused on this. I've heard people putting their kids in at 2.5-3 depending when their birthday is?
    My son turned 2 on March 29th...How does his birthday play into things?
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  2. #2
    Mastermind bargain_hunter_lola's Avatar
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    Not sure if it's different in different provinces but here (ON), my DD started "daycare" at 18 months (centre based) and then graduated to "preschool" (other side of the centre) when she was 2.5 years old. She can now start Kindergarten in September if we choose (she's turning 4 in December).

    Pretty sure birthday only plays into things when entering Kindergarten. The earliest they can go is when they are 3 IF they turn 4 by December 31st of the same calendar year.
    Last edited by bargain_hunter_lola; Tue, May 22nd, 2012 at 12:46 PM.

  3. #3
    Smart Canuck Minou's Avatar
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    In Manitoba, you need to be 5 or turning 5 the year you start kindergarten
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  4. #4
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    I understand kindergarten...that's all I remember from being a kid...but I keep hearing about nursery school and pre school

    is nursery school pretty much just a facility daycare? and the same with pre school but for older toddlers?

  5. #5
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    nursery school/preschool-same thing... if you live in wpg school division, kids can start preschool/nursery school at age 4 for half a day mon-fri for free. If you live in any other school division nursery school/preschool can be started at age 2. (my son turns 2 in sep and will be attending tue-thurs for 2 hrs. in the morning.) You can do this from age 2-4 or 2-3 (if you are in wpg school division.) this is not free and you have to pay. You can deduct it on your income tax as "daycare" costs. preschool/nursery is offered at your local community centre.... check their website or check online. Registration has already started for next year so you should look into it if you are interested. lmk if you have any other questions.
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  6. #6
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    Nursery school/Preschool is the same thing. However some daycares run preschools, so that is a different aspect of their offered programs. I've even heard kindergarten called junior preschool. Nursery school/preschool isn't even mandatory, it has to be paid for (here in NS at least). No wonder parents get confused!

    I'm in NS, my son is starting nursery/preschool in Sept, he's 4. He'll be 5 when starting kindg in 2013.

  7. #7
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    Kids born in 2007 start kindergarten this fall.
    Kids born in 2009 can start preschool if parents choose to enroll them (totally optional).

    Preschool is usually only 2 afternoons (or mornings) a week, and costs parents $ to enroll their children. Activities are geared towards learning and getting kids ready to go to kindergarten everyday.

    I believe you are correct in saying nursery schools are a name for certain daycare facilities.
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    Thanks for all the help!
    Now the real silly question...
    How do I figure out where my local community center is? lol- we have a community club down the street but they don't do anything.

  9. #9
    Frosh Canuck Deb1197's Avatar
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    Where I live in Transcona there no nursery so we paid for our son to go 2x 1/2 days a week then in Sept at age 4 he started Kindergarten,ol ya he was 22 mths I did this for I had no friends with lil kids nor knew anyone where I lived this helped with socializing and the great part there structure was the same I had at home,I also know people who never started there kids till grade 1 was 4easier with day cares etc...

  10. #10
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    what area do you live in?

    Quote Originally Posted by stacymarie View Post
    Thanks for all the help!
    Now the real silly question...
    How do I figure out where my local community center is? lol- we have a community club down the street but they don't do anything.
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  11. #11
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    At my sons preschool you have to be at least 2.5 years AND potty trained to start. In my opinion, 2.5 years is way too young. We started ds1 when he was 3.5 years. It was the middle of the school year. Not all preschools allow that though...

  12. #12
    coupon freak
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    your son will have to wait a year as his birthday is too late in the year so he will be one of the older ones have to turn 5 before the end of year not end of the school year..SO to start kindergarten your son will have to be a full 5...if he had been born in Sept-December he could have gone to kindergarten at age 4.If there is junior kindergarten available in your area he would be able to start at age 4 (3 if he had been born before December)..pretty sure its December here in Manitoba as there is only one kid younger than my son at Alberta it was end of February (my niece missed it by 4 days)
    Last edited by couponfreak; Tue, May 22nd, 2012 at 08:03 PM. Reason: added info

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by pamjcoupon View Post
    what area do you live in?
    South Transcona

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by stacymarie View Post
    South Transcona
    well, that is super far from me and an area of the city I don't know well, however, I am sure someone from that area could help you. I would suggest calling or find the websites of the community centres in the area... you would be surprised that most do have a preschool program. (I was)
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    Quote Originally Posted by stacymarie View Post
    At what age to kids start nursery school or pre school?
    Being a first time parent I am totally confused on this. I've heard people putting their kids in at 2.5-3 depending when their birthday is?
    My son turned 2 on March 29th...How does his birthday play into things?
    To my understanding the majority of schools in Winnipeg do have Nursery classes. As long as they turn 4 by the end of December for that year. (If your child turns 4 by Decemeber 2012, he can enroll for the school year of 2012/2013) They're Mon-Fri for a half day. It's usually nice to go with the school nursery, as it gives the child a chance to socialize and make friends so when he enters Kindergarten the following year, he/she already has friends or will recognize familiar faces. And it's free.

    Although, I do know that there are also "Pre-School's" out there, where some start at 2.5 but require the child to be potty-trained. And most of the time, I believe they have fees to enroll your child. But then again, there might be some free ones.

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