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Wed, May 23rd, 2012, 12:57 PM #1
I didn't bother posting this in FOOD since there are no "food-like" ingredients. . . Sorry for the length, but it all seemed kind of important.
Thenew version of the Pepsi drink is called PEPSI NEXT. And they are now promotingit as a healthier alternative to their original drink. Well careful out therewith this advertising. Take a look at what they did, and think twice beforetaking a sipof this soda.
The Beverage that isEven WORSE than High Fructose Corn Syrup Soda
Story at-a-glance
§ Pepsi Next claims to have 60 percent lesssugar without sacrificing taste. The secret to keeping its sweet taste comesfrom the use of THREE artificial sweeteners: aspartame, acesulfame potassium,and sucralose.
§ Aspartame (Nutrasweet and Equal) is believedto be carcinogenic and accounts for more reports of adverse reactions than allother foods and food additives combined.
§ Acesulfame potassium (Acesulfame-K) has beenlinked to kidney problems, and sucralose (Splenda) has been found to reduce theamount of beneficial microflora in your gut by 50 percent—in addition to beingassociated with many of the same adverse reactions as aspartame.
§ Contrary to popular belief, research hasshown that artificial sweeteners can stimulate your appetite; increasecarbohydrate cravings; stimulate fat storage and weight gain. Diet sodas mayactually double your risk of obesity.
§ You’ll find that, indeed, thesugar content has been reduced.
§ But it’s still the secondingredient after water—four teaspoons of it, in fact, in the form of highfructose corn syrup. The secret to keeping this beverage sweet-tasting,however, comes further on down, in the form of aspartame, acesulfame potassium,and sucralose.
§ So, really, all that’s changedwith this new beverage is that 6 teaspoons of sugar have been substituted withthree sweeteners that are even worse. Yes, although I strongly recommendavoiding all soda, you would be far better off with the strictly high fructosecorn syrup sweetened version.
§ Why Aspartame is FAR Worse thanSugar
§ While many of the artificial sweeteners havereportedly similar side effects, aspartame accounts for over 75 percent of theadverse reactions to food additives reported to the FDA. Many of thesereactions are very serious, including seizures and death. About 90 differentadverse effects have been linked to aspartame
§ Aspartame is made up of three chemicals:
A. Phenylalanine(50 percent)—Phenylalanine is an amino acid normally found inyour brain. Persons with the genetic disorder phenylketonuria (PKU) cannotmetabolize phenylalanine and must avoid it at all costs to prevent theaccumulation of phenylalanine in their brain, which can be lethal. It has beenshown that ingesting aspartame, especially along with carbohydrates, can leadto excess levels of phenylalanine in the brain even in persons who do not havePKU. Excessive levels of phenylalanine in your brain can decrease your serotoninlevels, which in turn can provoke emotional disorders such as depression.
B. Aspartic acid(40 percent)—According to the work of Dr. Russell L. Blaylock,a professor of neurosurgery at the Medical University of Mississippi, there areabout 500 scientific references showing that excess free excitatory amino acidssuch as aspartic acid and glutamic acid (about 99 percent of monosodiumglutamate (MSG) is glutamic acid) in our food supply are causing seriouschronic neurological disorders and a myriad of other acute symptoms.
Aspartate and glutamate act as neurotransmitters inyour brain by facilitating the transmission of information from neuron toneuron. Excess aspartate or glutamate in your brain can kill off neurons byallowing the influx of too much calcium into your cells. This influx triggersexcessive amounts of free radicals, which kill the cells. The neural celldamage that can be caused by excessive aspartate and glutamate is why they arereferred to as “excitotoxins.” They literally “excite” or stimulate your neuralcells to death. It is important not to confuse this with the amino acidglutamic acid, which is a normal part of foods and an important nutrient.
A. Methanol (10percent)—Methanol,also known as wood alcohol, is a deadly poison. It is gradually released inyour small intestine once the methyl group of aspartame encounters thedigestive enzyme chymotrypsin. Inside your body, methanol breaks down intoformic acid and formaldehyde, the latter of which is another lethal neurotoxinand a known carcinogen, which passes freely through your blood brain barrier tocause brain damage.
According tothe U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), methanol is considered “a cumulative poison due to the low rate ofexcretion once it is absorbed. In the body, methanol is oxidized toformaldehyde and formic acid; both of these metabolites are toxic.” The EPArecommends limiting consumption of methanol to 7.8 mg/day. A one-liter (approx.1 quart) aspartame-sweetened beverage contains about 56 mg of methanol. Heavyusers of aspartame-containing products can consume as much as 250 mg ofmethanol daily, or 32 times the EPA limit.
For a much more indepth report, you can go to site below: thread is currently associated with: N/A
Wed, May 23rd, 2012, 01:04 PM #2
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I tried this last month when I was in the USA, it tastes like a mix of regular pop and diet combined.
If I'm craving pop..Id rather go for the real stuff then this.
Wed, May 23rd, 2012, 02:11 PM #3
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wonder if any-one else sees the irony of this statement gievn the name of the website?
Citrus fruits To hit that 500-milligram vitamin C level from whole food sources, you can also turn to oranges, grapefruit, lemons, and limes. A large orange contains nearly 100 mg of C, while half of a large grapefruit contains about 60 mg.
Short answer : no Long answer : NOOOOOOOOOOO!
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Wed, May 23rd, 2012, 02:26 PM #4
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I do wish they would bring back Pepsi Retro to stay - real sugar. If I want to have something, I want 'real' sugar.
Wed, May 23rd, 2012, 04:33 PM #5
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Natalka, when I was in the US, I had (I can't remember the brand) root beer, with real sugar! It was so nice!! I don't drink any pop, so this was a little treat for myself....yes, it was nice being able to actually read the ingredients. WHEN will that industry smarten up?!
Wed, May 23rd, 2012, 04:47 PM #6
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I know there must be others here with real sugar, but they aren't going to be 'cheap' like the main brands are....
HFCS just makes things too cheap and easy for the industry!
Wed, May 23rd, 2012, 05:10 PM #7
Wed, May 23rd, 2012, 05:36 PM #8
that stuff sounds like a tumor waiting to happen.. no thanks, i'll stick to water, wine and beer.. lol
oh, and of course coffee
Wed, May 23rd, 2012, 06:27 PM #9
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...and tea and lemonade...
Wed, May 23rd, 2012, 07:08 PM #10
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I'll have tea as well.and beer and wine....water. I drink maybe 3 cokes a year.I'm not a big fan of carbonated soft drinks.
Like everything else it's moderation that counts.
Short answer : no Long answer : NOOOOOOOOOOO!
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Wed, May 23rd, 2012, 11:13 PM #11
Thu, May 24th, 2012, 02:01 AM #12
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I tried this over Easter as well when I was back home in the States. I saw it in the grocery store, thought "hmmm, never seen this before, what is it?!?" and fell for the ad on the front stating less sugar. I thought, great, everyone will be happy with it! Then to go back home and read the label/find out they simply replaced sugar with artificial sweeteners As posters above said, it doesn't taste very good either.
Thu, May 24th, 2012, 07:10 AM #13
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CBC had the story of the woman who drank 10 litres of Coke a day last year, and it killed her. I read the comments after stories and one poster posted this: Had to search for the original link.)
In The First 10 minutes: 10 teaspoons of sugar hit your system. (100% of your recommended daily intake.) You don’t immediately vomit from the overwhelming sweetness because phosphoric acid cuts the flavor allowing you to keep it down.
20 minutes: First effect of coca cola on your body. Your blood sugar spikes, causing an insulin burst. Your liver responds to this by turning any sugar it can get its hands on into fat. (Theres plenty of that at this particular moment)
40 minutes: Caffeine absorption is complete. Your pupils dialate, your blood pressure rises, as a response your livers dumps more sugar into your bloodstream. The adenosine receptors in your brain are now blocked preventing drowsiness.
Your body ups your dopamine production stimulating the pleasure centers of your brain. This effect of coca cola is physically the same way heroin works, by the way.
The phosphoric acid binds calcium, magnesium and zinc in your lower intestine, providing a further boost in metabolism. This is compounded by high doses of sugar and artificial sweeteners also increasing the urinary excretion of calcium.
The effect of coca cola caffeine diuretic properties come into play. (It makes you have to pee.) It is now assured that you’ll evacuate the bonded calcium, magnesium and zinc that was headed to your bones as well as sodium, electrolyte and water.
>60 minutes: As the rave inside of you dies down you’ll start to have a sugar crash. You may become irritable and/or sluggish. You’ve also now, literally, pissed away all the water that was in the Coke. But not before infusing it with valuable nutrients your body could have used for things like even having the ability to hydrate your system or build strong bones and teeth.
The effect of Coca Cola After the rush
This will all be followed by a caffeine crash in the next few hours. (As little as two if you’re a smoker.) But, hey, have another Coke, it’ll make you feel better.
Thu, May 24th, 2012, 09:52 AM #14
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The only carbonated thing I drink at all is club soda or perrier with a splash of lemon juice. I have been drinking a lot of it lately (a can a day, which is about 3-4 times more than what's normal for me!) because of my ongoing queasiness. Sadly, the mix of artificial sweeteners in the new pop doesn't surprise me; the same mix can be found in about 90% of chewing gum, in most diet pop, and in all kinds of other processed products claiming to be low-cal or lower in sugar. I am frustrated by the dearth of products containing anything even resembling real sugar; I don't like sugary drinks as a rule, but will have one sometimes when I'm overheated and dehydrated and need to get a quick rush to help my body recover. I sometimes make my own mildly sweetened iced tea - with real tea, real lemon and a pinch of real sugar - but otherwise water (or hot tea) is the beverage of choice for me.
I know all too well how common the diet sweeteners are because all of these sweeteners cause a reaction in me: I get migraine headaches that are brutal and last as long as the substance is in my body. My older sister tried diet coke when she turned 12 or 13 and gave me a few sips.... (I was 9 or so) and I spent the rest of the day in bed feeling like I was going to throw up. Even chewing gum provokes the reaction. For those concerned about diet sweeteners, be sure to also avoid Splenda: it claims to be made from sugar (which it is), but is processed in such a way that it's no better for you than any of the others IMHO.... it also gives me migraines, which I see as a warning that it's too similar to the others to get away with less scrutiny!!Last edited by glowworm2k; Thu, May 24th, 2012 at 09:53 AM.
Thu, May 24th, 2012, 11:47 AM #15
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Gum???Short of carrying around a bottle of Listerine...what's a gal to do? Are there teensy little spray bottles of Listerine?
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