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Thread: Protest talk - thread
Sun, May 27th, 2012, 08:03 PM #136
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People from rural towns don't live near universities. Simply asking us to up-root and move closer isn`t going to happen to make it easier for our children to get to and from university.
When our 3 go to university, they will almost certainly need to move out since Montreal is over 70 km away from us. Laval is somewhat closer but it would still be around an hours commute with the cost in gas and car related stuff.
Short answer : no Long answer : NOOOOOOOOOOO!
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Sun, May 27th, 2012, 08:48 PM #137
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Actually, my salary was exactly that when I was in school. Almost 17k. I paid all my bills. I did live at home since I live on the south shore but if I lived too far, I would have rented a single room with other roommates to keep the cost down. However, I did pay $320 a month plus gas expenses for my car at that time so it's like I was paying $400-ish rent per month (my mom used the car more than I did since I took the bus to school, lol). Also had my cellphone and internet expenses. Food, etc..
17k is about 250 a week after taxes. It makes it tight, paycheck to paycheck for sure, but it's totally doable to live on 17k a year. I had to put a bit on a credit card but after the semester was over it was simple to pay it off.
Sun, May 27th, 2012, 08:53 PM #138
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Yes I understand. But they are still choices.
People choose to go study somewhere like they choose to go study in some programs.
Why choose to go to Montreal where the rent are higher than a place like Trois-Rivières?
Why choose not split the rent and monthly fees with colocs?
Why choose to have a car that cost minimum about 200$ a months in gas, insurance and maintenance when you can take public transportation for about 30$ a week or carpooling for less than that?
Why choose to have a internet provider when you can go at school and use the labs for free?
Thoses are all choices that people makes with nobody having a gun next to there head when they do. Good or bad, they are choices.
I'm not saying we shouldn't help. Exactly, we should help but not paid everything for them.Hi! I'm a shopaholic... hum no, scratch that, I'm a dealaholic!!!
Sun, May 27th, 2012, 08:56 PM #139
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people from rural town need to move this is true...
I have done this.
But there is several option to look for that purpose and all didn't have the same cost.
I remember having a bedroom rent in a familly for 2 years with the possibility to rent for the session I needed. Summer I was returning to my parent's home, so I didn't had to pay for the 4 months of summer.
and the 3rd year I was living with 4 other students to split all the bills.
When I was doing my master, my lab research was done at Lennoxville (close to Sherbrooke) and I was living at Sherbrooke. But I was in fact a student of Laval University (Québec city) as my director was there. I was having some course credit to do along that master and needed to be also at Québec city. So I manage to get my courses all the same day or 2 consecutives day and found a bedroom place to stay one night par week. One session, to avoid this, I also choose to take a course at Sherbrooke university and get the autorization from Laval university for the credit of that course for the purpose of my master. This way I didn't have to go at Québec once a week. Yep there is alot of thing to do when we look.Last edited by 2010ontest; Mon, May 28th, 2012 at 12:26 PM.
Liberty of one finish where liberty of the other one start
Sun, May 27th, 2012, 09:10 PM #140
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The pots and pans just passed by my street ... just a dozen or so on the sidewalk.
Sun, May 27th, 2012, 09:34 PM #141
I just came from downtown and there was no one out yet.
Sun, May 27th, 2012, 09:36 PM #142
Just because the choices we make in life are difficult doesn't mean we deserve a handout because we choose a path more difficult than the next guy
abouret is right , you choose, you suffer the consequences good or bad
everyone has to make sacrifices
Sun, May 27th, 2012, 10:54 PM #143
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Non, avec la derniere offre ils auraient droit a une bourse. Va sur youtube et regarde l'explication de Luc Godbout, fiscaliste à l'université de Sherbrooke.
Non, j'ai pas eu de revenu annuel de 17000$ mais j'en ai eu un de 11375$ pis ca c'était du temps plein, pas d'école...Last edited by Arielmac; Sun, May 27th, 2012 at 10:56 PM.
Wed, May 30th, 2012, 03:39 PM #144
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My computer is down (like I have to buy a new one down) I've been missing all the fun :S
Wed, May 30th, 2012, 03:44 PM #145
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Seems like its taking forever for the negotiation to be done! I wannaaaaa know..
Wed, May 30th, 2012, 03:45 PM #146
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Wed, May 30th, 2012, 05:39 PM #147
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Starting tonight, people from Belgium, England, US and Dubaï will "act" pots parade in their countries.
More savings and tips? Go see this site.
Wed, May 30th, 2012, 06:59 PM #148
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This is for two people.
Wed, May 30th, 2012, 07:00 PM #149
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Si tu lis comme il faut et que tu fais le calcul sur le site de l'AFE, tu te rendras compte que c'est des bourses.
De plus, pour offrir ces bourses, ils coupent le crédit d'impôt pour études post-secondaires. Les parents paient plus pour recevoir moins. Nice
Wed, May 30th, 2012, 07:01 PM #150
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Mine are ready!!
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