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Thread: Free frozen minute maid!!!!!!!!!!!

  1. #106
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    Quote Originally Posted by mckbutterfly View Post
    I found these about a week ago (The same day I traded for some no less) and took what I figured was decent amount for my family (5 kids and 2 adults so I took a dozen) BUT there were 5-6 tearpads FULL at the store that day. FULL.
    I went back to the same store the day before freshco's flyer went out and there were still 5-6 tearpads FULL. I have since re-traded the ones I got from trades to other but thought, why not go out today and see if I can't make some smartcanucks happy and bring some coupons back to ROAK. Guess what?
    The same store that had had 5-6 tearpads of minute maid as well as atleast 10 other GREAT tearpads (most with 5-6 of the same tearpad) now has one lonely tearpad in the whole store. The rest have empty backings, broken pastic holders or empty plastic bins were booklets sat under a week ago. Ridiculous!
    I am confident there is not a store left in my city with these tearpads. I did find the B4G1 but not these. Sorry SC members, I tried

    I also found that there were 5-6 full tearpads at my nearest store in kanata so I toook a few more coupons than usual but this was before the sale came out so I'm not sure there would be anything left at this point.



  2. #107
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    Quote Originally Posted by IRefuseToPayFullPrice View Post
    That same person must have hit the Trinity Metro as well because all I found were empty backings
    Bramalea City Centre Metro and Fresh Co. cleaned out as well! GRRRRR!!!!

  3. #108
    Canadian Genius PurpleBunny89's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mckbutterfly View Post
    I found these about a week ago (The same day I traded for some no less) and took what I figured was decent amount for my family (5 kids and 2 adults so I took a dozen) BUT there were 5-6 tearpads FULL at the store that day. FULL.
    I went back to the same store the day before freshco's flyer went out and there were still 5-6 tearpads FULL. I have since re-traded the ones I got from trades to other but thought, why not go out today and see if I can't make some smartcanucks happy and bring some coupons back to ROAK. Guess what?
    The same store that had had 5-6 tearpads of minute maid as well as atleast 10 other GREAT tearpads (most with 5-6 of the same tearpad) now has one lonely tearpad in the whole store. The rest have empty backings, broken pastic holders or empty plastic bins were booklets sat under a week ago. Ridiculous!
    I am confident there is not a store left in my city with these tearpads. I did find the B4G1 but not these. Sorry SC members, I tried

    I went before the flyer was even released and everything was wiped clean. Like ... everything! No greenworks, no haggen dasz, no welch's, no $1 WUB2 Minute maid, etc, etc. That was at Metro. I was able to find some $1 Minute Maids at Sobeys though but everything else was wiped clean.

    It disgusts me how vicious people are in tear pad stealing. Often times I find the backing of the coupon pad ripped clean off, like seriously, you want the cardboard backing too?!

    Or you will find the display completely ripped from the shelf. Or the plastic holding the coupons in ripped off.
    Last edited by PurpleBunny89; Mon, May 28th, 2012 at 05:46 PM.
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  4. #109
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    Sorry guys the tear pads were empty today

  5. #110
    Smart Canuck Valerey's Avatar
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    Found a few on a tear pad at Foodland. Will get a few for my mother, but we don't really drink punch at our house!

  6. #111
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    I have some coupon zone Buy Any 4 Get 1 Free coupons of Minute Maid. PM anyone wants them.

  7. #112
    Smart Canuck i_love_to_save's Avatar
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    My friend found 2 stores full of MM tear pads and ice cream tear entire family is stocked for the summer, and i still have coupons left just in case

  8. #113
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    Quote Originally Posted by alfredblyth View Post
    I am looking for some of coupon which gives me good discount on my each purchase. I want to buy some minute maid products so i find some coupon for it so it is great information for me that you have some coupon of minute maid. I want to buy this coupon so i just want some site from where i collect this coupon so kindly help me for it. If you have any good website which provide some coupon for it please mention me here.
    If you are in the USA you will not be able to use this coupon as its a Canadian one.
    Open an account with Tangerine (ING) using my ORANGE KEY...29564343S1. When you open an account and deposit 100.00 you and I will both receive $25.00. Wait that's not all.....I will also send you 15.00 worth of coupons from your wishlist as a way of saying thanks.

  9. #114
    Smart Canuck Dinglehopper's Avatar
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    My mom lives in a small town and managed to track down some of the coupons and mail them to me.

    I went to FreshCo today and got 12 free. I also saw on the price sign that this deal will apparently be on until June 13th. So lots of time to track down coupons and get some free juice
    I'm always open to trading for pet product coupons (especially free products and high value coupons) - I donate these items to shelters and rescue groups.
    My motivation - My Dog. Read his story here:

  10. #115
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    Can't find any MM coupons
    Last edited by Deeliciouz; Wed, May 30th, 2012 at 03:44 PM.

  11. #116
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    was at Metros this am and the juice tearpad was empty...went back at lunch and it was replensished so keep your eyes out!

  12. #117
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    I agree on most of what you said i am sure there are some on here that would take extra just to make a few stamps or a gc. Now thats kinda like ebay just no money but gc is kinda like money . In reality its the same . But why are we arguing we just have to accept that we cant get them. I guess i should really whine as my town never hardly puts any coupons out and they only give them to the bigger city wich isnt right so why dont we argue about that ??????????????????????

    Quote Originally Posted by couponsbaby View Post
    This is my two cents, probably will strike up some controversy. Since the coupon is actually allow you to have FREE MM and can be use in any house hold for this hot summer. I'm sure each one of us, will stock up at least 10 coupons for ourself. So if you do have some to trade, where is the extra coupons from? From trade? Trade that require stamps and GC?

    I myself took some extra, but does that entitled me for stamps or giftcard, because I think in "my opinion" that's is borderline to ebay. It's different when you have extra inserts, and it's a different story when you get it from a tearpad. I went to 4 different stores right after the long weekend, to find all empty tearpad.

    Oh well, that's my two cents. Kinda disappointed with all the commotion. It's no longer saving on coupons, it's what can coupons get me.
    torontogal12 likes this.

  13. #118
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    Perhaps it's because the closest FreshCo or No Frills is an hour away (if it's not rush hour), but my local grocery stores still have a stock of MM tearpads as of tonight (and they put them up two weeks ago at this point). There are certain stores that I go to where if I get there the week after the weekend where the tearpads went out, I'm SOL, but that just motivates me to coupon a bit smarter (and get up a bit earlier) and try to remember who updates their tearpads when and stay ahead of the oinkers

    You can also speak to the grocery manager if your local store has a "coupon disappearing act" problem and suggest they put out tearpads one at a time, on plastic fangs, replacing them at regular intervals, instead of tossing out 4 pads for people to walk away with. Especially in smaller towns, this can really help spread the wealth a little more fairly, and obviously most grocery managers or replenishing personnel don't treat the coupons as "life-or-death" as we do

  14. #119
    Canadian Guru carlyincanada's Avatar
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    None to be found in Chatham, ON...would love about 10 of them please! We go thru so much juice! 3x 1.75L this week so far lol so could really use these!

  15. #120
    Smart Canuck smileyKT's Avatar
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    I've been searching with no luck either

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