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Thread: Cineplex upcoming June 1st Changes

  1. #16
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    Yupp its crazy, also what does DH or DD stand for? Me and my bf go on occasion and this post makes me realize how pricey our night out is :S

  2. #17
    It's time to win lekate's Avatar
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    Apparently, movie theatres don't make money on the tickets, or at least very little. They make all their coin from the concession stand.

    Honestly, I don't know how people eat that stuff, but that's me. Wouldn't touch it with a ten foot pole. It's just mindless eating....
    Did you see the pool? They flipped the B!tch!

    I'm going to South Korea!

  3. #18
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    i went the other night used a buy one get one free coupon from nestea and took my own water and a bag of grapes /dried fruit and walnuts -i made up at home -great movies for 5.75 each -nice night out too

  4. #19
    searching for answers i_forget's Avatar
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    I go even cheaper and take the kids to the drive-in. We saw Avengers opening night (followed by 21 Jump Street) for $22 for 4 people. I brought water and juice from home and popped my own popcorn.

  5. #20
    Smart Canuck idonovan's Avatar
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    i worked at cineplex for a wile, they stil had free refils back then and the amount of popcorn they throw out is a lot like a big garbage bag every hour.... so now they will be throwing out even more...good plan! cuz thats waht we alll need is more waste

  6. #21
    If it's free it's for me! newwestcouponer's Avatar
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    Yeah Empire stopped doing free refills a while ago and I was pretty choked. We just don`t buy popcorn anymore and bring sliced apple and crispy minis instead!

  7. #22
    Smart Canuck idonovan's Avatar
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    its also cost like 35 cents a batch to make the popcorn so per bag thats like 5 cents sooo wayyy marked up

  8. #23
    Canadian Genius PurpleBunny89's Avatar
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    The two cineplex's in my area haven't been allowing refills for about 2 years now. We recently went and I had free popcorn and drinks coupons and was a little embarassed when they denied my overweight self a refill and claimed that it had been that way for about two years now. (Lovely, feeling fat and cheap as it showed how often I went to the movies!!)

    Its ridiculous the prices they charge considering the popcorn is disgusting. I don't think I've ever had good popcorn there, its always cold and stale.

    From now on DH and I bring our own drink in my oversized tote bag/purse and the odd time a snack. We only go to the movies once or twice a year.
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  9. #24
    Mastermind Shwa Girl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sunshine6100 View Post
    Trips to the movies are insane!
    I always use passes and whatever coupons are out.
    I never go to 3D movies so I don't have to pay the premium; my son doesn't even keep the glasses on anyway!

    And I save up my Scene points too.

    And YUP. The one time I bought the larger size I went to get a refill and it was a no-go

    Can someone tell me more about the Costco combo?
    Is it like something you can give as a gift?
    Do you get Scene points at all?
    CAA members get a deal too, a few times per year. HBC sometimes has a package deal near Christmas.

    We do the same as you - passes and coupons. And we buy the tickets an hour or so in advance, go out of the theatre, have a cheapie meal nearby and return with plenty of time. We eat nothing inside the theatre.

  10. #25
    KAZ2Y5 Chantel's Avatar
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    Unfortunate that they make these changes, as going to the movies has already become a luxury at $10+ per person just for admission, plus the rising cost of snacks. I like to support the theater as I know next to nothing is profit from ticket sales, but I just can't at that price. So the dollar store gets $5 and I get a purseful of snacks. Sorry theaters, I just can't even go any other way.

    Quote Originally Posted by slayer_glade View Post
    2 admissions, 1 popcorn, 2 drinks. Good price, I think around $25. They have a similar one for kids and so on.
    The $25 does not include admission. If it did, that would be an amazingly great deal. The tickets alone are consistently $12+.

  11. #26
    Hooked! slayer_glade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chantel View Post

    The $25 does not include admission. If it did, that would be an amazingly great deal. The tickets alone are consistently $12+.
    Seems like you're thinking of something else? It most certainly does include admission. Again, visit or your local Costco. Not sure of they're the same price instore but if it's not, generally only a couple of dollars more. $25 is what's online.

    I've received these twice as gifts. I even bought one for my bosses one year.

  12. #27
    Smart Canuck alicia's Avatar
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    Yeah those Costco deals are great, if you eat the popcorn - but I like the other treats and they don't substitute.

    I generally bring my own treats in my purse, but my question is... if you get the large pop, who actually drinks that in the theatre? My fiance and I split one large pop and we never finish it...
    Blog. Open an account with Tangerine (formerly ING-Direct) using my Orange Key (40643422S1), deposit $100 and we both get $50! Offer is available until December 31st. Check here for more details.

  13. #28
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    CAn you bring snacks in? I always thought that if you brought in snacks you risk being removed from the theatre, can anyone caonfirm if is is allowed or not? I want to know the 'risk' I am taking

  14. #29
    Hooked! slayer_glade's Avatar
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    We bought the largest soda last year. It was enough for three of us

    As for bringing snacks, it's normally not allowed. That's why you need to be careful of what you bring and how. Sometimes if I want candy, I'll choose the same bag that I know the cinema sells. Or if it's something else, I'll change the bag so it's less noisy.

    Though once we were at the movies and this person chose the wrong time to open a can of soda. Cuz that's not obvious XD. Lol. Nothing happened. People laughed and that was it.

    They can search bags I guess but I've never seen that except for when they check for cameras. Just place them at the bottom and cover it. If they do find it, generally the worst that happens is that you throw it out.
    Last edited by slayer_glade; Sun, May 27th, 2012 at 11:31 AM.

  15. #30
    Senior Canuck Speckled28's Avatar
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    I generally buy some popcorn.....because I absolutely LOVE movie theater popcorn and bring in everything else myself......but I'm lucky if I go to the theater once a year so I don't feel too bad about it. It's sad that the movies have become such a luxury.......and that there are probably tons of people/children who have never even been inside a theater because the prices are so high.

    There are signs at all of our local theaters saying that you aren't allowed to bring in any outside snacks....but I figure that the employees there don't get paid enough to really care/risk a confrontation with someone about their snacks. I just try to be as discreet in my munching and not obviously advertise that I brought in outside food. I know if I were being paid minimum wage or close to it, it wouldn't be enough for me to start something with someone over a box of smarties, lol. I'd just pretend I didn't see it.

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