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Thread: Because its Friday VWT :) **Another prize up for grabs!!**

  1. #1
    Junior Canuck
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Likes Received
    Trading Score
    172 (100%)

    I will be taking 9 riders for this train. Anyone is welcome to join!

    You will need to send 3 coupons from each rider's wishlist. Coupons will expire July 30th or later. Seperate your coupons for each rider and label them with your name on it and who they are for. You can use ziplock bags, paper, paper clips, unsealed envies, tape or staples please!!
    Boarding pass is 2 unused P stamps to send your envie back to you

    Your wishlist will include atleast 40 regular coupons (you can list as many FPC's as you like, as long as you already have the 40 regular coupon minimum). Make sure your list also includes atleast 5 easy to find coupons that do not expire before July 30.

    If you are missing any coupons for a rider, 1 stamp = 1-2 missing coupons
    FPC's count as all 3 coupons

    Include whether you accept:
    Store Specific

    Prizes!!!!! There will also be prizes to be given out on this train

    To be eligible for prizes, the coupons must be from the wishlists. (and no errors in your envie)

    Most Generous to Conductor - $5 Walmart Gift Card
    Second most generous to Conductor - FPC (I will give you a few options to choose from - they are all good FPC's)
    Most Generous to other riders - Extra envie full of coupons (will add as many coupons from your wishlist as possible)
    1st envie received will get - its a surprise!!!

    Most generous will be based on a point scale as follows:
    coupons that count as 1 - worth 1 point
    coupons that count as 2 - worth 4 points
    coupons that count as 3 including FPC's - 8 points

    Early expiries must be ok'd by the other rider. If they are extra coupons they still need to be ok'd by the other rider if you want them to count towards the prizes. You must send me the response email as well please.

    Mail date is TUES MAY 29

    There may be a few other surprise prizes as well!!

    If you would like to join, PM me with your address and wishlist.

    1. gracesmommy
    2. shara83
    3. venuila
    4. murphyck
    5. CouponLadyBird
    6. bricon1621
    7. savealot123
    8. tmlskko1

    9. ag7365

    10. jennybean1010 - conductor
    This thread is currently associated with: Coupons, Staples, Walmart, Websaver
    Last edited by jennybean1010; Tue, Jun 5th, 2012 at 08:42 PM.

  2. #2
    Junior Canuck
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Likes Received
    Trading Score
    172 (100%)

    TFT N
    French N Y
    Websaver & Brandsaver Y
    Printables N
    Store Specific N

    Almost any Food FPC - just ask
    All FPC's count as all coupons!

    FPC Kashi Cereal or Bars
    FPC Wonderbread
    FPC Smartfood
    FPC Lays/Ruffles
    FPC Eggos
    FPC Oasis Juice
    FPC Liberte Greek yogurt
    FPC Bananas
    FPC Great Grains cereal
    FPC 6x710ml diet pepsi
    Kelloggs FPC breakfast items pins (eggos, bananas, activia etc)
    $10 Robax (good on any size)
    I'm open to most FPC's - just send me a PM first please

    Counts as 2:
    $2 or $3 off Tampax Radiant tampons
    $5 wub3 Garnier
    .75 Block cheese (from ziploc)
    $4 Advil Night from spin u win (must be good on any size)
    $1.50 on fresh chicken
    B1G1 Hunts Thick and Rich pasta sauce
    $2 Kelloggs good on any
    Colgate/Palmolive call in
    B1G1 Dempsters
    $2 Garnier peelie (good on shampoo/conditioner)
    Sunlight $5wub2
    $5 wub3 Gillette
    Conagra call in
    $3 Advil Night good on any size
    $2 wub2 Christie products **RRLF
    $4 wub3 Bear Paws

    Counts as 1:
    Black Diamond block cheese
    .75 General Mills from websaver
    Sponge towels
    Dole Bagged salad
    Natrel or Lactancia milk - must be good on regular 2% - NOT lactose free
    $1 Astro Original - not greek
    Marc Angelo - good on sausages
    .75 on fresh produce
    .75 D'Italiano (good on any bread)
    Casa Di Mama Pizza
    Becel (regular only)
    $1 Dare products or 1.50 wub2
    Quaker granola bars
    Classico pasta sauce
    Catelli pasta sauce
    Catelli pasta (tear pad or websaver)
    $1 Kashi cereal
    $2 Kashi snack crackers
    $1 Nestea 12 pack
    Hunts Puddings
    Sunny D
    Smart Ones Soups
    Smart Ones Entrees
    Weight watchers bread/snacks
    Rice Krispies Squares
    Eggo Pancakes
    $2 Kashi bars
    Aluminum foil
    Pillsbury cookies or cinnamon rolls
    Oasis juice (regular orange juice)
    Oasis Juice boxes
    Ziplock $1 wub1 or $2 wub2
    Oreo Cookies
    .75 Premium Plus crackers
    .75 Mr Christie Snack paks
    .75 Crispers
    .75 Wheat Thins
    .75 wub2 Christie crackers
    $3 wub2 Haagan Daz
    .50 Oasis 960ml
    $1 wub2 Minute maid Frozen products
    $2 wub2 Dr Pepper, Crush, Schweppes
    $1 wub4 Campbells
    Crystal Light
    Villaggio bread
    $1.50 Canada Dry
    Special K cereal
    $1 wub2 Minute maid frozen juice

    please no french, no t4t, no printables and no store specific

    save/websaver/go etc is fine

    3 pts
    $4 wub3 bearpaws
    $1.50 fresh chicken
    BOGO dempsters bread
    $5 maple leaf chicken
    $4 wub3 bearpaws
    FPC bananas
    FPC danone yogurt
    FPC eggos
    FPC crush yogurt
    FPC mcdonalds small fries (halloween book)
    FPC bread (cereal box)
    FPC Huggies or Pampers baby wipes
    FPC smart food

    2 pts
    75c minigo yogurt RLF
    75c danone creamy yogurt RLF
    $1 fresh express salad
    $1 marc angelo ssgs
    $1 campbells mail out voucher
    75c fresh produce
    $2 janes chicken
    cheerioes (honey nut or original)
    75c any cheese (ziploc)
    Superbucks gas $$ (any amount)
    $1 heinz toddler snacks RRLF
    $2 gillette mens deoderant - (not WUB2)
    $2 purina cat chow (good on any)
    50c top dog hot dogs
    $2 maple leaf prime chicken breasts RLF
    $1 renees salad dressing peelie
    $3 bread wub ziploc

    1 pt
    $1 danino yogurt (kids drinkable or mini containers NOT danactive)
    75c black diamond cheese
    25c snack pack pudding
    $1 honey bunches of oats (sept. expiry)
    $1.50+ maxx scoop kitty litter
    $1 wub3 jell-o powder (not refrigerated)
    50c danone creamy yogurt
    75c general mills (
    $1 fresh chicken (new ziploc coupon)
    $2 delissio garlic bread pizza or rising crust (not flatbread please)

    $2 wub2 christies
    75c premium Plus crackers
    75c chips ahoy
    75c sealtest sour cream
    $1 salsa
    $1 wub1 ziploc
    50c cocacola product
    goldfish crackers (valid on plain ones only)
    75c mr christie snack pacs

    Shara83's wishlist
    Websaver/ Yes
    Inserts/TFT/ No
    Store Specific/French/Printable: No
    Stack: Yes
    almost any FPC (just ask please)
    Black Diamond $3WUB2 500g blocks/shredded cheese
    Chapmans $5
    Colgate-Palmolive $5
    High Liner FPC
    Huggies/Pampers FPC (diapers or wipes)
    Kimberly Clark vouchers $3/$5
    Maxx Cat litter FPC (June 30 exp ok)/$5
    Michelinas FPC
    Miracle Whip FPC
    Pepsi 6 pk FPC (from Superbowl promo)
    Playtex $5
    SC Johnsons $5+
    Scrubbing Bubbles FPC (June 30 exp ok)
    Sunlight laundry FPC
    Tostitos/Doritos/Ruffles FPC (from Superbowl promo)
    $0.75 any block cheese (from Ziploc)
    $0.75 fresh produce (from Ziploc)
    Christie products ($2 WUB2)
    Coke/Crush/Schweppes/Pepsi (any pop)
    Colgate-Palmolive $1 call in
    Delissio Rising Crust
    Dempsters bread B1G1 (websaver)
    Diaper Genie 2 refills
    Edge shave gel $3
    Eggs $2 WUB 2 dozen
    Garnier $5 WUB 3
    General Mills $0.75+ (inc
    Gillette $5 WUB 3
    Huggies diapers (good on Little Movers) $2+ no inserts please
    $2/$3 J&J call ins
    Kimberly Clark vouchers $1
    Mountain Dew 2L B1G1 (Pepsi box coupon)
    Playtex bucks
    Sensodyne iso-active $2.50
    Tostitos salsa/con queso $1 (Pepsi box coupon)
    Arctic Gardens/Green Giant frozen veggies
    Barilla pasta
    Beggin Strips
    Campbells soup (valid on any)
    Canadian Tire money ($0.50=1coupon)
    Cafe Inspirations/International Delight creamer
    Carnation evaporated milk
    Cereal-Cheerios, Oatmeal Crisp, Special K original, Mini Wheats
    Cheemo perogies
    Cheese-Armstrong, Black Diamond (valid on slices), Cracker Barrel
    Cheez Whiz
    Chips-Old Dutch/Miss Vickies/Lays/Tostitos
    Country Harvest bread
    Command strips
    Europes Best frozen fruit (2013 expiry)
    Eggo waffles
    Folgers/Maxwell House coffee (regular coffee-not Black Silk etc)
    Friskies Party Mix cat treats
    Gillette shave gel for men 2013 expiry
    Healthy Choice steamers $1+
    Heinz jalapeno poppers/ketchup
    HP sauce
    Hunts Thick & Rich pasta sauce/Snack Pack pudding
    Janes chicken $2+
    Kraft salad dressing (possibly other brands, just ask)
    Kraft parmesan/Singles/peanut butter
    Lactancia butter
    Margarine (Imperial/ICBINB)
    Mars Bar multi packs
    McCain frozen fries (not sweet potato)
    Milk-bone soft & chewy treats 113g
    Minute Maid frozen juice
    Miracle Whip
    Olymel chicken chunkies (any except 246)
    Oreo cookies $0.75
    Pam cooking spray
    Pampers/Huggies wipes $1
    Pillers products (Dec expiry)
    Pillsbury products
    Pizza Pops/Pizza Pockets
    Premium Plus crackers
    Poise ($2 valid on any, 2013 expiry)
    Pounce/Temptations cat treats (July or later expiry)
    Purex liquid laundry detergent $1+
    Skintimate shave gel
    Silhouette yogurt
    Smuckers $1 sundae syrup (2013 expiry)
    Tenderflake (valid on any)
    Triscuit Thin Crisps
    Venus cartridges (not WUB razors)
    Zantac $3
    Ziploc $1 on one
    Please pm me if you have problems with my list, I am open to suggestions I'm married & have a 9 month old daughter (and a dog & cat)





    FPC for anything on WL / any baby FPC

    FPC Cadbury Dairy Milk (not free wub)

    FPC Coffee (any)

    FPC Johnson’s Take Along Pack *RRLF*

    FPC Maxx Scoop Litter

    FPC Pasta Sauce (any, incl paste)

    FPC Pedigree Dry Dog Food

    FPC Philidelphia Cream Cheese/Cooking Cream/Dip

    FPC Tide/Purex

    FPC Toilet Paper (any)

    FPC Vaseline

    FPC Whiskas Dry Cat Food

    FPC Quaker

    Chapman's $5

    Heinz Ketchup / Vinegar

    Huggies Diapers $5+

    Huggies Wipes $1+ (if good on 64 count +), $2+ otherwise

    Huggies/Pampers (call in/mailout) – the blue/silver ones with ur name on it

    Hydrasense $6 or $8 (must be good on any) (Shoppers Voice)
    Kelloggs PIN for Breakfast Item

    McCain $3+ (must be good on any)

    $10 Similac Mom 6x235mL

    Quaker (call in/mail out) *RRLF*

    Skintimate Shave Gel $3 (Shoppers Voice) *RRLF*

    COUNTS AS 2:
    $3/4 off hamburger wub Hamburger Helper *RRLF*

    Brita Filters $2+(printed ok) *RRLF*

    Campbell's (call in/mail out)

    Cheez Whiz


    Colgate/Palmolive (call in/mail out)

    Diaper Genie Elite II Refills

    General Mills (call in/mail out)

    Huggies Diapers $3 peelies

    J&J $2+ (call in/mail out)

    Kimberly Clark (call in/mail out)

    Maxwell House Coffee (ground, not instant)

    Maxx Scoop Litter *RRLF*

    Pampers Diapers $3+ (not wub)

    Pampers Wipes $1+ (not wub)

    Pantene $4

    Playtex (call in/mail out/bucks)

    Produce, $0.75 on any fresh produce (Ziploc coupon)

    Purex $1+ (must be good on any kind – not crystals) *RRLF*

    Schneiders (call in/mail out)

    Tide $3+ *RRLF*

    Toilet Paper $2+ (Royale/Cottonelle/Cashmere) *RRLF*

    COUNTS AS 1:

    Aylmer Tomatoes (must be good on any – have enough Accents)

    Baker’s Chocolate $1+

    Becel Margarine (must be good on any - NOT pro-activ/NOT buttery) *RRLF*
    Black Diamond Cheese Blocks or Slices (no shredded/funcheez please)

    $1.50 WUB 2 Black Diamond Cheese Slices

    Breyer’s Ice Cream *RRLF*

    Campbell's Soup (not broth, not chunky)
    Canada Dry $1.50 wub1

    Catelli $1+ (any, smart ok)
    Cheese, $0.75 on any block cheese (Ziploc coupon)
    Chicken, $1.50 on any fresh chicken (Ziploc coupon)

    Chips (Lays/Ruffles/Miss Vickies/Doritos/Tostitos/Old Dutch)

    Chips Ahoy/Chunks Ahoy $0.75+

    Christie $2 wub 2

    Classico Sauce
    Clubhouse Gravy/Spices

    Cool Whip

    Cracker Barrel Cheese Slices
    Crisco $0.75+ *RRLF*

    Crispers $0.75

    Danone (good on 650g – no drinkables/greek)
    Delissio Pizza
    Dempster's Breads (no rye please)

    Dempster’s Hot Dog Buns/Hamburger Buns (reg buns, not thin/mini)

    Dempster’s Bagels $1
    Diana Sauce (no gravy)
    D’Italino $0.75+ *RRLF*

    Dr. Oetker Pizza (not wub)
    E.D. Smith Jam
    Eggs (any eggs in a carton, not liquid)

    Flour (any) *RRLF*
    Gay Lea (must be good on any)
    General Mills (websaver or other)

    Green Giant (must be good on any canned veg)
    Hamburger Helper (MULTIPLES OK)

    Helluva Good Dip, $0.75+ (good on any)

    Hershey’s Chipits

    Highliner Fish – upc 12605129 only please.

    Hunt’s (Tomato Sauce/Tomato Juice/Tomato Paste) *RRLF*
    Janes Chicken $2+ *RRLF*

    Jell-O (instant pudding, jello powder, light ok)

    Johnsonville Sausages $1+ *RRLF*

    Keebler Ready Crust $1+

    Kellogg's (any)
    Kraft Dinner (0.75+, no smart)
    Kraft Peanut Butter

    Kraft Salad Dressings *RRLF*

    Kraft BBQ Sauce
    Kraft $2wub4
    Lactantia Butter $1

    Lactantia Cream Cheese

    Lactantia Cream (must be good on any)

    Lay’s Chips

    Maple Leaf Chicken

    Maple Leaf Top Dogs

    Marc Angelo $1 – NED

    McCain Fries (reg fries)

    Minute Rice (not cups)
    Miracle Whip Mayo

    Natrel Milk (reg milk pls - no soy/organic/lactose/choc, etc)
    Neilson Milk (reg milk pls - no soy/organic/lactose/choc, etc)

    Nesquick $1+ (not wub)


    Old El Paso (kits, salsa, seasoning)

    Oreos $0.75
    Pam Cooking Spray $2 (not $2 off meat wub pam)

    Peek Freans $1+
    Philidelphia Cream Cheese / Cooking Cream *RRLF*
    Philidelphia Dip

    Pizza Pops/Pockets *RRLF*
    Pogo $1+

    Pop Tarts
    Quaker (any) *RRLF*

    Schneider’s Juicy Jumbo’s *RRLF*
    Skippy (good on any not just naturals)

    Smucker’s Jam $1+
    Sour Cream (
    Neilson/Gaylea/Sealtest not gold) *RRLF*
    SunnyD $1+

    Sweet Baby Rays BBQ Sauce $2


    Thinsations $1.50 (printable)
    Tostitos (ANY)
    Tropicana (not Trop50, must be good on no pulp) *RRLF*

    Uncle Ben’s Rice & Sauce (expiring dec 31 or later)

    Unico (any canned tomato products – paste/juice too)
    VH Steamers BOGO

    Villagio Breads/Hot Dog Buns/Hamburger Buns
    Wonderbread Bagels/Breads

    Yoplait Yogurt (must be good on any)
    Aluminum Foil (any)

    Arm & Hammer Baking Soda *RRLF*

    Bounce $1+ (must be good on sheets) *RRLF*

    Drano (not snake)

    Lysol TB Cleaner (not wub)

    SOS Pads (unicorn?)

    Swiffer Wet Jet Liquid/Pad Refills
    Tide $2+

    Ziploc *RRLF*

    Buckley’s $3+

    Colgate Total Toothpaste $1.50+ (must be good on any)

    Covergirl $3+ (must be good on any, not wub)
    Crest Pro Health Rinse (good on any size)

    Head & Shoulders (must be good on 2 in 1)

    Jamieson Vitamins – must be good on prenatal

    Old Spice Body Wash (must be good on any)

    Old Spice Deodorant (must be good on any)

    Tums (not wub)


    Baby Orajel

    Pedigree Dry Dog Food $4+

    Sudocream $1

    Whiskas Dry Cat Food $3+

    Murphyck Wishlist:,, p&,, tearpads, reps: Yes
    TFT: No
    French: No
    Printed: No
    Store Specific: No
    Coupons given by Reps: Yes

    J&J mailouts
    Colgate/Palmolive mailouts
    Kimberley-Clark mailouts
    Gardein product NED
    Maple Leaf hotdogs
    Thinsations $$$
    Fresh eggs
    kidney beans
    Cheese Whiz (WUB 1)
    Heinz ketchup
    cottonelle/charmin toilet tissue ($$ ON ONE)
    Quaker oats (2013 exp.)
    Any Campbell soup (broth, cream, reduced salt)
    Old Dutch Chips
    Armstrong, kraft, cracker barrel, black diamond blocked or grated cheese
    saputo cheese
    summer fresh dips (july exp or later)- valid on any
    $3 WUB 2 Black Diamond cheese
    $1 Swanson Skillet Meals
    Dole Salad Kits
    Weight Watchers Entrees
    Mio water enhancer
    Chocolate Bars
    Maple Leaf canned meat
    Special K fruit crisps
    Advil Cold & Sinus Dec/13 exp
    0.75 produce
    $1.50 fresh chicken
    $1 fresh chicken
    0.75 any cheese
    Duncan Hines cake mix
    $1 off WUB 2 Graves AJ
    Janes $2+
    Cliff energy bars
    Johnsville sausage (valid on any)
    Ziploc bags
    Rougemont/Allen’s AJ
    Philadelphia cream cheese
    Dempster’s bread (no bagels)
    Health choice gourmet steamers
    So good 1.89L
    Silk Almond
    Greek yogurt (liberte, oikos)
    Danone Yogurt- good on any- 2013 exp
    Dr.Oetker pie fillings/mousse
    ED Smith pie fillings
    Hunt’s tomato paste
    Mayo (kraft, hellmann’s)
    Sour cream (kraft, baxter’s, scotsburn)
    French’s mustard
    Bbq sauce
    Salad dressing (kraft, renee's, lighthouse)
    Pasta sauce (classico, healthy choice, hunts)
    Granola bars (no nutrigrain bars)
    Shake & bake
    Ice cream/frozen yogurt (chapman's, framers, haugen daus, magnum)
    Quaker oatmeal
    Vector cereal
    Canned veggies (green giant/del monte)
    Vegetable oil (Crisco)
    Cool Whip
    Chapman’s ice cream
    Hagen daus ice cream
    VH sauces $2 off WUB2 (2013 exp. only)
    Knorr’s sidekicks buy 3 get one free (2013 exp. only)- do these exist???
    Kozy Shack pudding
    Maple Leaf Natural Selection
    Milk bones
    Oasis refrigerated juice $1.25+ off
    Purina Dog treats
    Schick hydro refills $3 off
    Cloverleaf tuna (no salad kits, no flavored)
    Smucker’s Sundae topping
    Dream whip
    Keebler ready crusts
    Keebler waffle bowls,cones
    Always Infinity product(nov/12 exp or
    Dove deodorant/antiperspant
    Degree deodorant (men)
    Reynold’s staybrite baking cups (Dec/2013 exp)
    Frozen veggie/fruit
    Baking soda
    Fresh veggies
    Arm & Hammer laundry detergent (valid on any type)
    Black Diamond, Save $0.75 on any Black Diamond Cheese, Dec 31, 2013
    Catelli, $0.75 on any Catelli product
    Cavendish, FPC for any (1) frozen potato product, NED
    Jell-o, 1.00$ WUB3 Jell-o Jelly Powder products, Dec. 31, 2012
    Kellogg's, $0.75 on any box of Kellogg's All-Bran 180g bars, Dec 31,2012
    Sabra, $1 off any Sabra Product 283g+, Dec 31, 2012
    $$ Lean Cuisine/Stouffer's entrees
    Barilla pasta
    Minute Rice (no cups)
    KD (no cups)

    CouponLadyBird's WL:
    French/Store Specific/TFT/Stack -N
    Save/Websaver/GoCoupons/Brandsaver -Y
    Personalized (name on it) -Y
    Printable - N (unless indicated)
    Multiples -Y (IF the correct coupon!)

    I am OK with many early expiry -please PM me

    **Counts As All**

    Any FPC
    Arctic Gardens FPC
    Cavendish FPC
    Cereal FPC
    Chocolate FPC (Smarties/Cadbury/??)
    Coke FPC
    Granola Bars/Café Squares FPC
    Juice FPC
    Nordica Cottage Cheese FPC
    Oasis Smoothie FPC **RRLF
    Oasis Juice Boxes FPC
    Oatmeal FPC
    Pull Ups FPC
    Purina Puppy Food FPC
    Trop50 FPC
    Yogurt FPC
    2.00+ Call Ins/Vouchers from: Danone, Colgate Palmolive, Kimberly Clark or Huggies, Dare, ConAgra, Campbells, General Mills, SC Johnson, Unilever, Quaker, Natrel
    2.00 Chapman’s Ice Cream
    5.00 Chapman’s Ice Cream
    1.50 Chicken (ziplock) **RRLF
    1.00 Chicken (ziplock) **RRLF
    Delissio Pizza (so happy to see this one exists again! )
    3.00 Ground Beef WUB Hamburger Helper
    4.00+ Huggies or Pampers Diapers or Training Pants (NOT WUB or Boxes)
    5.00 Ice Cream
    2.00 Kellogg’s (ned)
    Kellogg’s Share Your Breakfast promo code (yogurt, eggos etc) ****RRRRLF
    3.00+ Marc Angelo

    **Counts As 2 **

    1.50 All Bran Bars
    0.75 Arctic Gardens (2013)
    BOGO Arctic Gardens
    3.00 Bounty/Charmin/Puffs
    4.00 WUB 3 Bear Paws
    3.00 WUB 2 Black Diamond
    0.50+ Call Ins/Vouchers from: Danone, Colgate Palmolive, Kimberly Clark or Huggies, Dare, ConAgra, Campbells, General Mills, SC Johnson, Unilever, Quaker
    1.00 Campbell’s (good on various)
    Free Buns WUB 4 Campbells
    2.00 WUB 2 Christie Products
    0.75 Cheese Block (ziplock)
    2.00 Club House La Grille 30 Minute Marinades
    0.75 Danone
    BOGO Dempsters
    1.00 Diana Sauce
    BOGO D’Italiano
    1.00 Fresh Express Bagged Salad
    2.00 Fresh Fruit WUB Snack Pack*RRRLF*
    5.00 WUB 3 Garnier
    2.00 Garnier Peelie
    0.75 Various General Mills (
    1.00 General Mills Cereal (good on any)
    5.00 WUB 3 Gillette
    2.00 Highliner (good on any)
    2.00 Highliner Signature (not Pan Sear)
    3.00 Huggies (good on any NOT WUB or Boxes)
    2.00 Jane’s Chicken
    2.00 & 3.00 Johnson & Johnson Call Ins
    2.00 Johnsonville Sausage
    1.00 Kelloggs (good on any)
    $ X WUB X# Kraft products
    1.00 Marc Angelo
    2.00 Melitta Coffee
    ? Mio Water Enhancer
    1.25 Oasis Refrigerated Cartons
    2.00 Old Spice Red Zone Body Wash/Deodorant (2013)
    2.00 Olymel Peelie
    1.00 Post Cereal (good on any)
    0.75 Produce (ziplock)
    1.50 Rice Krispies Granola -websaver
    0.75 Skippy product (good on any -not just naturals)
    4.00 WUB2 Snack Size Chocolate bars (from Bear Paws box)
    2.00 Sunrype

    **Counts As 1**

    Any beans/chickpeas etc
    Any canned veggies or fruit
    Any fresh produce (not WUB)
    Any Peelie
    Armstrong Cheese
    1.00 Astro Original (2013 exp)
    0.75 Black Diamond
    1.50 Bluewater Fish
    Bush’s Beans
    1.00 WUB 4 Campbells
    Canadian Tire $ (.50 = 1 coupon)
    0.75+ Catelli Smart
    1.00 WUB 2 Certo
    Chef Boyardee
    0.75 Chips Ahoy
    0.75 Christie Snack Packs
    0.75 Chrispers
    Clover Leaf tuna (not flavoured or salad kits)
    1.50 Colgate Advanced Health
    0.50 Coca Cola Cans
    2.00 Cottonelle (dec exp)
    Cracker Barrel block cheese
    0.50 Dairy Milk
    1.00 Dare/Grissol
    Deli Meat
    0.75 any D’Italiano product (good on bread)
    0.75 Delmonte Fruit Snacks
    1.00 Dempster’s Smooth MultiGrain
    2.00 WUB 2 Different Dove Products
    $1 WUB 3 ED Smith 540 ml pie filling
    1.00 Egg Creations Peelie
    1.00 Eggs -WUB 2 dozen or 2 cartons of 18 (aug 31 exp)
    Europe’s Best
    Folgers Coffee (REG only -not flavoured)
    0.50 Gay Lea Peelie
    0.75 Gay Lea Peelie
    1.00 any Gay Lea, Nordica, Lacteeze or Ivanhoe product, expiring Dec.31 '13.
    5.00 WUB 3 Gillette (oct 2012)
    2.00 Gillette Body Wash
    2.00 Gillette Fusion Pro Glide Razor (2013)
    0.50 Gold Seal (ned)
    0.75 G.U.M
    Green Giant
    Heinz Beans (I’m wishing these back into existence!)
    1.50 Hidden Valley Ranch
    1.00 Honey Bunches of Oats (Sept 30 2012 expiry)
    0.75 Honey Bunches of Oats Oct 31, 2012
    1.00+ Huggies wipes (not WUB good on 64 count)
    Hunts Pasta Sauce
    Hunts Tomato Sauce
    Hunts Tomato Paste
    0.50 Italpasta
    2.50 Jergens (dec 2012)
    1.00 Johnsonville (not WUB 2)
    1.00 Kandoo
    0.75+ Keebler Pie Crust
    0.75 Lactantia Butter
    0.75 Lactantia Cream (NOT lactose free)
    Lactantia Milk (reg only NOT organic or lactose free)
    Loblaws Super Bucks (.50 = 1 coupon)
    1.00 WUB 2 Maple Leaf Canned Meats
    Maxwell House Coffee (ground)
    Maxx Scoop cat litter
    McCain Pizza
    Natrel Milk (not Lactose Free or organic)
    1.00 Nestle PureLife 24 pack water
    1.00 Nutrigrain
    0.50+ Oasis 960ml
    1.25 Oasis NutriSource
    1.50 Oasis Refrigerated Jugs
    1.00 Oasis Juice boxes
    0.75 Oasis Smoothie
    BOGO Old Spice Body Wash
    0.75 Oreo
    Other juice boxes
    1.00 Pampers wipes (not WUB)
    0.50 Pillers (dec 31 exp)
    1.00 Philli Cooking Creme
    0.75 Post Cereal (good on any)
    3.50 Purina Dog Chow
    Quaker Oatmeal
    0.75 Rougemont or Allens
    1.50 Satin Care
    0.75 Sealtest Sour Cream or Cottage Cheese
    1.00 WUB 2 Schneiders red hots etc (face book)
    1.00 Scott Towels
    0.75 Scotties Peelie
    0.75+ Snack Pack puddings 12 pack
    0.25 Snack Pack puddings
    Stouffers Bistro
    0.75 Thinsations
    3.00 Venus Razor (2013)
    2.00 WUB 2 VH Sauces (2013 expiry)
    1.00 WUB 2 Wonderbread
    1.00 White Swan
    0.75 White Swan Peelie
    3.00 Zantac

    Any FOOD item with 2013 or later expiry (other than Sharwoods & Dr Oetker baking products -have LOTS of those!)

    Any of the following with 2013 or later expiry: razors, shampoo, conditioner, hairspray, body wash, Gillette (deodorant, body wash, razors, shave cream/shave products), bar soap, laundry detergent, dish detergent (hand washing -not dishwasher), all purpose cleaner, dry dog food, dry cat food, baby wipes, Lysol or Clorox wipes.

    If you are having any issues with my WL please let me know! I have lots of other wishes I am looking for!

    bricon1621 Y
    French: N, Printables: N, Store specific: N
    TFT: N, Stack: NO INSERTS
    I will take early expires from p&g mail outs only if item is on my list ...

    Counts as all coupons
    $2 kelloggs red peelie
    $2 tide NO INSERTS
    $2 Bandaid Call in (J&J)
    SC Johnsons mail outs
    $6 WUB Bounty/Charmin/Puffs
    $3 J&J - good on Aveeno/Lubriderm, etc.
    $5 maple leaf marinated boneless seasoned chicken
    $5 maple leaf portions ***********
    $2 & $3 Royale NO papertowel please
    B1G1 Sunlight
    B1G1 Snuggle NO INSERTS AT ALL

    Counts as 2
    B1G1 Free Arctic gardens products Dec 31/12 expiry
    BOGO Gillette Razors
    B1G1 Dove Chocolate Bars
    BOGO amooza (no $$ off please)
    $2 on 2 christie products
    .75 thinsations
    .75 oreo cookies
    .75 chrispers
    .75 snak pack cookies

    4 off WUB2 20ct Snack Size Bars, expiring Dec.31 '12.
    B1G1 Hunts thick & Rich sauce
    Claritin, $5 on Claritin Allergy + Sinus of 15 tablets/caplets or more, 60309613, Apr 30,2013
    Head & Shoulders, $1 on any Head & Shoulders Product (excl. trial size), 63763270, Jul 31,2012

    Counts as 1 coupon
    Any Pampers or wipes coupons
    Duracell batteries
    $2 on 2 dove invisible solid
    Jet dry Any
    $1.50 black diamond shredded cheese
    Pantene (no $1.50 or .75 peelies or inserts)
    save 4$ wub3 bear paw
    $2 off Aveeno Eczema Care or Aveeno Baby Eczema Care products, expiring Dec.31 '12.
    Charmin, $1 off any (1) Charmin product, 63658095, Dec 31,2013
    Crest, $7 on (1) Crest 3D White 2 HR Express or Professional Effects Whitestrips, 63761346, Dec 31,2013
    Secret, $1 on (1) Secret Clinical Strength, 63761405, Dec 31,2013
    Tampax, $1 on (1) Tampax Pearl or Tampax Pearl Compak tampons, 63946912, Dec 31,2013
    Downy Any
    $1 on any 2 packs of Schneiders Lunchmates
    $1 or $0.75 on any SnackPack Pudding 12 pack
    $1 Old dutch chip
    $3 Clean & Clear (J&J)
    $1+ Colgate Palmolive Call in **RRLF
    Kimberly clark call-in
    $5 WUB 3 Gillette
    $2 Stayfree Call in (J&J)
    $2 Tylenol Call in (J&J)
    Marc Angelo
    Ziploc-Save $3 on Bread
    $.50 CT money = 1 coupons
    Conagra mail out
    Quaker (good on any)
    Koolaid jammers
    $1 Chef Boyardee
    .25 chef boyardee **RRLF
    Aunt jemima pancake mix or syrup
    $2 wub 2 dare
    $3 or $2 janes chicken No $1

    Stouffer's PIN's
    Aquafina Vitiamin Water
    B3G1 Sunkist Fruit Snacks
    $1 sunkist snacks
    $0.50 Hungryman
    Lunchmate bucks
    McCains Pizza
    $2 cottonelle TP
    $3 WUB Bounty/Charmin/Puffs
    $1 off any charmin product
    $1 catalli pasta ( or other

    $4 ground beef WUB taco kit
    icoke pins **RRLF itunes ones
    Eggs $2 wub 2 dozen - (tear pad)
    $1 on 4 campbells soups (1per rider) any new ones?not from metro
    .50 leclerc product
    .25 chef boyarde
    $2.00 Eggo waffles 16 pack
    $2 Olay Bodywash
    $1.50 olay bodywash.
    50 or .75 Oasis 960ml
    Graves apple juice
    2.00 Garnier Peelie on shampoo products
    2.00 PAM Spray

    5.00 WUB 3 Gillette (oct 2012)
    2.00 Gillette Body Wash
    2.50 Jergens (dec 2012)
    1.00 White Swan
    TIDE any (NO INSERTS) P&G site ok will take early expire
    Live clean color printable ONLY and UPC 04205858
    live clean BABY
    $2 clean & clear UPC 04387422 only
    $1 Tampax Pearl Jan 31, 2013
    $1 Tampax Pearl Dec 31 2013
    $5 WUB 3 Garnier
    Colgate Palmolive Call-in $1
    Old Spice
    ANY huggies amount (no inserts or yellow peelies) **RRLF silver peelies

    $1-2 Conagra
    $2 stayfree (call-in)
    $5 wub 2 stayfree
    Schick razor or refills (NO $2 or printable)
    .75 armstrong cheese
    maple leaf hotdogs (websaver ok)
    $1 nestle water
    $1.75 kids spin brush expires in 2014 or other just no inserts please
    Edge Shaving Gel (no printable)
    Mr. Clean Products (no inserts please)
    Fiber 1 Bars (not Family pack Size),
    Special K crisps
    1.50 off fresh chicken from Ziploc
    Europe’s Best frozen veggies not fruit

    Special K cereal
    Orville Redenbacher popcorn
    $0.75 fresh produce (ziploc)
    OASIS Juice boxes
    Pin Code Kelloggs “Love Your Cereal” Promo
    $2 any Softlips Product
    Toothpaste colgate (no inserts)
    Save $1 WUB 2 frozen concentrated 295mL Minute Maid, Five-Alive, or Fruitopia juices. Exp. 30 Sep/12
    $1 off WUB any 12x355mL Exp. Aug 31/12 pepsi
    $1.50 off any Dove 4X90gm pack, #89288460 and expiring July 31 '12
    $1 any astro yogurt product
    Crest pro health (no inserts)
    Crest white stips (NO INSERTS)
    Arm and hammer toothpaste (no inserts)
    $2 off fresh fruit when you buy pudding
    $3 nexxus
    $1 mars bars

    $1 MIO Water
    $1 gillette venus razor
    $2 any Venus Embrace Razor
    $1 CoverGirl, any product Sept 302013
    Any NON insert covergirl coupons
    .50 any Crest June 30, 2013
    Cold-fx - 79505648, 79505635 or 79505622, 79505853, 79505622
    1$ Hunts Thick & rich sauce

    TFT: Yes (Must Be Able To Use In ON)
    Store Specific/French Coupons: No
    Printables: no
    Are you able to Stack Coupons: No
    Online Coupons: Yes

    Count as all coupons
    $5 Chapman’s
    FPC Dempsters Bagels
    FPC Philadelphia cream cheese
    FPC Vaseline

    Allens apple juice
    Armstron cheese blocks
    $3 Aveeno (call in)
    Bear Paws $4 wub 3
    $1.00 Billy Bee (no expiry)
    Black Diamond cheese good on block
    $1.50 off 1 case of Canada Dry Ginger Ale, Canada Dry Green Tea or Canada Dry White Tea Ginger Ale w/ Raspberry! Good on 12x355ml or 10x355ml
    Carnation hot chocolate
    Chips Ahoy cookies 0.75
    Chef boyardee
    Classico Sauce
    Colgate Palmolive call-in
    $2 Cottonelle
    Delisso Pizza (no flat bread pls)
    $1 WUB 2 cans Del Monte no salt added vegetables (from Aylmer cans)
    Dempter's Bagle's (not the thin ones)
    Dempter's bread (white only pls)
    Eggs (fresh in shell only pls)
    Fresh fruit
    Green Giant
    $3 Haagen Daz
    Honey Bunches of Oats
    Hunts tomato sauce
    $1 wub 2 Jello – refrigerated
    $1 wub 3 Jello - powder
    Johnsonville $1 good on any
    Juice boxes
    Kraft $2 wub 4, exp. July 31st, 2012
    $0.75 Lantantia butter
    1 WUB 2 Maple Leaf Top Dogs, Natural Selections Hot Dogs, or Dempsters/Bens/POM Hot Dog, Hamburger Buns
    Maxwell House Coffee (ground)
    milk (not soy, organic, lactose free)
    Minute Maid $1 wub 2 Frozen Concentrate
    $1 ANY Nestea 12 pack product (Dec 31, 2012)
    Nestle Water $1 off 24 pkg
    Oasis coupons from Allen’s Label
    Oasis Smoothie
    Olymel 2.50 only pls
    Rice Krispie Treats
    Toaster Strudel
    0.75 Wonderbread+


    Counts as all coupons

    FPC Arctic Gardens
    FPC Bananas
    FPC Beneful Prepared Meals
    FPC Coke products
    FPC KitKat
    FPC Lays Chips (from Superbowl promo)
    FPC Nordica Cottage Cheese
    FPC Oasis
    FPC Pepsi (from Superbowl promo)
    FPC powerade RRLF
    FPC Quaker Granola Bars
    FPC Scrubbing Bubbles
    FPC Smartfood Popcorn
    FPC Smarties
    FPC Smart Ones Soup
    FPC Summerfresh
    FPC SunnyD
    FPC Trop50--RRLF
    FPC Twistos
    FPC Vaseline
    FPC Yogurt
    Any FPC (no smellies, hair dye)
    $3 Aveeno/Neutrogena Call in
    $4 WUB Any 3 Bear Paws
    $5 Chapmans
    $2 Cottonelle
    BOGO Amooza
    $1 Becel-valid on regular
    $1/1.50 Chicken (Ziploc box)
    $3 Edge Shave Gel
    $2 ANY Melitta RRLF
    $2 Janes Chicken, not $1
    $2 off Maple Leaf Prime Naturally Chicken, March/April 2013 expiry
    $1 Marc Angelo-valid on any
    BOGO Sunlight

    Counts as 2 coupons
    BOGO Arctic Gardens
    BOGO Dempsters
    BOGO Olivieri
    BOGO Pepsi Max
    $.75 Black Diamond Block Cheese, 340-500g, any (Dec 31 2013)
    $.75 Block Cheese-any (Ziploc box)
    $3 Bread WUB Ziplock
    $ 3WUB2 Black Diamond Shredded or 500g cheese
    $2.00 WUB any 2 varieties of Christie Products
    $.75 on any 1 variety of Chips Ahoy! or Chunks Ahoy! Cookies
    $2 off Club House La Grille 30 Minute Marinades
    $.75 on any 1 variety of Crispers Baked Snacks RRLF
    $1 Colgate Palmolive Call-in
    Delissio Pizza
    $1 Earthbound Farms
    $1 Europes Best March 31, 2013 (from Easter Bakefest Booklet)
    $.75 Fresh Produce (from Ziploc boxes)
    $1 any Gay Lea, Nordica, Lacteeze or Ivanhoe product, expiring Dec.31 '13.
    $3 Ground Beef WUB Hamburger Helper
    Free Hamburger Buns WUB 4 Campbell’s Products
    Hunts Snack Pak Save 2$ on Fresh Fruit WUB2 4 packs
    Kellogg’s Peelie
    $1 Lactania Milk Dec 31 expiry-good on 4L bags
    $2 off WUB4 participating Kraft products
    $1 Magnum Mini Ice Cream Bars
    $.50 Maple Leaf Top Dogs
    $1 off 24 pkg nestle water
    $1.25Oasis Refrigerated cartons march 2013 expiry
    $1 Olymel Bacon
    $1 Olymel Peelie
    $2 Olymel Peelie
    $.75 on any 1 variety of Oreo Cookies
    $1 any Renee's Gourmet product peelie
    $3 Skintimate Shave Gel
    $4 WUB2 Snack Size Chocolate bars (from Bear Paws box)
    $1 Tostitos Artisan Recipes Tortilla Chips
    $1Tostitos Salsa, Salsa Con Queso or Spinach Dip
    $2 on your next purchase of an 18ct Variety Pack 504g, 23312584, Dec 31,2012

    Counts as 1
    $1+ All Bran Bars
    Arthurs Smoothies
    $1 Astro Original yogurt-not Greek, 2013 expiry
    Bagel O’s
    Beneful Wet
    $3 WUB 2 Charmin, Bounty or Tide
    $1 off any 142g, 200g or 225g Brookside Product,
    Blue Diamond Almonds
    Blue Dragon
    $1 WUB4 Campbells-not store specific
    Campbell's $0.50 WUB any Chunky Soup, Ready to use broth, Goldfish Cracker or V8
    Canned fruit
    Canned tuna-not flavored
    Canned veggies
    $.30 Any Catelli Product March 31st 2013
    Chunky soup
    $1.50 Colgate Advanced Total Health
    $2 WUB2 Crush, Dr. Pepper, etc
    $.75 D'Italiano Product-any exp. Sept. 30/12
    $.75 Danone
    $.50 off Dempster's Original Hot Dog & Hamburger Buns
    Dr. Oetker Supreme Cake Mix
    $2 Dove any Nourishing Oil Care product
    $2 Duracell (from battery pack)
    $2+ Finish Quantum, Sept or later expiry
    $1 off fresh fruit wub Toblerone
    Frozen Vegetables-Artic Gardens/Europe’s Best/Green Giant
    $.75 General Mills products (
    $2 Gillette Fusion ProGlide Razor Feb 28, 2013
    Goldfish Crackers, (not grahams)
    Golden Dragon
    $.75 G.U.M
    Healthy Steamers Frozen Dinners
    $1 WUB3 Jell-o Jelly Powder products,
    $2 Jet Dry
    Johnsonville Sausages-not five cheese
    Lactantia Butter,
    $.75 off Keebler Waffle Bowls or Waffle Cones
    Kikkoman Sauce
    Kraft Harabeno Heat shredded cheese
    Kraft Handi-Snacks
    $.75 Lactania Cream, Dec 2012 expiry-not lactose free
    $1 wub2 Mapleleaf Canned Meat
    $1 WUB2 packages of Maple Leaf Top Dogs, etc. (websaver)
    $1Maple Leaf Natural Selections deli meats
    $1 Marc Angelo Sausages
    $1 Mars Multipack RRLF
    Marzetti Dips
    Miracle Whip
    $1 ANY Nestea 12 pack product
    $1 Nestea or Goodhost
    $.50 any Piller's product
    $2 any one OFF product
    $.50 on any Old El Paso
    Olive Oil-not Mazola
    Olivieri Pasta or Sauce
    $2.50 Olymel Chicken ( only please)
    Olymel Smart Nature deli meat
    $1 WUB 2 Refrigerated Jello
    $.50 Rice Krispie squares
    $.75 Rougemont 2l or allens 100% apple juice 1.89L
    $1.50 Satin Care
    $2 WUB2 Smartfood Popcorn
    Skippy Peanut Butter—not natural
    Sunlight Power Packs
    Tabasco Sauce
    Tim Tam Cookies
    $2 Vaseline
    $3 Venus
    Weight Watchers Smart Ones Frozen dinners
    Weight Watchers Smart Ones Soup
    $1 wub2 Wonder Bread products
    $1 Yoplait Peelie

    tmlskk01 Y
    French: N, Printables: N, Store specific: N
    TFT: N, Stack: No inserts(unless approved by me first please)

    Count as all:
    FPC Quaker instant oatmeal
    FPC Haircolor (any)
    FPC Kellogg's cereal, websaver
    FPC Dempsters bagels
    FPC 2L pop
    VH Steamers, B1G1,
    PIN code Kellogg's free breakfast item
    Any grocery FPC
    $2/3 Johnsons mailout
    $ Ground beef/chicken wub HH
    $4 any covergirl
    $5 wub3 garnier
    $4 pantene peelie
    FPC Scrubbing bubbles
    $5 maple leaf portions

    Count as 2:
    $3 zantac
    $3 Iams dry cat food (good on any)
    Colgate-Palmolive call-in
    Dempsters bagels $1
    $1.50 Gingerale
    Oliveri BOGO
    ANY Pepsi/coke
    $5 wub 3 gilette

    Count as 1:
    $1 Mountain dew (wub is okay)
    $3 nexxus
    Lunchmate bucks
    $2 + only Whiskas dry food
    $1 dole salad kits
    Renees salad dressing
    $1 Congara
    $2 garnier peelie
    Marc angelo
    Oliveri pasta
    Sunny D
    Old El Passo (not tortillas)
    Cadbury dairy milk
    $.75 good on any block cheese
    $1.50 fresh chicken
    $.75 fresh produce
    Pizza:Delissio/mccain/dr otker
    Kraft cheese not white slices
    Quaker instant oatmeal
    Hamburger Helper
    Chef Boyardee
    pilsbury Pizza pops/mini pizza
    maxx scoop
    Baked beans, Heinz or Bush
    $2 Jergens Natural Glow
    Ocean Spray juice
    Oasis nutrasource .75+ only
    Tampax (not from insert)
    .50 iams wet cat food
    Sally hanson nail polish
    $1 Mio water enhancer
    .75+ GUM products

    Last edited by jennybean1010; Sun, May 27th, 2012 at 11:16 AM.

  3. #3
    claires mommy too! <3 gracesmommy's Avatar
    Join Date
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    angus, on
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    i'd love a seat pm'ing you now..

  4. #4
    Coupon Addict tmlskk01's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
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    Id like a seat, just revising the wishlist and then ill pm you

  5. #5
    Junior Canuck
    Join Date
    May 2011
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    Welcome aboard

  6. #6
    Senior Canuck
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    Blackfalds AB
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    me please I'll send you my wishlist right away!

  7. #7
    Senior Canuck
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Ottawa, ON
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    333 (100%)

    me please

  8. #8
    Smart Canuck Venuila's Avatar
    Join Date
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    Southern Ontario
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    I'd like a seat please

    Sign up @ Swagbucks & earn free rewards, including codes!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Nova Scotia
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    I'd like a seat too just fixing up my wish list.

  10. #10
    Canadian Genius CouponLadybird's Avatar
    Join Date
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    somewhere out there
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    if there is room I'd love a seat

  11. #11
    Bricon1621 bricon1621's Avatar
    Join Date
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    Shearwater Nova Scotia
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    sent PM

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Richmond Hill, ON
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    I'd like a seat pls if there's still room

  13. #13
    Junior Canuck
    Join Date
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    We are full!! Will be posting the wishlists in just a few minutes

  14. #14
    Junior Canuck
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    Just waiting for wishlists from tmlskkol and ag7365

  15. #15
    Junior Canuck
    Join Date
    May 2011
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    172 (100%)

    Just waiting for one more wishlist. There was also a question on how to determine who is most generous, so I have decided to do it on a point system. I have updated the thread to let you know what coupons are worth for the prizes. As soon as I get the last wishlist I will let you know when the mail date is

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