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Thread: FREE Juice, FREE BBQ sauce Cheap QUALITY TP LOl

  1. #16
    Canadian Guru
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    like the name says
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    159 (100%)

    Very nice brag!! didn't know about the TP sale at Loblaws and mom just gave me all her cottonelle coupons!! So thanks for that

    . Its really sad you had to justify your juice purchase. Some people are getting really high and mighty and making assumptions now. I'm posting less and less now because I don't need to contribute to drama
    c_mcarthur likes this.

  2. #17
    Smart Canuck MillieH's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Niagara Region
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    167 (100%)

    Great shop Op!!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by torontogal12 View Post
    Very nice brag!! didn't know about the TP sale at Loblaws and mom just gave me all her cottonelle coupons!! So thanks for that

    . Its really sad you had to justify your juice purchase. Some people are getting really high and mighty and making assumptions now. I'm posting less and less now because I don't need to contribute to drama
    When people rain on brags , just click the report button, its against the rules of the forum. When people stop sharing their brags it prevents everyone from seeing what great deals are out there.
    Be sure to click like and post a brag if you get the deal.. It makes my day!!! Flattery may just get you more deals

    Be sure to double check your flyer, points and cashback offers~ YMMV

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