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Thread: Opened my "store" stockpile to my friends/family..:)

  1. #16
    Senior Canuck Judyhill's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by couponmummy View Post
    I see nothing wrong with this. Even though most of us got our stockpile with coupons and FPCs, there is still tax to be paid, gas, and time. Those are not free, we are not volunteers, and these are not donations.

    It's like saying that I will pay you for taking my stockpile.

    I would also like to add something here; I see using coupons as a skill that takes time to learn. I have been doing it for a year now and I feel like I am only scratching the surface. And I would say this site is my training class. I spend quite a bit of time on here. This all counts for something too. We would be using our skills that takes time to learn to get those stockpiles so with that in mind with things that we get free, I feel we actually earn those things. Ninety nine percent of the people I talk to about using coupons and offer to show them change the conversation in a flash or run. They have no desire to learn what so ever.

    Quite a few years back I had a little craft business going. I did tole painting. Most of what I painted was on a 50 cent peice of wood and maybe used 10 cents worth of paint. I sold these placques for 8 or 10 dollars. I certainly would not think of just giving them away to friends or family (yes, as a gift) or charging the 60 cents I had in them. I see using coupons almost the same thing as my tole painting. I had to put a lot of time and practice into learning to tole paint and I also had to put a lot of time and practice into using coupons.

    I give things to my kids all the time and wouldn't think of asking for anything for it but if someone that works where I live wants to buy a body wash from me and I have 10 and need the money I will sell it. They all have a lot more money than I do.

    Thats just the way I see it.
    Jezebel, lizamarie, MrsMer and 4 others like this.

  2. #17
    Canadian Guru
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    Is it just me or is SC more judgmental this week? People making assumptions they shouldn't and other justifying what they do with their own time and money. We are all here to help each other, but lately there's been a lot of judging and hurtful comments to people just trying to help. A lot of complaining and entitlement going on. Just pointing it out in hopes it will stop

  3. #18
    Senior Canuck Judyhill's Avatar
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    I think this thread may be good for any of us that does sell some of our items. I am not saying we should all be opening stores or anything but I know for myself if I do sell a thing or two to someone that works here where I live (apt in motel), I feel a pang of shame or something as I wonder what the members of this site would think.

    Just reading whats been posted already makes me feel a little better. I am sure I am not the only one who feels this way.
    sharkie likes this.

  4. #19
    Canadian Genius
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    I think of this as the best job in the whole wide world.

    A personal shopper.

    You get to coupon, get the thrill of the hunt and scoring, set your own hours, and make money.

  5. #20
    Just Jez
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    Quote Originally Posted by torontogal12 View Post
    Is it just me or is SC more judgmental this week? People making assumptions they shouldn't and other justifying what they do with their own time and money. We are all here to help each other, but lately there's been a lot of judging and hurtful comments to people just trying to help. A lot of complaining and entitlement going on. Just pointing it out in hopes it will stop
    you are not to far off and it is more than this week as I see all the reported posts....

    But this brag is about Lizamarie and her great stockpile sale brag !!!!
    hollyquaiscer likes this.

  6. #21
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    One of my friends (since grade 2) mother's told me I should be a personal shopper because of all the great deals I get---I've been couponing for 5yrs now when I bought my condo--and I got her baby wipes for $1 and $1.25 they loved buying them from me I was saving them loads of money

    Quote Originally Posted by couponmummy View Post
    I think of this as the best job in the whole wide world.

    A personal shopper.

    You get to coupon, get the thrill of the hunt and scoring, set your own hours, and make money.

  7. #22
    Canadian Genius Abby5's Avatar
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    I love love love your brag!!!!!
    I know (and everyone else on here should!) how much and time it takes to stock pile!!
    I have been on sick leave for over a year and I am still fighting for any money from I also know how tight money can be
    I think it is is a win win in my eyes!!!
    Thumbs up!

  8. #23
    Canadian Guru jasperandchar's Avatar
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    what a better world it would be if everyone helped everyone else out....
    Last edited by jasperandchar; Sun, May 27th, 2012 at 10:27 PM.
    2019 is the year that we continue to save before we buy!!!

  9. #24
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    I think its great, its a win win for everyone involved. Good for you. I HATE how people hav to defend what they do with their coupons/stockpiles. I think its a great thing you are doing!

  10. #25
    Junior Canuck couponmamaof03's Avatar
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    I like this brag! I also let friends "shop" in my stockpile and all of them pay me for the items. I see nothing wrong with lizamarie doing the same.
    redfox, Patty Smyth and lizamarie like this.

  11. #26
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    That is reasonable to me.Especially if you are taking the time and effort to do this.Also things you do pay for like 1-2.00 on sale you should get paid for those!

  12. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by jasperandchar View Post
    what a better world it would be if everyone helped everyone else out....
    I agree!!! It also teaches our kids to help people and be kind.

  13. #28
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    I think this is a great post too. I didn`t realize that the word `stockpile`means it must be free? I have a large stockpile, for the most part I`d say I`ve saved an average of 70% off, with some items being free and some being 50-60% off. I have family members that turn their noses at couponing but still want ME to get them the product at MY coupon price. I make them pay my price + gas. Talk about a win-win for them.
    redfox, Patty Smyth and lizamarie like this.

  14. #29
    Smart Canuck
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    Quote Originally Posted by couponmummy View Post
    I see nothing wrong with this. Even though most of us got our stockpile with coupons and FPCs, there is still tax to be paid, gas, and time. Those are not free, we are not volunteers, and these are not donations.

    It's like saying that I will pay you for taking my stockpile.
    LOL :D You're really right. Cost of gas, time and little of tax. Not Free at all.

  15. #30
    Modern Martha janetta's Avatar
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    It certainly does take time, gas, money for taxes and patience (sometimes frustration/embarrassment and even abuse) to build a stock pile!
    I let my friend raid mine in return for cosmetics.. lol
    She doesn't have to pay for toiletries and whatnot and I get free skincare and cosmetics that I normally wouldn't shell $30/piece for!
    Get a $5 sign up bonus @ -------------------- Come join me on WAGJAG!
    P.S. The cash out minimum for Ebates is $5.01!

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