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Thread: RRRRlf $10 Similac cheques & $5 Similac Coupons good on Any & $10 Similac Mom Cheques

  1. #1
    Smart Canuck
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    Expired on: Sun, Jun 3rd, 2012
    RRRlf $10 Similac cheques, $10 Similac Mom and $5 Similac coupons good on any I believe these exp the end of November. Also, I have a huge tradelist under my signature.

    5 x FPC (1) 2 L bottle of Schweppes Ginger Ale or Tonic Water Valid only in N.S., N.B.,Newfoundland & Labrador and P.E.I. exp Aug 31/12 12808276
    5 x $2 wub2 Snack pack 4-pack products (valid only at Metro, Food BVasics, Super c , Atlantic Co-op, Coleman's, Longo's, Federated Co=op, Overwaitea Food Group, Associated Grocers, HY Louie, Buy-Low Foods, Safeway, and Northwest Company) exp July 3112 44406758
    5 x $1 French's mustard exp Dec 31/12 06546511
    10 x wub3 Knorr product get one free exp Dec 31/12 87410433
    10 x Buy any 3 knorr lipton soups and get one free exp June 30/12 87410370
    8 x $1 Kraft Cracker barrel exp Sept 30/12 05533868
    10 x $1 wub2 Minute Maid 295ml frozen concentrate products exp Sept 30/12 65313129
    4 x $8 Good Start concentrated liquid exp June 25/12 10035418
    4 x $10 Good Start with omega 3 & 6 concentrated liquid exp June 25/12 10035405
    10 $2 wub2 different Dove products from two different product lines full size products only exp Dec 31/12 89288412
    10 $2 wub2 different Dove products from two different product lines full size products only exp Dec 31/12 89288409
    15 x $2. Dial body wash or lotion(345 ml or larger), 1.18 L liquid hand soap refill pouch or 8-pack of bar soap exp June 23/12
    10 x $1 Dove go sleeveless anti-perspirant exp Sept 30/12 89288383
    1 x $5 La Roch Posay product exp June 8/12 46957825
    5 x $1 Live clean no expiry 04200101
    5 x $2.50 wub2 Live clean no expiry 04200114
    10 x $3 Nexxus exp Sept 30/12 89288360
    1 x $2 Vaseline Total moisturize lotion exp Nov 30/12 89288440
    10 X $3 Zantac any 150mg or 75 mg exp July 31/13 04386722
    8 x .75 cents any G.U.M. product exp Mar 31/13 34107729
    15 x $1 Colgate Optic White toothpaste exp Oct 15/12
    15 x $1 Colgate Optic White 360 toothbrush exp Oct 15/12
    15 x $1 Palmolive Ultra 739ml dish liquid exp Oct 31/12 80003975
    15 x $1. on any 1 Palmolive Ultra 739ml dish liquid exp Oct. 31/12 80004024
    15 x $1 Palmolive ultra 739ml Dish liquid exp Nov 30/12 8004320
    10 x $1. on any Vim product excludes 250ml exp Dec 31/12 89288387
    15 x $2. any Resolve product exp July 31/12
    10 x $1 any Vileda gloves exp June 30/12
    10 x $1. any one Scrunge product exp June 30/12 30004144
    10 x $3. WUB2 Scrunge products exp June 30/12 30004160
    1 x $10 wub $20.00 or more Seventh generation products(cannot be combined with any other offer) exp July 31/12 32900578
    This thread is currently associated with: Buy-Low Foods, Co-op, Europe's Best, Knorr, Longo's, Metro, Safeway, Super C
    Last edited by bargaincoupon; Sun, Jun 3rd, 2012 at 06:50 PM.
    lucy16076 likes this.

  2. #2
    Smart Canuck
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  3. #3
    NewMom nicoleta362010's Avatar
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    pm'd you

  4. #4
    Smart Canuck
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  5. #5
    Smart Canuck
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  6. #6
    Wishing for coupons! lucy16076's Avatar
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    I have 2 x $5 Similac checks expires Dec 31st & the other is sometime into 2013...intersted?
    Click here under "about me" to view my wish list.
    Visit to earn freebies! Click my referral link to get started!

    Tangerine bank GIVES YOU $25 cold hard cash for opening an account!
    Use my Orange Key 14220607S1 & it's $25 for me too! NO FEE BANKING!!

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