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Mon, May 28th, 2012, 12:13 PM #1Expired on: Mon, May 28th, 2012
7x $1 off any 4L or 2x 2L Lactantia Milk 13611529 Dec 31, 2012
7x $.75 off any Lactantia cream 500mL or 1L 13611428 Dec 31, 2012
3x $.75 off Lactantia butter 454g 46215912 Sept 30, 2012
Looking the best offer in wishlist, or ask and I could take a peek in your tradelist, maybe I can found some for my stash.
If the offer is reasonable I can add more of these.
any GC's. (WM, SDM, President Choice, FB, Future Shop.....)
FPC Tetley Infussions
FPC Powered Zero
FPC Yogurt from cereal box
FPC Huggies Wipes
FPC Huggies diapers
FPC pampers diapers
FPC J&J Replacement
FPC Charmin
FPC Tide
FPC Kelloggs
FPC Melitta
FPC Folgers
FPC Nabob
FPC Aveeno FPC Trial J&J Pack
FPC Glad
FPC Oasis Juice
FPC Quaker Instant Oatmeal
FPC Smarties (from cereal box)
FPC General Mills
FPC Cavendish (Call In)
FPC Dove
FPC Sunlight
$5.00 Saputo voucher (good on any)
$7 SC Johnson
FPC Pepsi or Coke
$3 GBeef WUB Hamburger Helper
$1.25 Oasis
$.75 any General Mills
$.75, $1 any White Swan
$1.50 on 12x335ml Canada Dry
$4 any Covergirl
$1 Amstrong cheese
$3 DVSol
$3, $5 Advil Children (spin U Win)
Pampers GTG codes (RRRLF)
Stouffers Pins/ Lean Cuisine Pins (RRRLF)
iCoke pins
Pins from cereal box (banana, yogurt, cereal)
SDM Points
$5 - $10 Pampers mail out
$5 Chapman's
$1, $5 Playtex bucks from Company
New unused stamps
$2 any Kellogg's from company
$1, $3, $5 any Kimberly Clark
$1-$5 any Colgate mail out
$1 any General Mills.
Single Cineplex Movie Pass
$10 Colgate/Palmolive
$10 SC Johnson (Glade, Ziploc, etc.)
$1.50 Sunlight (
$1 Shredded cheese (
$2 Hidden Valley Ranch (Shopper Voice)
$2 Vaseline Total Moisture Lotion (shopper voice)
$1 Old el paso (
$1.50 Thinsation (printable)
$.75c Fresh Fruit (Ziploc)
$1 Dempster's Bagels
$1 Campbells Vouchers (sent out from company)
$1 Clorox Wipes
$1 Johnsonville Smoked Sausage (not 5-cheese)
$1 Marc Angelo (good on any)
$4 Snack Size Bars (from Bear Paws Box)
$1.50 Fresh Chicken(from Ziploc)
$1 on Tostitos Salsa, Salsa Con Queso or Spinach Dip (400*645mL) OR Ruffles Dips 425g, 23312568, Dec 31,2012
$3 Royale
$2 Kashi Crackers
BOGO coke
$1 Philadelphia regular cream cheese (not dips)
$1.50 Sunny D
Thanks.This thread is currently associated with: Cineplex & Scene Rewards, Future Shop, Huggies, icoke, Kellogg's, Pampers, Pharmaprix, Coupons, Shoppers Drug Mart
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