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Thread: coupon fraud: returning items

  1. #31
    Couponess BC Gal's Avatar
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    It's definitely surprising she is allowed to return that many.
    Last edited by BC Gal; Wed, Jul 18th, 2012 at 10:20 PM.

  2. #32
    AmorDeRosa AmorDeRosa's Avatar
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    That is strange that they accepted the pills because I once bought some Vitamins (Calcium) at WalMart and picked up the wrong ones (I wanted Mega-Calcium). I wanted to exchange them but could not find the receipt anywhere so I asked if I can exchange them because I picked the wrong one but they said no. I told them they were sealed and unopened, nothing was wrong with them. She told be they don't return pills but I could talk to the pharmacy and if they said it was okay to exchange I could. So I ended up just exchanging them but it was a longer process because it was pills/medication.

  3. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by catz4ever45 View Post
    I have to get this of my chest I personally know someone that purchases stuff with hv coupons (except food items) at walmart and then the next day goes back and returns everything without a receipt it really annoys me as i feel they are taking advantage of returns policies and uses a coupon for profit that someone else would have loved to use properly w/all the shelf clearing, removing of complete tearpads and unethical and misuse of coupons it ruins it for the rest of us who really need it
    For walmart to even allow this is plain stup*dity....I would certainly talk to her about abusing the system and then leave it at that.

  4. #34
    Senior Canuck westcoastblondie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BC Gal View Post
    The idea of buying pills someone else took home and brought back is a little creepy; I wonder if they throw them out or put them back on the shelf. It's definitely surprising she is allowed to return any let alone that many.
    Stores aren't legally allowed to put returned medication or pills or vitamins of any kind back on the shelf.

    Has anyone read up on the Tylenol deaths that occured in the 80's? Several people died after taking tylenol laced with cyanide that someone had "returned to the store" and the store had put back on the shelf. I did a report on it during my undergrad.

    Generally I've found stores just won't take back any sorts of pills if people try. Simply, because they're not legally allowed to reshelf them so they're incurring a loss if they do. If they are allowing someone to return pills it's quite stupid of them to do so! They're either incurring a loss or breaking a lot of laws if they choose to reshelf it. A lot of laws/stipulations went into place regard over the counter/non prescription drugs after the cyanide deaths in the 80's.

    I have found that if something is wrong with the packaging that it's best just to call the company. A couple of years ago I bought some tylenol that didn't have the security seal underneath the cap and because of the paper I did in my undergrad I just couldn't go anywhere near it. I called the store to tell them about it and they said that it would be a good idea to call the company and that they would keep an eye out in case there were any more packages like mine. When I called the company they were really really good about it and just asked me some questions like where I bought the package from (so they could trace it's chain of delivery in case they had any more packages in that bunch that didn't seal or something) and they even mailed me coupons so that I could get two free packages to replace those ones.

    My apologies I know this was a bit of a tangent, but yeah, you really shouldn't worry about buying reshelfed drugs from the store because legally speaking a store isn't allowed to do that.

    If anyone wants a good read, read up on the cyanide laced tylenol pills that killed people in the 80's. It's a sad story but it's really interesting to read how things had to change/improve afterwards to ensure stuff like that wouldn't happen again.

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