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Thread: coupon fraud: returning items

  1. #1
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    I have to get this of my chest I personally know someone that purchases stuff with hv coupons (except food items) at walmart and then the next day goes back and returns everything without a receipt it really annoys me as i feel they are taking advantage of returns policies and uses a coupon for profit that someone else would have loved to use properly w/all the shelf clearing, removing of complete tearpads and unethical and misuse of coupons it ruins it for the rest of us who really need it
    This thread is currently associated with: , Walmart
    Last edited by Sally888; Mon, May 28th, 2012 at 04:49 PM.
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  2. #2
    Canadian Guru
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    Maybe phone the Walmart this person shops at ask for a manager and rat this person out.
    Last edited by Poirot; Mon, May 28th, 2012 at 03:22 PM.

  3. #3
    Frosh Canuck bgheuchert's Avatar
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    WOWZA! That is not good at all!! good things come to those who like my page

  4. #4
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    Ugg have you said something to the person directly about how that ruins it for everyone else? Id be concerned that calling the WM directly would prompt them to change their policy and negatively effect those who dont deserve it. People like this make me so angry! It's stealing. flat out.
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  5. #5
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    i have told this person and she says she needs the extra cash and she goes to various walmarts so i never know which one
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  6. #6
    Smart Canuck dariusz8's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by catz4ever45 View Post
    I have to get this of my chest I personally know someone that purchases stuff with hv coupons (except food items) at walmart and then the next day goes back and returns everything without a receipt it really annoys me as i feel they are taking advantage of returns policies and uses a coupon for profit that someone else would have loved to use properly w/all the shelf clearing, removing of complete tearpads and unethical and misuse of coupons it ruins it for the rest of us who really need it
    reciept or not she would still get full value back as the store can't go digging to hand her coupon back

  7. #7
    Smart Canuck dariusz8's Avatar
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    i know a store manager who actually delt with a customer that was doing this on a large scale and they or head office(which she contacted) could do nothing. The lady was buying aspirin using coupons($6 off, making a couple bucks overage) and then returning them in lots of 40. the store now only accepts 4 like coupons to try and slow this... i don't think ratting anywhere is going to help much... may only make things more difficult for others. You may in future be unable to return anything unless you have a reciept... Have you talked to your friend?

  8. #8
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    WOW thats incredible... i guess couponing has taken some ppl to new levels both negatively and positively.... Ive heard that happen a lot with SDM point redemptions too.

    I only make it to the store once a week and RARELY findany tearpads or coupons any more other than those no one wants. Or they put them all back but tear out the coupon from the phamplet first (ie D'italiano)... these were ones i could of actually used since we buy these products at least 3 packs a week but never never cant find product coupons. However there seem to be a whole bunch available for trade (hmmmmm i can see having a couple extra) but i guess cant understand why some ppl have 10-20 to trade when prob know they wouldnt use them. Whereas i actually would of

    Sorry thats my rant...
    SFARAZ and young-one19 like this.

  9. #9
    Roman Empress salady's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by catz4ever45 View Post
    I have to get this of my chest I personally know someone that purchases stuff with hv coupons (except food items) at walmart and then the next day goes back and returns everything without a receipt it really annoys me as i feel they are taking advantage of returns policies and uses a coupon for profit that someone else would have loved to use properly w/all the shelf clearing, removing of complete tearpads and unethical and misuse of coupons it ruins it for the rest of us who really need it
    Wow. I'm really surprised by this because my Walmart never accepts returns without a receipt! That's totally wrong that she's doing this though. Wanting extra cash is not an excuse to go about conning Walmart. I would talk to her and say that if this doesn't stop, you are going to speak to the store manager. Why should we all have to suffer because of the actions of a few?
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  10. #10
    Smart Canuck ChristieJ's Avatar
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    I think this is coupon fraud. I'm sorry to hear she needs the money, OP, but there are legal, legit and honest ways to make more money. She can pick up a couple of extra shifts at work. She can do some work from home in the evenings. She can offer to walk dogs. Chances are she'd make a lot more money, and wouldn't be so inconvenienced (never mind that the stores are probably on to her and her scam). Maybe you could help her set up something part-time for some extra $$$.

    When I used to work returns, I had a similar scam going on. I would have people pick up receipts from the parking lot, walk into the store, pick up the purchased items, and come and demand a refund. These individuals were known to us, and I refused the returns. The stores can do something about these people...they can have them formally and legally trespassed like we did.

    Honestly, I don't know how this person is able to return so many items without a receipt and actually get money back? Without a receipt, my Walmart will only allow an exchange. Before, if you didn't have a receipt, you had to hand over I.D. to be entered into their system, and the amount of money went on a gift card.
    Last edited by ChristieJ; Mon, May 28th, 2012 at 04:49 PM.
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  11. #11
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    Walmart probably knows dang well what shes doing. I wouldnt rat her out but I would make it well known you don't approve of her behaviour.
    ChristieJ and dariusz8 like this.

  12. #12
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    When I hear of people doing things like this all I can do is shake my head. The time spent on conniving ways to cheat the system would be well spent being a productive member of society. I don't want to hear that they need the money, there are a ton of things one can do to actually earn money.Get a paper route for heavens sake ....anything would be better than that. Dishonest and stupid people..... what can you do?
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  13. #13
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    This is just sad. I can't believe what is happening and why people are behaving a certain wa and still get away with it! I received a Walmart gift card from friends for my baby shower and I bought two boxes huggies diapers but I have a very bad habit with throwing out the receipts in my wallets and pockets as they accumulate very easily. Then shortly after my son was born, we discovered that huggies had a terrible leakage problem...either that or huggies just doesn't work with DS. So we made a switch to replace with only pampers diapers but what about the 2 sealed boxes of huggies? We took it back to my Walmart and CS said I can't even exchnge for pampers without receipts! I never even asked for refund just an exchange and it can't be done. Another example was at RCSS...DH bought the green works all purpose cleaner for $4.49, again when he got home I threw away the receipt cause I never thought I would return it. Then a few days later, we were at SDM and the exact cleaner was on sale for $1.99! We bought a bottle and took the one from RCSS for a return but again without the receipt, CS said I can only give u the last sale price within the past 6 months which is $2.99 when we got it for $4.49!

    Sorryfor the long story but what I'm trying to say is she able to get a refund for everything at regular price when she doesn't have any receipts without a loss?
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  14. #14
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    I would think she is not the only person who does this on a regular basis. It's not about needing some extra $$, it's about making some money without having to work.

  15. #15
    Smart Canuck Bargain Seeker's Avatar
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    Geez what type of reason would you give when returning half a dozen of aspirin bottles???
    DiamondLil, masid, BC Gal and 2 others like this.

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