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Thread: FreshCo Price Matching Policy

  1. #16
    Bridges Bridges_48's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by greencanuck View Post
    RCSS in East London at Oxford St and Gammage, has price-matched every flyer that I have showed them, including several drugstores, hardware stores and more.
    Thats good, My RCSS brought out the Binder and it shows they do not PM these stores, or PM 2/$5 Unless the price is stated on the ad. 2/5 or $2.50 each then they will PM it. This came from LOBLAW corp office in Mississauga. Reason I know this Is because I was PM a Walmart item and was using the Coupon Zone for the Glade and the lady says I can't PM and do the CZ as well? I Was like what? can called over the CSM and she brought over the binder and went through it with me, no where did it state I couldn't PM and Coupon as well.. I was more than pissed when I left, however happy to get 2 free Glades...
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  2. #17
    Smart Canuck
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    I was PM Highland Farms at RCSS (2/$5 Oasis) and the cashier told me they won't normally PM deals, as you mentioned, unless there is a deal with the same QUANTITY of the product or the flyer states '2/$5 OR $2.50 each' but she gave it to us because we didn't know, and were buying 2...she said just for next time take note; very nice!
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  3. #18
    Trade Mod FallenPixels's Avatar
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    Yes, mine is the same, they don't PM Walmart, SDM, Rexall, Zellers bc they are not competitors (even though all of our WMs are Supercentres)
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  4. #19
    CaNewbie Jenifer76's Avatar
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    The FreshCo in Georgetown does WalMart but not drugstores.
    I found their policy, which is really NOT specific at all...

    . "Our major supermarket competitors", "geographic trade areas" and "comparable items" are determined solely by us and are based on a number of factors that can change from time to time. We reserve the right to make changes to this program without prior notice.
    So basically if the cashier is wrong, I have to believe them... sucks!

  5. #20
    Trade Mod FallenPixels's Avatar
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    All of the ones locally to me have put signs up with a list of the stores they consider competitors, we have 3 relatively close and one allows 2 price match, the others 4 and 6. The one closest to a WM does not pricematch it, but the others do?
    But check for the sign at the front of the store since all 3 here have them, one of then says they PM independent and we don't have one here so they vary greatly
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  6. #21
    Mastermind Anna Michele's Avatar
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    Oh my goodness i have never had this problem ata ny store that pm's *knock on wood* i have however found pm'ing at nf will only do 4 items i think it is, and once my walmart told me if i was using coupons they would only allow me to buy 6 of the item ( but no limit if i didn't use the coupon) they seem to make up the rules as they go, fingers crossed when target arrives everyone loosens up a bit cuz we all know we will go to whatever lengths to save a buck
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  7. #22
    Canadian Guru
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    My Fresh Co PM's Walmart, FB, NF as well as RCSS but thats all. I remember before the holidays it was posted on there which major competitiors they PM'd. Not sure if it was on all locations flyers or not!
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  8. #23
    Coupon Princess sheetsofemptycanvas's Avatar
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    What about PMing and using coupons? They gave me a hard time about it the other day but they did it in the end.
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  9. #24
    Coupon Princess sheetsofemptycanvas's Avatar
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    What about PMing and using coupons? They gave me a hard time about it the other day but they did it in the end.
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  10. #25
    Frosh Canuck
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    The Freshco near my house just did the same thing when I went to price match eggs the thing is I always price match eggs using the Shoppers Drug Mart flyer yet this day they decided they don't want to. I just find that most stores in general are giving people a hard time with coupons and the customer service is terrible but what can you do you have to shop somewhere.

  11. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by savealot123 View Post
    My freshco is the same. They have a list of grocery stores that they will price match. Mainly no frills, food basics, sobeys, loblaws. I tried to price match micheal-angelos and was denied because they are not a 'major competitor'. They don't Pm walmart, shoppers, asian supermarket, or any other supermarket that is a major national chain. That's just my experience at my local freshco. And the Pm limit is 2. I'd much prefer to pm at walmart which is down the street.

    This is incorrect. The limit of 2 items is not a blanket limit. It means you cannot get more than 2 IDENTICAL items that have been price matched. This means you can price match as many items as you want, but you can't have more than 2 of the same item.

    The policy says "We reserve the right to verify competitor prices and to limit quantities to 2 identical products/flavours. “Our major supermarket competitors”, “geographic trade areas” and “comparable items” are determined solely by us and are based on a number of factors that can change from time to time. We reserve the right to make changes to this program without prior notice."

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