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Thread: Luka Magnotta Dismemberment Case

  1. #136
    Smart Canuck frugal50's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Darth Penguin View Post
    nope...i'm guessing they want to be left alone since they are not in anyway responsible for his actiions..
    they showed his mother slamming the door from media camera at her home.... he comes from a "trailor park" kind of family, similiar to Paul Bernardo.

  2. #137
    Sith Lady and Cool Kid Darth Penguin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by frugal50 View Post
    hate to break it to you but..... that newspaper caters to foreigners living and work in China, they do have lots of Brits and Americans in China who needs access to English newspapers! if you check the Mandarin papers, it's all propraganda related to communist China and it's agenda for Chinese people and Government policy.
    The post

    Quote Originally Posted by frugal50 View Post
    I'm not yelling.... I would of captialized all the letters and made the fonts bigger
    .... just trying to making a point here with the Chinese censorship and propaganda against the western world and homosexuals.
    And?????How much bigger do you want your font to be????
    DaveP likes this.

    Short answer : no Long answer : NOOOOOOOOOOO!

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  3. #138
    Canadian Guru DaveP's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by frugal50 View Post
    they showed his mother slamming the door from media camera at her home.... he comes from a "trailor park" kind of family, similiar to Paul Bernardo.

    Gah, no comment.

  4. #139
    Sith Lady and Cool Kid Darth Penguin's Avatar
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    they showed his mother slamming the door from media camera at her home.... he comes from a "trailor park" kind of family, similiar to Paul Bernardo.
    His family and their living conditions have nothing to do with his crime ........going after them is bad journalism.
    abbasgirl and DaveP like this.

    Short answer : no Long answer : NOOOOOOOOOOO!

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  5. #140
    Canadian Guru DaveP's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by frugal50
    they showed his mother slamming the door from media camera at her home.... he comes from a "trailor park" kind of family, similiar to Paul Bernardo.
    I said no comment, but I really have to ask, frugal50, what is a "trailor park" kind of family?

    I'd really like to know what you're saying here.
    Last edited by DaveP; Sun, Jun 3rd, 2012 at 12:47 AM.
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  6. #141
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    Quote Originally Posted by snuffaluffagus View Post
    Has anyone heard a peep in regards to Magnotta's family?
    I found this article in the Ottawa Citizen:
    I don't agree that he's a "product of a dysfunctional family" though. Good parenting would have helped. But we all have to make choices about what kind of people we are going to be.
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  7. #142
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    condolences from all over the world are pouring in. two things are certain: the victim is gay, and the attack was not random.

    jl made it or one of his friend did it. not funny now.
    Name:  jl1.jpg
Views: 192
Size:  11.4 KB

    jl showing off his bod.
    Name:  jl2.jpg
Views: 185
Size:  16.3 KB

    jl in ontario. toronto?
    Name:  jl3.jpg
Views: 190
Size:  25.8 KB

    jl looking serious and geeky.
    Name:  jl4.jpg
Views: 208
Size:  11.9 KB

    jl taking another pic of his bod.
    Name:  jl5.jpg
Views: 217
Size:  7.8 KB

    lm is a leo (24/07), jl is a capricorn (30/12).

    22/01/2012: on rating of attractiveness, jl gave capricorns (himself) a 100 and leos (lm) were given a 99
    13/05/2012: jl wrote a capricorn is most compatible with a taurus (is this the day that would soon change everything?)

  8. #143
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    I don't agree that he's a "product of a dysfunctional family" though.
    i agree, calling lm a product of a dysfunctional family is irresponsible journalism.

    Good parenting would have helped. But we all have to make choices about what kind of people we are going to be.
    not everyone can pull through. it's hard especially for someone who's had too many disappointments in life.

  9. #144
    Smart Canuck frugal50's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cookoo View Post
    condolences from all over the world are pouring in. two things are certain: the victim is gay, and the attack was not random.

    jl made it or one of his friend did it. not funny now.
    Name:  jl1.jpg
Views: 192
Size:  11.4 KB

    jl showing off his bod.
    Name:  jl2.jpg
Views: 185
Size:  16.3 KB

    jl in ontario. toronto?
    Name:  jl3.jpg
Views: 190
Size:  25.8 KB

    jl looking serious and geeky.
    Name:  jl4.jpg
Views: 208
Size:  11.9 KB

    jl taking another pic of his bod.
    Name:  jl5.jpg
Views: 217
Size:  7.8 KB

    lm is a leo (24/07), jl is a capricorn (30/12).

    22/01/2012: on rating of attractiveness, jl gave capricorns (himself) a 100 and leos (lm) were given a 99
    13/05/2012: jl wrote a capricorn is most compatible with a taurus (is this the day that would soon change everything?)
    where did you find these pics? i was looking all over for them.... CTV news had some other shots of him topless posing- is it possible this was an S&M scene that went bad, i saw the video of jun lin tied up in bondage before Magnotta took an ice pick on him I'll never listen to the song true faith again, he copied it from the movie "American Pyscho"
    Last edited by frugal50; Sun, Jun 3rd, 2012 at 02:31 AM.

  10. #145
    Frosh Canuck Pinkflowergirl86's Avatar
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    I haven't read anywhere that they've intercepted the other supposed packages that he may have mailed out. I hope they have if they existed and that the rest of this young man is found so his family can put him to rest. No one deserves this.

    The sad part is that when this monster is found, it'll be our tax dollars sheltering him, feeding him and providing him things like free education for the rest of his pathetic life.
    TaraF and Tbites like this.

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  11. #146
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    Quote Originally Posted by frugal50 View Post
    is it possible this was an S&M scene that went bad, i saw the video of jun lin tied up in bondage before Magnotta took an ice pick on him
    i believe jl was already dead when the video showed lm stabbing jl's body repeatedly with an ice pick (his throat was slashed and the neck was cut in so deep). yes, at the beginning of the vid, jl was alive, blindfolded, mouth covered, and limbs loosely bound. he did not resist when lm got on top of him, i assume they have done this numerous times in the course of their relationship (jl loved watching adult , especially gay . not sure of s&m scene, but jl was not opposed to bondage).

    from what i gather, lm was trying to save their relationship -- there are reports saying jl had recently hooked up with a new lover and decided to sever sexual ties with lm. maybe lm's final desperate attempt failed, maybe at their last date jl stated he's not changing his mind, and lm chose to off jl out of revenge -- prepare to pay dearly if anyone tries to abandon him again (like how his parents left him in the care of his grandmother).

    when this story first broke out, the journalists painted a creepy scary picture. but now after some research, no matter what angle i look at it, it's a tragedy for all parties involved.

  12. #147
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    Quote Originally Posted by cookoo View Post
    not everyone can pull through. it's hard especially for someone who's had too many disappointments in life.
    I agree. Many people struggle a great deal because of their past. Most don't turn into cold-blooded killers though.
    DaveP and Tbites like this.

  13. #148
    Smart Canuck frugal50's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cookoo View Post
    i believe jl was already dead when the video showed lm stabbing jl's body repeatedly with an ice pick (his throat was slashed and the neck was cut in so deep). yes, at the beginning of the vid, jl was alive, blindfolded, mouth covered, and limbs loosely bound. he did not resist when lm got on top of him, i assume they have done this numerous times in the course of their relationship (jl loved watching adult , especially gay . not sure of s&m scene, but jl was not opposed to bondage).

    from what i gather, lm was trying to save their relationship -- there are reports saying jl had recently hooked up with a new lover and decided to sever sexual ties with lm. maybe lm's final desperate attempt failed, maybe at their last date jl stated he's not changing his mind, and lm chose to off jl out of revenge -- prepare to pay dearly if anyone tries to abandon him again (like how his parents left him in the care of his grandmother).

    when this story first broke out, the journalists painted a creepy scary picture. but now after some research, no matter what angle i look at it, it's a tragedy for all parties involved.
    so you saw the snuff video too.... i was so horrified that i couldn't sleep until 5am and had the lights on.... which i never leave on!!!! i wish i never saw it, but it's too late, i can't get the vivid scenes out of my mind.... but it does appear that jun lin did enjoy the bondage part, it's still possible that he was a willing paricipant... i can't believe the vid is still out there, some sick copycat may do the same thing.

  14. #149
    Awake. TaraF's Avatar
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    So I haven't paid attention to the news the past few days but did get caught up with some of the stuff happening.

    Apparently Magnotta was caught on tape in Paris, France with an unidentified male who he seemed to know and has been spotted at the trendy hotels in Paris. Also it appears that Montreal police are opening up cold cases to determine whether Magnotta is already a serial killer. I hope they catch this guy and fast.
    Last edited by TaraF; Sun, Jun 3rd, 2012 at 10:25 PM.

  15. #150
    Cat Trainer (Trainee??) Andit's Avatar
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    Is anyone else reminded of the case in Germany, where the victim answered an internet ad?

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