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Thread: Luka Magnotta Dismemberment Case

  1. #331
    Canadian Guru DaveP's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lecale View Post
    Well the CBC reports the teacher has been fired.
    I'm not surprised. That young man has a bit of growing up to do before he's allowed in front of a class again. I hope this isn't the end of his professional career, but he has to realize that being a teacher is not a popularity contest. He has to learn to exercise judgment and say no, when a no is required. Hopefully this dismissal will smarten (mature) him up a bit.

  2. #332
    Smart Canuck frugal50's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DaveP View Post
    If the class voted 22 to 3 in favor of watching a o, you'd say that was okay too?

    A classroom is not a democracy. You must have gone to a very strange school if you think it is or that it should be.
    students put up an online petetion to have the teacher reinstated! he did no wrong.... he was only showing the vid to the students
    who were really intrigued to see the snuff vid, i think he went above and beyond as a giving teacher
    if it was up to me, i would of not fired such a popular kind teacher.... which the students still look up to.

    as for your question, o can be accessed anywhere.... but to find 1 lunatic 1 icepick was a rare find.

  3. #333
    Sith Lady and Cool Kid Darth Penguin's Avatar
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    Seriously.....i googled it and got over 400,00 video results and over 1 million image's not rare's out there and it's still highly visible

    eta and yes..I know how Google runs its algols
    Last edited by Darth Penguin; Fri, Jun 15th, 2012 at 12:49 AM.

    Short answer : no Long answer : NOOOOOOOOOOO!

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  4. #334
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    This thread is continously(sp) being reported I have forwarded it on to another mod as I personaly don't want to read this thread...
    Last edited by Jezebel; Fri, Jun 15th, 2012 at 12:57 AM.

  5. #335
    Canadian Guru DaveP's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by frugal50 View Post
    students put up an online petetion to have the teacher reinstated! he did no wrong.... he was only showing the vid to the students
    who were really intrigued to see the snuff vid, i think he went above and beyond as a giving teacher
    if it was up to me, i would of not fired such a popular kind teacher.... which the students still look up to.
    Fortunately the grownups don't agree with them or with you.

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    Really guys? There is no debate forum on Sc. Please please keep on topic. A persons orientation has nothing to do with this discussion.
    Last edited by Sally888; Fri, Jun 15th, 2012 at 01:30 PM.

  7. #337
    I GOT GAME, DO YOU? gameprogirl's Avatar
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    I'm glad the teacher was fired. In my opinion, nobody should be exposed to this video. Luka Magnotta was also posting on forums before he did the murder, asking what people thought about it. I seen his posts on other forums.

    I'm pretty sure that he initially got the idea from the 3 guys 1 hammer video that was done by the Ukraine teens back a couple years ago where they went on a killing spree, uploading the vids on the internet of them killing 21 people at random and torturing them.
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  8. #338
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    Last edited by lecale; Sun, Jan 18th, 2015 at 02:21 PM.

  9. #339
    I GOT GAME, DO YOU? gameprogirl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lecale View Post
    Yeah I'm with you there...I even gave up following the video aspect in the papers because things were getting just too graphic. Why would anyone want their head filled with this sort of crap? So they can develop their psychopathy?

    I worked with this very godly guy but he had a hobby of trolling the graphic accidents photos websites and sharing them with co-workers...listen I don't care how holy you think you are but you're a FREAK!!! Not normal.

    I think it will pain the family even more that their son's death has just become some sort of twisted internet "entertainment".
    I feel so bad for his family and this video will forever be accessible on the net, that is torture for them too. I believe in the death penalty for cases like this. I don't think us hardworking, good hearted Canadians should pay for him to live in jail getting three meals a day. Send Luka to China where the family is from and let them stone him to death or some other means of punishment/torture. I know many people who feel the same way as I do. Same with that Picton monster. These people cannot be made well. They are walking demons, they have no morals, no empathy, no decency, no feelings.

    That's why when people kill and torture animals, they need to be assessed right away because that is a sign something is wrong in their heads. I could never hurt a flea, I even have issues with killing bugs lol

    I hope his family has some peace eventually.
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  10. #340
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    Last edited by lecale; Sun, Jan 18th, 2015 at 02:21 PM.
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  11. #341
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    Quote Originally Posted by lecale View Post
    I worked with this very godly guy but he had a hobby of trolling the graphic accidents photos websites and sharing them with co-workers...

  12. #342
    I GOT GAME, DO YOU? gameprogirl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lecale View Post
    I think it brings to mind the issue of policing the internet. People want crimes that are posted to the internet to be policed, but does the actual internet itself need some law and order?
    The internet needs to be policed as far as I'm concerned, against child predators and people like Luka. When there are snuff films in people's possession, it should be treated as if they are holding evidence in a crime.
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  13. #343
    Contradiction in progress sweet sparrow's Avatar
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    From Friday, May 18th, in the thread about the slain victim on the bus:

    Quote Originally Posted by frugal50 View Post
    had he beheaded someone in his own homeland of China, he would of been executed for his heinous crime, but this being Canada with its lax laws...... have the taxpayers paying for his " well-being" and meanwhile........ the victims family will never have their son back.
    Quote Originally Posted by frugal50 View Post
    students put up an online petetion to have the teacher reinstated! he did no wrong.... he was only showing the vid to the students
    who were really intrigued to see the snuff vid, i think he went above and beyond as a giving teacher
    if it was up to me, i would of not fired such a popular kind teacher.... which the students still look up to.

    as for your question, o can be accessed anywhere.... but to find 1 lunatic 1 icepick was a rare find.
    These are very similar situations when you look at them from the hearts of the mothers. Both are crying very real tears and both are experiencing some very real pain. That's why the online video should not be shown. It holds no real worth to anyone except a very disturbed individual who wanted to be made famous by his insane actions. IMHO, what the teacher did was reward the second with a few more minutes of undeserved fame. That teacher showed no compassion for the family at this time, who are here in Canada, to pick up their boy. These students by "democracy" turned it into some freakish sideshow. I can't see anyone, looking at a mother who can barely stand the grief of her son's death, in the eyes, and tell her with complete sincerity, that this is a teacher who went "above and beyond", is "popular/kind" and should be "looked up to" for his actions.

  14. #344
    Sith Lady and Cool Kid Darth Penguin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gameprogirl View Post
    In my opinion, nobody should be exposed to this video.
    Where do you draw the line?? i'm an adult. I've spent the past 25 + years on-line in one from or another..

    There's a lots out there I shield from Mr Penguin and my children..

    In the past 25 yrs I've seen a lot of creepy,depraved, abnormal things...I seek them out...I don't want a bunch of wannabecensors forcing me to watch Justin Bieber rather than the keywords i prefer..

    Short answer : no Long answer : NOOOOOOOOOOO!

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  15. #345
    I GOT GAME, DO YOU? gameprogirl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Darth Penguin View Post
    Where do you draw the line?? i'm an adult. I've spent the past 25 + years on-line in one from or another..

    There's a lots out there I shield from Mr Penguin and my children..

    In the past 25 yrs I've seen a lot of creepy,depraved, abnormal things...I seek them out...I don't want a bunch of wannabecensors forcing me to watch Justin Bieber rather than the keywords i prefer..
    I've seen a lot of stuff too and I enjoy gore in horror movies, but this is much different. To watch a real person get tortured and chopped up has no place on the net. Some things should not be readily available for anyone to access regardless on how curious people are.

    I agree that censorship on everything is not the answer except in cases when it exposes innocent people and hurts them when they are most vulnerable, we have a responsibility. In cases of child , rapes and murders, these are things that should be censored from people as a way of protecting the victims and their families.

    If that was someone related to me, it would kill me inside to see this plastered all over the net. It sickens me to read some comments left by people on other forums, laughing about it like it's a joke. Makes me realize where we are going as a society, completely numb to human suffering and pain. By having this video up the family is being victimized over and over and will never have any chance to heal.
    Last edited by gameprogirl; Sat, Jun 16th, 2012 at 07:55 AM.
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