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Thread: Trouble stacking Dove WUB2 coupons

  1. #16
    Canadian Guru Peachykeen2007's Avatar
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    From reading your post you didn't have the proper stacks in order to get 4 products for free

    Here are the various UPC's I know of

    -$2 WUB2 Dove #89288412
    -$2 WUB2 Dove #89288414
    -$2 WUB2 Dove #89288392
    -$2 WUB2 Dove #89288394 (French)
    -$2 WUB2 Dove #89288389
    -$2 WUB2 Dove #89288409
    -$2 WUB2 Dove #89288405
    -$2 WUB2 Dove #89288407
    -$2 WUB2 Dove #89288420

    The coupon states you must buy 2 different products from 2 different product lines - (remember that hairspray / mousse / gel / shampoo / conditioner ALL FALL in the SAME line)

    There are 5 lines

    Face Care - Hair Care - Anti-Perspirant - Body Wash - Body Lotion

    Taking the pricing right now this is the stack I would do to pay ONLY TAX

    Anti-Perspirant $4.49 & Body Wash $4.99 = $9.48

    You need a stack of $10 on these two products to get them for free


    1 x $2 WUB2 Dove #89288412
    1 x $2 WUB2 Dove #89288414
    1 x -$2 WUB2 Dove #89288392
    1 x -$2 WUB2 Dove #89288394
    1 x -$2 WUB2 Dove #89288389

    Hope that helps - PM me if you need help

    Quote Originally Posted by Alex2001 View Post
    Hi guys,

    I have two DIFFERENT dove coupons with different codes; they both are for $2off wub 2 different product lines (i.e. bodywash and deodorant)...=$4 off....

    At LD last week I bought 2 deodorant and 2 body wash; put one deodorant with one bodywash on the counter together (so they could see the 2 different product lines) and put 2 different coded coupons with EACH item; i.e. $4 off each = FREE as they were 3.99.

    But they would only take one "set" of coupons (one of each different coded coupon) for all 4 items = $4 off total. Still a good deal but somehow I thought it would work out differently. I didn't want to make a fuss so I didn't say anything but...

    What did I do wrong? Was this not possible? If it is possible ( I have a couple more of each coupon) can I return these ones and try it again next time it comes on sale?

    Many thanks!
    Last edited by Peachykeen2007; Wed, May 30th, 2012 at 03:27 PM.
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  2. #17
    Canadian Guru hollyquaiscer's Avatar
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    LOL, I was watching them all stumble through it peachy and wondering what they were really trying to do. Stacking is fairly basic if you lay all your coupons in front of you, and have the price of the products you want to purchase. Peachy is correct. You cannot purchase one ladie's bodywash and one man's bodywash, they are the same product line. Please read your coupons carefully, then lay out your stacks before you go to the store. If you are new to coupons or stacking, it's really hard to put together stacks on the fly, much easier in the comfort of your own home.

    I have been stacking coupons for over 20 years and it still gets a bit confusing to me nowadays with all the new wording on coupons. Just read each on carefully and you should be alright. Best of luck to you all
    We all need a little sunshine every now and then

  3. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Peachykeen2007 View Post
    From reading your post you didn't have the proper stacks in order to get 4 products for free

    Here are the various UPC's I know of

    -$2 WUB2 Dove #89288412
    -$2 WUB2 Dove #89288414
    -$2 WUB2 Dove #89288392
    -$2 WUB2 Dove #89288394 (French)
    -$2 WUB2 Dove #89288389
    -$2 WUB2 Dove #89288409
    -$2 WUB2 Dove #89288405
    -$2 WUB2 Dove #89288407
    -$2 WUB2 Dove #89288420

    The coupon states you must buy 2 different products from 2 different product lines - (remember that hairspray / mousse / gel / shampoo / conditioner ALL FALL in the SAME line)

    There are 5 lines

    Face Care - Hair Care - Anti-Perspirant - Body Wash - Body Lotion

    Taking the pricing right now this is the stack I would do to pay ONLY TAX

    Anti-Perspirant $4.49 & Body Wash $4.99 = $9.48

    You need a stack of $10 on these two products to get them for free


    1 x $2 WUB2 Dove #89288412
    1 x $2 WUB2 Dove #89288414
    1 x -$2 WUB2 Dove #89288392
    1 x -$2 WUB2 Dove #89288394
    1 x -$2 WUB2 Dove #89288389

    Hope that helps - PM me if you need help
    Peachy....thank you very much for your kind and helpful reply...I have indeed figured it out now!

  4. #19
    coupon skank emeritus mcminsen's Avatar
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    There may be some London Drugs stores that limit the amount of stacking you can do at one time.

    Despite the current policy from London Drugs' head office, you will get an infinite number of variations of it depending on the store and the staff person you're dealing with. Sometimes you will even get different results from the same person at different times. The possibilities range from no stacking at all to almost anything goes if you have a coupon friendly cashier. It's like trying to nail JELL-O to the wall! lol

    I did a Dove shop a while ago to specifically test these $2 WUB2 Dove coupons out at a London Drugs store in Vancouver:

    I bought a Dove Men antiperspirant and a Dove Men body wash. They were from two different product lines. I had five differently coded $2 off WUB2 coupons and one $1 off Dove Men body wash coupon.

    What's funny with this purchase is that the cashier didn't bother reducing the amount of a couple of the coupons to bring it in line with the product price. So I actually got two cents overage. I think there's only one thing that is truly consistent about stacking, your results may vary. Keep trying, and if and when you find a staff person that is coupon friendly, stick with them.
    Peachykeen2007 likes this.

  5. #20
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    I was at london drugs last night and the cs told us that they are no longer allow stacking. Then we ask since when? She said 2 months ago lolz. I felt like she thinks we are stupid :$ she called the manager and she said they don't stack anymore. We ask them to read their policy which came handy on my phone. Then she okayed :s I believe each store has their own copy of their coupon policy, so how come they are telling us that we can no longer stack? I just think they are just trying to reason out to lessen their work.

    Ps they still allowed us to stack for dove.. but it took like 30 min before we finish the transaction as the cs and manager seems to be really confuse with this coupons :$ to think we only bought 4 body wash and 4 conditioners.

    Quote Originally Posted by mcminsen View Post
    There may be some London Drugs stores that limit the amount of stacking you can do at one time.

    Despite the current policy from London Drugs' head office, you will get an infinite number of variations of it depending on the store and the staff person you're dealing with. Sometimes you will even get different results from the same person at different times. The possibilities range from no stacking at all to almost anything goes if you have a coupon friendly cashier. It's like trying to nail JELL-O to the wall! lol

    I did a Dove shop a while ago to specifically test these $2 WUB2 Dove coupons out at a London Drugs store in Vancouver:

    I bought a Dove Men antiperspirant and a Dove Men body wash. They were from two different product lines. I had five differently coded $2 off WUB2 coupons and one $1 off Dove Men body wash coupon.

    What's funny with this purchase is that the cashier didn't bother reducing the amount of a couple of the coupons to bring it in line with the product price. So I actually got two cents overage. I think there's only one thing that is truly consistent about stacking, your results may vary. Keep trying, and if and when you find a staff person that is coupon friendly, stick with them.
    mcminsen likes this.

  6. #21
    Canadian Guru Peachykeen2007's Avatar
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    100% Agreed

    My ALL TIME FAVORITE CS is TANNER - I will try my best not to go unless he is working

    You could have 20 coupons for the same product and he ALWAYS knows to the cent what coupon needs to be rounded down and how much.

    He is absolutely my favorite there

    Quote Originally Posted by mcminsen View Post
    I think there's only one thing that is truly consistent about stacking, your results may vary. Keep trying, and if and when you find a staff person that is coupon friendly, stick with them.
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  7. #22
    Smart Canuck
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    I stacked coupons at Save on Foods, Had 2 different $2 off WUB 2, as well as a coupon for $2 off dove bodywash,my deodorant was priced at 2.99 and the body wash at 3.99. They accepted all 3 coupons. Total sale price was 6.98 for both items - 6.00 coupons, I paid .98 cents for both. I bought 4 sets, so I ended up with 4 deodorant and 4 body wash for the same price that I would have paid for 1 bodywash. :D I have not had any luck at my local LD but SOF has been the easiest place fo rme to learn about stacking coupons.
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  8. #23
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    I did manage to figure it all out and stack at LD at Brentwood and got a 4 dove products for free...I don't really like the $2off 2 DIFFERENT products...gets confusing for me but I did it! I'm just wondering why some are hiding the stores they coupon at? Wouldn't it be great to share a location that is coupon friendly for those of us who are struggling at a non-coupon friendly location? Just wondering... as I have come across it a few times on this site and I thought we were all here to help each other in our couponing efforts...maybe someone could help me understand? Thx.

    Quote Originally Posted by mcminsen View Post
    There may be some London Drugs stores that limit the amount of stacking you can do at one time.

    Despite the current policy from London Drugs' head office, you will get an infinite number of variations of it depending on the store and the staff person you're dealing with. Sometimes you will even get different results from the same person at different times. The possibilities range from no stacking at all to almost anything goes if you have a coupon friendly cashier. It's like trying to nail JELL-O to the wall! lol

    I did a Dove shop a while ago to specifically test these $2 WUB2 Dove coupons out at a London Drugs store in Vancouver:

    I bought a Dove Men antiperspirant and a Dove Men body wash. They were from two different product lines. I had five differently coded $2 off WUB2 coupons and one $1 off Dove Men body wash coupon.

    What's funny with this purchase is that the cashier didn't bother reducing the amount of a couple of the coupons to bring it in line with the product price. So I actually got two cents overage. I think there's only one thing that is truly consistent about stacking, your results may vary. Keep trying, and if and when you find a staff person that is coupon friendly, stick with them.

  9. #24
    coupon skank emeritus mcminsen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alex2001 View Post
    I did manage to figure it all out and stack at LD at Brentwood and got a 4 dove products for free...I don't really like the $2off 2 DIFFERENT products...gets confusing for me but I did it! I'm just wondering why some are hiding the stores they coupon at? Wouldn't it be great to share a location that is coupon friendly for those of us who are struggling at a non-coupon friendly location? Just wondering... as I have come across it a few times on this site and I thought we were all here to help each other in our couponing efforts...maybe someone could help me understand? Thx.

    Over a year ago I stopped identifying particular store locations (publicly) because of complaints I received. They were from people for whom the store was their neighbourhood store and the only one they could easily get to. It's really easy to cause stampedes for coupons or deals and other stuff. Sometimes the problems that come with that can cause the store to become a coupon desert or a place that is no longer coupon friendly. I think if you were to private message some people you could get more info.

    It can be tricky to find a middle ground between people who think there is too much info posted and those that think there is not enough.
    Peachykeen2007 likes this.

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