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Thread: Doesn't It Just Grind Your Gears When.....

  1. #16
    Smart Canuck jessep13's Avatar
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    oh boy ..... using coupons that are about to expire and than a really good sale comes on where i could have actually used said coupon.
    having ppl overstay they're welcome and than act like i am a bad person when i tell them to go home
    going shopping and forgetting my list/coupon book
    ppl ( friends) that think just because i stock up on stuff that means when they run out theyre automatically entitled to mine.
    join my superpoints network and get gifts card for amazon , or paypal, or rewards.
    sign up for survey savvy and get paid to do surveys!!

  2. #17
    ♥ New Mommy ♥ ashokia's Avatar
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    When your SIL comes over and swipes some Advil Cold & Sinus and some deodorant and then asks to borrow money for your brother to buy more weed! >_<

    (The same brother whom you haven't spoken to for TWO WEEKS because he cancelled coming to your son's first birthday party an hour after the party already started so he could go home after work and smoke MORE WEED! >_<)
    Last edited by ashokia; Tue, May 29th, 2012 at 11:54 PM.
    hollyquaiscer, Koolaid and barginb like this.

  3. #18
    ♥ New Mommy ♥ ashokia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by c_mcarthur View Post
    i posted this in another thread but this is really annoying me lately.

    I HATE catcalls!
    anyone in the gta knows its been really freaking hot and muggy the last few days so
    its like yes its flipping hot out, so yes im going to be wearing shorts and a tank top, but no that does not give u the right to stare at me, honk your horn, whistle or cat call
    i honestly dont understand some men's mentality.
    At least you're not getting MOO'd at!

  4. #19
    ♥ New Mommy ♥ ashokia's Avatar
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    OMG I missed all you guys! LOL. Work sucks.
    angel_2011 and barginb like this.

  5. #20
    Sith Lady and Cool Kid Darth Penguin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aimz View Post

    *You have your plans hijacked by someone who decides their schedule is more important than yours.

    esp when they tell you at the last minute when you can't re-arrange and do something for you.

    *People find it a burden to say "you're welcome" when you tell them "thank you."
    or when they would say it to an adult and not to a child who performs the same actions, because children are not worth using manners on.

    *People refuse to move over when you say "excuse me." That, or they act like it takes all the effort in the world to take two steps forward/to the side.
    aisle blockers and other idiots...sigh!

    *People behave better towards complete strangers than they do towards loved ones (the classic case of taking people for granted).
    Because we're familllllyyyyyy is not an excuse for being a itchy B...nor does treating a person like a pirah(sp)make them wanna be part of your family...

    Aimz...we must be related ....

    Short answer : no Long answer : NOOOOOOOOOOO!

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  6. #21
    Sith Lady and Cool Kid Darth Penguin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ashokia View Post
    When your SIL comes over and swipes some Advil Cold & Sinus and some deodorant and then asks to borrow money for your brother to buy more weed! >_<

    (The same brother whom you haven't spoken to for TWO WEEKS because he cancelled coming to your son's first birthday party an hour after the party already started so he could go home after work and smoke MORE WEED! >_<)
    This is a door..."bye"...really. need to cut those people outta your lives. No Ifs, buts or maybes..

    Put your child and your family before your sibs. It will be hard and you will have people saying you are being unfair/judgemental/whatevah..
    At the end of the day, you, your beloved and your child do not need this [email protected] you start making boundaries, you might find your family following suit.

    Hugs to you and yours..

    Short answer : no Long answer : NOOOOOOOOOOO!

    Welcome to the Penguinocracy..One Penguin, One vote..I am The Penguin..I have the One Vote

  7. #22
    Senior Canuck
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    Quote Originally Posted by ashokia View Post
    When your SIL comes over and swipes some Advil Cold & Sinus and some deodorant and then asks to borrow money for your brother to buy more weed! >_<

    (The same brother whom you haven't spoken to for TWO WEEKS because he cancelled coming to your son's first birthday party an hour after the party already started so he could go home after work and smoke MORE WEED! >_<)
    wow... if that happened to me, all that person would be getting was swear words. i try not to tolerate that crap.
    my philosophy is if i want to give it to you , i will.

    the thing that annoys me is people who make fun of my couponing in a group, then ask me in private if i have some for them. um no, i do not.
    or people who have no money but make fun of me for being crazy because i coupon

    and tonight.... the jerk greeter at walmart who watched me fight with a cart cause it got stuck , and then the next row the front one got stuck.... um you are doing NOTHING would you mind helping a CUSTOMER

    or my biggest one.....

    sunday at no frills ( never again)-- the people not moving in the aisles or practically pushing you out of the way because you are in front of what they need ( yes i know, but i need it too!) and then the staff blocking aisles with their restocking carts... geez.
    barginb likes this.

  8. #23
    Junior Canuck Mssavvycanadian's Avatar
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    writing out a looong post then accidentally hitting the backspace button and it all erases!
    anisa, Jezebel, aussie and 16 others like this.
    Come join Swag bucks, earn free gift cards and prizes just for searching the web!<IMG< a>

  9. #24
    Smart Canuck K8's Fate's Avatar
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    ...You're trying to sleep and your dbf is parging the concrete wall in the garage. On the other side of this wall is the bedroom! Why must he do this at 12am, when I have to teach in 8 hours?!?!
    Koolaid, Aimz and barginb like this.
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  10. #25
    Junior Canuck couponmamaof03's Avatar
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    People who don't look at their own brags, before posting rude comments on someone else's brag!

  11. #26
    Smart Canuck pumpkin9211's Avatar
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    ......People who think I am "poor" because I coupon
    ......People who say "oh, your one of "those people" (refering to couponers)

    ......Cashiers who make up their own rules because "you shouldn't get stuff for free"

    ......People who don't understand the amount of time and patience couponing takes
    ......People who think you can only get junk food and toothbrushes with coupons

    .....People who try to pick fights on SC threads

    .....Payday is the day AFTER a great sale

    .....That icecream and cheescake have many calories
    .....That someone can't figure out how to make broccoli taste like icecream or cheesecake

    .....The price of toilet paper, cheese and peanut butter
    .....Running out of coupons for toilet paper, cheese and peanut butter

    .....CP ('nuff said)

    Wow, I do feel better

  12. #27
    Smart Canuck bluzsuz's Avatar
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    Ditto to all of the above Pumpkin! well

    ....workmen working outside your house when you are trying to sleep - the wonderful life of a shift worker

    ..teenage Kids that think parents are specks of dirt and don't know anything

    ....spouse's moving my stuff, particularly my coupon stuff

    That's all for now - oh being awake at 4am.....
    coupon girl, Koolaid, Aimz and 2 others like this.

  13. #28
    Smart Canuck...Oh Yeah!!! Koolaid's Avatar
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    145 (100%) son thinks toilet paper is dancing in the toilet...and keeps adding it till I live in Niagara Falls clean the bathroom and then the DH decides to cut his hair crews can't use tripods
    ...people can't use their manners
    ...Walmart raises regular prices on things you use all the time
    ...people litter right next to a trash can
    Join Swagbucks and save up for Christmas!!! Message me for help!

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  14. #29
    Rocky! Rocky! Rah Rah Rah c_mcarthur's Avatar
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    when the whole bus is empty, but a person just has to sit next to you.

    last time that happened, i got up and moved, i didnt care if i looked rude, i was really p'od because like theres 40 other seats available!!!!!!
    Eva-M, Koolaid, xox2010 and 3 others like this.

  15. #30
    Senior Canuck Speckled28's Avatar
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    -When I go to Walmart in the middle of one of worst allergy seasons only to find like 3 whole boxes on the

    -When Walmart locks away their cold and sinus drugs after if my allergies automatically stop at this time every day! (I wish)

    -People (specifically family members) who hold something over your head and then think they can treat you any way they want

    -Some people can eat whatever they want, whenever they want and still stay rail thin.......*stink eye* lol

    -People don't clean up after their dogs!!! (HUGE PET PEEVE!). You probably wouldn't be happy scraping dog crap off the bottom of your own shoes, so why would I? Also...people who don't pick up after their dogs in the cemetery! It's rude, disrespectful, and LAZY!!!!
    anisa, aussie, Patty Smyth and 8 others like this.

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